where are indexing configuration in OpenGrok docker image? - docker

I am trying to setup an OpenGrok instance from a docker image. By default svn indexer inside the image is checking for new repositories in 10 minutes.
I need to change this configuration. From where exactly I can change this.

As soon as I posted this I found the related files inside docker container at /scripts.
Here REINDEX variable is defined in start.sh script.


How to modify the configuration of the database in docker of opengauss

Recently, I was trying to deploy the opengauss database using docker, and I saw that this docker was released by your company.
Currently encountered the following two problems:
The corresponding database configuration file was not found: “hab.conf or postgreq.conf”, where is the location of this file in the docker image? If not, can it be gs_*modified by tools.
When the database in docker is started and then restarted, the docker image will be launched, and there are no parameters linked to the configuration file in the docker image, so there is no way to modify the configuration file of the database. At present, the solution I think of is to “running container”directly “commit & save” the modified image into a new image. Is this the only solution?
.hba.conf or postgreq.conf is here
/var/lib/opengauss/data, support to use gs_guc to modify parameters.
.After changing the parameters that require database restart to take effect, just restart the container directly.
.You can also do persistence if you want, specify it through the -v parameter when running.
-v /enmotech/opengauss:/var/lib/opengauss

Github actions using custom Docker image

I have a custom docker image that run certain security checks on the Github repository and posts the results to a URL for review/analysis. I can see now that Github actions support custom Docker images. My question is will the runner environment variables and the clone repo be automatically mounted into the custom container or I need to pass them individually.
Also my custom container image is around 1G in size. Downloading and running it on every build will slow down the test and build. What is the best option in this case. Is there any way I can cache the image? If not are there any other workaround?
My question is will the runner environment variables and the clone repo be automatically mounted into the custom container or I need to pass them individually.
Automatically mounted no, you have to tell him it should use your custom container:
image: ghcr.io/owner/image
# ...
Refs: github docs
Is there any way I can cache the image? If not are there any other workaround?
I think you should check around cache action. I guess you should be able to download your image and cache the path where you download it or something like that.

Run Jira in docker with initial setup snapshot

In my company, we're using a Jira for issue tracking. I need to write an application, that integrates with it and synchronizes some data with other services. For testing, I want to have a docker image of the Jira with some initial data.
I'm using the official atlassian/jira-core image. After the initial setup, I saved a state by running docker commit, but unfortunately the new image seems to be empty, and I need to set it up again from scratch.
What should I do to save the initial setup? I want to run tests that will change something within Jira, so reverting it back will be necessary to have reliable test suite. After I spin a new container it should have created a few users, and project with some issues. I don't want to create it manually for each new instance. Also, the setup takes a lot of time which is not acceptable for testing.
To get persistent storage you need to mount /var/atlassian/jira in your host system. /var/atlassian/jira this can be used for storing your configuration etc. so you do not need to commit, whenever you spin up a new container with /var/atlassian/jira mount path will have all the configuration that you set previously.
docker run --detach -v /you_host_path/jira:/var/atlassian/jira --publish 8080:8080 cptactionhank/atlassian-jira:latest
For logs you can mount
The above is valid if you are running with the latest tag or you can explore relevant dockerfile.
Set volume mount points for installation and home directory. Changes to the
home directory needs to be persisted as well as parts of the installation
directory due to eg. logs. VOLUME ["/var/atlassian/jira", "/opt/atlassian/jira/logs"]
look at the entrypoint.sh , the comments from there are:
check if the server.xml file has been changed since the creation of
this Docker image. If the file has been changed the entrypoint script
will not perform modifications to the configuration file.
so I think you need to provide your server.xml to stop the init process...

How to use docker-compose with with tomcat

I am trying to set up a tomcat server. I need to edit some of the files within the docker container and want to know is there a way I can save these files so that if we're to do docker-compose up again on another machine it was used the edited files? One idea I had was to take the tomcat image to modify it then use the custom image in docker-compose. Or am I just overthinking this and having the edit those files manually is something that I just have to do. Also, I am relatively new to docker so any advice would be helpful.
Using your own custom version of the tomcat image is the simplest way to configure it to your specifications.
See for instance, as example of configurations:
"Docker tomcat editing configuration files through dockerfile"
"How to change user config in docker tomcat 8?"

Docker container crash - how to retain settings?

When a docker container crashes and I make a new one, how can I ensure I have the settings from the last one in place? The container I am running contains Jenkins only.
You need to use a volume if you want your configuration changes to be persisted.
In the image I am using as a base (usually jenkins/jenkins:2.75-alpine), the configuration lives under: /var/jenkins_home/workspace
so all I need to do is something like:
docker run -v /path/on/host:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:2.75-alpine
