Is there any way to mention someone when a comment/reply is added?
I've tried #someone but it doesn't help.
So far (Gerrit 3.0.0) you can't do that. It is requested for as a feature in Issue 3534.
The general workflow people tend to use is to either add as Reviewer/CC if some person is not already in it, so a notification will be sent.
Is there a good way to receive information when customer makes an order?
Judging from the documentation, there isn't. I know there are some apps related to managing payments on Etsy, and I believe they would depend on order feed.
If Etsy does not provide such feed, how would you solve this?
My first idea is to periodically poll the API and request the orders. From there, understand if new order/s happened.
Your help is appreciated.
FYI see - [FEATURE] New real time feeds/suscriptions #28
Doesn't seem to be implemented yet, but that's probably the place to track it.
Not the best answer, but I'm trying to do the same thing right now. What I'm doing is collecting the transaction ID from the email associated with the Etsy account.
With the transaction ID you can request for the details from Etsy. I'm still trying to figure how to do that myself though.
Currently, there is no straight forward, documented way to subscribe to the "new order created" event. I was hoping this would be one of the must have features on the new API v3, but unfortunately it isn't implemented so far.
I've been playing with the reddit API and I'd really like to make a bot that listens for someone to tag it in a comment, and then responds with a comment.
I've been looking through the docs here but haven't found what I'm looking for.
I've seen other bots do this in the past so I feel it must be possible.
If someone could point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.
If you use PRAW (Python Reddit API Wrapper), then you can use the redditor.inbox class to track "mentions".
Otherwise, AFAIK mentions are just another item in your inbox.
Using rails and possibly the public_activity or paper_trail gem, how could I conceptually build a user inbox: which displays latest updates that are relevant to the user.
In stackoverflow's example, there are multiple things that trigger a notification:
When you get answers to your questions.
When someone posts a comment on your question or answer.
When someone posts an answer to a question you have also answered.
Should I create a table to push notifications into and mark them as viewed when the user has seen them? Or is there is a better way to accomplish this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I need to search records in JIRA by using jira key. I am able to search issues but I have to do one more task that is to find out resolved by and resolved date. I had did lots of goggling but did not find content which satisfied me.
I really appreciate to help me to solve out this problem.
You could do this with a calculated field using Script Runner to extract the information from the Issue History tab. Not sure how good the search is using that approach. Alternatively you can use the REST API and a script to scan issues, but that's probably too slow.
Finally I am able to solve out this problem by traversing history data. I used json call to pick history data on basis of jira key then I converted that history data into typed history collection and started looking for Resolved token. When I got Resolved token in history then I picked the assigned name. By this way I am able to solve out this problem.
Thanks for your support.
I would like my text in Cairo to follow a drawn path. Something similar to this.
Now this link comes from a post in the Cairo mailing list that claims to have coded this already. Only the link to the code is on which seems to have been taken down. My question is, does anybody know if this cairotwisted code referred to in the mailing list post is still around? If not, can somebody please give me some guidelines on how to do it?
I'm using the lua API to Cairo.
It appears cairiotwisted.c that's being referred to in the mailing list is available here at github.