Template matching for time series using dask - time-series

I would like to use template matching with time-series, and I would like to be able to port this to very large datasets. The objective is to look for many relatively short 1d pattern in a relatively long time-series. Any suggestion on how to do this in Dask? I mean to have something like https://docs.dask.org/en/latest/dataframe-api.html#dask.dataframe.Series.corr with many other and split_every equal or lower than length of other...

I recommend solving this problem first on pandas dataframes and then using the map_partitions method to apply your solution to every pandas dataframe that makes up the dask dataframe.
If your solution requires neighboring rows in order to operate, then I would look at map_overlap


TF-IDF calculation in Dask

Apache Spark comes with a package to do TF-IDF calculations that I find it quite handy:
Is there any equivalent, or maybe a way to do this with Dask? If so, can it also be done in horizontally scaled Dask (i.e., cluster with multiple GPUs)
This was also asked on the dask gitter, with the following reply by #stsievert :
counting/hashing vectorizer are similar. They’re in Dask-ML and are the same as TFIDF without the normalization/function.
I think this would be a good github issue/feature request.
Here is the link to the API for HashingVectorizer.

Text corpus clustering

I have 27000 free text elements, each of around 2-3 sentences. I need to cluster these by similarity. So far, I have pretty limited success. I have tried the following:
I used Python Natural Language Toolkit to remove stop words, lemmatize and tokenize, then generated semantically similar words for each word in the sentence before inserting them into a Neo4j graph database. I then tried querying that using the TF counts for each word and related word. That didn't work very well and only resulted in being able to easily calculate the similarity between two text items.
I then looked at Graphawares NLP library to annotate, enrich and calculate the cosine similarity between each text item. After 4 days of processing similarity I checked the log to find that it would take 1.5 years to process. Apparently the community version of the plugin isn't optimised, so I guess it's not appropriate for this kind of volume of data.
I then wrote a custom implementation that took the same approach as the Graphaware plugin, but in much simpler form. I used scikitlearn's TfidfVectorizer to calculate the cosine similarity between each text item and every other text item and saved those as relationships between the Neo4j nodes. However, with 27000 text items that creates 27000 * 27000 = 729000000 relationships! The intention was to take the graph into Grephi selecting relationships of over X threshold of similarity and use modularity clustering to extract clusters. Processing for this is around 4 days which is much better. Processing is incomplete and is currently running. However, I believe that Grephi has a max edge count of 1M, so I expect this to restrict what I can do.
So I turned to more conventional ML techniques using scikitlearn's KMeans, DBSCAN, and MeanShift algorithms. I am getting clustering, but when it's plotted on a scatter chart there is no separation (I can show code if that would help). Here is what I get with DBSCAN:
I get similar results with KMeans. These algorithms run within a few seconds, which obviously makes life easier, but the results seem poor.
So my questions are:
Is there a better approach to this?
Can I expect to find distinct clusters at all in free text?
What should my next move be?
Thank you very much.
I think your question is too general to be a good fit for Stack Overflow, but to give you some pointers...
What is your data? You discuss your methods in detail but not your data. What sort of clusters are you expecting?
Example useful description:
I have a bunch of short product reviews. I expect to be able to separate reviews of shoes, hats, and refrigerators.
Have you tried topic modelling? It's not fancy but it's a traditional method of sorting textual documents into clusters. Start with LDA if you're not familiar with anything.
Are you looking for duplicates? If you're looking for plagiarism or bot-generated spam, look into MinHash, SimHash, and the FuzzyWuzzy library for Python.

Dask in-place replacement of pandas?

I will like to know if I can use dask instead of pandas. What are the issues I may face?
1) I guess dask will be slower than pandas for smaller datasets. I am OK with that because there are times when I do not know the size of the data nor do I know server configuration.
2) I will have to learn a slightly different syntax (for e.g. compute)
Will I face a situation where dask dataframe can not do something that pandas dataframe can?
This is a very broad question. In general I recommend referring to the dask.dataframe documentation.
Dask.dataframe does not implement all pandas. This includes the following sorts of operations:
Mutating operations
Operations that are hard to do exactly in parallel, like median, (though approximate solutions often exist, like approximate quantiles)
Iterating over rows of a dataframe
Small corners of the API that no one has bothered to copy over.
However, because a dask dataframe is just a collection of many small dataframes, you can often get around some of these limitations in simple cases.

scikitlearn - how to model a single features composed of multiple independant values

