How do I use environment variables in a static site inside docker? - docker

I have a react app built with webpack that I want to deploy inside a docker container. I'm currently using the DefinePlugin to pass the api url for the app along with some other environment variables into the app during the build phase. The relevant part of my webpack config looks something like:
plugins: [
new DefinePlugin({
GRAPHQL_API_URL: JSON.stringify(process.env.GRAPHQL_API_URL),
DEBUG: process.env.DEBUG,
Since this strategy requires the environment variables at build time, my docker file is a little icky, since I need to actually put the webpack build call as part of the CMD command:
FROM node:10.16.0-alpine
WORKDIR /usr/app/
COPY . ./
RUN npm install
# EXPOSE and serve -l ports should match
CMD npm run build && npm run serve -- -l 3000
I'd love for the build step in webpack to be a layer in the docker container (a RUN command), so I could potentially clean out all the source files after the build succeeds, and so start up is faster. Is there a standard strategy for dealing with this issue of using information from the docker environment when you are only serving static files?

How do I use environment variables in a static site inside docker?
This question is broader than your specific problem I think. The generic answer to this is, you can't, by nature of the fact that the content is static. If you need the API URL to be dynamic and modifiable at runtime then there needs to be some feature to support that. I'm not familiar enough with webpack to know if this can work but there is a lot of information at the following link that might help you.
Passing environment-dependent variables in webpack
Is there a standard strategy for dealing with this issue of using information from the docker environment when you are only serving static files?
If you are happy to have the API URL baked into the image then the standard strategy with static content in general is to use a multistage build. This generates the static content and then copies it to a new base image, leaving behind any dependencies that were required for the build.


Why are dependencies installed via an ENTRYPOINT and tini?

I have a question regarding an implementation of a Dockerfile on dask-docker.
FROM continuumio/miniconda3:4.8.2
RUN conda install --yes \
-c conda-forge \
python==3.8 \
&& rm -rf /opt/conda/pkgs
COPY /usr/bin/
RUN mkdir /opt/app
ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "-g", "--", "/usr/bin/"] is just facilitating installation of additional packages via conda, pip and apt.
There are two things I don't get about that:
Why not just place those instructions in the Dockerfile? Possibly indirectly (modularized) by COPYing dedicated files (requirements.txt, environment.yaml, ...)
Why execute this via tini? At the end it does exec "$#" where one can start a scheduler or worker - that's more what I associate with tini.
This way everytime you run the container from the built image you have to repeat the installation process!?
Maybe I'm overthinking it but it seems rather unusual - but maybe that's a Dockerfile pattern with good reasons for it.
optional bonus questions for Dask insiders:
why copy to /usr/bin (instead of f.x. to /tmp)?
What purpose serves the created directory /opt/app?
It really depends on the nature and usage of the files being installed by the entry point script. In general, I like to break this down into a few categories:
Local files that are subject to frequent changes on the host system, and will be rolled into the final image for production release. This is for things like the source code for an application that is under development and needs to be tested in the container. You want these to be copied into the runtime every time the image is rebuilt. Use a COPY in the Dockerfile.
Files from other places that change frequently and/or are specific to the deployment environment. This is stuff like secrets from a Hashicorp vault, network settings, server configurations, etc.... that will probably be downloaded into the container all the time, even when it goes into production. The entry point script should download these, and it should decide which files to get and from where based on environment variables that are injected by the host.
libraries, executable programs (under /bin, /usr/local/bin, etc...), and things that specifically should not change except during a planned upgrade. Usually anything that is installed using pip, maven or some other program that does dependency management, and anything installed with apt-get or equivalent. These files should not be installed from the Dockerfile or from the entrypoint script. Much, much better is to build your base image with all of the dependencies already installed, and then use that image as the FROM source for further development. This has a number of advantages: it ensures a stable, centrally located starting platform that everyone can use for development and testing (it forces uniformity where it counts); it prevents you from hammering on the servers that host those libraries (constantly re-downloading all of those libraries from is really bad form... someone has to pay for that bandwidth); it makes the build faster; and if you have a separate security team, this might help reduce the number of files they need to scan.
You are probably looking at #3, but I'm including all three since I think it's a helpful way to categorize things.

Security of a Docker image

I am considering to package a Rust application into a Docker container.
The current version of that application contains various credential files used to register to Discord API or Google API through a service account key.
Would these files be accessibles if I package my application as such?
[EDIT: added Dockerfile]
FROM rust:1.28.0
WORKDIR /usr/src/<application>
COPY . .
RUN cargo install --force --path .
CMD ["<application>"]
Never put actual credentials into anything that might not be accessed by you and only you.
You basically have two options:
1) Have your application pull the required credentials from its environment, then set these variables when you start the container. see docs
2) Have your application read the credentials from a config file, that doesn't get pulled into the docker image. Then, when running the container, mount that file into it, see docs
You could actually do both: Have an environment variable that tells your application whether it should look for a config file ( maybe in production) and if that variable is unset, check the environment (for development).
Edit: It's best practice to create a .dockerignore File in your build-context, containing the name (or path) of the file holding the credentials.

