Cloning git repo to a non root user folder in Dockerfile - docker

Through the next cmd I am trying to clone into the /home/impdev/Impala folder. Yet, docker clones into the root/Impala folder. Is there a way to remedy this?
RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' impdev && \
echo 'impdev ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers && \
su - impdev && \
git clone ~/Impala
This is important for me as when you clone from an account ownership and group values are assigned to the cloned folder and its sub-folders.

You should use the Dockerfile USER and WORKDIR directives to control the current user context. This might look like
USER root
RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' --no-create-home impdev
WORKDIR /impdev
USER impdev
RUN git clone
Remember that in many ways the Docker environment is different from a typical Linux environment: since an image generally only packages a single application and its immediate dependencies, it's not usually interesting to create multiple users or think about users as having home directories. You almost never use su or sudo since a container generally only does one thing and starts up as the user it needs to be to do it. Both commands are also difficult to use in scripts. (In your example, if you do su to the new user, it completes and returns to the original root-user context before the script moves on to the next command.)


how to build docker images with terraform providers preinstalled

I am trying to build a docker image that contains all of the necessary plugins/providers that several source repos need, so that when an automated terraform validate runs, it doesn't have to download gigs of redundant data.
However, I recognize that this provides for a maintenance problem in that someone may update a plugin version, and that would needed to be downloaded, since the docker image would not contain it.
The question
How can I pre-download all providers and plugins
Tell the CLI use those predownloaded plugins AND
also tell it that, if it doesn't find what it needs locally, then it can go to the network
Below are the relevant file:
plugin_cache_dir = "$HOME/.terraform.d/plugin-cache"
disable_checkpoint = true
provider_installation {
filesystem_mirror {
path = "$HOME/.terraform/providers"
direct {
tflint (not relevant to this question, but it shows up in the below Dockerfile)
plugin "aws" {
enabled = true
version = "0.21.1"
source = ""
plugin "azurerm" {
enabled = true
version = "0.20.0"
source = ""
FROM AS base
LABEL name=tflint
RUN adduser -h /home/jenkins -s /bin/sh -u 1000 -D jenkins
RUN apk fix && apk --no-cache --update add git terraform openssh
ADD .terraformrc /home/jenkins/.terraformrc
RUN mkdir -p /home/jenkins/.terraform.d/plugin-cache/
ADD .tflint.hcl /home/jenkins/.tflint.hcl
WORKDIR /home/jenkins
RUN tflint --init
FROM base AS build
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh && \
echo "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" > /root/.ssh/id_ed25519 && \
chmod 400 /root/.ssh/id_ed25519 && \
touch /root/.ssh/known_hosts && \
ssh-keyscan mygitrepo >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts
RUN git clone git#mygitrepo:wrai/tools/g.git
RUN git clone git#mygitrepo:myproject/a.git && \
git clone git#mygitrepo:myproject/b.git && \
git clone git#mygitrepo:myproject/c.git && \
git clone git#mygitrepo:myproject/d.git && \
git clone git#mygitrepo:myproject/e.git && \
git clone git#mygitrepo:myproject/f.git
RUN ls -1d */ | xargs -I {} find {} -name '*.tf' | xargs -n 1 dirname | sort -u | \
xargs -I {} -n 1 -P 20 terraform -chdir={} providers mirror /home/jenkins/.terraform.d
RUN chown -R jenkins:jenkins /home/jenkins
USER jenkins
FROM base AS a
COPY --from=build /home/jenkins/a/ /home/jenkins/a
RUN cd /home/jenkins/a && terraform init
FROM base AS b
COPY --from=build /home/jenkins/b/ /home/jenkins/b
RUN cd /home/jenkins/b && terraform init
FROM base AS c
COPY --from=build /home/jenkins/c/ /home/jenkins/c
RUN cd /home/jenkins/c && terraform init
FROM base AS azure_infrastructure
COPY --from=build /home/jenkins/d/ /home/jenkins/d
RUN cd /home/jenkins/d && terraform init
FROM base AS aws_infrastructure
COPY --from=build /home/jenkins/e/ /home/jenkins/e
RUN cd /home/jenkins/e && terraform init
Staging plugins:
This is most easily accomplished with the plugin cache dir setting in the CLI. This supersedes the old usage with the -plugin-dir=PATH argument for the init command. You could also set a filesystem mirror in each terraform block within the root module config, but this would be cumbersome for your use case. In your situation, you are already configuring this in your .terraformrc, but the filesystem_mirror path conflicts with the plugin_cache_dir. You would want to resolve that conflict, or perhaps remove the mirror block entirely.
Use staged plugins:
Since the setting is captured in the CLI configuration file within the Dockerfile, this would be automatically used in future commands.
Download additional plugins if necessary:
This is default behavior of the init command, and therefore requires no further actions on your part.
Side note:
The jenkins user typically is /sbin/nologin for shell and /var/lib/jenkins for home directory. If the purpose of this Docker image is for a Jenkins build agent, then you may want the jenkins user configuration to be more aligned with the standard.
Configure the terraform plugin cache directory
Create directory with a single TF file containing required_providers block
Run terraform init from there
I've stumbled over this question as I tried to figure out the same thing.
I first tried leveraging an implied filesystem_mirror by running terraform providers mirror /usr/local/share/terraform/plugins in a directory containing only one terraform file containing the required_providers block. This works fine as long as you only use the versions of the providers you mirrored.
However, it's not possible to use a different version of a provider than the one you mirrored, because:
Terraform will scan all of the filesystem mirror directories to see which providers are placed there and automatically exclude all of those providers from the implied direct block.
I've found it to be a better solution to use a plugin cache directory instead. EDIT: You can prefetch the plugins by setting TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR to some directory and then running terraform init in a directory that only declares the required_providers.
Previously overengineered stuff below:
The only hurdle left was that terraform providers mirror downloads the providers in the packed layout:
Packed layout: HOSTNAME/NAMESPACE/TYPE/ is the distribution zip file obtained from the provider's origin registry.
while Terraform expects the plugin cache directory to use the unpacked layout:
Unpacked layout: HOSTNAME/NAMESPACE/TYPE/VERSION/TARGET is a directory containing the result of extracting the provider's distribution zip file.
So I converted the packed layout to the unpacked layout with the help of find and parallel:
find path/to/plugin-dir -name index.json -exec rm {} +`
find path/to/plugin-dir -name '*.json' | parallel --will-cite 'mkdir -p {//}/{/.}/linux_amd64; unzip {//}/*.zip -d {//}/{/.}/linux_amd64; rm {}; rm {//}/*.zip'

