Merging master branch to current before building - jenkins

I need to merge my master branch code to current branch before building. We don't have access to Git Publisher. I wanted to know what my options are.
I looked into an advanced feature to "Merge before Build" but that seems to merge current branch to master?
Thanks for your help!


How do I check the contents of a file as part of a merge check or pre hook in Bitbucket?

As part of a Bitbucket pull-request, I would like to create a merge check (or maybe pre-hook) on the master branch of some of my repos to ensure that the pubspec.yaml files, which have multiple ref: develop lines to be switched back to ref: master when merging back into master. On all other branches I would like it to remain as ref: develop so the merge check or pre hook shouldn't trigger on any of those branches until it's being merged into master.
Any help on this would be appreciated.

How to update my working Git branch from another branch (develop) ? using github Desktop App

Wanna know how to update feature branch with respect to base branch (i.e. development)
I don't wanna use commands; so that's why I prefer Github Desktop
Suppose I have the following branches
Now I have finished my changes on the API-Integration branch and if someone committed changes on the development branch, then how can I update my feature branch (API-Integration) ;
We can use the below steps. Adding the link with screenshot as well for your reference.
In GitHub Desktop, click Current Branch.
Click Choose a branch to merge into BRANCH.
Click the branch you want to merge into the current branch, then click Merge BRANCH into BRANCH.
Github desktop merge branches

Gerrit checkout of *all* unreviewed commits for master

When using Gerrit Code Review - is it possible to checkout all unreviewed changes for the master branch in one go? I know it is possible to checkout a specific patch set (, but I would like to get all pending-review commits for the master branch.
Background: we currently aren't using Gerrit yet but we are going to. We have both automated and manual testing of the master branch and I would like to be able to keep on using that, before the review step, so I need to be able to checkout a branch with all pending-review commits.
AFAIK, Gerrit does not provide that feature. In fact, I am not sure if that is even possible without human interaction. If there are N independent unreviewed commits to master, there could be conflicts between them that would make it impossible to automatically build up a branch made of all N commits on top of master.

Can an old branch be remerged?

I finished working on a local branch1 and merged it to master.
Now I would like to work on another feature for my application and so I will create a second local branch2, finish to add the feature and merge to master also branch2. This can go on for as long as I need to implement my application with features and until my application is completed.
Suppose now that after all these implementations I would like to make some improvement or change on the topic that was the job of branch1, say the static pages about, help and contact. Is it possible to checkout to and reuse branch1 for these changes or that branch cannot be used anymore and should rather be deleated?
After a while there might be a considerable pileup of old topic branches that I initially may have wanted to keep for these purposes. However these old branches are all outdated, no more a complete reproduction of the master branch as they were when created: is this a prerequisite in order to merge with success?
The branching/merging strategy is yours to decide but you seem to describe a feature-based workflow.
In that case, after you have merged your feature branch branch1 to master, the content/history of this feature is contained in the master branch thanks to the merge. branch1 becomes useless and even obsolete with time so you can safely remove it so that old feature branches don't accumulate in your repository.
If you then look at the improvements you want to add to the functionality introduced by branch1, you can see those improvements as a new feature and therefore create a new feature branch from master to perform those improvements.
How you should organize your workflow is rather subjective and the best strategy often depends on how the project is organized in terms on contributors and how you deploy your changes.
You can use these old branches, but ... you should merge new changes from master before (So you can avoid big merging problems in future). When you need to reincarnate old branch do:
git checkout very-old-branch
git pull ./ master
# do some changes into very-old-branch
git add .
git commit -m 'changes in the very old branch'
# need to merge very old branch with new changes into master again
git checkout master
git pull ./ very-old-branch
git push origin master
But it would be better not to be necromancer and to just create new branch and make changes in it:)
You should take a look on gitflow.
Its a very known workflow for doing such kind of development as you are asking
The full workflow will look like this. In your case you refer to the feature branches (purple ones).
The relevant article is here:
As you can see you keep working on new features all the time and once you done with them you simply merge them back to dev (in your case can be master)

TFS Branch Merge on different branches

I've the following structure on TFS:
- $Dev Branch 1
- $Integration Branch 2
I would like to merge the changes on Dev Branch 1 to Integration Branch 2 so that build guys can kickoff Hudson build of this Integration Branch.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Team, and when I try to merch Dev Branch1 I can only see Base on Target Branch drop down.
Could anyone please advise how and if it's possible to merge between Dev and Integration branches above.
There are a couple of ways to do this but neither are that great. For the first method you will need to install the TFS 2010 power tools
Use a shelve set. Start the merge from dev to base, resolve any conflicts. Do not check in the merge, instead shelve the changes. Then from the command line use tfpt unshelve "my shelve set" /migrate /source:$/teamProject/dev /target:$/teamProject/integration. This will migrate the shelved changes to the integration branch without having to commit the changes to the base branch.
Perform a baseless merge between dev and integration. You can do this by using the command tf merge $/teamProject/dev $/teamProject/integration /baseless /recursive once the baseless merge has established a branching relationship then you can do further merges through the UI. Be warned though that a baseless merge won't know about any files or folders that have been renamed or moved so you will need to make sure you take this in to account.
Personally I'd go for option 1 if it's a one time thing. If it's going to be something you think you'll need to do regularly then I'd do the baseless merge when all 3 branches are in sync I.e. just after you've merged from dev to base to integration. This should minimise any issues with the baseless merge.
You might also want to take a look at your branching strategy so that you don't need to perform complex merging operations very often. If you use an integration branch then it should have a direct relationship with any branches you need to integrate. Check out the ALM rangers branching guidance.
You can only merge to where the branch was created from. You would have to merge from Dev to Base and then again from Base to Integration.
If you want to merge from Dev to Integration directly then your Integration branch should be created as a branch from Dev not Base.
