Empty parameter in spring cloud feign client - spring-cloud-feign

I have a trouble with spring-cloud-openfeign-core after update from version 2.1.1 to version 2.1.2.
When I perform a call with an empty parameter it always adds its name to a query string that was not the case before.
The generated url in 2.1.1 is http://test.url/endpoint but in 2.1.2 it becomes http://test.url/endpoint?id with ?id at the end.
// request
// client
#FeignClient(name = "client", url = "http://test.url/")
public interface MyFeignClient {
#RequestLine("GET /endpoint?id={id}")
Object get(#Param(value = "id") List<String> id);
Is there any way to get rid of empty parameters names?

I wouldn't expect this to work. Have a look at this
And you should try this in client feign:
Object get(#RequestParam(value = "id", required = false) List<String> id);
Server :
Object get(#RequestParam(value = "id", required = false) List<String> id) {


C# OData GetKeyFromUri - Resource not found for the segment 'odata'

I've updated from Microsoft.AspNet.OData version 6.0.0 to OData version 7.0.1. The upgrade has broken my ability to get the Id from a path when linking one object to another. Here is my Web API call to add a role to a specific user using the OData standard:
POST: http://localhost:61506/odata/users('bob')/roles/$ref
Request body: {"#odata.id":"http://localhost:61506/odata/roles(1)"}
The Web API method verifies the user and then makes a call to Helpers.GetKeyFromUri to get the role Id value from the request body.
[HttpPost, HttpPut]
public IHttpActionResult CreateRef([FromODataUri] string key, string navigationProperty, [FromBody] Uri link)
// Ensure the User exists
User user = new User().GetById(key);
if (user == null)
return NotFound();
// Determine which navigation property to use
switch (navigationProperty)
case "roles":
// Get the Role id
int roleId;
roleId = Helpers.GetKeyFromUri<int>(Request, link);
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest();
// Ensure the Role exists
Role role = new Role().GetById(roleId);
if (role == null)
return NotFound();
// Add the User/Role relationship
return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented);
return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);
That function looks like this (Originally from here but with updated references: https://github.com/OData/ODataSamples/blob/master/RESTier/Trippin/Trippin/Helpers.cs)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Web.Http.Routing;
using Microsoft.AspNet.OData.Extensions;
using Microsoft.AspNet.OData.Routing;
using Microsoft.OData.UriParser;
namespace Project1.Extensions
public class Helpers
public static TKey GetKeyFromUri<TKey>(HttpRequestMessage request, Uri uri)
if (uri == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
var urlHelper = request.GetUrlHelper() ?? new UrlHelper(request);
var pathHandler = (IODataPathHandler)request.GetRequestContainer().GetService(typeof(IODataPathHandler));
string serviceRoot = urlHelper.CreateODataLink(
pathHandler, new List<ODataPathSegment>());
var odataPath = pathHandler.Parse(serviceRoot, uri.LocalPath, request.GetRequestContainer());
var keySegment = odataPath.Segments.OfType<KeySegment>().FirstOrDefault();
if (keySegment == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The link does not contain a key.");
var value = keySegment.Keys.FirstOrDefault().Value;
return (TKey)value;
This line of code is now throwing the following error: Resource not found for the segment 'odata'
var odataPath = pathHandler.Parse(serviceRoot, uri.LocalPath, request.GetRequestContainer());
This worked fine when using OData 6.0.0 but fails in 7.0.1. It seems to have some sort of issue parsing my odata segment or not being able to find it at all. Here is my routing setup if it helps:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// Setup the OData routes and endpoints
routeName: "ODataRoute",
routePrefix: "odata",
model: GetEdmModel());
// Enable OData URL querying globally
I know I'm a bit late here, but I ran into this same problem with upgrading to Microsoft.AspNet.OData 7.x. After a bit of debugging and tinkering, I found that this code works for me - without having to remove the routePrefix:
public static TKey GetKeyFromUri<TKey>(HttpRequestMessage request, Uri uri)
if (uri == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uri));
var urlHelper = request.GetUrlHelper() ?? new UrlHelper(request);
string serviceRoot = urlHelper.CreateODataLink(
new List<ODataPathSegment>());
var odataPath = request.GetPathHandler().Parse(
var keySegment = odataPath.Segments.OfType<KeySegment>().FirstOrDefault();
if (keySegment == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The link does not contain a key.");
return (TKey)keySegment.Keys.FirstOrDefault().Value;
It turns out that IODataPathHandler.Parse(...) can take an absolute URI and resolve it against the serviceRoot.
The other key difference is that KeySegment.Keys already has a mapping of Key-Values, where the value is already parsed - it just needs to be casted.
For reference, I am using Microsoft.AspNet.OData 7.4.0
Hope this helps!
I caused myself the same problem by changing routePrefix from null to odata just like you've done. Setting routePrefix to null will allow your code to work perfectly fine as long as you don't need a route prefix (such as /odata/).

