Making TJvAppDBStorage work with FireDAC/Firebird - delphi

Using either Delphi 10.2 or 10.3, FireDAC and either Firebird 2.5 or 3.0: I've used the JVCL TJvAppStorage components for years and never had a problem with them, either to INI/XML storage or to a table in an AbsoluteDB database. I'm trying to migrate an app from AbsoluteDB to Firebird via FireDAC, and can't get the TJvAppDBStorage to write entries - it returns no errors, but nothing actually gets written into the table.
I have a datamodule containing the FireDAC connection and driver components, the JvAppDBStorage, a TDataSource and a TFDTable component. The FDB exists containing an appropriate table, the TFDTable is open on that table, the JvAppDBStorage has its properties set to match the table's fields, and the TFDTable, datasource and JvAppDBStorage are properly linked. (This all mirrors what has existed and worked against AbsoluteDB.) A call to dmStorage.FBStorage.WriteString(dmStorage.FBStorage.ConcatPaths(['General', 'LastStarted']), FormatDateTime(StdDTFmtStr, Now)); does not throw any exceptions, but nothing actually gets written into the table. Doing a normal append/set fields/post construct via the TFDTable works properly.
Any help appreciated!

There are 3 critical parts to this:
The underlying table must have a PK. I have an ID column with an associated sequence with before-insert trigger to make an auto-inc column for my PK, and an index that's a merge of the SectionID and KeyID fields to speed up the Locate() calls.
When creating the TFDTable object, you must create a new TFDTransaction object and attach it to the TFDTable and the TFDConnection.
On the TFDTable, you must set UpdateOptions.UpdateMode to upWhereKeyOnly. If you only do the first two steps, reads and appends will work but edits will not.
function TFDDBMgr.MakeTableObj(const ATblName: String): TFDTable;
Result := TFDTable.Create(Self);
with Result do begin
//hook up all our needed stuff
Connection := Self.Connection;
TableName := ATblName;
CachedUpdates := False;
//!!.SS 09/11/19: REQUIRED for TJvAppDBStorage use,
//also requires that a PK be defined on the table
UpdateOptions.UpdateMode := upWhereKeyOnly;
Transaction := TFDTransaction.Create(Result);
Transaction.Connection := Self.Connection;


when packing a dbf table, an error is file is in use

When trying to make a request, it displays an error:
File is in use
How can I solve that program?
procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
var data,ffg:string;
adoquery2.SQL.text:='Delete from g_rabn where data=data';// deleting data from g_rabn
procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
adoquery3.SQl.text:='pack table g_rabn';// packing tablr g_rabn
I can not delete data from the table, they are marked as deleted but require packaging. How to do it programmatically? He writes that file is in use when packing what to do?
You should execute the statement, not open it as a query. One way to achieve that, is to run it using an TADOCommand, not an TADOQuery, or use the ExecSQL method of the TADOQuery.
Also, all other connections to the DBF must be closed, otherwise you can't get the exclusive access that you need for packing the table.
I found this thread from 2005 on another forum, where somebody made this work with two notable parameters:
Using the provider VFPOLEDB.1
Using just the command pack filename.dbf (without the table keyword).
Lastly, I'm not so sure about the line ShowMessage(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));. This will show you the last API error, but that's on a low level. You are using the ADO components, so if anything is going wrong, you should expect ADO to throw an exception. For all you know ADO already worked around the issue one way or the other, and the error message you're seeing is not even relevant.
I am surprised that I could not get the solution suggested in Golez Troi's answer
to work, especially as it refers to a newsgroup post from someone who had seemingly managed to pack a dBASE table using ADO; as I said in a comment, if I try to call 'Pack xxxx' to pack a dBASE table via ADO, however I do it, I get
I was also surprised to notice something in the MS ODBC dBASE docs that I'd not noticed before, namely that the MS ODBC driver for dBASE files requires the BDE
Accessing dBASE ISAM files through the ODBC Desktop Database Drivers requires installation of the Borland database engine
So, seeing as accessing dBASE files via Ado requires the BDE anyway, there seems to me to be
no point avoiding using the BDE to pack the dBASE table using the standard BDE method, namely to call DbiPackTable. I added a TDatabase and TTable
to my ADO test project, after which I was able to execute this code without any problem
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
// Insert code here to close any Ado object (TAdoConnection, TAdoCommand, etc) pointing
// at the dBASE table/file
// Also check that not Ado object pointing at it is open in the IDE
// Then ...
Database1.DatabaseName := 'MADBF2';
Database1.Connected := True;
Table1.TableName := 'MATest.Dbf';
Table1.Exclusive := True;
// Following uses a call to DbiPackTable to pack the target table
Check(DbiPackTable(Table1.DBHandle, Table1.Handle, nil, nil,True));
Database1.Connected := False;
FWIW, while I was writing this answer, I noticed that the BDE.Int file (which gives the declarations but not the implementation of the BDE interface) was on the D7 distribution CD but was apparently not installed by default).

