Remove spacing between the first row and second row in the Gridlayout - vaadin

Thank you very much for your help in advance.
Let me explain the problem,
I have grid layout where I am adding the labels in the first row (its called header row). In the next 5 rows, I am adding text field, combo and date fields.
The problem I am facing is, I would like to remove the space between header(first) row and second row and continue to have default space from second row to the last rows. I have highlighted the space as red line in the snapshot
Please find the snapshot in attachment.
Any hints, please advise.

As I've mentioned in the comments, position of a component in a GridLayout defined by a top value in css. So you would need to change it if you want to re-position(remove space, in this case) an element. The problem here is that
GridLayout not necessary starts from top, so you would need to figure out a correct value for a top,
and then you would need to differentiate a correct component(label in this case) using :n-th child, since a class name applied to a component, is not propagated to a parent's v-gridlayout-slot.
As for an alternative, you could add a common styleName to all components (except labels) and using this style set margins(left, right, bottom)to all the components. (In the example below used a pink color to verify styles are applied.)
In this scenario, output is like this:
The css part:
margin-bottom: 15px;
margin-left: 15px;
margin-right: 15px;
background-color: pink;
Code used:
private GridLayout addGridLayout(){
// Create a 4 by 4 grid layout.
GridLayout grid = new GridLayout(4, 4);
// Fill out the first row using the cursor.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Label l=new Label("Col " +
(grid.getCursorX() + 1));
// Fill out the first column using coordinates.
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
TextField x=new TextField();
grid.addComponent(x, 0, i);
// Fill out the secondcolumn using coordinates.
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
TextField x=new TextField();
grid.addComponent(x, 1, i);
// Fill out the third column using coordinates.
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
DateField x=new DateField();
grid.addComponent(x, 2, i);
// Fill out the third column using coordinates.
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
ComboBox x=new ComboBox<String>();
grid.addComponent(x, 3, i);
return grid;

if the columns have fixed width you could create 2 GridLayouts one for the header and one for the content. Both of them should have no margin and the layout that contains them should have no spacing.


Angular material stepper header horizontal line and bottom border css

I want to implement angular material stepper as per attached screenshot where the horizontal line has some different css on edit state and when its completed then its different.
and on edit state, there is bottom line which I need to show.
we can get the event form selectionChange method of stepper:
selectionChange(event) {
if (event.selectedIndex > 0) {
const stepper = document.getElementsByClassName('mat-stepper-horizontal-line');
stepper[event.selectedIndex - 1].classList.add('editState');
for (let i = 0; i < event.previouslySelectedIndex; i++) {

TCPDF create move-able "box" with text without using ln settings

I am trying to create a bit of a unique table in TCPDF as shown below:
Getting the captions, headers and rows setup is easy. The hard part is the "bar".
The bar needs a few things:
Editable X-position
Originally I was trying to use MultiCell; however, I got some weird behavior as shown below:
I believe this is because of the ln settings. If we look at my code you can see that I am trying to create a Cell and then a MultiCell inside of it. Both of these use the have the ln setting to put the next cell below.
I tried setting the MultiCell's ln to 0 (to the right) but it had no visible change.
//multi cell
// extend TCPF with custom functions
class MYPDF extends TCPDF {
// SCC table
public function SCCTable($headers,$rows) {
// Colors, line width and bold font
$this->SetFont('', 'B');
// Header
$num_headers = count($headers);
for($i = 0; $i < $num_headers; ++$i) {
// Color and font restoration
// Data
$fill = 0;
$num_rows = count($rows);
for($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; ++$i){
$headers[$i]->width * $num_headers, //Row width should be the sum of all header width.
//Row's Text
0, //Border
"C", //Text Align
false, //fill, determines if the background is painted or transparent (false).
2, //ln, 1 = Next cell starts at beginning of new line.
1, //Border
2, //ln, 1 = Next cell starts at beginning of new line.
"L" //text align
After this I found out about TextField. When I tried this I got just as weird behavior...
//text field
// extend TCPF with custom functions
class MYPDF extends TCPDF {
// SCC table
public function SCCTable($headers,$rows) {
// Colors, line width and bold font
$this->SetFont('', 'B');
// Header
$num_headers = count($headers);
for($i = 0; $i < $num_headers; ++$i) {
// Color and font restoration
// Data
$fill = 0;
$num_rows = count($rows);
for($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; ++$i){
$headers[$i]->width * $num_headers, //Row width should be the sum of all header width.
//Row's Text
1, //Border
2, //ln, 1 = Next cell starts at beginning of new line.
"L" //text align
Finally I thought of using the Rect function to create a rectangle and Text to the draw the text. Using variables I could "glue" the Text to the Rectangle; however, the textfield uses the ln setting as well; furthermore, looking at the actual code there is this line:
$this->Cell(0, 0, $txt, $border, $ln, $align, $fill, $link, $stretch, $ignore_min_height, $calign, $valign);
Seeing as it creates a cell, then it should run into the same problem as MultiCell, as the only difference between Cell and MultiCell in my case is the ability to change the x-position from the left border.
So I'm stuck with this question: How can I draw a "box" that has text and can be pushed along horizontally?
How this is done is not that important except that images aren't an option.
I realized I didn't actually need to have the original row. I could just make due with the "bar".
1, //Border
"C", //Text Align
true, //fill, determines if the background is painted (true) or transparent (false).
2, //ln, 1 = Next cell starts at beginning of new line.
Though with that said it would still be nice to know how to do with rows...