MvcSiteMapProvider bug with pagination

It's continue ASP.NET MVC incorect generation url when using pagination, but there I found how fix it. How fix that when using #Html.MvcSiteMap().SiteMapPath() I can't understand.
Problem in that when in actions ShowForum or ShowTopic and when I using pagination some forum or topic. In #Html.MvcSiteMap().SiteMapPath() I get url at parent page with number of page
For route configuration I'm using route attribute
[Route("{forumName}", Name = "showForum", Order = 6)]
[Route("{forumName}/Page/{page}", Order = 5)]
[OutputCache(Duration = 30, VaryByParam = "forumName;page", Location = OutputCacheLocation.ServerAndClient)]
public async Task<ActionResult> ShowForum(string forumName, int page = 1)
[Block(VisibleBlock = false)]
[Route("{forum}/{topicName}", Name = "showTopic", Order = 8)]
[Route("{forum}/{topicName}/Page/{page}", Order = 7)]
[OutputCache(Duration = 30, VaryByParam = "topicName;page", Location = OutputCacheLocation.ServerAndClient)]
public async Task<ActionResult> ShowTopic(string forum, string topicName, int page = 1)
My ForumDynamicNodeProvider
public override IEnumerable<DynamicNode> GetDynamicNodeCollection(ISiteMapNode node)
var rootTitle = ManagerLocalization.Get("Forums", "FORUMS");
var pageParameter = new List<string> { "page" };
var url = "~/Forums";
var attr = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Controller", "Forums" } };
var nodes = new List<DynamicNode>
new DynamicNode
Key = "forum_home",
Title = rootTitle,
Url = url,
Attributes = attr
var forums = this._forumsService.GetAllForumsForMap();
var topics = this._forumsService.GetAllTopicsForMap();
foreach (var forum in forums)
var forumRouteValue = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "forumName", forum.NameTranslit } };
nodes.Add(new DynamicNode
ParentKey = forum.ForumId != -1 ? $"forum_{forum.ForumId}" : "forum_home",
Key = $"forum_{forum.Id}",
Title = forum.Name,
PreservedRouteParameters = pageParameter,
Controller = "Forums",
Action = "ShowForum",
RouteValues = forumRouteValue,
var forumTopics = topics.Where(item => item.ForumId == forum.Id);
foreach (var topic in forumTopics)
var topicRouteValue = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "forum", forum.NameTranslit }, { "topicName", topic.TitleTranslite } };
nodes.Add(new DynamicNode
ParentKey = $"forum_{forum.Id}",
Key = $"topic_{topic.Id}",
Title = topic.Title,
PreservedRouteParameters = pageParameter,
Controller = "Forums",
Action = "ShowTopic",
RouteValues = topicRouteValue,
return nodes;
The problem is that you are using the same route key name {page} in two different places in the same node ancestry in combination with PreservedRouteParameters. PreservedRouteParameters gets its data from the current request. So, it is important that a route key have the same meaning in each request in the same node ancestry. For it to work correctly with PreservedRouteParamters, you need to do three things:
Use a different route key for each separate page parameter (for example, {forumPage} and {page}).
Ensure the ancestor page parameter is passed to the request of its descendants, so when building the URL to an ancestor node the value is in the current request. The simplest way is to build the URL with the page information of all ancestors ({forumName}/Page/{forumPage}/{topicName}/Page/{page}).
Any route keys that have the same meaning between nodes should stay the same ({forumName} in both routes).
Then you need to add the parameters when building the URL of the child node. You must build the URL manually within your application because the request will not have all of the parameters unless you do.
#Html.ActionLink("TheTopicName", "ShowTopic", "Forums",
new { forumName = 1, forumPage = 2, topicName = "foo", page = 1 }, null)
The reason you must supply all of the data in the child node request is because the ancestor node needs it to build its URL. It pulls this information from the request, so it must be present in the request for it to function. MvcSiteMapProvider has no way of knowing what the current page number of the ancestor node is unless it is provided in the request by a URL that is built outside of your menu.
See the MvcSiteMapProvider-Forcing-A-Match-2-Levels project in the code download for How to Make MvcSiteMapProvider Remember a User's Position for a similar configuration and the solution. In that case, it is using productId instead of forumPage as the parameter that is preserved on the descendant nodes so you can navigate back to the parent product.
Note that you could use a similar configuration (with PreservedRouteParameters and SiteMapTitleAttribute) for your entire forum rather than using a dynamic node provider. However, in that case I would suggest you disable the /sitemap.xml endpoint and roll your own.
I found how this fix, thank you to NightOwl888. I'm not the first time understood what should to do.
First I removed initialization PreservedRouteParameters in ForumDynamicNodeProvider
Second I added in action
if (forumPage > 1)
var node = SiteMaps.Current.FindSiteMapNodeFromKey(forumName);
if (node != null)
node.RouteValues["forumPage"] = forumPage;
Also I need change generation tree in ForumDynamicNodeProvider because SiteMaps.Current doesn't work in async

