Index Match on 2 separate google sheets - google-sheets

Can you please help me with the index match formula with Google sheets on 2 different workbooks? I know the formula on a regular excel sheet but it just won't do the same with google sheets.
I tried the same formula with the regular excel sheet but it just won't work.

=IMPORTRANGE("1VYCPRlno-upguZFmf-dgVG8pXxkXXTx-OWt_VBv4d5c", "Sheet1A:Z")
note: chenge sheet name if needed
note2: first you will see ref error. hover your cursor over it and a button will popup. click on it to authorize the connection/link between your two spreadsheets


Google Sheets filter command with search function

I am trying to create a search function across multiple sheets and using the filter command has been the best method so far but wanted to know if you could display all information across the sheets for one individual.
The current filter code that displays all information from the 2 sheets:
={filter(Sheet1!A2:C10, len(Sheet1!A2:A10)); filter(Sheet2!A2:C3, len(Sheet2!A2:A3))}
I am using cell B2 as the search box. A name will be entered into cell B2 that the user wants to search for. Can cell B2 be added into the code above so it displays all information only about the one name?
Try with query
=query({Sheet1!A2:C;Sheet2!A2:C},"select * where Col1 = '"&B2&"' ")

google spreadsheet formula not working properly

I am using this formula in google spreadsheet. The problem is if any other cell is changed in the sheet, this formula is giving a new result.
There are no event triggers for this sheet. Also, tested it on a new sheet with same result.
appreciate any help!
if you use RANDBETWEEN you have 3 options to choose from:
other options include not to use formula but script or spreadsheet addon to freeze your sheet

Vlookup in same range within different sheets on a different Google Spreadsheet | Google Sheets

I'm hoping to do a VLOOKUP in a different Google Sheet based on 2 criteria: sheet name and then the lookup value. My data looks something like this:
A1 B1 C1
Sheet_Name Lookup_Value Lookup_Value
Sheet_1 123456 =vlookup(B3,"Sheet_1!$A$1:$C$1000",2,false)
Sheet_1 987456 =vlookup(B4,"Sheet_1!$A$1:$C$1000",2,false)
Sheet_2 654123 =vlookup(B5,"Sheet_2!$A$1:$C$1000",2,false)
Sheet_3 959595 =vlookup(B6,"Sheet_3!$A$1:$C$1000",2,false)
Sheet_3 621346 =vlookup(B7,"Sheet_3!$A$1:$C$1000",2,false)
Is there a way I can choose the sheet in my vlookup equation based on the value in column A rather than going in manually and updating this?
Currently, I'm trying this, but it's not working:
Figured it out: Google doesn't require the indirect function. So what works is:

How to get a value from a different sheet if two cells match in Google Sheets

I'm trying to do something that would be simple in Excel, but in Google Sheets you have to use INDIRECT in a formula to get a value from a different sheet.
All I want to do is pull the value in Sheet1!B2 if Sheet1!A2 equals A2.
I tried it several ways, below are a couple
in Google Sheets you have to use INDIRECT in a formula to get a value from a different sheet
is not correct.
If that does not return the content of Sheet1!B2 then A2 does not equal Sheet1!A2 (even if they look the same).

Conditional Matching in Google Sheets

I have two spreadsheets. Each has a column A that has an account number. But each has a different info about that account. The accounts also don't share the same set there maybe some the other doesn't have. What I want to do is check Sheet one column A vs sheet two column A and based on that populate a cell in Sheet 1 with Sheet two column B. Could anybody help me with how I might do this.
My Sheet2 looks like this:
You can use VLOOKUP in Sheet1. This formula would work: =vlookup(A2,Sheet2!A:B,2,0)
You can see it put in the cell C2:
If you don't like the #N/A error you can embrace the formula in IFERROR with the parameter "" which would yield an empty string:
