Rescale UIImageView proprtionally in Launch Screen Storyboard - ios

I have a UIImageView that needs to be centered and have a width that's equal to the screen width and some height that grows proportionally with the width. So for instance, for the iPhoneXR I have:
And on the iPad 9.7 it would be:
So basically the image just scales proportionally with each screen size. I have already figured out how to center it using constraints, but I'm lost on how to get it to scale proportionally. I've played around with the auto resizing options and constraints to no avail. I struggle so badly with these storyboards, wish I could just code it! Is this even possible in a LaunchScreen storyboard?

You can't execute any code inside launch screen. However, you can make it with constraints.
Set center equal to superview, then set width equal to superview. Now, you can add aspectRatio which is like 1:1, so you imageView height would always be equal to its width or any other ratio you want.

By adding proper constraint you will get your expected result. Add aspectRatio constraint to imageView.
All constraints as per

You can not give constraints to a view w.r.t viewController in LaunchScreen.storyboard because our view hierarchy has not loaded till that point of time.
You can give an imageView constraints w.r.t itself. CTRL drag on the imageView and select height, width or aspect ratio.
Though the recommended way will be to use another viewController that will work as LaunchScreen with some delay in segue.


How maintain a circular uiview using auto layout without fixed height and fixed width

I am having issues maintaining a circular uiimageview when using autolayout without fixed height and width.
Example with fixed height / width inside a uiview container that has a fixed height.
storyboard constraints
Circular image
in viewwillayoutsubview
profileImageView.layer.cornerRadius = profileImageView.frame.size.height / 2
profileImageView.layer.masksToBounds = true
Example without fixed height / width inside a uiview container that has a fixed height.
Storyboard constraints
Circular image
Goal: What I am trying to achieve is create a circular uiimageview that scales for all device screen sizes. I believe the issue is that without fixed height and width my cornerRadius is not correct for a circle.
What would be the best way to achieve this without setting a fixed width and height as that does not work on all screen sizes.
The first problem is that you’re pinning your view to all the edges of its parent with a fixed margin.
That may well produce a square in your storyboard, but doesn’t necessarily on your device (it depends on if your parent is constrained as a square or not, which I can’t see in your screenshots). If the parent stretches it’s width to fit it’s own superview, but doesn’t adjust its height, then your image is stretched into a rectangle.
That looks like it is the case, as the image appears stretched horizontally.
I’d suggest you remove all constraints from your image view and start again.
Make the image have a width equal to, say, 0.8 of its superview, give it a 1:1 ratio, and center it horizontally and vertically with its parent.
The second problem, is that you may be setting the cornerRadius too early.
When the view is loaded from your Storyboard, its width and height are whatever it was in storyboard.
Once the view has been laid out in its parent, the width/height will be adjusted and you’ll be left with an incorrect cornerRadius.
To solve this, simply make sure you have a 1:1 aspect ratio constraint on the view, and set the cornerRadius in viewDidLayoutSubviews (instead of viewWillLayoutSubviews).

Xcode how to make flexible constraint in Autolayout

hello everyone I've get stuck in Auto-layout issues
I have login storyboard that contains three Items Image-view , Stack-view , Button like the first image below
I've tried to add constraints using two ways:
The first way I've added "pinned" constraint to Image-view as shown in Photo1 below but when I've changed to landscape the Image was disappeared as the second photo below.
please notice I haven't got any warnings
The second Way I've tried by wrap the Image-view using view then i added
"Pinned" constraint to view
finally i added fixed width & height to Image-view and Horizontal & vertical in container but I've got this result as third and fourth photo
what should i do to make my Image-view Adaptive for all Screens ?
As when changing to landscape screen height changing a lot. the problem with your design with Autolayout is it's not adaptive with landscape and portrait mode because you are give fixed hight and width to your layout.
to make your image-view Adaptive for all screens give your image-view height to superview height in percentage so when in landscape mode height will change your image-view will still gets the height from superview height in exact same percentage.
have a look at this demo hope this will help.
First drop UIImageView into ViewController.
Give it a top constraint and Align it horizontally to it's SuperView.
As now it's only required height and width.
Then Ctrl drag from ImageView to itself and select aspect ratio. give
a aspect ration 1:1 (it's just telling storyboard if any of height or
width is available i want the other to be the same like if width is
given then height should be the same as width, vice versa for height) as you may want
perfect square shape for your profile ImageView.
Now Ctrl drag from ImageView to SuperView and select Equal height.
As now your ImageView got the height to SuperView Height.
give your ImageView proportional height (percentage, Aspect
Ration or Multipiler) to SuperView how much you wanted to give like
At the end your UIImageView will get the height proportional to SuperView height, vice versa for width.

Square UImageView in a Cell of UITableView

I'm trying to place an ImageView in a Cell, I want the Image to be square and to work on most iOS phones, iPhones and iPads.
I'm using constraints to do that, I made an aspect ratio but it doesn't seem to work right.
Do you have any idea how to do that ?
As said by Vladimir in the answer Auto Layout: Square Image View with equal width / height
you need to set this constrain to your imageview
First of all try to switch mode from w:Compact/h:Any to
w:Any/h:Any. By adding constraints in this mode you will apply them for all devices and orientations.
Here is list of constraints that you need to apply:
Set low priority for Equal Width and Equal Height to superview.

How to use auto-layout to put things in a percentage of a screen size IOS

So I am trying to make my launch screen for an app. The launch screen is made up of 2 text boxes and 2 UIImageViews.
This is my sketch up of what it will look like
My problem is I can not get auto layout to work with percentages of the screen, instead it has these numbers that I dont quite know what to do with. So while I know that the two image views are a 4th of the screen width from the edges I dont know how to put it their. Also I dont know how to make the image size occupy the same ratio of space on all devices.
Could you please get me started on setting this up?
autolayout does not Have Percentage support but it supports Aspect Ratio.
you need to add one view and add your two imageViews and textFields add equal width and height constraint for ImageViews and same for TextField
you can also add constraints to ImageView to expand in rest of space for that just add margin constraints and equal width and Height of ImageViews.
add aspect Ratio to ImageView's Width and SuperViews width as your requirement.
you can add aspect Ratio with individually to width and Height.
here as you mentioned in que. you can add aspect ration 4:1 for 4th of the screen size.
do same for TextField.
if you still need help than tell me I can explain in depth with screenshot.

How to scale a UIImage view to a square with Autolayout inside a UIScrollView

I've been struggling to learn autolayout (finally). I want to have a vertically scrolling UIScrollView that holds all the content for the view. I want to pin a UIImage view to the top of the scrollview and keep the image a square (scaleToFill). Basically I want to do this (only I want to do it with autolayout):
I can't get the image to keep its aspect ratio while staying within the screen bounds. Whenever I add an aspect ratio constraint the imageView grows to like 600 points (the width of the png I think), but I want it to just be as wide as the screen.
I think I am setting the constraints up for the UIImageView correctly because if I get rid of the scrollView and just drop the imageViw directly on the view then it seems to do what I want it to. The trick is putting it inside the scrollView.
This is how I currently have it set up:
The 4 vertical/horizontal space constraints on the scroll view are all set to constant 0.
Since the size of the UIScrollView depends on its content, you cannot have the size of your UIImageView subview dependent on it.
You have to remove the aspect ratio constraint of the UIImageView and use a fixed width one. You can also have your UIImageView width dependent on another view in the UIScrollView which has either a fixed width or otherwise unambiguous width.
Don't forget to use Placeholder as the intrinsic size value in Interface Builder.
Hope this helps.
