First before anyone suggests this has been answered elsewhere on SO, I submit that ALL of those answers assume you are compiling with XCode, which is not the case for me. I am using Adobe Animate to compile an Adobe AIR application and deploy to an iPad.
Updated Adobe air SDK to latest 32.0 and have tried re-creating my certificates and provisioning profile from scratch.
If I try to deploy directly from Adobe AIR I get an error message
"Application verification failed"
If instead I publish an .ipa and try and deploy via XCode I get the following
If I furthermore check entitlements on my app.bundle I see
<plist version="1.0">
but checking entitlements in my Provisioning profile I see
Could this be the source of my error? If so, how do I get both these values to be the same?
Any replies welcome as I need to launch this!
Here are a few ideas/things to check.
Check beta reports key is removed from the app descriptor.
When changing iOS certificates, delete the old ones via Keychain Access, then restart the computer before creating the Certificate Signing Request for the new cert.
Check that the new assets.cer has been created for the icons and it has been included in the package.
Check that all icons are present and all casing is correct in the naming on icon files as well as in xml.(e.g. icon and Icon)
Ensure path to SDK is correct. e.g. /Applications/
If you still cannot install the app from Animate, try including the beta reports key, publish the app and upload it to TestFlight.
I have a react native app. as of the last update theres now an app extension assocaited with it. freshly created parent app provisioning profiles/certificates have been generated. the correct entitlements have been confirmed both in the apple dev portal as well as in the .entitlements file. the app group has been added correctly. the extension also has the appropriate adhoc profile and certificate associated with it.
the app has no build/install issues in the debug variant, which is automatically signed.
the app has no build/install issues for the staging/release variant when automatically signed.
Im trying to build and install the release variant
however, when the app is signed manually (which i need to do in xcode to confirm there are no issues to debug my distribution issue through microsoft appcenter), the app builds fine but will not install on the device. i get the "App not installed" error.
opening the issue it says:
"The executable was signed with invalid
entitlements". the code is -402620394.also: Domain:, if thats helpful. theres no
other information other tha stacktrace that doesnt appear too specific
Other info:
i have an APS certificate that says its expired in my keychain access, but when i checked the apple dev portal, its still not expired.
the release/staging variant will run on a simulator, but not on a physical device
Things ive tried:
restarting xcode
clearing derived data
deleting app from device
changing to legacy build system
confirmed the correct adhoc profiles and certficates for parent app and extension
recreated profiles/certificate again to be sure
confirmed the certificate from the provisioning profile matches the correct certificate
confirmed the development team for the app target, tests target and app extension are matching
confirmed my device UDID is added to both provisioning profiles
cleaning and building
changing the APS environment value to 'production' in the .entitlements file
some screenshots:
Please dont suggest to use automatic signing. i cant for reasons stated above. i have to manually set the provisioning profile and .p12 certificate for the parent app and the provisioning profile for the app extension in my distribution tool (appcenter)
Any advice?
See here and here
In summary you can't ever install apps with App Store Distribution Certification directly into your phone. Only Apple can install apps signed with App Store Certificate.
If you want test out things, then either you test things in test flight and or you inspect the entitlements of the binary. You can do that following the instructions from dev forums here:
Check the Built Binary
The first step in debugging code signing entitlement problems is to
check the actual entitlements of the binary. Xcode’s process for
setting entitlements is quite complex, and it depends on various
inputs, so it’s important to start by checking the output rather than
looking at just the inputs.
To check the entitlements in your binary run the following command:
$ codesign -d --entitlements :-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" …>
<plist version="1.0">
I'm testing my app with TestFlight but I can't upload my archives after updating to MacOS 10.12 and Xcode 8.1.
When I archive my app, click on "Upload to App Store...", select my Development, I get this error.
No matching provisioning profiles found for "Applications/"
None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: application-identifier, beta-reports-active, keychain-access-groups.
What I've tried so far:
Reopening Xcode (Many times)
⌘+, > select team > remove every provisioning profile > re-download every provisioning profile (Reopening Xcode after each step)
Re-downloaded and installed my certificates and provisioning profiles
Removing every provisioning profile and building the app
I had this same error when my Xcode wildcard profile expired. Xcode didn't automatically renew it even though everything was set to automatic.
I logged in to the the portal, edited the XC: * profile, hit generate and then downloaded the resulting certificate. All good after that.
On Xcode's Capabilities screen, turning a capability On and then Off will fix the issue.
None of the other answers worked for me.