How do I use OData $filter results on the server

I have a working OData controller, which supports all the normal get/put etc.
What I want to do is pass a normal odata $filter string from the client, parse and execute the filter on the server and run some code on the resulting IEnumerable.
I've messed around with ODataQueryContext, ODataQueryOptions, FilterQueryOption etc, but not really got anywhere.
Does anyone have any working examples?
Edit: I've added my function skeleton, just need to fill in the blanks
public HttpResponseMessage GetJobs(string filter)
*** How to convert the filter into IQueryable<Job> ***
var queryable = ?????
var settings = new ODataQuerySettings();
var jobs = queryOptions.ApplyTo(querable, settings) as IQueryable<Job>;
CsvSerializer csvSerializer = new CsvSerializer();
string csv = csvSerializer.Serialise(jobs);
string fileName = string.Format("{0} Jobs.csv", filter);
return CreateCsvResponseMessage(csv, fileName);
I recently had a scenario where I needed this sort of feature as well. This is what I came up with.
private static IQueryable<T> ApplyODataFilter<T>(IQueryable<T> data, string filterString) where T : class
ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
ODataQueryContext context = new ODataQueryContext(builder.GetEdmModel(), typeof(T), new ODataPath());
ODataQueryOptionParser queryOptionParser = new ODataQueryOptionParser(
new Dictionary<string, string> { { "$filter", filterString } });
FilterQueryOption filter = new FilterQueryOption(filterString, context, queryOptionParser);
IQueryable query2 = filter.ApplyTo(data, new ODataQuerySettings());
return query2.Cast<T>();
Try using OData code generator to generate client side code. you can following the following blog:
How to use OData Client Code Generator to generate client-side proxy class
The for the filter, the following is an example:
var q2 = TestClientContext.CreateQuery<Type>("Accounts").Where(acct => acct.Birthday > new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2013, 10, 1)));
There are some sample code in the codeplex to show how to do query.
Check this:
There is some sample code in the controller of the sample I gave you.
Write your code as below:
public IQueryable<Order> Get(ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)
if (queryOptions.Filter != null)
var settings = new ODataQuerySettings();
var filterResult = queryOptions.ApplyTo(OrderList.AsQueryable(), settings) as IQueryable<Order>;
// Use the filter result here.
Update 2:
You can get the raw string of the filter from ODataQueryOptions.
public IQueryable<Order> Get(ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)
string filterString = queryOptions.Filter.RawValue;
// Use the filterString
Update 3:
(Note: ODataProperties is an extension method in static class
public HttpResponseMessage GetJobs(string filter)
var context = new ODataQueryContext(Request.ODataProperties().Model, typeof(Job));
var filterQueryOption = new FilterQueryOption(filter, context);
IQueryable<Job> queryable = GetAllJobs();
var settings = new ODataQuerySettings();
var jobs = filterQueryOption.ApplyTo(queryable, settings) as IQueryable<Job>;
CsvSerializer csvSerializer = new CsvSerializer();
string csv = csvSerializer.Serialise(jobs);
string fileName = string.Format("{0} Jobs.csv", filter);
return CreateCsvResponseMessage(csv, fileName);