How to solve file permission issues when developing with Apache HTTP server in Docker?

My Dockerfile extends from php:8.1-apache. The following happens while developing:
The application creates log files (as www-data, 33:33)
I create files (as the image's default user root, 0:0) within the container
These files are mounted on my host where I'm acting as user (1000:1000). Of course I'm running into file permission issues now. I'd like to update/delete files created in the container on my host and vice versa.
My current solution is to set the image's user to www-data. In that way, all created files belong to it. Then, I change its user and group id from 33 to 1000. That solves my file permission issues.
However, this leads to another problem:
I'm prepending sudo -E to the entrypoint and command. I'm doing that because they're normally running as root and my custom entrypoint requires root permissions. But in that way the stop signal stops working and the container has to be killed when I want it to stop:
~$ time docker-compose down
Stopping test_app ... done
Removing test_app ... done
Removing network test_default
real 0m10,645s
user 0m0,167s
sys 0m0,004s
Here's my Dockerfile:
FROM php:8.1-apache AS base
FROM base AS dev
COPY /usr/local/bin/
ARG user_id=1000
ARG group_id=1000
RUN set -xe \
# Create a home directory for www-data
&& mkdir --parents /home/www-data \
&& chown --recursive www-data:www-data /home/www-data \
# Make www-data's user and group id match my host user's ones (1000 and 1000)
&& usermod --home /home/www-data --uid $user_id www-data \
&& groupmod --gid $group_id www-data \
# Add sudo and let www-data execute it without asking for a password
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends sudo \
&& rm --recursive --force /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& echo "www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/www-data
USER www-data
# Run entrypoint and command as sudo, as my entrypoint does some config substitution and both normally run as root
ENTRYPOINT [ "sudo", "-E", "" ]
CMD [ "sudo", "-E", "apache2-foreground" ]
Here's my
set -e
sed --in-place 's#^RemoteIPTrustedProxy.*#RemoteIPTrustedProxy '"$REMOTEIP_TRUSTED_PROXY"'#' $APACHE_CONFDIR/conf-available/remoteip.conf
exec docker-php-entrypoint "$#"
What do I need to do to make the container catch the stop signal (it is SIGWINCH for the Apache server) again? Or is there a better way to handle the file permission issues, so I don't need to run the entrypoint and command with sudo -E?
What do I need to do to make the container catch the stop signal (it is SIGWINCH for the Apache server) again?
First, get rid of sudo, if you need to be root in your container, run it as root with USER root in your Dockerfile. There's little value add to sudo in the container since it should be an environment to run one app and not a multi-user general purpose Linux host.
Or is there a better way to handle the file permission issues, so I don't need to run the entrypoint and command with sudo -E?
The pattern I go with is to have developers launch the container as root, and have the entrypoint detect the uid/gid of the mounted volume, and adjust the uid/gid of the user in the container to match that id before running gosu to drop permissions and run as that user. I've included a lot of this logic in my base image example (note the fix-perms script that tweaks the uid/gid). Another example of that pattern is in my jenkins-docker image.
You'll still need to either configure root's login shell to automatically run gosu inside the container, or remember to always pass -u www-data when you exec into your image, but now that uid/gid will match your host.
This is primarily for development. In production, you probably don't want host volumes, use named volumes instead, or at least hardcode the uid/gid of the user in the image to match the desired id on the production hosts. That means the Dockerfile would still have USER www-data but the docker-compose.yml for developers would have user: root that doesn't exist in the compose file in production. You can find a bit more on this in my DockerCon 2019 talk (video here).
You can use user namespace to map different user/group in your docker to you on the host.
For example, the group www-data/33 in the container could be the group docker-www-data/100033 on the host, you just have be in the group to access log files.