Can one create an MS Access table in Delphi (e.g., FireDAC) from the field defs of an existing table without using SQL?

I wanted to create a new mdb file containing tables based on the structure of previously existing tables. I knew that I can use newTable.FieldDefs.Add() to recreate the fields one by one in a loop. But since there is already an oldTable fully stocked with the correct FieldDefs, that seemed terribly inelegant. I was looking for a single-statement solution!
I had found that newTable.FieldDefs.Assign(oldTable.FieldDefs) would compile (and run) without error but it left newTable with zero defined fields. This caused me to erroneously conclude that I didn't understand that statement's function. (Later I found that it failed only when had not occurred, which could not happen when the database was not available, even though the FieldDefs had been made Persistent and were clearly visible in the Object Inspector)
Here is my original code after some sleuthing:
procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
fname: string;
Table: TFDTable;
FDConn: TFDConnection;
fname := 'C:\ProgramData\mymdb.mdb';
if FileExists(fname) then DeleteFile(fname);
{ Make new file for Table }
FDMSAccessService1.Database := fname;
FDMSAccessService1.DBVersion := avAccess2000;
{ Connect to new file }
FDConn := TFDConnection.Create(nil);
FDConn.Params.Database := fname;
FDConn.Params.DriverID := 'MSAcc';
FDConn.Connected := true;
{ Set up new Table using old table's structure }
Table := TFDTable.Create(nil);
{ ADOTable1 has been linked to an existing table in a prior
database with Field Defs made Persistent using the Fields
Editor in the Object Inspector. That database will not be
available in my actual use scenario }
try; // Throws exception when database file not found
Table.Connection := FDConn;
{ specify table name }
Table.TableName := ADOTable1.TableName;
Table.FieldDefs.Assign(ADOTable1.FieldDefs); // No errors reported
ShowMessageFmt('New Table %s has %d fields',[Table.TableName,
{ Reports correct TableName but "0 fields" with table not open
(i.e. file not found). Reports "23 fields" with table open }
{ Set Table definition into new mdb file }
Table.CreateTable(False); // Throws exception when 0 fields found
It turned out that the solution was to use a ClientDataSet originally linked to the same old database instead of the ADOTable. See the working solution below in my answer.
Edit: A final note. I had hoped to use this FireDAC approach, as indicated here, to get around the lack of a TADOTable.CreateTable method. Alas, although the "solutions" above and below do work to create a new TADOTable, that table's field definitions are not faithful replicas of the original table. There may be a combination of the myriad TFDTable options that would get around this, but I was not able to discover it so I reverted to creating my ADO tables with SQL.
Thanks to #Ken White's (unfortunately deleted) pointer, I now think that I have a solution to my original question about cloning the field defs from an old table into a newly created database. My original problem stemmed from the fact that the FieldDefs function for a table evidently does not return the actual stored field data if the table is not "open" (i.e., connected to the relevant database). Since my use scenario would not have a valid database available I could not "open" the table. However, ClientDataSets have an additional option to "StoreDefs" along with editor options to "Fetch Params" and "Assign Local Data". With those settings saved, the ClientDataSet renders its FieldDefs properties without being "open". Using that approach it seems that I can clone the stored field defs to a new table without needing a currently valid database to read them from. Thanks again, Ken, you saved a lot of my remaining hair! I sure wish that Embarcadero would do a better job of rationalizing their help files. They removed BDE from the default installation of Rio while still pointing in their help file discussion on creating Access tables to its TTable type as the way to create new tables and then never point to the equivalent capabilities in FireDAC (or elsewhere) which they continue to support. I wasted a lot of time because of this "oversight"!
Here is my working code after Ken's tip:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
i: integer;
fname: string;
Table: TFDTable;
FDConn: TFDConnection;
fname := 'C:\ProgramData\mymdb.mdb';
if FileExists(fname) then DeleteFile(fname);
FDMSAccessService1.Database := fname;
FDMSAccessService1.DBVersion := avAccess2000;
FDConn := TFDConnection.Create(nil);
FDConn.Params.Database := fname;
FDConn.Params.DriverID := 'MSAcc';
FDConn.Connected := true;
Table := TFDTable.Create(nil);
Table.Connection := FDConn;
{ specify table name }
Table.TableName := 'ATable';
{ The existingClientDataSet has been linked to a table in the
prior, no longer valid, database using StoreDefs, Fetch Params,
and Assign Local Data in the Object Inspector }
ShowMessageFmt('New Table has %d fields', [Table.FieldDefs.Count]);

