Enable Document to PDF converter when using Nextcloud docker image - docker

I can't get Document to PDF Converter app to work on a Nextcloud installation using docker and docker-compose
I'm setting up Nextcloud at home using docker images. So far I've managed to run Nextcloud successfully following this tutorial: https://blog.ssdnodes.com/blog/installing-nextcloud-docker/
What I'm trying now, is to enable the Document to PDF Converter app:
I installed and enabled it using Nextcloud web interface
I set up rules to match all libreoffice MIME types (the same rules I used to add tags against the libreoffice files, and tags are working, so I assume the rules are good)
I (manually) installed libreoffice inside the docker container of Nextcloud
I added:
'preview_office_cl_parameters' =>
' --headless --nologo --nofirststartwizard --invisible --norestore '.
'--convert-to png --outdir ',
'preview_libreoffice_path' => '/usr/bin/libreoffice',
to config.php
I restarted all the containers
But I see no pdf created when I create/update a libreoffice document.
To test it, I created an odt document on my pc and let the nextcloud desktop client sync it with the server. The file is uploaded (and updated if I modify it) but no pdf has been created.
Is there anyone who configured pdf conversion in this scenario, or can you help me to find some clue?


How to store nextcloud docker files inside my hdd rather than in a image of docker

I am actually relatively new to docker and wanted to build a home server for files, I use windows 10, and Docker Desktop for deploying containers.
whenever I store my files on nextcloud I do not see them on my HDD. Rather they are in an image(as far as I know), so I wanted a solution to make all the files appear on my hard drive rather than an image because then I can also use my computer as a rendering server, to render videos and games.

How to create own App Templates within docker Portainer container?

I'm pretty new to docker containers and played around a little bit.
During this, I played with portainer too and was wondering, how to create own App Templates without uploading files to GitHub.
Is there any Container Software?
Searching for a container local store where I can "upload" my docker-compose files to.
So I only need to change the Repository Link at Template creation in portainer.

Creating Partition Drive E in a target windows Server using Docker

Is it possible to create a new partition with a drive E: in a docker Windows container?
I tried option symbolic link in the registry and volume E in a dockerfile,it generates a drive in a container.But when i run this container in my localhost it doesnot create any E partition drive.
I also tried new partition powershell command to create new drive in the target windows host using dockerfile, but it shows like "msft doesnot have disknumber drive" in building the image itelf.
So what i need is, i dont have any drive other than c in my target windows host,so using dockerfile i need to create a drive by downloading my drive creation image as a base image.
Can anyone suggest me.
Thanks in advance
But i think Volume command in docker will create a disk drive in target windows like the below link Create D drive in a docker container.
Correct me if any wrong.

Docker-compose volumes not mounted correctly in VirtualBox under Windows

I am trying to run Hyperledger's BYFN Tutorial on a Win10 Home using Docker Toolbox, with VirtualBox 5.2.4. I am using the default image for the VirtualBox VM.
I have set up a shared folder (not in C:/Users, but on my other drive) and it seems to be functioning correctly - changes I make from either Windows, or the docker-machine are reflected in both places as intended. I successfully generate the network artifacts using "./byfn -m generate", but I get an error when trying to "./byfn up" it.
What happens is that, as far as I can see from the logs, all the containers get brought up correctly, but for some reason the volumes of the cli container are not attached correctly (I think). When byfn.sh finishes I get the following error:
When I ssh into the cli container, I can see the channel-artifacts, crypto and scripts folders, but their contents don't seem to correlate with the volumes: part of the docker-compose file. First, the scripts folder is empty (whereas in the docker-compose file it's specified that it should mount a bunch of files), so I get the above error. Second, the channel-artifacts containes only 1 directory named genesis.block, which should actually be a file. And in the crypto folder there are just a bunch of directories.
As you might have guessed, I'm pretty new at docker, so this might be intended behavior, but I'm still getting an error.
Please let me know if I can provide additional information. Thanks in advance.

Accessing Liberty log files from the Bluemix Liberty docker image running locally

My goal is to develop an application that will run on WebSphere Liberty hosted in Docker and eventually running on Bluemix. During development, I have installed Docker on my local Linux PC and then downloaded from IBM the base docker image containing a configured Liberty. This image is called:
I now start this image in Docker locally in my PC and attach a shell so that I can see what is going on. I find that there is a Liberty server located at
Now here comes the puzzle.
In Liberty servers I am used to working upon, the messages produced by a server are written into a "logs/messages.log" file relative to the server. This would mean that I would have expected to find the Liberty message files here:
However, when I start my server, there is nothing there.
How can I access the logs of my Liberty server obtained from the Bluemix base image (registry.ng.bluemix.net/ibmliberty) running under Docker natively on my Linux environment on my local PC?
If we examine this IBM Liberty/Bluemix documentation page:
We will find a section that reads:
Note: All ibmliberty images are configured to write Liberty log files to the directory /logs inside the container. All other files that are written by the Liberty server, are created in the directory /opt/ibm/wlp/output/defaultServer. You can access these files by using the shortcut /output.
And this is the key. The Liberty server log files can be found in /logs (that is the directory called logs south of the root of the file system).
