new File(...).eachFileRecurse() fails on existing files and folders - jenkins

Currently I'm refactoring our Jenkins build pipeline. In the stage of gathering our unittests I'm trying to enumerate all '**/.test.dll' files, or '.test.dll' at least. Read somewhere that this could be achieved using eachFileRecurse from the File-object.
But... all calls failed reporting FileNotFoundException.
Using the Scriptconsole on the specific slave I tried the same code and it works as expected. Adding some addition debug lines in our jenkins-file shows that the pipeline always returns false.
def TestFile(path)
def file = new File(path)
echo "File '${file}' exists: ${file.exists()}"
All result a 'exists: false', even though all these paths are already used during the build.
(How) can I use the File-object in a pipeline or how can I get the files I need?

Use fileExists together otherwise it will not work.
For example in your case it will be like this
echo "fileExists '${file}' exists: '${file}'"


file parameter in declarative pipeline

I am developing declarative pipeline and want to use file parameter to read its content, but its not working as expected
file(fileLocation:'list.txt', description:'contains list of projects to be build')
I am getting following error
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
WorkflowScript: 12: Invalid parameter "fileLocation", did you mean "description"? # line 12, column 14.
file(fileLocation:'release-list.txt', description:'contains list of projects to be build')
Following is another option mentioned for basic step plugin
readFile: Read file from workspace
Reads a file from a relative path (with root in current directory, usually workspace) and returns its content as a plain string.
Relative ( /-separated) path to file within a workspace to read.
Type: String
encoding (optional)
Type: String
its working in script step like
def myfile = readFile('list.txt')
echo "${myfile}"
But how to use it directly in declarative script as we used other basic steps like dir??
The correct arguments for the file parameter are name and description. So it should be:
file(name:'list.txt', description:'contains list of projects to be build')
However there's an open jenkins issue dating back from 2015 about the file parameter not working for pipelines, so I don't think even this will solve your issue.
Following syntax is working
file name:'list.txt', description:'contains list of projects to be build'
But fileLocation parameter is not acceptable still.
Below syntax is available in Jenkins2 Up & Running book but its not working
file(fileLocation:'list.txt', description:'contains list of projects to be build')
Till outstanding issues gets fixed, I believe we may have to stick to freestyle mode & handle things either in downstream pipeline job or within same job leveraging needy plugin feature.
Here is my attempt which looks to work file irrespective (yes supports Binaries as well) types :
${list.txt} will point to right file in your case..
Take a look at the plug-in
This plug-in adds support for file parameters in your Jenkinsfile:
parameters {
base64File 'small'
stashedFile 'large'

How to "reduce" Jenkins Pipeline output path

We were building our solution without any "Pipeline" in Jenkins until recently, so I'm currently in the progress to move our build to multibranch pipelines.
The issue that I'm running into is that we have a lot of structure une our solution(lot of subfolder, and sometimes some big names).
Currently, the jenkins pipeline extract everything in a folder that looks like:
Which is very-long, and now we are reaching the 260 characters limit of MSBuild:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
error MSB3553: Resource file
has an invalid name. The item metadata "%(FullPath)" cannot be applied
to the path
The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully
qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the
directory name must be less than 248 characters.
We have so much cases where the length is big that it's really a big job to refactor everything, so I'm looking on how to specify to jenkins a smaller path?
What I finally did:
pipeline {
agent {
label 'windows-node'
customWorkspace "D:\\ws\\${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
And I've a step that does the checkout. It was easier for me to have a "per-job" behavior, without touching jenkins global settings.
Update (for any recent Jenkins instances)
Turns out that with recent Jenkins versions PATH_MAX seems to be ignored.
The only thing it does: Issue a warning in the Jenkins log when smaller than a certain value, which actually does not matter - as the setting itself will anyways be ignored (as seen on Jenkins 2.249.3). See also: JENKINS-2111
As far as I can tell - the new setting was introduced in jenkins-branch-api 2.0.21:
There's a new property introduced: MAX_LENGTH.
This defaults to 32 characters by default.
You can set it the same way like PATH_MAX:
As a java property - to ensure that Jenkins will start using the right setting, e.g.:
or during run-time, using the script console:
For older Jenkins instances
Actually there's a java property you can set to specify the length of the directory name, e.g.:
To make it permanent you have to specify this property in the Jenkins java startup configuration file.
You may also read and write this property using the Jenkins script console for temporary changes or to just give it a try as it takes effect immediately, e.g.
println jenkins.branch.WorkspaceLocatorImpl.PATH_MAX
jenkins.branch.WorkspaceLocatorImpl.PATH_MAX = 20
println jenkins.branch.WorkspaceLocatorImpl.PATH_MAX
Setting this value to 0 changes the path generation behavior.
For details please check:

Jenkins build when multiple files are found

Is it possible to trigger a build with Files Found Trigger Plugin when multiple files are found in a certain directory?
For example:
The setting above is what I configured with Files Found Trigger.
The build is triggered when any one of the files (e.g. a.txt or b.txt) I specified exists. This is not the case I want.
How can I trigger the build only when both a.txt and b.txt exist?
This does not seem possible, when looking at how the search is performed in hudson.plugins.filesfoundtrigger.FileSearch#perform()
if (found.length == 1) {
formValidation = FormValidation.ok(Messages.SingleFileFound(found[0]));
} else {
formValidation = FormValidation.ok(Messages.MultipleFilesFound(Integer
You would need to setup a separate job which would create an ac.txt file if it detects both a.txt and b.txt, and would delete ac.txt otherwise.
That way, your current job can be triggered by a single file: ac.txt
I modified the source code of Files Found Trigger Plugin.
Hers's the modified version:
Now the build is triggered only if the number of files found is greater than or equal to Number of files found to tigger.
But this modification makes some of the tests fail. I'll create a pull request once I fix this problem.
Here's the pull request.

