Convert JSON string array to NSArray in swift - ios

I am receiving a response something like this in some key eg:
"abc" : "[{\"ischeck\":true,\"type\":\"Some type\"},{\"ischeck\":false,\"type\":\"other type\"}]"]"
I need to convert this into normal array. i am using this following function for this.
[{"ischeck": true, "type":"Some type"},{"ischeck": true, "type":"other type"}]
func fromJSON(string: String) throws -> [[String: Any]] {
let data = .utf8)!
guard let jsonObject = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [AnyObject] else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: 1, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Invalid JSON"])
//swiftlint:disable:next force_cast
return { $0 as! [String: Any] }

You have to call JSONSerialization.jsonObject twice. First to deserialize the root object and then to deserialize the JSON string for key abc.
func fromJSON(string: String) throws -> [[String: Any]] {
let data = Data(string.utf8)
guard let rootObject = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? [String:String],
let innerJSON = rootObject["abc"] else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: 1, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Invalid JSON"])
let innerData = Data(innerJSON.utf8)
guard let innerObject = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: innerData) as? [[String:Any]] else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: 1, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Invalid JSON"])
return innerObject
Another more comfortable approach is to decode the string with Decodable
let jsonString = """
{"abc":"[{\\"ischeck\\":true,\\"type\\":\\"Some type\\"},{\\"ischeck\\":false,\\"type\\":\\"other type\\"}]"}
struct Root : Decodable {
let abc : [Item]
private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey { case abc }
init(from decoder : Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
let abcString = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .abc)
abc = try JSONDecoder().decode([Item].self, from: Data(abcString.utf8))
struct Item : Decodable {
let ischeck : Bool
let type : String
do {
let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(Root.self, from: Data(jsonString.utf8))
} catch {


Serialize JSON string that contains escaped (backslash and double quote) Swift return Badly formed object

I have response string from the backend like this:
"status": "success",
"data": "{\"name\":\"asd\",\"address\":\"Street 1st\"}"
I think the problem was because the double quote (") in the data String. When I remove the double quote, the serialization was success. But the response is from backend and I have to deal with it.
Anyone can solve this problem?
Thank you.
Here is the playground code.
import Foundation
var jsonStr = """
"status": "success",
"data": "{\"name\":\"asd\",\"address\":\"Street 1st\"}"
let data = .utf8)
if let d = data {
do {
let o = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: d)
} catch let e {
} else {
print("DATA conversion ERROR")
First of all if you wrap the JSON in the literal string syntax of Swift 4 you have to escape the backslashes.
let jsonStr = """
"status": "success",
"data": "{\\"name\\":\\"asd\\",\\"address\\":\\"Street 1st\\"}"
You got nested JSON. The value for key data is another JSON string which must be deserialized separately
let jsonData = Data(jsonStr.utf8)
do {
if let object = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData) as? [String:String] {
if let dataString = object["data"] as? String {
let dataStringData = Data(dataString.utf8)
let dataObject = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: dataStringData) as? [String:String]
} catch {
Or – with a bit more effort but – much more comfortable with the (De)Codable protocol
struct Response : Decodable {
private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey { case status, data }
let status : String
let person : Person
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
status = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .status)
let dataString = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .data)
person = try JSONDecoder().decode(Person.self, from: Data(dataString.utf8))
struct Person : Decodable {
let name, address : String
let jsonStr = """
"status": "success",
"data": "{\\"name\\":\\"asd\\",\\"address\\":\\"Street 1st\\"}"
let jsonData = Data(jsonStr.utf8)
do {
let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: jsonData)
} catch {
You have an error in your code ,as you write it in code like that """json""",
data is String not dictionary , so you will need to convert to data then JSONSerialization again
check code i add your response in Json file and parse it , and work correctly
So just write this in json file called it data.json
"status": "success",
"data": "{\"name\":\"asd\",\"address\":\"Street 1st\"}"
and use this :
guard let jsonFile = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "data", ofType: "json") else { return}
guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: jsonFile), options: .mappedIfSafe) else {return}
if let response = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves) {
if let dataInDictionary = response as? [String:Any] , let addresData = dataInDictionary["data"] as? String {
if let jsonData = .utf8),
let dictionary = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData, options: .mutableLeaves) as? [String:Any]{
Here is another example based on the answer #vadian
Swift 4 - Using Codable
This was the json that I received:
"error_code": 0,
"result": {
"responseData": "{\"emeter\":{\"get_realtime\":{\"voltage_mv\":237846,\"current_ma\":81,\"power_mw\":7428,\"total_wh\":1920,\"err_code\":0}}}"
The JSON part with backslashes is equal to this:
"emeter": {
"get_realtime": {
"voltage_mv": 237846,
"current_ma": 81,
"power_mw": 7428,
And this was the code that I used:
import Foundation
class RealtimeEnergy: Codable {
let errorCode: Int
let result: ResultRealtimeEnergy?