angular ui-grid auto height if rows have non-constant height

I'm trying to make angular ui-grid automatically resize the height so that all rows are shown without the need of its scrollbar, but without wasting space if there are only a couple rows in the grid. Someone has asked a similar question (Angular ui-grid dynamically calculate height of the grid), but the question presupposes that the row heights are constant. If the row heights are different (for example, because you have word-wrap enabled), then the accepted solution to the problem ( won't work, because the solution as does the question assumes constant row height. If I have a cell with a large amount of text in it, and the text wraps to the next line, then that rows height is different.
I found a possible solution by the user anhkind here: (
.ui-grid, .ui-grid-viewport {
height: auto !important;
"And of course minRowsToShow and virtualizationThreshold should be set to the size of the list."
However, when I deploy his solution, it takes a much longer time for the grid to render.
Does anyone know how to address this or have an alternative solution?
$scope._minRows = 10;
$scope._maxRows = 10;
// Lots of Grid Options, plus data setting going on here.
$scope.agendaItemsGridOptions.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {
//set gridApi on scope
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
var setMinRowsLogic = function() {
$scope.gridApi.grid.options.minRowsToShow = $scope._minRows;
if (!_.isUndefined($ {
var len = $;
if (len > $scope._maxRows) {
$scope.gridApi.grid.options.minRowsToShow = $scope._maxRows;
} else
if (len < $scope._minRows) {
$scope.gridApi.grid.options.minRowsToShow = $scope._minRows;
} else {
$scope.gridApi.grid.options.minRowsToShow = len;

Table merge cells - Vaadin

I'm Creating table with Vaadin. Some of the cells are repeating. So I want them to merge in one cell, as you can see on the image:
The first image show how the table looks now, and the second is how I want to look with merged cells.
I'm using this code:
Table table = new Table(AppData.getMessage("menu.report2"));
table.addContainerProperty(tableHeaders[0], String.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty(tableHeaders[1], String.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty(tableHeaders[2], String.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty(tableHeaders[3], String.class, null);
List<User> employeeList = employeeDAO.findAllEmployees();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < employeeList.size(); i++) {
User employee = employeeList.get(i);
table.addItem(new Object[]{
tasksDAO.countTasks(employee, CaseStatus.OPEN)},
for (int j = 0; j < employeeList.size(); j++) {
User employee = employeeList.get(j);
table.addItem(new Object[]{
tasksDAO.countTasks(employee, CaseStatus.CLOSED)},
i + j);
setComponentAlignment(table, Alignment.TOP_CENTER);
I think, this is not possible in "normal way". But I have an idea how to simulate this.
First solution:
You could simply use GridLayout to build grid as you want. Then nothing limit your imagination beside size of such grid. It shouldn't be to big (also pointed here).
Second solution:
Another advice is a bit crazy.
Disable Table/Grid stripes.
In group of similar cells just fill only first row. Left rest blank (or space in string).
Then you dispose of repeated data (from your first and second column), but you can't alignment them vertically (the text will stay at top - first row from group).
Third solution:
Check Add-ons list. For example ItemGrid.

Individually Styling Data Labels for Bar Chart

Is it possible to style individual data labels for a bar chart?
I would like to position each data label at the 0 axis point(for the chart) underneath each bar. However, if i signify x:0 for the data labels, it is different for each bar length. Can i get it to the 0 axis for the chart(with 5px padding:)
In such case you can translate that labels using simple hack, see:
events: {
load: function(){
for(var i = 0; i < this.series[0].data.length; i++) {
var d = this.series[0].data[i];
d.dataLabel.translate(0, d.dataLabel.y);
Live example:
