How to print info messages in dart:test? - dart

When writing tests with dart:test how to print info messages such that they appear interleaved with tests output?
If I use print then it prints in the end, after all tests output.
Looking for analog of info() in ScalaTest.

After clarification with guys from the dart:test dev team it looks like regular print can be used. You just need to pass the --reporter=expanded argument when running
pub run test test/shimlaw_tests_test.dart --reporter=expanded
By default a compact single-line reporter is used which places output of print in the end of the test runner output. While the expanded reporter prints appropriately.


Getting `spss.Submit` to log commands into the `output` window?

When I execute spss syntax commands from a .sps script, each command is written to the output window before it executes giving me a clear log of exactly how an output was created.
Even if the command is an INSERT command executing a different script - I get a log of the commands from that script.
This is very useful for many reasons:
sanity checking - I can always see exactly what went in to creating a specific output (which filters I used, etc.)
recreation - I (or someone else with this output) can easily re-run the same commands because they're right there.
debugging - if there's an error, I can see which commands caused it
However, when I run commands using spss.Submit inside a python block (in a BEGIN PROGRAM-END PROGRAM block), the actual commands called aren't logged into the output window.
I know I can find a full log in a log file - but that's not helpful.
Is there a way to tell spss to continue to log all the commands in the output window?
You can use set mprint on. before the begin program statement to have the syntax that is run via spss.Submit()show up in the output window. I like simpy putting it on the very top of my syntax file as a "set it and forget it".
For example like so:
set mprint on.
begin program python3.
import spss
vars = list(range(1,11))
for var in vars:
spss.Submit(f'compute v{var} = 0. ')
end program.

Running `.dart` files does not show logging messages

I just cannot figure out how to show logging messages when running dart files from terminal.
Example example.dart:
import 'dart:developer';
void main() {
Expected output:
Actual output:
I tried calling dart example.dart, dart run --all example.dart, dart run --verbosity=all example.dart, and different values instead of all (info, ...).
But non of these produced any helpful error messages let alone the out print I expect.
APIs from dart:developer (such as log) are intended to interact with debugging tools:
Interact with developer tools such as the debugger and inspector.
It's not explicit from the documentation for log, but I'd expect it to send a log message only to an attached debugger, not to the console.
If you want logging output that is independent of a debugger, use package:logging and add a listener that calls print, as shown by the example.

Write to the system's standard error in Progress

I am writing a small program in Progress that needs to write an error message to the system's standard error. What ways, simple if at all possible, can I use to print to standard error?
I am using OpenEdge 11.3.
When on Windows (10.2B+) you can use .NET:
System.Console:Error:WriteLine ("This is an error message") .
together with
prowin32 2> stderr.out
Progress doesn't provide a way to write to stderr - the easiest way I can think of is to output-through an external program that takes stdin and echoes it to stderr.
You could look into LOG-MANAGER:WRITE-MESSAGE. It won't log to standard output or standard error, but to a client-specific log. This log should be monitored in any case (specifically if the client is an application server).
From the documentation:
For an interactive or batch client, the WRITE-MESSAGE( ) method writes the log entries to the log file specified by the LOGFILE-NAME attribute or the Client Logging (-clientlog) startup parameter. For WebSpeed agents and AppServer servers, the WRITE-MESSAGE() method writes the log entries to the server log file. For DataServers, the WRITE-MESSAGE() method writes the log entries to the log file specified by the DataServer Logging (-dslog) startup parameter.
Will write this in the log:
[04/12/05#13:19:19.742-0500] P-003616 T-001984 1 4GL DEBUG1 Got here, x=5
There are quite a lot of options regarding the LOG-MANAGER system, what messages to display, where the file is placed, etc.
There is no easy way, but in Unixen you can always do something like this using OUTPUT THROUGH (untested):
output through "cat >&2" no-echo unbuffered.
Alternatively -- and this is tested -- if you just want error messages from a batch-mode program to go to standard out then
output through "tee" ...
...definitely works.

Exit with error code from SPSS syntax

I am using a batch file which calls an SPSS production job which runs many syntax files.
In the syntax files I want to able to check some variables, and if certain conditions are not met then I want to stop the production job, exit SPSS and return an error code to the batch file.
The batch file needs to stop running the next commands based on the error code returned. I know how to do this in the batch file already.
The most basic solution could be if the error code is not 0 then stop, and the error text will be output to a separate text file from within the syntax. A bonus would be a different error code which I could then match to where in the syntax that code is thrown.
What is the best way to achieve this in the SPSS syntax and or production file?
One way to do this would be to execute Statistics as an external mode Python job. Then you could interrogate any results, catch exceptions, and set exit codes and messages however, you like. Here is an example:
Python jobs
import sys
import spss
spss.Submit("""INSERT FILE="c:/temp/syntax1.sps".""")
print "syntax1.spss failed"
spss.Submit("""INSERT FILE="c:/temp/syntax2.sps".""")
print "syntax1.spss failed"
Then the bat file would do
python c:/myjobs/
or similar. The job would need to save the output in appropriate format using OMS or shell redirection. (The blocks after try and except should be indented.)
In external mode, you could use code like this or you could interrogate items in the Viewer.
import spss, spssdata
curs = spssdata.Spssdata("variable2")
for case in curs:
if case[0] == 6:

fsi (FSharp interactive) quiet mode

How can I limit the output to the F# Interactive console to my own output?
In my current setup the fsi writes lots of information (on types and content of the data structures) as it runs through the script.
I have tried the quiet mode without success.
You can set ShowDeclarationValues, ShowProperties, and ShowIEnumerable to false.
You may still see types, but not content (which is generally the bulk of the output).
fsi.ShowDeclarationValues <- false
fsi.ShowProperties <- false
fsi.ShowIEnumerable <- false
Another unconventional method might be the following:
fire your FSI with --quiet option
instead of printf use eprintf for your own output, the effect would be exactly what you asked for
in the script
eprintfn "Testing: %n" 123
in FSI window
Testing: 123
Any other, but real error messages output simply will not appear in the FSI window, including all evaluation results; at the same time all conveniences of printf are still available to you, including familiar formatting.
UPDATE: I posted a further enhancement allowing use of unchanged output code for both normal and "quiet" modes of FSI output.
