How to add a scrollbar on a listbox - listbox

In Vaadin 14, I would like to have a listbox with a scrollbar. Either permanently present, or even better, one that appears when the space needed for the list exceeds the maximum height of the listbox.
It does not necessarily have to be done using the vaadin core component; if there is something else out there that would do the same job and can be integrated into my Vaadin application easily, that's also fine.
I have little experience in web components and have no idea where to start to achieve this.
If much more knowledge is necessary, please point me in the right direction to learn it.

This is how a ListBox component already works in Vaadin :) Scrollbar appears, if there is no enough space to display all items
ListBox<String> listBox = new ListBox<>();
listBox.setItems("Bread", "Butter", "Milk");
A Web-component Vaadin docs page Vaadin-ListBox HTML

Setting height will work, and with minor CSS changes max-height will also work. Here’s what you need to add to your theme.
In Java (Vaadin 14+):
#CssImport(value = "./styles/my-styles.css", themeFor = "vaadin-list-box")
In CSS (my-styles.css):
[part="items"] {
flex: auto;
height: auto;
I opened a new issue for fixing this:


Vaadin Dialog resize programmatically

Vaadin 14.2.0.alpha7 added new functionality to Dialog component (, especially the resizing availability. Unfortunately I was unable to find a way to have dialog being created with width I need neither to set the width programmatically after the dialog is opened.
Here are few lines of code I use for described purposes (unsuccessfully):
dialog.isResizable = true
dialog.width = "900px"
dialog.addOpenedChangeListener { event ->
println("!!!opened-changed event fired")
dialog.width = "900px"
println("!!!dialog width = ${dialog.width}")
dialog.addResizeListener { event ->
println("!!! on resize event width = ${dialog.width}")
When I open the dialog it appears with its limited width (around 500px), the OpenedChanged event being fired and prints that dialog has 900px width (while its not!), when I resize it manually the Resize event being fired and prints that dialog has around 600px width (after I increased it a bit manually using mouse).
I know that early versions of Dialog had limited width (around 500px) in templates and there is workaround with importing styles to adjust dialog width. I was hoping with new version to increase dialog width without touching templates and client-side.
Is there any way to set dialog width and adjust on being opened programmatically without touching client-side templates?
P.S. The 14.2.0 version announced to be published on April so I believe the question is suitable even for now its prerelease version.
This happens due to the max-width setting of ~560px to comply with the materials design. There is a ticket about it here: Dialog Size - Material Theme. (In the default Lumo theme this works out of the box. You can verify it by commenting out #Theme(value = Material::class, variant = Material.LIGHT) in MainLayout.kt)
Unfortunately, as style targets the overlay part, the only one way to overcome this is using style files. On the other hand, it should be pretty straightforward in the current version :)
I created a pull request to your repo with the changes needed. Feel free to use it, if you want Make width acccept values more than 500px :)

React Native SliderIOS not rendering properly

I'm new to React Native (done a couple example apps but I'm trying to branch out without a road map), and I'm having trouble with SliderIOS. My slider code is the following
<SliderIOS style={styles.slider}
onValueChange={(value) =>this.setState({value:value})}
minimumValue={0.0} />
Styles includes:
The getInitialStateMethod sets this.state.value to 0.
The track is missing and the nob is totally nonfunctional (see - can't post images yet).
I'm sure I'm missing something very simple, but not sure how to solve it. Let me know if you need more information to make my question sensible.
Thank you!
I think your issue is that you did not specify a width for the slider. Try adding flex: 1 to the style slider, which will make the slider consume all remaining space not required by other components. For further details see CSS tricks as well as the React Native documentation. Alternatively, you can set the width attribute. Below you can see some code I use for creating the slider illustrated by the following Image:
height: 20,
flex: 1,
margin: 6

Highcharts exporting error?

I've just upgraded my site to the new 3.0 release.
The charts shown on my site are 990x548 pixels.
But when I select an export, regardless of whether it's png/jpg/pdf/svg, the output is 1020x930pixels.
Is this a known bug, or might I be doing something wrong?
Yo can define width / height exported image by chartOptions parameter.
the exportButton and printButton are now removed, and replaced with a generic contextButton. So you can use that one for your dropdown menu:
See also the new article at
Please refer my question
Highcharts 3.0 version changes in exporting options?
The problem was that I didn't have an explicit width set on the chartContainer div. I was just letting it flow to 100% of the parent element. As soon as I set an explicit width on that div, the exporting size options worked. Before that the chart would come out squished regardless of what documented options I set.

