I am trying to pull all the open CRs which are waiting for the review for a list of users using the below Gerrit query I am unable to get the list of the open CRs for all the users mentioned below, please help me get the correct query
status:open owner:rajesh#abc.com,ramesh#abc.com,kumar#abc.com
Please help me in getting the correct format of the query so that I can pull the open CRs which are waiting for review for multiple users.
Use the following query:
status:open AND (owner:rajesh#abc.com OR owner:ramesh#abc.com OR owner:kumar#abc.com)
I am able to get specific user details using following query string
but not able to see same user when extracted all users using
any specific reason? I checked that there is no API call to get all users using /secure
looks like a bug in ranger however i was able to download entire user list using following query
please use the following API : /service/xusers/users/305 instead of /service/xusers/secure/users/305
I was just trying to get a specific logs from SendWithUs, but cannot really find any info. Googled all around the place. API documentation on SWU does not say how to pull like "email_name" with a specific text in it. I want to pull the logs where "email_name" could be specified or at least "email_name" like '%specificemailname%'. Any ideas?
I will really appreciate every single answer.
There isn't a way to filter logs programatically. Sendwithus has two log API endpoints. One to get information about a log using the receipt_id returned an a send API call. The second lists email event information (opens, clicks, etc) for a given log.
Did you reach out to the support team for help?
I'm trying to pull a list of 20 calendars from an account, however when I use the "List Calendars" API call, I am only able to retrieve 14. After I pull the first 10 calendars then attempted to pull the last 10 using the "#odata.nextLink" I only retrieve 4, and there is no additional link provided.
Any advice on this issue is greatly appreciated.
Please verify the count by running the query :
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/calendars?$count=true
If you have 20 calendars, you should be able to see the value correctly.
Next try to run:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/calendars?$top=20
If you still cannot see all the calendars, please get back.
Also please make sure you have the correct permissions required as given in -> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-list-calendars?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http#permissions
I am new to JIRA / JQL, and wanted help in knowing if the following is possible:
I want to filter JIRAs which have been commented on by a particular user (a bot account) in the past xx days
I want to filter JIRAs which have a particular regex in its comments in the past xx days
If the above cannot be done, I am open to suggestions as to how to achieve it using a combination of labels and description in the JIRA!
Sorry, but comments are stored within each Issue and you can't search for them globally using the native JQL query. You'd need to utilise the REST API to iterate through the Issues, extracting all the comments, then filtering the results.
Refer to this article in the Atlassian community Jira blog on the same topic and what third party tools can help work around the issue.
Currently i have a request for getting the members of a group. But can someone help my composing a request that only show objects of type microsoft.graph.user so i don't have groups in my group members request?
The current request:
The standard way to achieve your requirement would be to apply type case such as https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/GROUPID/members/microsoft.graph.user?$select=id,displayName,givenName,mail,surname,userPrincipalName. There is currently a bug that fails the above query. Please use query like https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/groups/GROUPID/members/microsoft.graph.user in the meantime as a workaround. Notice the changes in version from v1.0 to beta and the lack of $select. We will soon fix the bug to get the former query working.