non ruby travis-ci CLI needed - travis-ci

I want to use encryption-keys on travis-ci continuous integration server. It says that:
The easiest way to encrypt something with the public key is to use Travis CLI. This tool is written in Ruby and published as a gem.
I have no experience in ruby, and I had problems with installation.
Is there any other (non-easiest :) way to encrypt my passwords/tokens?
I mean python script, or curl commands etc...


Zap scan is not running SOAP injection test

I am passing the 90019 scanner, for SOAP injection, into a zap script, but it is not running it, while it does run other rules, such as OS Command Injection, and SSI Server Side. I am running zap from a docker container and I noticed watching the output that these other rules correspond to a particular zap plugin. So, I am guessing I am missing a SOAP plugin in my environment and my question is: how can I install a plugin in Docker that corresponds to scanner 90019 to make sure that the script that runs zap scan checks for this rule? Many thanks. If there's something else that I am missing or more info is needed, please let me know.
The SOAP Scanner is included in this add-on:
This is included in the weekly docker image but not in the stable one.
You can install it when you start ZAP in the docker container by adding the parameters:
-addoninstall soap
You can also install add-ons using the ZAP API, but thats only worth doing if you are already using the API.

Is it possible to run a private Hex (Erlang) dependency manager (and if so how)?

I'm working in an Erlang environment. I'm looking to establish a dependency manager so that our build server can publish binaries for reuse instead of using source code dependencies. The Hexpm GitHub project implies that it is possible to run it outside of the website, but I don't see any instructions for doing so. Specifically, I would like my build server to be able to publish packages either directly (via the filesystem) or via rebar3, and for subsequent rebar3 builds to be able to use those published packages
Is it possible to run Hex on my own server?
If so, where would I find some documentation on how to set it up (or provide the instructions directly)?
If you look at there are instructions in the for both installing and running it. It's a phoenix application, so it should all be relatively familiar ground if you've looked at the phoenix framework before.
As for getting rebar3 to work with your installation, there is documentation here as to the config values to use for setting the URLs to use for hex packages:

Installing Ruby version 2.2.3 on windows - get config.yml

I am completely new to programming and am trying to install Ruby on Windows (64 bit). I get to the config.yml message and cannot set up a command to get past this to full set up.
I have been doing research online and find many people say ruby and Windows are not compatible.
Can anyone help advise/send a link that is a good workaround?
You can install Ruby on Windows. Probably the easiest way to get started with Ruby on Windows is to use Ruby Installer. They support up to Ruby 2.2.3 at the moment.
If you are looking for an alternative workflow, you might consider running a Vagrant machine on Windows. This workflow is described here.
The workflow involves using your native environment to launch a virtual machine that more closely matches the one typically used to deploy your code. You get the benefits of the windowing system tools (Sublime Text, RubyMine, Notepad++, etc) with the benefits of running specs and code in an environment closer to a production environment.
You can run Ruby on Windows, if you have the correct dependencies/libraries installed.
The best way to do this (if new) is to download a pre-compiled version of Ruby, from RubyInstaller:
EXE installer
ZIP file
Choose one of the above; they provide you the ability to put the Ruby.exe executable on your system, which (if installing with ZIP), needs to be added to your system PATH var.
I can explain more if required. If you want specific responses, you need to provide specific points (IE the full error message for config.yml etc)

automating firewall config deployment

I wanted to develop a script (probably using Ruby) and with leveraging vendor provided REST APIs which should configure firewalls into Edge systems.
For example, these are various values I would need to read and use for configurations.
There would be several number of rules which includes different sources, destinations, ports to be mentioned in the file read. What would be the best way to save all this info and read by the script?
How are such deployments handled today using scripts? Sorry, I am quite new in automated deployments and scripting, could you please help with some pointers so that start with?
I use Chef -
There are many other tools out there for automated deployments and infrastructure provisioning. Here are some more I've encounted:
Capistrano -
Puppet -
AWS Cloud Formation or Elastic Beanstalk -
Well you might want to take a look at Capistrano which is what's generally used in the ruby world for deploying web applications:
If you want something more generic, then you might want to investigate SSHKit (which is what Capistrano is built upon). SSHKit lets you deploy and run tasks on remote machines:

What's the simplest deploy/rollback scheme for a Rails app stored in CVS and destined for a Linux server?

I have a Rails app that is stored in CVS because that is our corporate standard. It needs to be deployed to a single production server that is running Rails using Apache and Phusion Passenger.
About the production server:
RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.1
The app is used internally at our company, not hosted externally.
I have root access and can install necessary software.
I have ssh access to the box, and can also run cvs there if needed.
Current Solution:
I have been using a patched version (a couple of CVS fixes) of capistrano for this, but it's overkill. (I've looked at vlad the deployer, but it does not support CVS.) I want something simpler, with fewer dependencies/patches.
Desired Solution:
I want deployment to be a single command that checks out the tip of the CVS tree and deploys it.
I want rollback to be a single command that reverts to the previously installed version.
A couple of Rakefile tasks, or a shell script would be fine.
Releases need to be uniquely identifiable--either via timestamp, CVS tag, or some sort of version number.
Capistrano is the current gold standard for Rails application deployment; if you already have it working, why do you want to change it?