let msg: String?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case errorCode = "error_code"
case result, msg
init(errorCode: Int, result: ResultRealtimeEnergy?, msg: String?) {
self.errorCode = errorCode
self.result = result
self.msg = msg
class ResultRealtimeEnergy: Codable {
let responseData: String
var emeter: Emeter
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case responseData
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
responseData = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .responseData)
let dataString = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .responseData)
emeter = try JSONDecoder().decode(Emeter.self, from: Data(dataString.utf8))
class Emeter: Codable {
let emeter: EmeterClass
init(emeter: EmeterClass) {
self.emeter = emeter
class EmeterClass: Codable {
let getRealtime: GetRealtime
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case getRealtime = "get_realtime"
init(getRealtime: GetRealtime) {
self.getRealtime = getRealtime
class GetRealtime: Codable {
let voltageMv, currentMa, powerMw, totalWh: Int
let errCode: Int
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case voltageMv = "voltage_mv"
case currentMa = "current_ma"
case powerMw = "power_mw"
case totalWh = "total_wh"
case errCode = "err_code"
init(voltageMv: Int, currentMa: Int, powerMw: Int, totalWh: Int, errCode: Int) {
self.voltageMv = voltageMv
self.currentMa = currentMa
self.powerMw = powerMw
self.totalWh = totalWh
self.errCode = errCode

Convert Json string to Json object in Swift 4

I try to convert JSON string to a JSON object but after JSONSerialization the output is nil in JSON.
Response String:
[{\"form_id\":3465,\"canonical_name\":\"df_SAWERQ\",\"form_name\":\"Activity 4 with Images\",\"form_desc\":null}]
I try to convert this string with my code below:
let jsonString = response.result.value
let data: Data? = jsonString?.data(using: .utf8)
let json = (try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [])) as? [String:AnyObject]
print(json ?? "Empty Data")
The problem is that you thought your jsonString is a dictionary. It's not.
It's an array of dictionaries.
In raw json strings, arrays begin with [ and dictionaries begin with {.
I used your json string with below code :
let string = "[{\"form_id\":3465,\"canonical_name\":\"df_SAWERQ\",\"form_name\":\"Activity 4 with Images\",\"form_desc\":null}]"
let data = .utf8)!
do {
if let jsonArray = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options : .allowFragments) as? [Dictionary<String,Any>]
print(jsonArray) // use the json here
} else {
print("bad json")
} catch let error as NSError {
and I am getting the output :
[["form_desc": <null>, "form_name": Activity 4 with Images, "canonical_name": df_SAWERQ, "form_id": 3465]]
Using JSONSerialization always felt unSwifty and unwieldy, but it is even more so with the arrival of Codable in Swift 4. If you wield a [String:Any] in front of a simple struct it will ... hurt. Check out this in a Playground:
import Cocoa
let data = "[{\"form_id\":3465,\"canonical_name\":\"df_SAWERQ\",\"form_name\":\"Activity 4 with Images\",\"form_desc\":null}]".data(using: .utf8)!
struct Form: Codable {
let id: Int
let name: String
let description: String?