I had to delete all certificates from KeyChain, and also revoke them in Apple Developer portal. Then manually request a Distribution certificate in KeyChain. Upload it to the Developer portal.
XCode (8.3) must be stopped because it keeps creating certificates as they are being deleted from KeyChain.
Also, KeyChain burped and suddenly had a whole bunch of certificates and keys that it wasn't showing before. I don't know why that happened. Some were expired, which may have been causing the original problem. I deleted them all too.
Finally, XCode was happy to Archive, and Upload to iTunes. Only two hours wasted this time.
Use the automatic option provided in Xcode just add the relevant account team in the Xcode and let Xcode manage the signing process. Then go for Archive and select proper options while making archiving.
I was running into the same issue. As our project was automatically generated by Ionic and had to be build in a CI environment, opening the project and toggle automatic signing wasn't an option. I did a diff of the entitlements file before and after the toggle and found out that the dict value was sorted differently:
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
+ <key>aps-environment</key>
+ <string>production</string>
- <key>aps-environment</key>
- <string>production</string>
Even though from my understanding it shouldn't make a difference, the build was successfull after this change.
For everyone running into this in an Ionic project, the solution was to add this key-value pair to the config edit in the config.xml:
<config-file parent="keychain-access-groups" target="*-Release.plist">
Need some help to understand terminology and the process correctly.
I have an iOS app that i want to install on my Devices for testing. So far i was able to install the app on my devices only through iTunes(with archived .ipa file), plugging the device to my Mac.
My iOS developer program is not enterprise, it's regular Developer Program (the $99 one).
Can i use over the air installation in my case?
My app is built with a "Development" Provisioning profile and not "In House" provisioning profile. Documentation says it must be built with and in-house provisioning profile. I don't have in-house option in my Developer Program interface.
What other wireless, web based installation options can i provide my users?
The difference between signing with an Enterprise account in-house distribution profile and one from a regular account is that the former allows any iOS device to install the .ipa, and the latter one allows only devices listed in the profile to install it.
Without an enterprise account, this means that you need to obtain the deviceID from the devices first, create a provisioning profile that contains all those IDs and use that profile for an OTA-build (OTA = over the air).
But before you do, just try out the next steps with your own device (which for sure is listed as you use if to build on from Xcode). The next steps are error-prone enough even without trying multiple devices:
To create an OTA-build you need to do the following:
create a .ipa for in-house distribution (this will make sure the profile is included into the package, which allows listed devices to actually install it)
create a .plist file with information about the app and a URL to the .ipa file (see below). The link to the .ipa contained in it needs to be HTTPS.
create an .html file with a specially formatted link (also needs to be HTTPS) to that .plist file: <a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http://linkToyour/plistFile.plist">
Download My App
If you browse on your iOS device to that webpage, you should be able to install the .ipa file. Make sure that you have your device connected to your machine with Xcode's devices pane open. This will allow you to look at the system output in the console when things don't work (the alerts on your iOS device usually are not helpful).
Note that another, way more convenient way is to setup an Xcode bot. Maybe you can do this from one machine, but I did this using an old MacBook I still had. Download Xcode Server (for free) by using the redemption code from the developer portal. Enable Xcode server, then setup a bot from your local machine. This is by far the most convenient way.
Here is a template of the .plist file that you need to make:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string></string> // change this
<string>yourBundleID</string> // change this
<string>yourApplicationVersion</string> // change this
<string>yourAlertTitle</string> // change this
Clean build folder. Go to Product Menu and Select Archive from the submenu. Let the process of archiving complete. Once it will get complete select export option from screen menu.
Select save for development deployment method to export the ipa file.
Chooose your provision profile and account that was used when you created the provision profile.
Choose Export one app for all compatible devices option
In the summary screen verify the correct provision profile and entitlement has been added to archived file. Click next option
Finally save the ipa file to desktop or any other folder where you need it.
Upload the .ipa file to and get the installation link
I am trying to submit to iTunes Connect with Xcode 6.4. I am getting this error
Unable to Validate Your Application
The application you have selected does not exist.
I am able to find the provisioning profile through my dev account on the previous step. I have double-checked all identifiers. I tried Application Loader as well and got basically the same error. What is weird is that I submitted another app several hours before to the same account with no issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I tried Application Loader and it worked. It did not work 2 hours earlier. What is weird is that I tried to download an app from the App Store and they could not find my account. Some new terms of service popped up and I agreed. After that I was then able to download with the previous "non-existent" account. That's when I tried App Loader and it worked. Must be something on Apple's side that will be fixed shortly.