Jenkins, how to check regressions against another job

When you set up a Jenkins job various test result plugins will show regressions if the latest build is worse than the previous one.
We have many jobs for many projects on our Jenkins and we wanted to avoid having a 'job per branch' set up. So currently we are using a parameterized build to build eg different development branches using a single job.
But that means when I build a new branch any regressions are measured against the previous build, which may be for a different branch. What I really want is to measure regressions in a feature branch against the latest build of the master branch.
I thought we should probably set up a separate 'master' build alongside the parameterized 'branches' build. But I still can't see how I would compare results between jobs. Is there any plugin that can help?
I have started experimenting in the Script Console to see if I could write a post-build script... I have managed to get the latest build of master branch in my parameterized job... I can't work out how to get to the test results from the build object though.
The data I need is available in JSON at
http://<jenkins server>/job/<job name>/<build number>/testReport/api/json?pretty=true
...if I could just get at this data structure it would be great!
I tried using JsonSlurper to load the json via HTTP but I get 403, I guess because my script has no auth session.
I guess I could load the xml test results from disk and parse them in my script, it just seems a bit stupid when Jenkins has already done this.
I eventually managed to achieve everything I wanted, using a Groovy script in the Groovy Postbuild Plugin
I did a lot of exploring using the script console http://<jenkins>/script and also the Jenkins API class docs are handy.
Everyone's use is going to be a bit different as you have to dig down into the build plugins to get the info you need, but here's some bits of my code which may help.
First get the build you want:
def getProject(projectName) {
// in a postbuild action use `manager.hudson`
// in the script web console use `Jenkins.instance`
def project = manager.hudson.getItemByFullName(projectName)
if (!project) {
throw new RuntimeException("Project not found: $projectName")
// CloudBees folder plugin is supported, you can use natural paths:
project = getProject('MyFolder/TestJob')
build = project.getLastCompletedBuild()
The main test results (jUnit etc) seem to be available directly on the build as:
result = build.getTestResultAction()
// eg
failedTestNames = result.getFailedTests().collect{ test ->
To get the more specialised results from eg Violations plugin or Cobertura code coverage you have to look for a specific build action.
// have a look what's available:
You'll see a list of stuff like:
These are instances, the part in front of the # sign is the class name so I used that to make this method for getting a specific action:
def final VIOLATIONS_ACTION = hudson.plugins.violations.ViolationsBuildAction
def final COVERAGE_ACTION = hudson.plugins.cobertura.CoberturaBuildAction
def getAction(build, actionCls) {
def action = build.getActions().findResult { act ->
actionCls.isInstance(act) ? act : null
if (!action) {
throw new RuntimeException("Action not found in ${build.getFullDisplayName()}: ${actionCls.getSimpleName()}")
violations = getAction(build, VIOLATIONS_ACTION)
// you have to explore a bit more to find what you're interested in:
pylint_count = violations?.getReport()?.getViolations()?."pylint"
coverage = getAction(build, COVERAGE_ACTION)?.getResults()
// if you println it looks like a map but it's really an Enum of Ratio objects
// convert to something nicer to work with:
coverage_map = coverage.collectEntries { key, val -> [, val.getPercentageFloat()] }
With these building blocks I was able to put together a post-build script which compared the results for two 'unrelated' build jobs, then using the Groovy Postbuild plugin's helper methods to set the build status.
Hope this helps someone else.

Getting Statistics to show up in TC

I've setup teamcity with my sln file and got the unit tests to show up with the CppUnit plugin that teamcity has. And I get test results in the TeamCity UI.
Now I'm trying to get trending reports to show up for my unit tests and code coverage.
As of code coverage, we're using vsinstr.exe and vsperfmon.exe which produces an XML file.
I'm not quite sure as of what steps I should be taking to make the trending reports and code coverage(not as important) to show up.
I've already seen this post, but the answer seems to require editing the build script, which I don't think would work for my case since I'm building through MSBuild and the .sln file, and the tests are being ran through that build.
So basically I'm trying to get the Statistics tab to show up, and I'm not sure where to begin.
Just add simple Powershell step into your build configuration. Something like this:
function TeamCity-SetBuildStatistic([string]$key, [string]$value) {
Write-Output "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='$key' value='$value']"
$outputFile = 'MetricsResults.xml'
$xml = [xml] (Get-Content $outputFile)
$metrics = $xml.CodeMetricsReport.Targets.Target[0].Modules.Module.Metrics
| foreach { TeamCity-SetBuildStatistic "$($_.Name)" $_.Value.Replace(',', '') }
It uses XML output from FxCop Metrics. You have to update the script for your actual schema.