How write dockerfile to properly pull code from my github

I'm working on building a website in Go, which is hosted on my home server via docker.
What I'm trying to do:
I make changes to my website/server locally, then push them to github. I'd like to write a dockerfile such that it pulls this data from my github, builds the image, which my docker-compose file will then use to create the container.
Unfortunately, all of my attempts have been somewhat close but wrong.
FROM golang:1.8-onbuild
MAINTAINER <my info>
RUN go get <my github url>
ENV webserver_path /website/
ENV PATH $PATH: webserver_path
COPY website/ .
RUN go build .
ENTRYPOINT ./website
EXPOSE <ports>
This file is kind of a combination of a few small guides I found through google searches, but none quite gave me the information I needed and it never quite worked.
I'm hoping somebody with decent docker experience can just put a Dockerfile together for me to use as a guide so I can find what I'm doing wrong? I think what I'm looking for can be done in only a few lines, and mine is a little more verbose than needed.
Project layout:
Data: is where my go files are Sidenote: This was throwing me errors when trying to build image, something about not being in the environment path. Not sure if that is helpful
Static: CSS, JS, Images
TPL: go template files
Main.go: launches server/website
There are several strategies:
Using of pre-build app. Build your app using
go build command according to target system architecture and OS (using GOOS and GOARCH system variable for example) then use COPY docker command to move this builded file (with assets and templates) to your WORKDIR and finally run it via CMD or ENTRYPOINT (last is preferable). Dockerfile for this example will look like:
FROM scratch
COPY advent / CMD ["/advent"]
Build by dockerfile. Typical Dockerfile:
# Start from a Debian image with the latest version of Go installed
# and a workspace (GOPATH) configured at /go.
FROM golang
# Copy the local package files to the container's workspace.
ADD . /go/src/
# Build the outyet command inside the container.
# (You may fetch or manage dependencies here,
# either manually or with a tool like "godep".)
RUN go install
# Run the outyet command by default when the container starts.
ENTRYPOINT /go/bin/outyet
# Document that the service listens on port 8080.
Using GitHub. Build your app and pull to dockerhub as ready to use image.
Github supports Webhooks which can be used to do all sorts of things automagically when you push to a git repo. Since you're already running a web server on your home box, why don't you have Github send a POST request to that when it receives a commit on master and have your home box re-download the git repo and restart web services from that?
I was able to solve my issue by just creating an automated build through docker hub, and just using this for my dockerfile:
FROM golang-onbuild
EXPOSE <ports>
It isn't exactly the correct answer to my question, but it is an effective workaround. The automated build connects with my github repo the way I was hoping my dockerfile would.

Dockerfile with multiple base image

I m trying to create a simple dockerfile in which I need to build my nodejs project in multiple steps :
Installing and caching my dependencies
Running my unit tests
Running my acceptance tests
Building my project
to ensure that my project is working great. Here's what I m having for now :
FROM node:6.9
# Enviroment variables
RUN mkdir -p ${HOMEDIR}
# install all dependencies
ADD package.json ./
RUN npm install
# ... some stuff goes here without any importance
# add node content initially
ADD . .
CMD CI=true npm test && npm run test:acceptance && npm run build
When running my acceptance tests, I use a selenium server. And I need java for this.
The fact is that I don't have java installed, and I wanted to use a "standard" image, while conserving my current node:6.9 image, that would allow me to switch easily from version to version (like I mean there that I don't want to manually install JAVA on my current image.
My problem is that I can't use multiple FROM sources inside my dockerfile and I don't know if what I need is even possible.
Any suggestion ?
The docker way is have small and lightweight image as possible. You production image does not need a java, selenium and etc...
Building and testing application must be outside of container. It can be another image (with selenium, java, etc; or building cluster with multiple containers like selenium, java, etc) for building production images.
I would recommend you to have a base image that only contains the base OS and required software that your application require for running.
Use that base image and create multiple images for different tests.
Once you are done with all the testing use the same base image to package and dockerize your application.

Development dependencies in Dockerfile or separate Dockerfiles for production and testing

I'm not sure if I should create different Dockerfile files for my Node.js app. One for production without the development dependencies and one for testing with the development dependencies included.
Or one file which is basically the development Then main difference of both files is the npm install command:
FROM ...
RUN npm install --quiet --production
CMD ...
FROM ...
RUN npm install
CMD ...
The question arises because I want to be able to run my tests inside the container via docker run command. Therefore I need the test dependencies (typically dev dependencies for me).
Seems a little bit odd to put dependencies not needed in production into the image. On the other hand creating/maintaining a second which just minor differences seems also not right. So what is the a good practise for this kind of problem.
No, you don't need to have different Dockerfiles and in fact you should avoid that.
The goal of docker is to ship your app in an immutable, well tested artifact (docker images) which is identical for production and test and even dev.
Why? Because if you build different artifacts for test and production how can you guarantee what you have already tested is working in production too? you can't because they are two different things.
Given all that, if by test you mean unit tests, then you can mount your source code inside docker container and run tests without building any docker images. And that's fine. Remember you can build image for tests but that terribly slow and makes development quiet difficult and slow which is not good at all. Then if your test passed you can build you app container safely.
But if you mean acceptance test that actually needs to run against your running application then you should create one image for your app (only one) and run tests in another container (mount test source code for example) and run tests against that container. This obviously means what your build for your app is different for npm installs for your tests.
I hope this gives you some over view.
Well then you'll have to support several Dockerfiles that are almost identical. Instead I recommend to use NodeJS feature like production profile. And another one recommendation regarding to
RUN npm install --quiet --production
It is better to create separate .sh file and do something like this instead:
ADD ./scripts/ /
RUN chmod +x /*.sh
And also think about to start using Gulp.
UPD #1
By default npm install installs devDependencies. In order to get around this - use npm install --production OR set the NODE_ENV environment variable to production value.
Putting script line in separate file is a good practice in order not to change Dockerfile often. If you'll need changes next time then you'll have to update only script-file and you're done. In future you could also have some additional work to do.