I was having the same issue, here's what I did to send the app to the app store:
On XCODE create generate the "Archive", once you get the "Organizer" window/popup, validate it as you normally do. If validated, then click "Export" and select "Save for iOS app store deployment". Save it somewhere and take note of this location, you'll need the IPA file.
Install the "Application Loader" from, if you don't have it already.
Follow the easy steps to push the app to the app store. That is "Deliver your app", select the IPA file and that's it!
While other are having success with Application Loader, I did not and received a different error « You are not authorized to use this service » Great!
Since iOS 9.1 was just released yesterday perhaps Xcode 6.x is being phased out, but we're not ready to migrate to Xcode 7.x for this particular project.
I was successful by archiving in Xcode 6.x and using the Organizer in Xcode 7.1 to submit to the App Store. The procedure is as follows:
Rename Xcode 6.x (In my case
Download and install Xcode 7.1 from .dmg file, not as an upgrade.
Build and archive your app in Xcode 6.x
Close Xcode 6.x
Launch Xcode 7.1 but do not open your project.
In Xcode 7 Select Window->Organizer.
Submit to App Store.
Hopefully this helps you if both the Xcode and Application Loader uploads fail.
Download Xcode 7 and try to upload new build make sure that you changed version or (and) build number of app, it should work.
It seems to be a bug/"feature" of iTC not related to Xcode version. Bundled frameworks should bump their versions(CFBundleShortVersionString) to match the version of the app.
Related topics:
Exporting and uploading via Application Loader worked for me.
Failed to upload archive using Xcode 6.4 and 7.1, but successfully uploaded with Xcode 7.0.1.
UPDATE: It appears that Apple has remedied this bug. I just successfully uploaded a build using Xcode 6.4 to iTunes Connect. I believe this was either an organizer bug or an iTC bug but they've fixed it.
Before the solution was to use application loader.
You should be able to submit using Xcode 6.x now. We need to upload build from 6.x still because Xcode 7 requires a lot of refactoring due to ATS. The standard "AllowArbitraryLoads" doesn't cut it for my project.
It looks like this can be caused by some new version number validation logic on Apple's end. In our case, tacking an extra ".1" onto the end of the version number strings for the app allowed it to be uploaded with Application Loader.
Really weird/deceptive that the error message for this would be "The application you have selected does not exist", though.
I was having the same issue. I tried to upload with Application loader then got descriptive errors about the bundle version. After removing all third party info.plist from pods and static libs, will work to upload my build.
I fixed this issue. I had to update my OSX to 10.10.5 and XCode to 7.0.1. In XCode you need to set few keys. NSAppTransportSecurity Key is required if your app or game needs internet access. After this setup it works perfectly from xcode it self. And no issue on live itunes connect.
My solution for similar problems is use of Fastlane Tools
First You can use GYM tool for build/archive your project, and then Pilot for send it to iTunesConnect Testflight.
This tool fixes all of my problems with Code signing, submitting, etc. so I can recommend it.
If I create an application on my Mac, is there any way I can get it to run on an iPhone without going through the app store?
It doesn't matter if the iPhone has to be jailbroken, as long as I can still run an application created using the official SDK. For reasons I won't get into, I can't have this program going through the app store.
Official Developer Program
For a standard iPhone you'll need to pay the US$99/yr to be a member of the developer program. You can then use the adhoc system to install your application onto up to 100 devices. The developer program has the details but it involves adding UUIDs for each of the devices to your application package. UUIDs can be easiest retrieved using Ad Hoc Helper available from the App Store. For further details on this method, see Craig Hockenberry's Beta testing on iPhone 2.0 article
Jailbroken iPhone
For jailbroken iPhones, you can use the following method which I have personally tested using the AccelerometerGraph sample app on iPhone OS 3.0.
Create Self-Signed Certificate
First you'll need to create a self signed certificate and patch your iPhone SDK to allow the use of this certificate:
Launch Keychain With no items selected, from the Keychain menu select Certificate Assistant, then Create a Certificate.
Name: iPhone Developer
Certificate Type: Code Signing
Let me override defaults: Yes
Click Continue
Validity: 3650 days
Click Continue
Blank out the Email address field.
Click Continue until complete.
You should see "This root certificate is not trusted". This is expected.