How to install JIRA-SERVER on OPEN-SHIFT (docker-image)

Im trying to installing jira-server via docker-image on openshift.
I pulled the image from docker-desktop for windows. Added simple dockerfile includes USER ROOT etc.
When trying to deploy the pod. I get error and pod enters to loop.
The errror is: Permission Error in diffrent locations.
Tried many times to relocate the jira-home directory but without success.
(Trying to install on closed network)
Thanks for helping!
Short Answer
The official Atlassian Images are incompatible with Kubernetes Derivatives /e.g. Openshift as they violate some key concepts.
In Openshift for example, containers are running with arbitrary user ids, which means a nameless user is executing the processes in the container.
This is a safety mechanism, prevents containers running as root and limits the risk of escaping the container gaining privileges on the cluster host.
You do need to rebuild the image from scratch.
Furthermore, the behaviour of the startup python script trying to modify file system permissions need to be removed.
Clone official Repo
Modify the Dockerfile and add to the UserGroup creation Step:
RUN groupadd --gid ${RUN_GID} ${RUN_GROUP} \
&& chown -R ${RUN_USER}:${RUN_GROUP} ${JIRA_HOME} \
# make the image compatible to run as an arbitrary uid
&& chgrp -R 0 /etc/container_id \
&& chmod -R g=u /etc/container_id \
&& chmod -R 460 /etc/container_id \
&& chgrp -R 0 ${JIRA_INSTALL_DIR} \
&& chmod -R g=u ${JIRA_INSTALL_DIR} \
&& chgrp -R 0 ${JIRA_HOME} \
&& chmod -R g=u ${JIRA_HOME}
Modify the gen_cfg function from and remove the else clause at the end.
The necessary permissions have already been set in step2.
def gen_cfg(tmpl, target, user='root', group='root', mode=0o644, overwrite=True):
if not overwrite and os.path.exists(target):"{target} exists; skipping.")
return"Generating {target} from template {tmpl}")
cfg = jenv.get_template(tmpl).render(env)
with open(target, 'w') as fd:
except (OSError, PermissionError):
logging.warning(f"Container not started as root. Bootstrapping skipped for '{target}'")
# else:
# set_perms(target, user, group, mode)
Rebuild the image using the --build-arg JIRA_VERSION= --build-arg ARTEFACT_NAME
Run and Enjoy
Detail inspection
Firing up the atlassian images, user root is the first to enter, doing modifications (chown...) and later dropping down to user "jira".
All these operations are not possible in openshift.
In most cases, building a new Dockerfile starting from the official image and modifing permissions of the needed files and folders before deploying to a cluster is the solution,
but to make things worse, atlassian choose to "mount" the necessary directories as VOLUME.
They have even referenced the issue in their comments.
VOLUME ["${JIRA_HOME}"] # Must be declared after setting perms
After the volume mount, the permissions can only be modified persistently at runtime.
This forces them to rebuild and set permissions after container startup, using a python function in the
This is also the place, where the container fails with several "permission denied"s.
Would be glad to issue a pull request on this, but unfortunatelly they are hosted on bitbucket.