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id = "form_id"
case name = "form_name"
case description = "form_desc"
do {
let f = try JSONDecoder().decode([Form].self, from: data)
} catch {
With minimal effort handling this will feel a whole lot more comfortable. And you are given a lot more information if your JSON does not parse properly.
I tried the solutions here, and as? [String:AnyObject] worked for me:
if let json = String.Encoding.utf8){
if let jsonData = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: json, options: .allowFragments) as? [String:AnyObject]{
let id = jsonData["id"] as! String
}catch {
I used below code and it's working fine for me. :
let jsonText = "{\"userName\":\"Bhavsang\"}"
var dictonary:NSDictionary?
if let data = jsonText.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
do {
dictonary = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: [.allowFragments]) as? [String:AnyObject]
if let myDictionary = dictonary
print(" User name is: \(myDictionary["userName"]!)")
} catch let error as NSError {
static func getJSONStringFromObject(object: Any?) -> String? {
do {
let jsonData = try object ?? DUMMY_STRING, options: [])
return String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8) ?? DUMMY_STRING
} catch {

Invalid conversion from throwing function of type '(_, _, _) throws -> ()' to non-throwing function type '(URLResponse?, Data?, Error?) -> Void

I'm attempting to follow a tutorial from Ray Wenderlich's website to learn to use Instruments. The sample code is written is Swift 2 I believe so before I'm allowed to run it, I have to migrate the code to the latest Swift version. I've gotten half-way through the conversion errors but I'm stumped on the following area of code:
class Flickr {
let processingQueue = OperationQueue()
func searchFlickrForTerm(_ searchTerm: String, completion : #escaping (_ results: FlickrSearchResults?, _ error : NSError?) -> Void){
let searchURL = flickrSearchURLForSearchTerm(searchTerm)
let searchRequest = URLRequest(url: searchURL)
NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(searchRequest, queue: processingQueue) {response, data, error in
if error != nil {
completion(nil,error as! NSError)
var JSONError : NSError?
let resultsDictionary = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: []) as? NSDictionary
if JSONError != nil {
completion(nil, JSONError)
switch (resultsDictionary!["stat"] as! String) {
case "ok":
print("Results processed OK")
case "fail":
let APIError = NSError(domain: "FlickrSearch", code: 0, userInfo: [NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey:resultsDictionary!["message"]!])
completion(results: nil, error: APIError)
let APIError = NSError(domain: "FlickrSearch", code: 0, userInfo: [NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey:"Unknown API response"])
completion(nil, APIError)
let photosContainer = resultsDictionary!["photos"] as! NSDictionary
let photosReceived = photosContainer["photo"] as! [NSDictionary]
let flickrPhotos : [FlickrPhoto] = {
photoDictionary in
let photoID = photoDictionary["id"] as? String ?? ""
let title = photoDictionary["title"] as? String ?? ""
let farm = photoDictionary["farm"] as? Int ?? 0
let server = photoDictionary["server"] as? String ?? ""
let secret = photoDictionary["secret"] as? String ?? ""
let flickrPhoto = FlickrPhoto(photoID: photoID, title: title, farm: farm, server: server, secret: secret)
return flickrPhoto
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
completion(FlickrSearchResults(searchTerm: searchTerm, searchResults: flickrPhotos), nil)
fileprivate func flickrSearchURLForSearchTerm(_ searchTerm:String) -> URL {
let escapedTerm = searchTerm.addingPercentEscapes(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
let URLString = "\(apiKey)&text=\(escapedTerm)&per_page=30&format=json&nojsoncallback=1"
return URL(string: URLString)!
I get the error on the following line of code:
NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(searchRequest, queue: processingQueue) {response, data, error in
if error != nil {
completion(nil,error as! NSError)
I'm a little confused on how this should be amended using do, try, catch so any help would be appreciated just so I can get the app running to play around with Instruments.
