how to add multiple dialogs in angular7 such that it return to its previous dialog and also reflecting data changes in the parent component - angular7

When a click on cancel (using confirm()) its not going back to previous dialog but to the parent component.
Tried creating a html, instead of confirm() , but still it not working as it is going to parent component instead of previous dialog.


Parent components show over child form

I've been following the below page in order to have a child Form that I can click on its components (such as an edit) and have proper focus:
Working with MDI Forms in Delphi
The problem now is that the components on the parent Form show on top of the child Form. If I use the SendToBack() command for those components, they completely disappear. Here is a screenshot of what happens:
I have a Form with buttons and a ListView that displays client info. When I click on a client, I can click a button to view or edit that client, alternatively add a new one. The Edit/Add pops up a Form where I can input the info and save it. I'm using an OnClick event for each Edit that has a SetFocus(). That gets focus on each Edit, but then all the text is selected, so I cannot click on the line and start editing text - it just overrides unless I use an arrow first.
Initially, I used regular Forms and that's where I had the focus issue. MDI fixed that, but now it's the parent components that show on top of the child.
Concerning MDI forms: that is how MDI works. The main form is not supposed to have anything else than a menu bar and optionally a toolbar, aligned alTop. The child forms use the rest of the space. Well as #RemyLebeau suggested, you can add other controls too, if you align them.
But it turned out that the actual problem with using ordinary secondary forms was that the text in an edit control on the secondary form becomes selected when you set focus to the edit control in a button click. That is easy to change, right after you set the focus to an edit control:
Edit2.SelLength := 0; // nothing selected, cursor at beginning
Edit3.SelStart := Length(Edit3.Text); // nothing selected, cursor at end of text

Angular/Bootstrap ui modal dialog with a form issue

I have an Angular JS app with a bootstrap ui modal dialogue hosting a simple edit form.
The form can be for a new "thing" or a populated "thing".
I find that when I cancel out of the modal with the form populated, submit is being called.
Any help appreciated.
Plunkr here...
I forked your plunk and got it working here: I think the cancel button was participating in the form submit event since it was inside the form element. Moving it outside of the form seems to have fixed the problem. I also set up the submit event to fire the modalInstance close event and the cancel event to fire the modalInstance dismiss event. This gives you the opportunity to handle things appropriately in the parent controller (ModalDemoCtrl).
You could also stop the click event from propagating in the cancel event and still use the save as an input element inside the form tag. See this plunk for example:
I was having a similar problem. My problem was that when I clicked in the button to open the modal, my form was submited. I was using a "button" html tag, without specifying the "type" attribute. So, I found your problem and I went to the W3C documentation. I found that:
Tip: Always specify the type attribute for a button element. Different browsers use different default types for the button element. (
I wasn't defining the type of my button, so the default type of my browser was submit. I defined the type to "button" and everything is ok now.

Modal Form in Delphi 7

In Delphi 7, I have a model dialog and i would like to display inside the main form. Right now Its displaying outside the main window.
Im new to Delphi and I was unable to find the answer.
I want to embed the modal form inside the main form.
When I coded Parent := Application.MainForm, the application runs and the form is loaded after that the application become struck in such a way that I cant do any anything.
Set Position property of the modal form to poMainFormCenter. Or specify Left and Top of the modal form to place it where you want to. A user still will be able to move the modal form.
AFAIK a control cannot be enabled if it is a child of a disabled window. So Parent := Application.MainForm will not do the trick: ShowModal explicitly disables all top-level windows before showing the modal form.
you could also use "frames" for this.

Handle changes to a big form. Alert before closing modal

I am currently working on a Customer Management application made in SmartGWT 2.0.
The Add Customer form is a fairly big one with multiple tabs and each tab has lot of fields. This form is opened in a modal window which have a save and a close button at the bottom.
Since this is a huge form, sometimes the rep accidentally hits Close without noticing that there is some information in one of the tabs.
We want to add some kind of alert when user tries to close the form after he has made changes to it.
I saw that there is ChangeHandler on text items which can flag a change which can be evaluated before firing the close event. However currently doing this for so many fields is a little bit cumbersome. Is there a way of achieving this on a DynamicForm level or even better on the Window level?
I am looking for a SmartGWT equivalent of this jquery code:
$("input:text, select, input:checkbox, input:radio, input:password").change(function(){
unloadRoutineFlag = true;
Take a closer look at this handler at the dynamicForm level.
addItemChangedHandler(ItemChangedHandler handler)
Handler fired when there is a changed() event fired on a FormItem
within this form.
Typically, when a formItem fires the changed() event, the form gets notified. Let us know if this works.

MDI child form is not allowing other child forms to get focus

The application is an MDI container app. A specific child form (Form1) when loaded gets focus and will not release the focus. If another form is opened up, the user is not able to select any field within that form if the Form1 form is open.
Also, within the Form1, the focus will not leave a combobox even to set focus to another field on the same form.
I am not using ShowDialog and TopMost is set to false.
Check to see if you have any methods assigned to the Leave event for the combobox, it sounds as though your application is setting the combobox to the active control whenever it loses focus.
Your form may also have the same type of code implemented, setting it to the active form when it loses focus.
