I am trying to upload a file into ServiceNow using the WSDL <https://instanceName.Service-now.com/ecc_queue.do?WSDL>
I am converting the file to Base64 using Powershell. The upload via SOAPUI works fine, however the same file when downloaded is corrupted. If I upload an Excel file with data on downloading the file the Excel file is Empty
Source File Name is tp-certification-guide.pdf (Source PDF: - https://www.servicenow.com/content/dam/servicenow/other-documents/training/tp-certification-guide.pdf)
However, when I convert the file to Base64 using a portal (https://www.browserling.com/tools/file-to-base64/), I am able to upload and download the file without any issues. Again the file uploaded to ServiceNow does not get corrupted nor does it download an Empty File.
My SoapUI code: -
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ecc="http://www.service-now.com/ecc_queue">
<source>incident:[sysid is here]</source>
Above Code taken from https://www.servicenowguru.com/integration/sending-attachment-servicenow/
My PowerShell code is as below
$InputFile = "D:\02_Downloads\ChromeDLs\tp-certification-guide.pdf"
# Read the file as text
$Text = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($InputFile)
# Convert the string to UTF-8 bytes
$UTF8Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Text)
# Encode the UTF-8 bytes as a Base64 string
$Base64String = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($UTF8Bytes)
$Base64String | Out-File "D:\02_Downloads\ChromeDLs\tp-certification-guide.txt"
The file should uploaded to ServiceNow using the WSDL and the same file when downloaded should not be corrupted or empty.
I feel there is something wrong in the generation of Base64 using Powershell compared to the Online Edition which would need assistance.
I can't help you with the base64 problem, but if you're interested, then here's my dotnet code to upload attachment to SNOW using REST.
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(REST_Address)
request.UseDefaultCredentials = True
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(SNOW_Username, SNOW_Password)
request.Method = "POST"
request.ContentType = ContentType
Dim byteArray As Byte() = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Filename)
request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length
Dim RequestStream As System.IO.Stream = request.GetRequestStream()
RequestStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)
Dim response As WebResponse = request.GetResponse
Dim responseStream As IO.Stream = response.GetResponseStream
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(responseStream)
resultData = sr.ReadToEnd
REST address example: https://instance.service-now.com/api/now/attachment/file?table_name=SNOWTable&table_sys_id=32charsysid&file_name=test.pdf
content type: application/pdf
We are using SendGrid latest available Java API to send emails. We are attaching a PDF enclosed in a zip file.
While sending mail we are getting a 404 response code and error message stating "The attachment content must be base64 encoded"
Complete Error Message:
{"errors":\[{"message":"The attachment content must be base64 encoded.","field":"attachments.0.content","help":"http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API_v3/Mail/errors.html#message.attachments.content"}\]}
What are we doing wrong? How can we solve this issue and send this attachment? Here is the code where we try to send the PDF in a Zip.
Path file = Paths.get(this.file.getAbsolutePath());
Attachments attachments = new Attachments();
byte[] attachmentContentBytes = Files.readAllBytes(file);
String attachmentContent = Base64.getMimeEncoder().encodeToString(attachmentContentBytes);
com.sendgrid.SendGrid sg = new com.sendgrid.SendGrid(this.apiKey);
Request request = new Request();
Response response = sg.api(request);
{"errors":\[{"message":"The attachment content must be base64 encoded.","field":"attachments.0.content","help":"http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API_v3/Mail/errors.html#message.attachments.content"}\]}
Maven dependencies:
com.sendgrid.sendgrid-java 4.9.1
Try Base64.getEncoder() instead of Base64.getMimeEncoder(). Sometimes Sendgrid does not recognize the result from getMimeEncoder().
I want to send a POST Request where -
Content Type is "multipart / form-data".
In "Body" section, I have 2 params -> body - {static JSON Payload}, files - {any file, say .log file}
In Rest Assured Code, I am able to get the Static JSON Payload in String format with below code -
String jsonFilePath = "<<Path to JSON File>>/Test_new.json";
String response = given().log().all().header("X-AUTH-TOKEN",res).body(new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(jsonFilePath)))).
when().post("<<POST RESOURCE URL>>").