Here is a link to the tutorial:
replace your Flickr class with this.
class Flickr {
let processingQueue = OperationQueue()
func searchFlickrForTerm(_ searchTerm: String, completion : #escaping (_ results: FlickrSearchResults?, _ error : NSError?) -> Void){
let searchURL = flickrSearchURLForSearchTerm(searchTerm)
let searchRequest = URLRequest(url: searchURL)
NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(searchRequest, queue: processingQueue) {response, data, error in
guard let data = data, error == nil else {
completion(nil, error as NSError?)
guard let jsonObject = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data,
options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions(rawValue: 0)),
let resultsDictionary = jsonObject as? Dictionary<String, Any>
switch (resultsDictionary["stat"] as! String) {
case "ok":
print("Results processed OK")
case "fail":
let APIError = NSError(domain: "FlickrSearch", code: 0, userInfo: [NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey:resultsDictionary["message"]!])
completion(nil, APIError)
let APIError = NSError(domain: "FlickrSearch", code: 0, userInfo: [NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey:"Unknown API response"])
completion(nil, APIError)
let photosContainer = resultsDictionary["photos"] as! NSDictionary
let photosReceived = photosContainer["photo"] as! [NSDictionary]
let flickrPhotos : [FlickrPhoto] = {
photoDictionary in
let photoID = photoDictionary["id"] as? String ?? ""
let title = photoDictionary["title"] as? String ?? ""
let farm = photoDictionary["farm"] as? Int ?? 0
let server = photoDictionary["server"] as? String ?? ""
let secret = photoDictionary["secret"] as? String ?? ""
let flickrPhoto = FlickrPhoto(photoID: photoID, title: title, farm: farm, server: server, secret: secret)
return flickrPhoto
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
completion(FlickrSearchResults(searchTerm: searchTerm, searchResults: flickrPhotos), nil)
fileprivate func flickrSearchURLForSearchTerm(_ searchTerm:String) -> URL {
let escapedTerm = searchTerm.addingPercentEscapes(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!
let URLString = "\(apiKey)&text=\(escapedTerm)&per_page=30&format=json&nojsoncallback=1"
return URL(string: URLString)!
Sorry spacing is all messed up but the issue is you're not doing error handling correctly. When you do JSONSerialization it can throw so you have to wrap it in a do catch block or you can use ! to ignore the throw and crash if it throws an error or ? to return nil if it fails.

Getting an AppDelegate Error while json parsing using Alamofire

From the below code it doesn't show any error but it gets run time appDelegate error and its reason is Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException'. Please, tell what I want to do to get rid of this...
var urlstring: String!
urlstring = "\(signInAPIUrl)rooms/room_type"
urlstring = urlstring.replacingOccurrences(of: "Optional(", with: "")
urlstring = urlstring.replacingOccurrences(of: ")", with: "")
urlstring = urlstring.addingPercentEncoding( withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)!
self.callSiginGBAPI(url: "\(urlstring!)")
func callSiginGBAPI(url : String){
print("url: \(url)")
Alamofire.request(url).responseJSON { (response) in
func parseDataGB(JSONData : Data){
let readableJSon = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: JSONData, options: .mutableContainers) as! jsonSTD
print(" !!! \(readableJSon[0])")
let value = readableJSon[0] as AnyObject
if let final = value.object(forKey: "id")
let first_name:String = value.object(forKey: "id") as! String
let last_name:String = value.object(forKey: "type") as! String
let list_type:String = value.object(forKey: "list_type") as! String
} else{
Use the following extension to convert data to JSON object:
extension Data {
func JSONObject() -> AnyObject? {
do {
let content = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: self as Data, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.allowFragments)
return content as AnyObject?
} catch _ as NSError {
return nil
var string: String {
return String(data: self as Data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) ?? "Error: Not able to get string from the data."
in response
let info =

Json adds backslash Swift [duplicate]

I want to make one function in my swift project that converts String to Dictionary json format but I got one error:
Cannot convert expression's type (#lvalue NSData,options:IntegerLitralConvertible ...
This is my code:
func convertStringToDictionary (text:String) -> Dictionary<String,String> {
var data :NSData = text.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
var json :Dictionary = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options:0, error: nil)
return json
I make this function in Objective-C :
- (NSDictionary*)convertStringToDictionary:(NSString*)string {
NSError* error;
//giving error as it takes dic, array,etc only. not custom object.
NSData *data = [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
id json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:0 error:&error];
return json;
Warning: this is a convenience method to convert a JSON string to a dictionary if, for some reason, you have to work from a JSON string. But if you have the JSON data available, you should instead work with the data, without using a string at all.
Swift 3
func convertToDictionary(text: String) -> [String: Any]? {
if let data = .utf8) {
do {
return try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any]
} catch {
return nil
let str = "{\"name\":\"James\"}"
let dict = convertToDictionary(text: str)
Swift 2
func convertStringToDictionary(text: String) -> [String:AnyObject]? {
if let data = text.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
do {
return try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: []) as? [String:AnyObject]
} catch let error as NSError {
return nil
let str = "{\"name\":\"James\"}"
let result = convertStringToDictionary(str)
Original Swift 1 answer:
func convertStringToDictionary(text: String) -> [String:String]? {
if let data = text.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
var error: NSError?
let json = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.allZeros, error: &error) as? [String:String]
if error != nil {
return json
return nil
let str = "{\"name\":\"James\"}"
let result = convertStringToDictionary(str) // ["name": "James"]
if let name = result?["name"] { // The `?` is here because our `convertStringToDictionary` function returns an Optional
println(name) // "James"
In your version, you didn't pass the proper parameters to NSJSONSerialization and forgot to cast the result. Also, it's better to check for the possible error. Last note: this works only if your value is a String. If it could be another type, it would be better to declare the dictionary conversion like this:
let json = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.allZeros, error: &error) as? [String:AnyObject]
and of course you would also need to change the return type of the function:
func convertStringToDictionary(text: String) -> [String:AnyObject]? { ... }
I've updated Eric D's answer for Swift 5:
func convertStringToDictionary(text: String) -> [String:AnyObject]? {
if let data = .utf8) {
do {
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableContainers) as? [String:AnyObject]
return json
} catch {
print("Something went wrong")
return nil
Swift 3:
if let data = String.Encoding.utf8) {
do {
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableContainers) as? [String:Any]
} catch {
print("Something went wrong")
With Swift 3, JSONSerialization has a method called json​Object(with:​options:​). json​Object(with:​options:​) has the following declaration:
class func jsonObject(with data: Data, options opt: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = []) throws -> Any
Returns a Foundation object from given JSON data.
When you use json​Object(with:​options:​), you have to deal with error handling (try, try? or try!) and type casting (from Any). Therefore, you can solve your problem with one of the following patterns.
#1. Using a method that throws and returns a non-optional type
import Foundation
func convertToDictionary(from text: String) throws -> [String: String] {
guard let data = .utf8) else { return [:] }
let anyResult: Any = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [])
return anyResult as? [String: String] ?? [:]
let string1 = "{\"City\":\"Paris\"}"
do {
let dictionary = try convertToDictionary(from: string1)
print(dictionary) // prints: ["City": "Paris"]
} catch {
let string2 = "{\"Quantity\":100}"
do {
let dictionary = try convertToDictionary(from: string2)
print(dictionary) // prints [:]
} catch {
let string3 = "{\"Object\"}"
do {
let dictionary = try convertToDictionary(from: string3)
} catch {
print(error) // prints: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "No value for key in object around character 9." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=No value for key in object around character 9.}
#2. Using a method that throws and returns an optional type
import Foundation
func convertToDictionary(from text: String) throws -> [String: String]? {
guard let data = .utf8) else { return [:] }
let anyResult: Any = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [])