Grails UI Menu flakey behavior in IE

I'm using a GRAILS UI (1.2-SNAPSHOT) an it's implementation of the YUI menubar (YUI I am seeing flakey mouseover behavior in IE (Firefox is ok). When I mouse over the menu item with a submenu, it will show. As I try to mouse over the sub-menu, the submenu disappears before I can click. This happends in a pattern I haven't fully figured out. Usually the first time I select a menu it's fine but if I move around the menu back to a menu item, the submenu begins to display this behavior. By clicking and holding the mouse button I can usually get the sub-menu to stick around.
I've palyed with various configurations like keepopen and automenudisplay but they don't seem to change the behavior. I have not seen much posted about this. But I also don't see menu's documented in the UI plugin either. I could really use some feedback if UI menu is not ready for primetime yet or I'm missing something else. I've not worked with much AJAX before.
Below is the code with the added options I played with that did not have a positive impact.
<gui:menubar id='menubar' renderTo='mainmenu' autosubmenudisplay="false" shadow="true" keepopen="true">
<gui:menuitem url="/esmzone">Home</gui:menuitem>
<gui:submenu label='Profile'>
<gui:menuitem url="${createLink(controller:'memberProfile', action:'view')}">View</gui:menuitem>
<gui:menuitem url="${createLink(controller:'memberProfile', action:'profile')}">Edit</gui:menuitem>
<gui:menuitem url="${createLink(controller:'user', action:'account')}">Settings</gui:menuitem>
<gui:menuitem url="#">Subscription</gui:menuitem>
Here is the code generated by the plugin:
YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function() {
GRAILSUI.menubar = new YAHOO.widget.MenuBar("menubar_div", {'autosubmenudisplay': false,
'shadow': true,
'keepopen': true});
I made some progress on this by researching the YUI library. There is a documented bug with IE7. Apparently the grails-ui plugin does not address the fix. I'm testing with IE8 but I assume it's still there.
It appears that you should set the zoom property to 1 (zoom:1) for the bd class.
I added the following code to my style sheet
div.yuimenubar .bd {
zoom: 1;
and it seems to help. I see no side effect in Firefox but I didn't dynamically check for the version of browser as I would need to hack the code that generates the YUI javascript and put in
if ( === 7) {
YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(document.body, "ie7");
after the render() call. Then instead of the style I added you could do an IE7 (probably >=7) style.
This is what the Yahoo site had to say about it:
The following application of
"zoom:1" sets the "hasLayout"
property to "true" and prevents
first tier submenus of a MenuBar
from hiding when the mouse is moving
from an item in a MenuBar to a
submenu in IE 7.
For more on the "hasLayout" property:

IE6: select inside jQuery tabs does not render dropdown list

I have a form inside jQuery tabs; I create tabs in a simple way:
$("#tabs").tabs({selected: 1});
The selected index 1 is the tab where form is placed. The problem is, on remote computer with IE6 both selects only display a small blank line instead of list with options when dropdown arrow is clicked:
Incorrect dropdown
The options are there in page source, and everything actually works on other machines, in other browsers and also in IE6 (though I use IETester).
Everything also works if I
remove tabs creation, that is .tabs() - options do appear and work; or
first select tab without form (tab 0), and then click on it - options do appear and work
only when clicking; programmatic .tabs("select", 1) after tabs creation doesn't help
Does anyone know what can cause this? Is it IE6 bug or something with my scripts?
Update: hm, thanks to this, I found it's something with my CSS - if I disable Site.css it works. I thought about scripts only. Still have to find out what's that.
Update: OK, this was caused by this CSS rule:
body { font-size: 0.7em; }
It works if I set 0.8 or greater, but for 0.7 and less IE6 does the indicated bug.
Can someone explain this? Yes it is IE6 - weird by definition, but this one is too weird in my opinion.
I have also ran into this exact problem, although I couldn't fix it by altering any body font sizes, I did manage to get around it using the (slightly modified) "Ugly hack" method as described in the link, posted by CiscoIPPhone:
// Ugly hack to switch tabs in IE6, fixing select menu bug.
if($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0, 1) <= 6) {
$("#tabs").tabs({ selected: 1 });
setTimeout(function() {
$("#tabs").tabs("select", 0);
}, 10);
Seems as though the timeout is the key to avoiding this bug.
I found that this workaround fixed the issue on some machines, but not on others.
My solution was to hide all the select elements initally in the style sheet, then after calling $( "#tabs" ).tabs() I use $('select').show() to display them.
That fixed it for me.