Docker file owners and groups

I think I have a dilemma. I am trying to create a Dockerfile to reproduce a long and complicated installation process (of ROS) so that my students can get it running with less headache.
I am combining various scripts provided with manual steps that are documented. The manual steps often say to do "sudo" but I am told that doing sudo inside a Dockerfile is to be avoided. So I move those steps to before the USER command in the Dockerfile because I am told that those commands run as root. However as a result the files and directories created are owned by root and I believe subsequent steps are failing.
I have two choices I think: move the commands to after the USER command and include sudo or try to make the install scripts create directories and files of the right ownership. Of course a priori I dont know what files and directories are going to be created.
Here is my Dockerfile (actually one of many I have been experimenting with.) Also if you see any other things that need to be improved or fixed please let me know!
FROM ubuntu:16.04
# create non-root user
RUN adduser --ingroup sudo --disabled-password --gecos "" --shell /bin/bash --home /home/$USERNAME $USERNAME
RUN bash -c 'echo $USERNAME:ros | chpasswd'
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --assume-yes wget sudo && \
wget && \
chmod 755 ./ && \
bash ./
RUN apt-get install --assume-yes ros-kinetic-joy ros-kinetic-teleop-twist-joy ros-kinetic-teleop-twist-keyboard ros-kinetic-laser-proc ros-kinetic-rgbd-launch ros-kinetic-depthimage-to-laserscan ros-kinetic-rosserial-arduino ros-kinetic-rosserial-python ros-kinetic-rosserial-server ros-kinetic-rosserial-client ros-kinetic-rosserial-msgs ros-kinetic-amcl ros-kinetic-map-server ros-kinetic-move-base ros-kinetic-urdf ros-kinetic-xacro ros-kinetic-compressed-image-transport ros-kinetic-rqt-image-view ros-kinetic-gmapping ros-kinetic-navigation ros-kinetic-interactive-markers
RUN cd /home/$USERNAME/catkin_ws/src/ && \
git clone && \
git clone && \
git clone
# add catkin env
RUN echo 'source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash' >> /home/$USERNAME/.bashrc
RUN echo 'source /home/ros/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash' >> /home/$USERNAME/.bashrc
# RUN . /home/ros/.bashrc && \
# cd /home/$USERNAME/catkin_ws && \
# catkin_make
ENTRYPOINT /bin/bash
Would be interesting for my own information to get why sudo should be avoided in containers.
Historically we use docker to automate build, test and deploy processes in our team and always tried to write Dockerfiles as close as possible to original process.
Lets say if you build in your host some app and launch some commands with sudo, some without, we managed to create exactly the same Dockerfiles. The positive feedback from this is that you are not obligated to write readme's on how to build the code anymore - you just supply Dockerfile and whenever someone wants to repeat all steps in non-container environment, he just follows (copy/pastes) commands from the file.
So my proposal is - in Dockerfile install packages first, then switch to user and proceed with all remaining steps, using sudo when necessary. You will have all artifacts owned by the user, not root.
Got the original discussion and this one. So it sounds like you choose the best approach based on your particular case and needs.

Enable root on current user in Docker

given that $USERNAME is set to 'ros', I woiuld like to create a user called ros, with a home directory, home/ros, with sudo privs and no password.
RUN adduser --ingroup sudo --disabled-password --gecos "" --shell /bin/bash --home /home/$USERNAME $USERNAME
Does that not do it?
Docker is simple, it just runs the commands you give it against the image base you start with. That one line is making a bunch of assumptions that may or may not be true:
adduser is installed
sudo is installed
/etc/sudoers is configured to allow root permissions for users in the sudo group
/bin/bash is installed
You've already created /home
You've already created /home/$USERNAME
If all those assumptions are true before that RUN line, then it may work, but of course, there may be another assumption I'm overlooking.