return anyResult as? [String: String]
let string1 = "{\"City\":\"Paris\"}"
do {
let dictionary = try convertToDictionary(from: string1)
print(String(describing: dictionary)) // prints: Optional(["City": "Paris"])
} catch {
let string2 = "{\"Quantity\":100}"
do {
let dictionary = try convertToDictionary(from: string2)
print(String(describing: dictionary)) // prints nil
} catch {
let string3 = "{\"Object\"}"
do {
let dictionary = try convertToDictionary(from: string3)
print(String(describing: dictionary))
} catch {
print(error) // prints: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "No value for key in object around character 9." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=No value for key in object around character 9.}
#3. Using a method that does not throw and returns a non-optional type
import Foundation
func convertToDictionary(from text: String) -> [String: String] {
guard let data = .utf8) else { return [:] }
let anyResult: Any? = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [])
return anyResult as? [String: String] ?? [:]
let string1 = "{\"City\":\"Paris\"}"
let dictionary1 = convertToDictionary(from: string1)
print(dictionary1) // prints: ["City": "Paris"]
let string2 = "{\"Quantity\":100}"
let dictionary2 = convertToDictionary(from: string2)
print(dictionary2) // prints: [:]
let string3 = "{\"Object\"}"
let dictionary3 = convertToDictionary(from: string3)
print(dictionary3) // prints: [:]
#4. Using a method that does not throw and returns an optional type
import Foundation
func convertToDictionary(from text: String) -> [String: String]? {
guard let data = .utf8) else { return nil }
let anyResult = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: [])
return anyResult as? [String: String]
let string1 = "{\"City\":\"Paris\"}"
let dictionary1 = convertToDictionary(from: string1)
print(String(describing: dictionary1)) // prints: Optional(["City": "Paris"])
let string2 = "{\"Quantity\":100}"
let dictionary2 = convertToDictionary(from: string2)
print(String(describing: dictionary2)) // prints: nil
let string3 = "{\"Object\"}"
let dictionary3 = convertToDictionary(from: string3)
print(String(describing: dictionary3)) // prints: nil
Swift 5
extension String {
func convertToDictionary() -> [String: Any]? {
if let data = data(using: .utf8) {
return try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any]
return nil
Swift 4
extension String {
func convertToDictionary() -> [String: Any]? {
if let data = .utf8) {
do {
return try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any]
} catch {
return nil
Xcode Version 10.3 (10G8), Swift 5
import Foundation
// MARK: - CastingError
struct CastingError: Error {
let fromType: Any.Type
let toType: Any.Type
init<FromType, ToType>(fromType: FromType.Type, toType: ToType.Type) {
self.fromType = fromType
self.toType = toType
extension CastingError: LocalizedError {
var localizedDescription: String { return "Can not cast from \(fromType) to \(toType)" }
extension CastingError: CustomStringConvertible { var description: String { return localizedDescription } }
// MARK: - Data cast extensions
extension Data {
func toDictionary(options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = []) throws -> [String: Any] {
return try to(type: [String: Any].self, options: options)
func to<T>(type: T.Type, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = []) throws -> T {
guard let result = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: self, options: options) as? T else {
throw CastingError(fromType: type, toType: T.self)
return result
// MARK: - String cast extensions
extension String {
func asJSON<T>(to type: T.Type, using encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) throws -> T {
guard let data = data(using: encoding) else { throw CastingError(fromType: type, toType: T.self) }
return try T.self)
func asJSONToDictionary(using encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) throws -> [String: Any] {
return try asJSON(to: [String: Any].self, using: encoding)
// MARK: - Dictionary cast extensions
extension Dictionary {
func toData(options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions = []) throws -> Data {
return try self, options: options)
let value1 = try? data.toDictionary()
let value2 = try? [String: Any].self)
let value3 = try? [String: String].self)
let value4 = try? string.asJSONToDictionary()
let value5 = try? string.asJSON(to: [String: String].self)
Test sample
Do not forget to paste the solution code here
func testDescriber(text: String, value: Any) {
print("-- \(text)\n\n type: \(type(of: value))\n value: \(value)")
let json1: [String: Any] = ["key1" : 1, "key2": true, "key3" : ["a": 1, "b": 2], "key4": [1,2,3]]
var jsonData = try? json1.toData()
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func toDictionary()", value: json1)
if let data = jsonData {
print(" Result: \(String(describing: try? data.toDictionary()))")
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: Any]", value: json1)
if let data = jsonData {
print(" Result: \(String(describing: try? [String: Any].self)))")
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String] with cast error", value: json1)
if let data = jsonData {
do {
print(" Result: \(String(describing: try [String].self)))")
} catch {
print(" ERROR: \(error)")
let array = [1,4,5,6]
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [Int]", value: array)
if let data = try? array) {
print(" Result: \(String(describing: try? [Int].self)))")
let json2 = ["key1": "a", "key2": "b"]
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String]", value: json2)
if let data = try? json2) {
print(" Result: \(String(describing: try? [String: String].self)))")
let jsonString = "{\"key1\": \"a\", \"key2\": \"b\"}"
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String]", value: jsonString)
print(" Result: \(String(describing: try? jsonString.asJSON(to: [String: String].self)))")
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String]", value: jsonString)
print(" Result: \(String(describing: try? jsonString.asJSONToDictionary()))")
let wrongJsonString = "{\"key1\": \"a\", \"key2\":}"
testDescriber(text: "Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String] with JSONSerialization error", value: jsonString)
do {
let json = try wrongJsonString.asJSON(to: [String: String].self)
print(" Result: \(String(describing: json))")
} catch {
print(" ERROR: \(error)")
Test log
-- Sample test of func toDictionary()
type: Dictionary<String, Any>
value: ["key4": [1, 2, 3], "key2": true, "key3": ["a": 1, "b": 2], "key1": 1]
Result: Optional(["key4": <__NSArrayI 0x600002a35380>(
, "key2": 1, "key3": {
a = 1;
b = 2;
}, "key1": 1])
-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: Any]
type: Dictionary<String, Any>
value: ["key4": [1, 2, 3], "key2": true, "key3": ["a": 1, "b": 2], "key1": 1]
Result: Optional(["key4": <__NSArrayI 0x600002a254d0>(
, "key2": 1, "key1": 1, "key3": {
a = 1;
b = 2;
-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String] with cast error
type: Dictionary<String, Any>
value: ["key4": [1, 2, 3], "key2": true, "key3": ["a": 1, "b": 2], "key1": 1]
ERROR: Can not cast from Array<String> to Array<String>
-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [Int]
type: Array<Int>
value: [1, 4, 5, 6]
Result: Optional([1, 4, 5, 6])
-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String]
type: Dictionary<String, String>
value: ["key1": "a", "key2": "b"]
Result: Optional(["key1": "a", "key2": "b"])
-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String]
type: String
value: {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"}
Result: Optional(["key1": "a", "key2": "b"])
-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String]
type: String
value: {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"}
Result: Optional(["key1": a, "key2": b])
-- Sample test of func to<T>() -> [String: String] with JSONSerialization error
type: String
value: {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"}
ERROR: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Invalid value around character 21." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Invalid value around character 21.}
I found code which converts the json string to NSDictionary or NSArray. Just add the extension.
let jsonData = (convertedJsonString as! String).parseJSONString
extension String
var parseJSONString: AnyObject?
let data = String.Encoding.utf8, allowLossyConversion: false)
if let jsonData = data
// Will return an object or nil if JSON decoding fails
let message = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData, options:.mutableContainers)
if let jsonResult = message as? NSMutableArray {
return jsonResult //Will return the json array output
} else if let jsonResult = message as? NSMutableDictionary {
return jsonResult //Will return the json dictionary output
} else {
return nil
catch let error as NSError
print("An error occurred: \(error)")
return nil
// Lossless conversion of the string was not possible
return nil
In 2022 year, I'm using JSONDecoder.
struct GroceryProduct: Codable {
var name: String
var points: Int
var description: String?
let json = """
"name": "Durian",
"points": 600,
"description": "A fruit with a distinctive scent."
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
let product = try decoder.decode(GroceryProduct.self, from: json)
catch { //error handle }
print( // Prints "Durian"
let JSONData = .utf8)!
let jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableLeaves)
guard let userDictionary = jsonResult as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject> else {
throw NSError()}
