How to query stories without parent feature link? - tfs

In a given area path, I would to get the list of stories that does not have parent feature link. How should I write the query for it?

To achieve you could change the type of your query to the Work items and Direct Links query, then choose the option to pull back all work items without any matching links. The results will still be a flat list.
In the filters for top level work items, just add a filed to specify a detail area path and choose corresponding work item type.
More details please take a look at our official here: Use direct links to view dependencies
Hope this helps.


Is it possible to get all items using get_internal?

I have a need to be able to retrieve all items for a particular resource via a custom route. when I use the function as such get_internal("users", **{"role": item["_id"]}) I am only able to retrieve 50 users. Is there a way to tell get_internal to get all matching items? even if the number of items exceeds the PAGINATION_DEFAULT setting? Also is there any documentation on the <method>_internal functions?
Please see PAGINATION_LIMIT, PAGINATION_DEFAULT and QUERY_MAX_RESULTS. (Sorry, links only highlight the words in the page)

Umbraco Extending Tags

I am new to Umbraco CMS, so this question may sound silly. The requirement is to show the tags (based on a specific tag group) to editors in a dropbox, and they could able to choose these tags and save it to the article. What is the best way of achieving this?
The tag property allows free text entry. If you only want editors to select from a predefined list of options you will probably need to do this a different way. You may want to try the dropdown property with the multiple choice option turned on instead. Then you can setup the prevalues (options) ahead of time and your editors can only select from that list.
You could also create a container in the tree for your categories and then allow your admins to select the appropriate items from that list using a multinode tree picker. Here's kind of an example of how you might structure this for a blog:
Then when an admin adds a new post you would allow them to select the appropriate authors/categories for the post using a multinode tree picker.

How to build SEO URLs for e-commerce store with multiple categories?

I want to ask how to SEO-wise properly structure URLs for e-commerce store (eshop) with multiple categories being nested in different ways.
Let's use example of cars. Customer can filter products using several features, by brand, car and fuel. And I want to use selected filter options in URL like this:
But I also want to maintain the navigation path user used to get to his filtered products. So the problem is, that I will have different URLs having exactly same content, e.g.:
And so I will have duplicate content as well. I could/should do a rel="canonical" in those pages to one MAIN url, however, it stil will be a little mess. Any suggestion or best practice how to deal with this problem ?
If you have the same item (car) on multiple categories very often, you definitely risk a duplicate content issue.
Have a main category only, ex: and add a query string for filtering ex:
Stackoverflow use a similar approach look here:
Use canonical link to improve link and ranking signals for content available through multiple URL. More info from Google here:

Xcode - search scope to exclude files or path

If your project is big and has many localizations, sometimes you find view controllers by searching for text displayed on that view controller's view. But in doing so you get a lot of search results you don't need that can make finding the file you're searching for cumbersome:
If you're like me and do this a hundred times a day, you want to have a way to omit Localizable files from your searches, for example. How?
In the Find Navigator tab, click the current search scope directly underneath the search bar:
Click "New Scope..." and give it a name. I picked 'Workspace W/O Localizable":
Add a Path condition that 'matches regex'. You can use a negative regex to exclude paths with "Localizable" in it. The regex to use is this: ^((?!Localizable).)*$
That's it! Just click the new search scope under "SEARCH SCOPES" and it will be the new default.
Quick tip which is a solution for some. You can easily change this by clicking on a result and hitting "delete." This will remove the result or group of results from the list. It will not affect your code ;)
Quick tip for xCode 9.4. Create a search scope of this to search just the swift files in your project.

Do I need a menu item with alias for all sef urls in Joomla?

I'm new to Joomla so my comprehension of how it all works is a bit incomplete. I'd just like to know whether or not I need to add new menu items with an alias for all short urls used in the application (e.g. http://mysite/shorturl). What bothers me is that:
Why would I need to make a menu item for an alias if I don't use the item in a menu (why such a relationship between urls and menus).
If I had 50 articles using short urls (aliases), would I have to make a menu item for every single short url? There's some dependencies I don't like about that.
I thought it made sense to set the alias on an article level.
I read something about having to purchase an extension sh404-something for this - really?
If someone could help me out it would be much appriciated.
Thanks and regards,
Each article has its own unique url, even it's own unique SEF url. The only reason for have the menu item there is because there has to be a way to locally group and link things. Try this, create a category called "Things Starting with A" then create 3 articles and put them in that category. Create a menu item with a blog layout assigned to the category "Things Starting with A". When you click the menu item you should see your 3 articles, when you click their title you should see them on a single page with their own URL.
