installing dashboard on Kubernetes - docker

Trying to install the dashboard in Kubernetes with command:
kubectl apply -f
The reply looks like this:
Failed to pull image "kubernetesui/dashboard:v2.0.0-beta4": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error pulling image configuration: Get dial tcp: lookup on read udp> i/o timeout
And a simple ping command said:
ping: unknown host
After that I watched the domain from downforeveryoneorjustme service and it told me that the server is down.
It's not just you! is down.
Googling the problem showed that I need to configure the docker proxy, but I have no proxy in my setup..
Any thoughts? Thank you in advance.

Check first Cloudflare status:
There was multiple "DNS delays" and "Cloudflare API service issues" in the past few hours, which might have an effect on your installation.


Error on etcd health check while setting up RKE cluster

i'm trying to set up a rke cluster, the connection to the nodes goes well but when it starts to check etcd health returns:
failed to check etcd health: failed to get /health for host []: Get "": remote error: tls: bad certificate
If you are trying to upgrade the RKE and facing this issue then it could be due to the missing of kube_config_<file>.yml file from the local directory when you perform rke up.
This similar kind of issue was reported and reproduced in this git link . Can you refer to the work around and reproduce it by using the steps provided in the link and let me know if this works.
Refer to this latest SO and doc for more information.

How to solve the issue of 'Unable to connect to the server: EOF' Kubernetes failed to start

I am using Docker for Desktop with version 20.10.17. Whenever I try to enable Kubernetes v1.24.2 from Docker Desktop and then click on apply and restart, it shows "Kubernetes failed to start". Moreover, when I type kubectl version in cmd, the version for client is shown but for server it displays "Unable to connect to server: EOF". I have tried a number of solutions including purging and resetting from troubleshooting option of docker desktop. I have disabled VPN, firewall but nothing is helping me. Can anyone help me overcome this problem?

OpenShift 4 error: Error reading manifest

during OpenShift installation from a local mirror registry, after I started the bootstrap machine i see the following error in the journal log:[1270]:
Error: error pulling image "":
unable to pull unable to pull image:
Error initializing source docker://
(Mirrors also failed: [my registry:5000/ocp4/openshift4#sha256:999a6a4bd731075e389ae601b373194c6cb2c7b4dadd1ad06ef607e86476b129: Error reading manifest
sha256:999a6a4bd731075e389ae601b373194c6cb2c7b4dadd1ad06ef607e86476b129 in my registry:5000/ocp4/openshift4: manifest unknown: manifest unknown]): error pinging docker registry
Get "": dial tcp i/o timeout
Does anyone have any idea what it can be?
The answer is here in the error:
... dial tcp i/o timeout
Try this on the command line:
$ podman pull
You'll need to be authenticated to actually download the content (this is what the pull secret does). However, if you can't get the "unauthenticated" error then this would more solidly point to some network configuration.
That IP resolves to a quay host (you can verify that with "curl -k"). Perhaps you have an internet filter or firewall in place that's blocking egress?
fix your network issue, if you have one
look at doing an disconnected /airgap install -- has more details on that
(If you're already doing an airgap install and it's your local mirror that's failing, then your local mirror is failing)

Kubectl logs returning tls handshake timeout

kubectl -n namespace1 logs -f podname
returns the following error.
Error from server: Get https://ipaddress:10250/containerLogs/namespace1/podname-xxkb9/podname?follow=true: net/http: TLS handshake timeout
Proxies are unset.
unset http_proxy
unset https_proxy
But Still the issue comes.
Could anyone help me with this issue please.
What I know for sure this is not a cert issue. This is API versions mismatching problem or something else related to API. There were a few discussions on stack in the past, I'll attach them in the end. Also, I experienced the same few years ago and at that time I also resolved this problem by kubeadm upgrade
First of all check real error message by running kubectl logs -v9 for maximum verbosity level.
Most probably you checked other commands like kubectl get pods, nodes, etc. None of those commands require the apiserver to contact the kubelet, only kubectl logs does.
And #Kamos asked you absolutely the right question re: exec/attach/portforward. 99% they also doesn't work for you because they also require contacting kubelet directly.
There are a lot of chances you will fix issue with Upgrading kubeadm clusters
1. Kubernetes - net/http: TLS handshake timeout when fetching logs (BareMetal)
2. Kubernetes logs command TLS handshake timeout ANSWER1!!!
3. Kubernetes logs command TLS handshake timeout ANSWER2
4. kubectl logs failed with error: net/http: TLS handshake timeout #71343
Reinstalling Kubernetes without proxy resolved this issue.

Can not run kubernetes dashboard on Master node

I installed kubernetes cluster (include one master and two nodes), and status of nodes are ready on master. When I deploy the dashboard and run it by acccessing the link http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/, I get error
'dial tcp connect: connection refused' Trying to
reach: ''
The pod state of dashboard is ready, and I tried to ping to (dashboard's ip) not succesfully
I run dashboard as the Web UI (Dashboard) guide suggests.
How can I fix this ?
There are few options here:
Most of the time if there is some kind of connection refused, timeout or similar error it is most likely a configuration problem. If you can't get the Dashboard running then you should try to deploy another application and try to access it. If you fail then it is not a Dashboard issue.
Check if you are using root/sudo.
Have you properly installed flannel or any other network for containers?
Have you checked your API logs? If not, please do so.
Check the description of the dashboard pod (kubectl describe) if there is anything suspicious.
Analogically check the description of service.
What is your cluster version? Check if any updates are required.
Please let me know if any of the above helped.
Start proxy, if it's not started
kubectl proxy --address='' --port=8001 --accept-hosts='.*'
