RTC Jazz server User Login using Automation Anywhere - automationanywhere

I want to download an extract from an RTC server using Automation Anywhere. The issue i am facing is the user authentication window. As the user login window appears only once in a day (the first time login), i want a condition such as "IF the user login window appears THEN enter username and password". So i'm looking got an IF/ELSE condition in such a way the if it finds a user login window, it is able to authenticate the user and let him/her login, but if not, then it should continue with rest of the code (the download one).
Please feel free to ask questions if my query wasn't explanatory.
Thanks in advance

This if condition should work with your problem


Gigya removeLoginEmails removes last login id

Is there a way to stop accounts.setAccountInfo from deleting an email if it is the last standing login ID?
Currently if I have 2 verified emails both loginIds and issue 2 requests removing one email at a time (I know I can pass a comma separated list) I end up with an account that can't login anymore as no login Id is left.
Both return 200 ok and no error code.
I've looked for an etag implementation so I can at least force some sort of an optimistic lock but couldn't find support for it.
Any ideas?
This is by design, as in the case a user's email(s) were compromised, there needs to be a way to disable login of the account until the user can have their information updated via a customer service representative. There is no out-of-the-box way for an end-user to use this particular parameter, so, unless a currently logged in user is manually calling the method from the JS console, there is no way for this scenario to accidentally happen.
From the server-side, if you are worried about a specific application from calling this method and require restricting a specific app from accessing this particular API you can assign the application key to a permissions group with restricted permissions. ref:https://developers.gigya.com/display/GD/Console+Administration#ConsoleAdministration-PermissionGroups
If you think this behavior should change, please open a ticket from your Gigya/CDC account dashboard for investigation.

Modx Revolution - New user cannot login

I'm trying to create a new user in MODX REVOLUTION 2.3.0 but for some reason, the user cannot access the manager area. I tried to clear every bit of cache as well as to made sure the password is created by the system (email has been sent) and the user belongs to the Users Group.
Strangely, when looking at the user settings, it says that the user has made some 10 logins, but in reality, he has not.
When I type a wrong password, I get the wrong password error message, when I type a correct password, the input field gets cleared and nothing else happens.
Any idea how to solve this?
It seems that user don't have access to mgr context. Any user needs «frames» permission to get access to the manager.
Try to update user's data and make him a sudoer. It'll help to understand if wrong permissions cause the problem.
Exactly. Like #proxyfabio said, he needs access to the manager. To at least asses if the user login works, give him temporary SUDO rights. If that works, work your way from the ground up.
Make sure an Access Policy Template and Access Policy is created. Make sure the policy contains "frames" and is checked at the Policy Template edit screen. Next, PLEASE, make a separate Role, like "Customer". Go into the Aministrator group (or again, PLEASE, create a Customer group) and head on over to the Users tab. Add the User to the group with the Role Customer - "your level" (I usually use increments of 500 or 1000).
Under Context Access, add the user to the mgr context with the specified role and your Customer policy. Do the same for web if you with to avoid any in depth issues.
Finally, save your settings, flush your permissions, clear your cache and optionally flush your sessions table (you can also delete cookies for the browser you're using). When you've done all that, create an Incognito tab in Chrome or Firefox to avoid issues and try the login again.
I have somewhat the same issue if I try login a duplicate manager user from an android phone, the login count goes up, wrong password gives error and correct password just refresh the login page.
However logging in from a computer works. Initially it didn't...
Here are my steps:
Duplicate manager user
Set new password
Login fails
Click forget login for e-mail
Login successfully (computer) with the new generated password
Change original password to original password!? :D
Login works everywhere except my phone

Google Oauth implementation on application login every time asking for permission to “Have offline access”, why?

My application is prompting each time for having offline access. Could you please help me how to configure this.
Lets say i have implemented for an application login. in that case asking for offline access each time.
It should ask only for the first time, Next time onwards it should just login.
Please let me know if i have to do some configuration for this.
Am using google-api-java-client Library. 1.17.0 version
Thanks in advance.
I don't know your login url, but I assume, that you are either still using the offline scope or approval_promt=force. Remove them both from your url, if you don't want the user getting prompted.
The problem: you don't know, if you already got a refresh token, so what you're going to want to do is, that you first log the user in, then check, if you need a refresh token and then redirect the user again to google with the right scope.

phonegap iOS facebook Re-Authentication issue

I am using Cordova 3.4.0 along with the official facebook connect plugin link
The issue is that every time user opens the application. He/She has to press login and then it shows the "App already authorized screen" before the user is able to perform any action. How to prevent this addition of an action in the user flow?
I read that it is basically because the access token isn't stored by the plugin. As a result this action needs to be taken again and again. So I have now stored access token using localstorage but unfortunately don't know how to go about using it.
FB.api('/me/friends?access_token="+access_token+"', { fields: 'id, name, picture' },
Using it in the manner above results in an error saying invalid oAuth access token. Even though I placed an alert before this line to ensure that access_token had a valid value. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciate.
Just to rephrase I don't want the user to be asked to press login button every time they open the application.

unique user login

I'm using forms authentication to log users onto my website.
But what happens if someone is trying to login with the same details from different machines at the same time? Is there a way to check this?
Ideally, I'd like to display a message to the second attempt saying that that user account is already logged in..
Hold that information server-side (the list of users that are already logged in). Then, on each login, check if not already in that list.
When ever a login happens save the values of Username and Password in Sessions and after that for every login check with the already logged in values in the sessions, if matches display a message and dont allow to login.