My dataset is composed of millions of row and a couple (10's) of features.
One feature is a label composed of 1000 differents values (imagine each row is a user and this feature is the user's firstname :
What would be the best representation for this feature (to perform clustering) :
I could convert the data as integer using a LabelEncoder, but it doesn't make sense here since there is no logical "order" between two differents label
I could split the feature in 1000 features (one for each label) with 1 when the label match and 0 otherwise. However this would result in a very big matrix (too big if I can't use sparse matrix in my classifier)
I could represent the LabelEncoder value as a binary in N columns, this would reduce the dimension of the final matrix compared to the previous idea, but i'm not sure of the result :
LabelEncoder(Quentin) = 0 = 0,0
LabelEncoder(Marc) = 1 = 0,1
LabelEncoder(Gaby) = 2 = 1,0
... Any other idea ?
What do you think about solution 3 ?
Edit for some extra explanations
I should have mentioned in my first post, but In the real dataset, the feature is the more like the final leaf of a classification tree (Aa1, Aa2 etc. in the example - it's not a binary tree).
Aa Ab Ba Bb Ca Cb
Aa1 Aa2 Ab1 Ab2 Ab3 Ba1 Ba2 Bb1 Bb2 Ca1 Ca2 Cb1 Cb2
So there is a similarity between 2 terms under the same level (Aa1 Aa2 and Aa3are quite similar, and Aa1 is as much different from Ba1 than Cb2).
The final goal is to find similar entities from a smaller dataset : We train a OneClassSVM on the smaller dataset and then get a distance of each term of the entiere dataset
This problem is largely one of one-hot encoding. How do we represent multiple categorical values in a way that we can use clustering algorithms and not screw up the distance calculation that your algorithm needs to do (you could be using some sort of probabilistic finite mixture model, but I digress)? Like user3914041's answer, there really is no definite answer, but I'll go through each solution you presented and give my impression:
Solution 1
If you're converting the categorical column to an numerical one like you mentioned, then you face that pretty big issue you mentioned: you basically lose meaning of that column. What does it really even mean if Quentin in 0, Marc 1, and Gaby 2? At that point, why even include that column in the clustering? Like user3914041's answer, this is the easiest way to change your categorical values into numerical ones, but they just aren't useful, and could perhaps be detrimental to the results of the clustering.
Solution 2
In my opinion, depending upon how you implement all of this and your goals with the clustering, this would be your best bet. Since I'm assuming you plan to use sklearn and something like k-Means, you should be able to use sparse matrices fine. However, like imaluengo suggests, you should consider using a different distance metric. What you can consider doing is scaling all of your numeric features to the same range as the categorical features, and then use something like cosine distance. Or a mix of distance metrics, like I mention below. But all in all this will likely be the most useful representation of your categorical data for your clustering algorithm.
Solution 3
I agree with user3914041 in that this is not useful, and introduces some of the same problems as mentioned with #1 -- you lose meaning when two (probably) totally different names share a column value.
Solution 4
An additional solution is to follow the advice of the answer here. You can consider rolling your own version of a k-means-like algorithm that takes a mix of distance metrics (hamming distance for the one-hot encoded categorical data, and euclidean for the rest). There seems to be some work in developing k-means like algorithms for mixed categorical and numerical data, like here.
I guess it's also important to consider whether or not you need to cluster on this categorical data. What are you hoping to see?
Solution 3:
I'd say it has the same kind of drawback as using a 1..N encoding (solution 1), in a less obvious fashion. You'll have names that both give a 1 in some column, for no other reason than the order of the encoding...
So I'd recommend against this.
Solution 1:
The 1..N solution is the "easy way" to solve the format issue, as you noted it's probably not the best.
Solution 2:
This looks like it's the best way to do it but it is a bit cumbersome and from my experience the classifier does not always performs very well with a high number of categories.
Solution 4+:
I think the encoding depends on what you want: if you think that names that are similar (like John and Johnny) should be close, you could use characters-grams to represent them. I doubt this is the case in your application though.
Another approach is to encode the name with its frequency in the (training) dataset. In this way what you're saying is: "Mainstream people should be close, whether they're Sophia or Jackson does not matter".
Hope the suggestions help, there's no definite answer to this so I'm looking forward to see what other people do.

Clustering Baseline Comparison, KMeans

I'm working on an algorithm that makes a guess at K for kmeans clustering. I guess I'm looking for a data set that I could use as a comparison, or maybe a few data sets where the number of clusters is "known" so I could see how my algorithm is doing at guessing K.
I would first check the UCI repository for data sets:
I believe there are some in there with the labels.
There are text clustering data sets that are frequently used in papers as baselines, such as 20newsgroups:
Another great method (one that my thesis chair always advocated) is to construct your own small example data set. The best way to go about this is to start small, try something with only two or three variables that you can represent graphically, and then label the clusters yourself.
The added benefit of a small, homebrew data set is that you know the answers and it is great for debugging.
Since you are focused on k-means, have you considered using the various measures (Silhouette, Davies–Bouldin etc.) to find the optimal k?
In reality, the "optimal" k may not be a good choice. Most often, one does want to choose a much larger k, then analyze the resulting clusters / prototypes in more detail to build clusters out of multiple k-means partitions.
The iris flower dataset is a good one to start with, that clustering works nicely on.
Download here
