I've problem with electrron-vue and I need a solution - electron-vue

I've installed electron-vue to use vue with electron-app. When I wrote the following command npm run dev an error was shown to me, I found listing directory instead of the LandingPage.

The electron-vue is not being updated at this time. (currently, electronic version 2.x)
There's a boilerplate that I forked the electron-vue and updated all the modules with the latest modules. The use method is the same and we have added the ui framework and css-precessor.
Electron 5
Vue-CLI 3
Babel 7
Vue 2.6
UI Framework
Quasar 1.x
Vuteify 2.x
We recommend you try it.


Using ES6 on Electron app with io.js

I am writing cross-platform application with electron.
I want to be enable ES6 arrow-function feature in main process using like iojs --harmony_arrow_functions.
Electron already installed successfully on io.js 3.1.0 .
How I can do it with io.js?
If you go to the electron releases, in major/minor release notes you can see which version of nodejs it is using:
Upgrade to Node 5.1.1.
I'm not totally sure which version of node arrow functions first became available but I can confirm that they are available in the latest version, 5.2.0.
Relatedly, to easily switch between versions of node I highly recommend using nvm:
That way you can easily switch to match updated versions of electron and you can automate it quite easily as well.
Electron was switched to nodejs, currently 5.1 see here - https://github.com/atom/electron/releases/tag/v0.36.0

Grails 3.0 support in NetBeans

I was running Grails 2.2.0 in NetBeans and it was working fine. I tried to upgrade the project to Grails 3.0 but after creating the project NetBeans is not able to open the project.
Does anyone know which plugins to install in NetBeans (if available) to make Grails 3.0 work?
Just wanted to let you know that I've added initial support for grails 3 in NetBeans.
At the moment you can get these with the latest NetBeans nightly: http://bits.netbeans.org/download/trunk/nightly/latest/
This will allow NetBeans to recognise/create projects, and the create controller/domain/etc actions working.
One important thing still missing is adding support for the gradle build files (no syntax highlighting or helpers for the gradle files), but in the meantime you may try it and report problems/improvements.

How to upgrade Cordova 1.5.0 to Cordova 3.5.0 in an exsit project which was created 2 years ago?

It's a project that was made two years ago and now I'm working with it. The question is that the version of the Cordova now 3.5.0 but this project was in 1.5.0. Can I run it in X-code 5.1 now? How can I upgrade it. Plz, I need help, for I'm a totally novice with iOS programs.
Next paragraph code error with that 'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' file not found
#import <Cordova/CDVViewController.h>
#import "CDVViewController.h"
AFAIK there is no easy way to upgrade from old versions of Cordova. You can try follow this guide: http://docs.phonegap.com/en/3.5.0/guide_platforms_ios_upgrade.md.html#Upgrading%20iOS but you will have to upgrade step by step (i.e. from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 ...). But even when you do that, if you use some old plugins or API calls in your code you will have to rewrite them according to the new version's API.
I had a project using Cordova version 2.1 and I needed to upgrade it to 3.1 and in the end I was better off creating new project in 3.1 and then update plugins or completely rewrite them.
So to sum up, it all depends on complexity of your projects (how many platforms you support, if you communicate with native code, use plugins..). You can try following the update guide or just create a new project in 3.5. If your project is trivial, I suggest creating new 3.5 application and then copy old html, css, js... files to appropriate places in the new project according to 3.5's documentation.

Upgrading Cordova 1.9 to 2.0 version

I need to upgrade my application which is using Cordova 1.8 version to Cordova 2.0 version. I followed the steps mentioned in the http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/2.8.0/guide_upgrading_ios_index.md.html. My application's running for 1.9 but when am trying to upgrade it to 2.0 version am not able to find 'Preprocessor Macro' in build setting.
Also I am not able to find 'CordovaLib' folder, but in the 10th step they have mentioned related to PreprocessorMacro which am not able to find.
As you main motivation seems to be up to date with the last version of Cordova, I would recommend to create a new clean project with Cordova 2.8 and import your html files in the www folder.
Upgrading version by version is painful and you will not get any benefits from it. However, you might not get any performance improvement but you will get a better support from the community.

netbeans - plugins require HTML Editor Library to be installed

I am attempting set up Netbeans 7.1 as my RoR editor. When trying to install plugins I get the following error:
Some plugins require plugin HTML Editor Library to be installed. The
plugin HTML Editor Library is requested in version >= 1.21 (release
version 1) but only 2.0.1 (of release version different from 1) was
found. The following plugin is affected:       
Embedded Ruby (RHTML)
I looked for this HTML plugin so I could install it but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
It seems that the Ruby on Rails plugin has some problem (i.e. does not support) Netbeans 7.1 and 7.2. But it works with version 6.9 and 7.
Reference: http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/38549/ruby-and-rails
If I'm not wrong this is the lovely 207075 from the bugtracker: https://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=207075
In fact there's a workaround for this issue:
good luck.
If you want to install it on a newly downloaded Netbeans (7.1 in my case), you should first go to Tools > Plugins, select Updates Tab and install the updates. Then, after restart, you'll go to the mentioned above Plugins, and now you will able to install all the required updates (HTML Editor will be among them.)
Lastl thing, as #skripted already mentioned, just install the plugin by following the instructions on this page.