Web API, OData, $inlinecount and testing

I previously had a Web API controller that looked like this:
public IQueryable<ApiDesignOverview> GetList(
string brandIds = "",
string categoryIds = "",
string query = "",
string categoryOp = "or")
I heard that the OData NuGet package now supports the $inlinecount OData parameter, so I tried to add it using the instructions from http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/odata-support-in-aspnet-web-api/supporting-odata-query-options - I don't want to have to use OData wholesale as that would entail a large amount of re-architecturing of the app, so I went for the PageResult<T> option.
So now my controller looks like this:
public PageResult<ApiDesignOverview> GetList(
ODataQueryOptions<ApiDesignOverview> options,
string brandIds = "",
string categoryIds = "",
string query = "",
string categoryOp = "or")
My problems are now:
How do I mock a ODataQueryOptions for unit testing?
If they can't be mocked, how do I create one? I need a ODataQueryContext to construct one, which requires a Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel, which requires... what? I can't find any documentation for this.
Really, it would be better if I could remove the ODataQueryOptions from the controller signature like before. Is this possible?
If you do not (or cannot as in my case) want to change away from using ODataQueryOptions and PageResult, here is how you can create an ODataQueryOptions instance for unit tests:
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "http://localhost/MyProject/api/Customers?$filter=CustomerID eq 1");
var controller = new CustomersController
Request = request
ODataModelBuilder modelBuilder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
var opts = new ODataQueryOptions<Customer>(new ODataQueryContext(modelBuilder.GetEdmModel(),typeof(Customer)), request);
var result = controller.Get(opts);
Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Items.First().CustomerID);
If you prefer returning IQueryable and yet want support for $inlinecount, it is still possible to do that by modyifying QueryableAttribute.
public class InlineCountQueryableAttribute : QueryableAttribute
private static MethodInfo _createPageResult =
.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Single(m => m.Name == "CreatePageResult");
public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)
HttpRequestMessage request = actionExecutedContext.Request;
HttpResponseMessage response = actionExecutedContext.Response;
IQueryable result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode
&& response.TryGetContentValue<IQueryable>(out result))
long? inlineCount = request.GetInlineCount();
if (inlineCount != null)
actionExecutedContext.Response = _createPageResult.MakeGenericMethod(result.ElementType).Invoke(
null, new object[] { request, request.GetInlineCount(), request.GetNextPageLink(), result }) as HttpResponseMessage;
internal static HttpResponseMessage CreatePageResult<T>(HttpRequestMessage request, long? count, Uri nextpageLink, IEnumerable<T> results)
return request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new PageResult<T>(results, nextpageLink, count));
Notice, that I am using reflection to create PageResult. You can instead return an object of your liking that can be formatted by the formatter that you use. An anonymous object with results and count will work too if you are using the Json formatter.
In the latest ODataController there is an AllowedQueryOptions that solves this.
public class MyOdataController : ODataController
[Queryable(AllowedQueryOptions = AllowedQueryOptions.All)]
public IQueryable<Product> Get()
return Products.AsQueryable();

How to get GET parameters with ASP.NET MVC ApiController

I feel a bit absurd asking this but I can't find a way to get parameters for a get request at
/api/foo?sort=name for instance.
In the ApiController class, I gave a public string Get(). Putting Get(string sort) makes /api/foo a bad request. Request instance in the ApiController is of type System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage. It doesn't have a QueryString or Parameters property or anything.
The ApiController is designed to work without the HttpContext object (making it portable, and allowing it to be hosted outside of IIS).
You can still access the query string parameters, but it is done through the following property:
Here's an example loop through all the values:
foreach (var parameter in Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs())
var key = parameter.Key;
var value = parameter.Value;
You could just use
Here's an example that gets the querystring q from the request and uses it to query accounts:
var q = Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().Where(nv => nv.Key =="q").Select(nv => nv.Value).FirstOrDefault();
if (q != null && q != string.Empty)
var result = accounts.Where(a=>a.Name.ToLower().StartsWith(q.ToLower()));
return result;
throw new Exception("Please specify a search query");
This can be called then like this:
Get all querystring name/value pairs into a variable:
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> queryString = request.GetQueryNameValuePairs();
Then extract a specified querystring parameter
string value = queryString.Where(nv => nv.Key == "parameterNameGoesHere").Select(nv => nv.Value).FirstOrDefault();
You can also use the following
var value = request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().Where(m => m.Key == "paramName").SingleOrDefault().Value;
if we have a proper model for that request
for example
public class JustModel
public int Id {get;set;}
public int Age {gets;set;}
and query like this
You could just use [FromUri] attribute
For example
public IHttpActionResult GetAge([FromUri] JustModel model){}
You're trying to build an OData webservice? If so, just return an IQueryable, and the Web API will do the rest.
Adding a default value does the job:
public string Get(string sort="")
