I followed the link https://youtu.be/GezcSLUZvkI for update my channel to brand channel. My channel videos and subscribers deleted by mistake during try to make my channel Branding,, how to revert by videos and subscribers?
I'm working on a site that lists upcoming live streams from a specific YouTube channel. This has recently stopped working without there being any changes to either the code of the YouTube account for the channel
The below request returns an empty items array even though the channel has upcoming live streams:
Below is the URL for the upcoming live streams displayed on the YouTube website:
I have done a few tests with the API by swapping the Channel ID to different channels, but these are working fine
The latest video for this channel shows up when viewed via the Youtube website:
(video ID a4pPLwAL_Qo)
However that video does not get returned when the channel is queried via the Youtube API. I retrieve the channel video list by making a call to channels, followed by a call to playlistItems e.g.:
See playlist response JSON here
It has been more than 24hrs since this video was posted. Can someone explain why the API would not be returning the latest video for this channel?
Based from this support page, it can take a few days for uploaded videos to be reflected in YouTube search results, especially if you recently changed or removed your video. Also, you can use this reference and use Search: list to get the latest videos from user's uploads.
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&channelId={CHANNEL_ID}&maxResults=10&order=date&type=video&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
I am using youtube data apis 3.0. I want to get the NDTV channel videos to publish in our site.
I can get the list of videos description and some other basic info, but I want information like file details, ratings, liveStreamingDetails, player, processingDetails, recordingDetails, statistics, status, suggestions, topicDetails etc...
can any one please help me?
This is the way to grab the last 50 (maximum allowed) videos of a user with Youtube with Api 3.0
//search channels of user
//search playlist items of upload channel
//search videos of the playlist items of the upload channel
Is it possible to get the link for a users watch later playlist using the YouTube api? I'm trying to generate a url to start playing the watch later playlist from the first video, so that the final link would be something like youtube.com/watch?v=videoID&list=playlist. I'm using the YouTube Data API v3.
Unfortunately, it looks like as of this month Google has deprecated access to the Watch Later playlist via the public API:
The channel resource's contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.watchHistory
and contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.watchLater properties now contain
values of HL and WL, respectively, for all channels. (The properties
are only visible to an authorized user retrieving data about the
user's own channel.)
In addition, requests to retrieve playlist details (playlists.list) or
playlist items (playlistItems.list) for a channel's watch history or
watch later playlist now return empty lists. This behavior is true for
the new values, HL and WL, as well as for any watch history or watch
later playlist IDs that your API Client may have already stored.
See the full revision history for more information.
You should do a channels->list with mine = true.
Then from the channel response, you will get the watchlater-playlistID.
I want to transfer some videos from youtube(I've videos ids) to my own youtube account.
How to do it without downloading video to my server and uploading to my account?(This is not good solution for me because the traffic on my hosting is limited and it's so long process(download+upload))
You can just create a playlist in your channel and add those videos into your playlist. They will still be hosted in their original channel's upload playlist as well though.