Set the iPhone SDK to allow the self-signed certificate to be used:
sudo /usr/bin/sed -i .bak 's/XCiPhoneOSCodeSignContext/XCCodeSignContext/' /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Info.plist
If you have Xcode open, restart it for this change to take effect.
Manual Deployment over WiFi
The following steps require openssh, and uikittools to be installed first. Replace jasoniphone.local with the hostname of the target device. Be sure to set your own password on both the mobile and root users after installing SSH.
To manually compile and install your application on the phone as a system app (bypassing Apple's installation system):
Project, Set Active SDK, Device and Set Active Build Configuration, Release.
Compile your project normally (using Build, not Build & Go).
In the build/Release-iphoneos directory you will have an app bundle. Use your preferred method to transfer this to /Applications on the device.
scp -r root#jasoniphone:/Applications/
Let SpringBoard know the new application has been installed:
ssh mobile#jasoniphone.local uicache
This only has to be done when you add or remove applications. Updated applications just need to be relaunched.
To make life easier for yourself during development, you can setup SSH key authentication and add these extra steps as a custom build step in your project.
Note that if you wish to remove the application later you cannot do so via the standard SpringBoard interface and you'll need to use SSH and update the SpringBoard:
ssh root#jasoniphone.local rm -r /Applications/ &&
ssh mobile#jasoniphone.local uicache
Yes, once you have joined the iPhone Developer Program, and paid Apple $99, you can provision your applications on up to 100 iOS devices.
Build your app
Upload to a crack site
(If you app is good enough) the crack version will be posted minutes later and ready for everyone to download ;-)
With the help of this post, I have made a script that will install via the app Installous for rapid deployment:
# compress application.
/bin/mkdir -p $CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/Payload
/bin/cp iTunesCrap/logo_itunes.png $CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/iTunesArtwork
/bin/cp iTunesCrap/iTunesMetadata.plist $CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR/iTunesMetadata.plist
# zip up the HelloWorld directory
/usr/bin/zip -r MyApp.ipa Payload iTunesArtwork iTunesMetadata.plist
What Is missing in the post referenced above, is the iTunesMetadata. Without this, Installous will not install apps correctly. Here is an example of an iTunesMetadata:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Sunday, December 12, 2010</string>
Obviously, replace all instances of MyApp with the name of your app and MyCompany with the name of your company.
Basically, this will install on any jailbroken device with Installous installed. After it is set up, this results in very fast deployment, as it can be installed from anywhere, just upload it to your companies website, and download the file directly to the device, and copy / move it to ~/Documents/Installous/Downloads.
With the upcoming Xcode 7 it's now possible to install apps on your devices without an apple developer license, so now it is possible to skip the app store and you don't have to jailbreak your device.
Now everyone can get their app on their Apple device.
Xcode 7 and
Swift now make it easier for everyone to build apps and run them
directly on their Apple devices. Simply sign in with your Apple ID,
and turn your idea into an app that you can touch on your iPad,
iPhone, or Apple Watch. Download Xcode 7 beta and try it yourself
today. Program membership is not required.
Quoted from:
XCode 7 is now released:
Free On-Device Development
Now everyone can run and test their own app
on a device—for free. You can run and debug your own creations on a
Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple Watch without any fees, and no
programs to join. All you need to do is enter your free Apple ID into
Xcode. You can even use the same Apple ID you already use for the App
Store or iTunes. Once you’ve perfected your app the Apple Developer
Program can help you get it on the App Store.
See Launching Your App on Devices for detailed information about
installing and running on devices.
It's worth noting that if you go the jailbroken route, it's possible (likely?) that an iPhone OS update would kill your ability to run these apps. I'd go the official route and pay the $99 to get authorized. In addition to not having to worry about your apps being clobbered, you also get the opportunity (should you choose) to release your apps on the store.
After copying the the app to the iPhone in the way described by #Jason Weathered, make sure to "chmod +x" of the app, otherwise it won't run.
*Changes/Notes to make this work for Xcode 3.2.1 and iPhone SDK 3.1.2
Manual Deployment over WiFi
2) Be sure to restart Xcode after modifying the Info.plist
3) The "uicache" command is not found, using killall -HUP SpringBoard worked fine for me.
Other then that, I can confirm this works fine.
Mac users, using PwnageTool 3.1.4 worked great for Jailbreaking (DL via torrent).
If you patch /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Info.plist and then try to debug a application running on the device using a real development provisionen profile from Apple it will probably not work. Symptoms are weird error messages from and that you can use any bundle identifier without getting a error when building in Xcode. The solution is to restore Info.plist.