How can I send HTML tag string in REST API by using Swift Alamofire? - ios

I need to send HTML string to server.
I am using Swift alamofire and when I try to call Rest api then getting ccs code response from server.
same body format used in PostMan and it's working good.
My request body parameters:
{body = "<br/><br/>Hi Bhavdip,<br/><br/>Please find the One-Time Password (OTP) as requested through application.<br/>OTP- 123456 <br/><br/>Kindly, enter this OTP in your mobile application to authenticate your account and change phone number.<br/><br/>Kind regard,<br/>VeriDoc Global Team.";subject = "VeriDoc Global OTP for Account Verification";toaddress = ""; toname = "Bhavdip Patel";}
invalid json format. getting css code.
Param Value is
"<br/><br/>Hi Bhavdip,<br/><br/>Please find the One-Time Password (OTP) as requested through application.<br/>OTP- 123456 <br/><br/>Kindly, enter this OTP in your mobile application to authenticate your account and change phone number.<br/><br/>Kind regard,<br/>VeriDoc Global Team."

let params = [body = "<br/><br/>Hi Bhavdip,<br/><br/>Please find the One-Time Password (OTP) as requested through application.<br/>OTP- 798580 <br/><br/>Kindly, enter this OTP in your mobile application to authenticate your account and change phone number.<br/><br/>Kind regard,<br/>VeriDoc Global Team.",subject = "VeriDoc Global OTP for Account Verification",toaddress = "", toname = "Bhavdip Patel"] as! [String:Any]
use this as your params


Docusign iOS SDK directly sending envelope without opening anything also not asking to do the signature

I have created a template in docusign web and using its template id, i am calling the function from iOS SDK.
TemplatesManager.sharedInstance.displayTemplateForSignature(templateId: templateId, controller: self, tabData: tabData, recipientData: recipientData, customFields:customFields, onlineSign: onlineSign, attachmentUrl: attachmentUrl) { (controller, errMsg) in
The recipient data i am sending is
let recipientDatum = DSMRecipientDefault()
// Use recipient roleName (other option to use recipient-id) to find unique recipient in the template
recipientDatum.recipientRoleName = "Client"
recipientDatum.recipientSelectorType = .recipientRoleName
recipientDatum.recipientType = .inPersonSigner
// In-person-signer name
recipientDatum.inPersonSignerName = "Akshay Somkuwar"
// Host name (must match the name on the account) and email
recipientDatum.recipientName = "Akshay Somkuwar"
recipientDatum.recipientEmail = ""
let recipientData: Array = [recipientDatum]
Same recipient is added for template in docusign website
Also i have added observers for DSMSigningCompleted and DSMSigningCancelled to get envelopeId.
Now when i am calling this function displayTemplateForSignature no screen is opening to show the PDF or To sign the PDF, without asking for signature, the envelope is directly sent to the recipient. and i am getting this response in console with notification.
name = DSMSigningCompletedNotification, object = Optional(<Public_Adjuster.AgreementSignViewController: 0x110bb8060>), userInfo = Optional([AnyHashable("templateId"): 506346f5-7adb-4132-b15f-d288aa268398, AnyHashable("signingMode"): online, AnyHashable("envelopeId"): 2eeeeda8-5b74-4930-904e-94b2ce6451ac])
I want to open the pdf for the passed templateId but its not opening the pdf nor its asking for signature, and its directly sent to the recipient.
Any help will be appreciated, Thank you.
This behaviour, sending the envelope directly, is triggered when DocuSign SDK can not find any signers in the template/envelope that matches the logged-in user. Given that you are using the recipientDefaults, ensure that your signer information on the template (preset signer on the DocuSign web) matches the Account information exactly with the recipientDefaults object.
You may compare it with .
One issue I noticed is the signer type is set to need to sign which corresponds to a remoteSigner on the DocuSign web. And on the recipientDefaults object it's set as inPersonSigner. It should be .signer corresponding to DSMRecipientTypeSigner.
recipientDatum.recipientType = .signer.
Or you may change the need to sign to in person signer on the DocuSign web.
Another suggestion is to remove the name & email from the template screenshot shared and keep that empty as the client app is passing name & email with the recipientDefaults object to the SDK.
More details: How to set recipient defaults

How to authenticate user with token (stay authenticated in iPhone)

I have two related questions and I hope someone help me because I've been stuck for 2 days
First: mobile phone failed to authenticate
Here is what I have done:
1- user signs up
2- token released
3- token saved in user's device
but then when the same user try to do API requests I get
Rooute to sign up :
$api = app('Dingo\Api\Routing\Router');
$api->version('v1', function ($api) {
$api->post('auth/signup', 'App\Api\V1\Controllers\AuthController#signup');
then I get a token , so I guess everything looks great!
then now when the same device sends a post request to laravel I get this message
"message": "Failed to authenticate because of bad credentials or an invalid authorization header."
this is the route to the post request
function ($api) {
$api->post('auth/ios', 'App\Api\V1\Controllers\AuthController#create');
Second: is my method right to save data made by a mobile phone?
Since I couldn't test this method I'd like to know if this is at least one of the right ways to receive data and save it. The reason to save it is because I will show it in a control panel.
public function create(Request $request)
$user = new User();
$id = Auth::id();
$user->phone = $request->input('phone');
$user->city = $request->input('city');
$user->street = $request->input('street');
return 'Employee record successfully created with id ' . $user->id;
I understand that you are authenticate users based on api token.
Here is what you could do :
set up a column called api_token in users table by adding the following migration
$table->string('api_token', 60)->unique();.This generates a random api token for every user.
send the api_token back to the user's device and save it there
Send it back with every request. Preferalbly set it up globally and send it in the request Authentication request header
Get the authenticated user like so$user= Auth::guard('api')->user();
Laravel takes care of all the authentication stuff behind the scenes.
Learn More about this here

Sending sms from iOS app using Plivo API swift

How do I use plivo SMS API in my iOS app using Swift. I read lot of documentation regarding this. I'm not sure how to implement it on swift.
var plivo = require('plivo');
var p = plivo.RestAPI({
authId: 'Your AUTH_ID',
authToken: 'Your AUTH_TOKEN'
var params = {
'src': '1111111111', // Sender's phone number with country code
'dst' : '2222222222', // Receiver's phone Number with country code
'text' : "Hi, text from Plivo", // Your SMS Text Message - English
//'text' : "こんにちは、元気ですか?", // Your SMS Text Message - Japanese
//'text' : "Ce est texte généré aléatoirement", // Your SMS Text Message - French
'url' : "", // The URL to which with the status of the message is sent
'method' : "GET" // The method used to call the url
// Prints the complete response
p.send_message(params, function (status, response) {
console.log('Status: ', status);
console.log('API Response:\n', response);
console.log('Message UUID:\n', response['message_uuid']);
console.log('Api ID:\n', response['api_id']);
The above code is in Node.js, I want it to write in swift, and also I'm not sure how to integrate plivo into iOS app. I'm developing an app where it should send a sms to admin whenever user requests an order. So I just want the outgoing message from Plivo to admin. Any suggestions is really helpfull.
Plivo Sales Engineer here. Our recommendation is to host a server to which your iOS app would make a request to send the SMS. Then your server can use a Plivo helper library to make the API request which would send the SMS. This way your AuthID and AuthToken are stored on your server (to which only you have complete access) and you don't expose your Plivo credentials in your iOS app.
If you make a direct request of the Plivo API from your iOS app, then users potentially could find and misuse your credentials.
tl;dr - don't put your authentication credentials in places other people can read it.
So without a helper library you will have to just make use of their REST API. From their site, sending an SMS can be done by POSTing your information to{auth_id}/Message/
As for the Swift part take a look at NSMutableURLRequest or if you need help with the networking request you can look at Alamofire
If you want to use Rest API you can do like this:
lazy var plivoRestAPI: PlivoRest = {
let rest = PlivoRest(authId: Constants.Credentials.Plivo.AuthId,
andAuthToken: Constants.Credentials.Plivo.AuthToken)!
rest.delegate = self
return rest
let params = ["to": phoneNumberToCall,
"from": "1111111111",
"answer_url": "",
"answer_method": "GET"]

Office365 API append email signatures based on senders email address

We are considering using Office365 API to send our emails. One reason we are considering Office365 is to be able to automatically apply signatures. So if we send automated email for a specific user, are we able to specify that we want the signature appended to that email?
Would we be required to use the user credentials for the user we are sending with, or are there Admin roles available allowing use to pick / automatically apply the correct email signature?
AFAIK, you can't choose/apply different signature when sending email to specific user with O365 API. As a workaround, with outlook mail rest api ,you could create an email message , inserts an email signature into the end of email message body when sending to a specific user. You could use a HTML body for your email message,for example :
// Create the email message text body.
string htmlBodyTxt = #"<html><head></head><body><p>This is the email message body before a signature is added.</p>
// Identify the signature insertion point at the end of the HTML body.
int signatureInsertPnt = htmlBodyTxt.IndexOf("</body>");
// Create the email signature.
string signature = "<p>Dallas Durkin<br/>Senior Planner<br/>Adventure Works Cycles</p>" +
"<p>4567 Main St.<br/>La Habra Heights, CA 90631</p><p>(323) 555-0100</p>";
// Insert the signature into the HTML body.
string newBody = htmlBodyTxt.Insert(signatureInsertPnt, signature);

How to get the Google user ID (email) when using Google Account OAuth API

I am new to OAuth, and want to get the user ID (an email address) from Google using OAuth.
But I don't want to get the user's Google Contacts Information.
We can get google Email address only not the contacts by making the scope of request token Like :
Now do a authorized call to get the response like :
var responseText = oAuthConsumer.GetUserInfo("", consumerKey, consumerSecret, token, tokenSecret);
Here by saying authorized call mean to make the HTTP Get request with required paramaters in header.
header string should contain: realm, consumerKey, signatureMethod, signature, timestamp, nounce, OAuthVersion, token
Please refer to to verify your code and to see the correct header string parameters
