How to send instant email with mail chimp in Swift? - ios

I am trying to find MailChimp documentation for implementing iOS app that sends instant email to user just like SendGrid. But I can't details about send instant email using email templates via MailChimp even I don't know was it possible or not. How to send instant email to receiver through mail chimp email templates? Any link or suggestion. Thanking you!
For reference I added Sample code sending email via SendGrid:
let dictionary: [String: Any] = [
"personalizations" :[
"email": Constants.feedbackEmail,
"name": Constants.feedbackEmailUser
"dynamic_template_data": [ //Dynamic data to apply email body
"sender_name": name,
"from" :[
"email": Constants.feedbackEmail,
"name": Constants.feedbackEmailUser
"email": Constants.feedbackEmail,
"name": Constants.feedbackEmailUser
"template_id": "d-7336fe13346e82434596ed08b023529"
//TODO:- Calling POST method URL with body data of this JSON object.

To send instant transactional emails to your users you have to use Mandrill, which is the transactional tool of Mailchimp made exactly for your use case.
You will be able to create your templates in Mailchimp and use them in Mandrill.


Issue passing in custom parameters to Twilio API

I am attempting to build out a process that will do the following:
New contact lands in my CRM (Podio)
The CRM is triggered to send a POST containing a custom parameter to Twilio which will then initiate a flow
The Twilio flow will call my cell and prompt me to connect to the new contact
Once I press 1, it will take the custom parameter (new contact's phone number) and connect
me to them.
So far, I have been able to get 1-3 with no problem.
However, according to the the API documentation from Twilio I should be able to pass a 3rd parameter in the JSON body of my HTTP request containing custom "Parameters". When I attempt this the parameters aren't showing in the Twilio studio logs and thus I am unable to connect the call to the new lead.
This is the JSON body I am sending over to my Twilio Flow's API
"To": "+1xxxxxxxxx1",
"From": "+1xxxxxxxxx2",
"Parameters": {
"name": "example name",
"prospectphone": "+1xxxxxxxxx3"
When I view the logs in Twilio this is what I received.
"contact": {
"channel": {
"address": "+1xxxxxxxxx2"
"trigger": {
"request": {
"from": "+1xxxxxxxxx2",
"to": "+1xxxxxxxxx1",
"parameters": {}
"widgets": {},
"flow": {
"flow_sid": "FW936f72c0eb8d3945d0d55c62465e37a8",
"data": {},
"channel": {
"address": "+1xxxxxxxxx2"
"sid": "FN955cdb12827f84c8af8fc9b5264e5a28"
I really can't figure out what I'm missing here? Has anyone run into this before? Is this something you can only do if you're using the SDK or does the additional parameter need to be passed in some other way?
It should be sent x-www-form-urlencoded.
From the documentation:
"Note: the JSON value must explicitly be passed as a string, not as a hash object. Depending on your particular HTTP library, you may need to add quotes or URL encode the JSON string."
Trigger a Twilio Studio Flow Execution via the REST API

Microsoft Graph: insert a message (mail) to user inbox

I have a Microsoft application (with Mail.Read/Write permissions) and I need to insert a mail (.eml extension file) to a user inbox.
Is that possible? I know that with Gsuite that can be done using the 'insert' API and was wondering if something similar exist with Graph API.
I'm not talking about sending new mail to the user or about inserting an attachment to existing message in the user inbox, but to insert completely new email to his inbox (without having to go through SPF or whatever checks that take place before mails usually get into end users inboxes).
Looking into Mail section under Graph API documentation wasn't so helpful.
If that not possible, perhaps there is a workaround?
EDIT: seems like the best option is to use "send mail" API and specify "saveToSentItems": False.. the only issue here as that my application will need to request the Mail.Send permission as well..
You don't need to use the send mail api as all your doing is creating an Item in the Mailbox. If you want it to appear as a Sent Mail (rather then a draft) you do need to set the PidTagMessageFlags extended property (the same as you would in EWS Also if you want it to appear if its been sent in the past there are few additional extended properties you need to set. eg
"Subject": "test1234",
"Sender": {
"EmailAddress": {
"Name": "blah",
"Address": ""
"Body": {
"ContentType": "HTML",
"Content": "123Body"
"SingleValueExtendedProperties": [
"PropertyId": "Integer 0x0E07",
"Value": "1"
"PropertyId": "SystemTime 0x0039",
"Value": "2019-06-12T10:10:47.2048+10:00"
"PropertyId": "SystemTime 0x0E06",
"Value": "2019-06-12T10:10:47.2048+10:00"

Mandrill - CCed E-Mails Are Sent Separately

I make send request API calls with the following to property:
"to": [
"email": "",
"type": "to"
"email": "",
"type": "cc"
"email": "",
"type": "cc"
I expect Mandrill to send out one e-mail based on the properties in the request above where the To field is and the CC field is;
Instead Mandrill sends out three separate e-mails where every individual e-mail is designated to one person and the CC fields are treated as To fields.
Is there anyway to get Mandrill to send out one e-mail that respects the CC addresses as actual CC recipients?
Try set preserve_recipients option to true. According to their documentation it indicates
whether or not to expose all recipients in to "To" header for each email

Strategies for sending weekly newsletter emails from Rails

So we have about 50,000 users who have signed up for a weekly newsletter. The contents of this email is personalized for each user though, it's not a mass email.
We are using Rails 4 and Mandrill.
Right now we're taking about 12 hours every time we want to fire off this emails.rake task and I'm looking for a way to distribute that time or make it shorter.
What are some techniques I can use to improve this time that is only growing longer the more people sign up?
I was thinking of using mandrill templates, and just sending the json object to mandrill and have them send the email from their end, but I'm not really sure if this is even going to help improve speeds.
At the 50,000+ level: How do I keep email sending times manageable?
Looks like you could use MailyHerald. It is a Rails gem for managing application emails. It sends personalized emails in the background using Sidekiq worker threads which should help you out in terms of performance.
MailyHerald has a nice Web UI and works with email services like Amazon SES or Mandrill.
You need to probably look into Merge Tags on Mandrill. It allows you to define custom content per email. So you can break your newsletter sending into fewer API calls to Mandrill instead of 1 per email. The number of calls will just depend on the size of your data since I am sure there is probably a limit.
You can just create a template and put in merge vars such as *|custom_content_placeholder|** wherever you need user specific content to be placed. You can do this templating in your system and just pass it into the message or you can set it up in Mandrill and make a call to that template.
When you make the Mandrill API call to send an email or email template you just attach the JSON data such as:
"message": {
"global_merge_vars": [
"name": "global_placeholder",
"content": "Content to replace for all emails"
"merge_vars": [
"rcpt": "",
"vars": [
"name": "custom_content_placeholder",
"content": "User specific content"
"name": "custom_content_placeholder2",
"content": "More user specific content"
"rcpt": "",
"vars": [
"name": "custom_content_placeholder",
"content": "User2 specific content"
"name": "custom_content_placeholder2",
"content": "More user2 specific content"
You can find more info on Merge Tags here:
If you are familiar with handlebars for templating, Mandrill now supports it with the merge tags:

Set Message-Id with Mandrill for bulk emails

I am sending emails to lists of contacts based on templates using Mandrill. I would like to track if the contacts have replied to my email and, to do so, I would like to check whether the Message-Id of my sent emails appears in the In-Reply-To header field of new messages.
The problem is that I have to generate and set the Message-Id manually since Mandrill only gives me their internal _id. However, since I am sending emails to various contacts at the same time, I set preserve_recipients to false. But then I can only set one Message-Id, which will therefore become not globally unique.
Here is an example JSON that I'm sending:
"from_email": "",
"from_name": "Its Me",
"headers": {"Message-Id": ["<>"]},
"subject": "Thesubject",
"text": "Thebody",
"to": [
"email": "",
"name": "John",
"type": "to"
"email": "",
"name": "Patrick",
"type": "to"
"preserve_recipients": false
In this case, two messages will be sent, but they'll have the same Message-Id. If I don't set it, Mandrill will automatically assign one, but then I can't retrieve it.
Any idea what I could do ? Maybe my whole approach is incorrect...
I ended up looping over all the recipients and generating a new Message-Id at each iteration and send one email at a time. Probably not optimal since I'm not using Mandrill bulk capability, but at least now I can store the email id.
import email
import mandrill
mandrill_client = mandrill.Mandrill('YOUR_MANDRILL_KEY')
for recipient in recipients:
# Generate RFC 2822-compliant Message-ID header
message_id = email.Utils.make_msgid()
m = {
"headers": {"Message-Id": [message_id],
"from_email": "",
"from_name": "Its Me",
"subject": "The subject",
"text": "The body",
"to": [{"email": recipient["email"],
"name": recipient["name"],
"type": "to"}],
"track_clicks": True,
"track_opens": True
result = mandrill_client.messages.send(message=m)
From mandrill documentation you can retrieve the _id from the return value of the message.
