What are the names of the directional or navigation keys in g1ant robot? - g1ant

I want to use directional keys of the keyboard to move the cursor in notepad but I don't know the conventional names of these keys.
For example using the enter key I can write: keyboard ⋘enter⋙.


Use arrow keys to move between Storyboard elements in Xcode?

Is there a key combination that will allow you to use arrow keys to move between Storyboard objects, instead of moving the selected object?
Or a way to modify Tab key behavior to go 'top to bottom' instead of 'left to right'?
I can't find an answer despite a lot of searching.

How to Start in Numeric Side of Keypad in Objective C

I have some alphanumeric content that gets entered routinely and is mostly numbers, so I'm wondering if there's a way to start in the numeric side of the keyboard but still have the option to switch to the alphabetic keyboard in Objective-C for iPhone development specifically. I've found plenty of info on using the numeric keyboard but I'd like to start there but still be able to enter letters if that's possible.
Set the keyboardType property to UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation.
This will default the iPhone's keyboard to show numbers and punctuation but the little "ABC" key will be in the bottom left allowing the user to switch back to the letters (and then back to numbers and punctuation).
Try this:
[Objective - C]
[self.myTextField setKeyboardType: UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation];
self.myTextField.keyboardType = .NumbersAndPunctuation
// You can also set this property from the storyboard.

DELPHI : String grid header background/font color

I've created a string grid with a certain amount of columns and rows. I've also handle a right clic event on the string grid which displays a popup menu when you clic on the right button. You have some options inside this popup menu.
My question is how do i change background or police font color of a cell when i select an option from my popup menu. I know we can get the selected col using stringGrid.Col and same for the row, and i also know we ca change color on draw cell event. But i want to change the color on user action only.
For example, in my table i open up a file and i load the file content into a string grid (it's a CSV file). This file will be modified in my application from the string grid and then exported to a databse. An user can select a particular col with the right clic and then press primary key or foreign key or any other option. When he selects primary key, for example, i want to change the color of the column header so he can know which clumn is the primary key, which is the foreign key and so on. See what i mean?
PS: I am using delphi 2006 and can't change to another version.
PS: i've searched for a delphi forum on stackoverflow/exchange but didn't find the correct forum i guess
Paint the background in the desired colour in an OnDrawCell handler as you currently do.
When you need to change colours, in response to user action, force a paint cycle by calling Invalidate on the grid.
If for some reason you don't want to invalidate the entire control, calculate the rectangle that needs to be re-painted and pass it to InvalidateRect.

Rgraph show key when cliking line

I want to display a tooltip when I click a line graph, along with the usual tooltip with the value.
Is there any way to link from the canvas to the key area?!
Are you referring to the interactive key?
It's not a tooltip though - it highlights an entry on the key.
There's an example of a poly object that has been positioned to sit over the line(s) and which when clicked highlights the appropriate key entry. It wasn't simple to accomplish (lots of playing with coordinates) - but neither was it like trying to remember your wifes birthday when drunk:

DateTimePicker tab between fields

Is there anyway to allow the user to tab between the fields in the TDateTimePicker.
Having to use arrow keys or the mouse to position is very slow.
No, there is no way.
Interception of the TAB and sending a right arrow key -> instead is easy, but then you have to decide when to let (SHIFT-)TAB trough, which should be done when standing on the first or last field in order to preserve normal user experience.
Now, all the selection changes from cursor and mouse events are internally handled within the Windows DTM control, and the Windows API does not support retrieving the separate fields. All you can acquire is the entire text of this very special edit control.
In theory you could intercept and save áll keyboard and mouse input, and calculate whether the first or last field is selected, but it will be a daunting and an error-prone task, and you should not want to.
Thus no. You just have to get yourself familiarized with it.