When running this code, only with Static JSON Payload, I am getting "415" error code.
Questions -
How can we successfully make this kind of call in Rest Assured?
When I want to upload files as well with this call, how to do that?
You need to use multiPart() methods for uploading files, not body() method. For example:
File json = new File("src/test/resources/test_new.json");
File file = new File("src/test/resources/debug.log");
.multiPart("files", file)
.multiPart("body", json, "application/json")
I am trying to upload a file to a SharePoint Drive by using Microsoft Graph. I am new to REST APIs and Microsoft Graph.
This is what the documentation says:
PUT /me/drive/root:/FolderA/FileB.txt:/content
Content-Type: text/plain
The contents of the file goes here.
Before all of this, I do have my authorization/bearer token and I am able to call the HTTP get but I am not able to upload the file using HTTP PPU.
URL url = new URL(newUrl);
String readLine;
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization","Bearer "+ token);
This returns java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 411 for URL.
I have tried passing it as a binary stream but the request is still failing.
The "type" of the file is determined by the Content-Type header. For some context, the Accept header states the format you expect the response body to use while the Content-Type states the format of your request.
To upload a standard text file, you'll want to use Content-Type: text/plain:
URL url = new URL(newUrl);
String readLine;
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization","Bearer "+ token);
I have a Grails controller action that calls a service that will return XML that contains a base64 representation of a PDF. Here is an (abbreviated) example sample.
<response status="Success"><messages/><values><pages>8</pages></values><xml/><files><pdf name="FitnessApplication" content-type="application/pdf"><![CDATA[JVBERi0xLjQKJeL ... </files></response>
After we parse that out I want to display that PDF in the browser. So far I am able to decode the string and render it using the file attribute of the render method. This serves up the PDF correctly as a download but I want it to display in the browser (inline) and NOT as a file download.
Map responseMap = new XmlParserHelper().parse( formsResponse.payload )
byte[] decoded = responseMap.files.pdf.decodeBase64()
render( file: decoded, fileName: "${document}.pdf", contentType: "application/pdf", )
I tried setting the content disposition as both an option to render and in the header map but neither seem to do the trick. Does anyone know how I can serve this PDF to the user in the browser?
Just send it in the response. But you need to add the headers on your own. E.g. something like:
response.contentType = "application/pdf"
response.contentLength = FileUtils.copyFile(pdfFile, response.outputStream)
To build on what cfrick said here is the final solution I went with.
// response data
byte[] pdfData = responseMap.files.pdf.decodeBase64()
response.contentType = "application/pdf"
response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "inline; filename='dan.pdf'")
// write to output
OutputStream output = response.outputStream
I m trying to use multipart post request to upload two string parameters( token and source) and an image captured from mobile device ( return jpeg encoded byte[] ). But it is generating error which I am sure is due to incorrect request.
I am still not sure about notation on creating a multipart post request. So any helpful links and resources would be good.
The code is for Blackberry java development
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
String boundary = "--##$--";
byte[] image = byte[] from camera.getsnapshot;
buffer.append(boundary+"\r\nContent-Disposition: form- data;name=\"token\"\r\n"+token+"\r\n");
buffer.append(boundary+"\r\nContent-Disposition: form- data;name=\"source\"\r\n"+"Blackberry"+"\r\n");
buffer.append(boundary+"\r\nContent-Disposition: form- data;name=\"file.jpg\";filename=\""+ "file.jpg"+"\""+"\n" + "Content- Type:image/jpeg"+"\n"+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary" + boundary +"\r\n" +new String(image));
buffer.append("\r\n" + boundary + "\r\n");
String string = new String(buffer);
byte[] post = string.getBytes();
HttpConnection connection = (HttpConnection)Connector.open(url);
connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Profile/MIDP_2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0");
OutputStream postStream =connection.openOutputStream();
Perhaps this Nokia Community wiki page will help you: HTTP Post multipart file upload in Java ME