Disabling the login prompt without using the TDatabase bypass

I am currently trying to connect to a database using an ODBC Alias to SQL Server. The problem I'm having is that when I use my TQuery object to get the information it always requests login details (nevermind whether I've specified them in the ODBC creation). I don't mind manually setting them in the code, but I can't find how to do that.
The most common solution I've found is to use the database component and go through that. However that comes with its own issues. Due to my dataset being so large and the database component converting the dataset to a Paradox table I keep getting a BDE error of 'Temporary Table Resource Limit'.
I don't get this error if I ignore the database component (which is fine) however this leaves me with the login prompt issue. Has anyone found a way to bypass this for TQuerys without swapping to other connection paths such as ADO?
I'm a bit rusty with the BDE but I don't think there's an easy way to avoid the login prompt if what you're saying is that you're not using a TDatabase component in your project.
The reason is that when you attempt to open your TQuery without a TDatabase (or TSession) component in your project, the default Session object in your app will call the routine below from within your TQuery's OpenCursor:
{ from DBTables.Pas }
function TSession.DoOpenDatabase(const DatabaseName: string; AOwner: TComponent): TDatabase;
TempDatabase: TDatabase;
Result := nil;
TempDatabase := nil;
Result := DoFindDatabase(DatabaseName, AOwner);
if Result = nil then
TempDatabase := TDatabase.Create(Self);
TempDatabase.DatabaseName := DatabaseName;
TempDatabase.KeepConnection := FKeepConnections;
TempDatabase.Temporary := True;
Result := TempDatabase;
As you can see, if the session can't find an existing TDatabase component with the right name, it creates a temporary one, and it's the call to Result.Open that pops up the login prompt, without, so far as I can see, giving you any opportunity to supply the password + user name before the pop-up (the Session's OnPassword doesn't seem to get called in the course of this).
Obviously you need to check using the debugger that that's what's happening in your app, a temporary TDatabase being created, I mean.
If what I've suggested in the Update below didn't work and I were desperate to avoid using a TDatabase component, I would look into the possibility of maybe deriving a TQuery descendant, and trying to override its OpenCursor to see if I could jam in the user name/password.
Anyway, seeing as you say you're not using an explicit TDatabase, if I understand you correctly, because of the "Temporary Table ..." issue, and seeing as the Session will create a temporary one anyway, I suppose it might be worth your while investigating why the temporary one doesn't provoke the "Temporary Table" error, whereas using a TDatabase component in your app evidently does. Idapi32.Cfg configuration issue, maybe? At the moment, I can't help you with that because I can't reproduce your "Temporary Table" error, despite using my TQuery to do a SELECT on a SqlServer table to return 250,000+ rows.
Oh, that's a point: Does your table contain any BLOBs? I seem to recall there's an Idapi config parameter that lets you reduce the temporary storage space the BDE uses for BLOBs (to zero, maybe, but it's been a long time since I used the BDE "for real").
Update: The thought just occurred to me that since your query seems to work with Session dynamically creating a TDatabase object, maybe it would also work with a TDatabase which you dynamically create yourself. I just tried the following, and it works for me:
procedure TForm1.DatabaseLogin(Database: TDatabase;
LoginParams: TStrings);
LoginParams.Add('user name=sa');
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
ADatabase : TDatabase;
ADatabase := TDatabase.Create(Self);
ADatabase.AliasName := 'MAT41032';
ADatabase.DatabaseName := 'MAT41032';
ADatabase.SessionName := 'Default';
ADatabase.OnLogin := DatabaseLogin;
+1 for an interesting question, btw.

How to get the AUTOINC value when connecting via ADO?

I am trying to connect my database (Advantage 7.1 Server) using the Advantage OLE DB provider. So far so good...It connects with no problem with the code below:-
// the database we'll be connecting to
ConnectionString = 'Provider=Advantage OLE DB Provider;Data Source=C:\Data\'+
'UsersData.add;ServerType=ADS_REMOTE_SERVER|ADS_LOCAL_SERVER;User ID=ISUsers;Password=aAoO31';
My problem is, even though I'm able to connect to the database, any field with AUTOINC as the data type does not generate next numbers. "ID" as AUTOINC keeps on giving me zero (0) anytime I append the data instead of moving to the next number 1, 2, 3.... But for the same code if I switch to MS ACCESS, it works perfectly. What am I doing wrong? please find code below.
// Add template to database. Returns added template ID.
function TDBClass.addTemplate(template: TTemplate): Integer;
rs: TADODataSet;
tptStream: TMemoryStream;
id: Integer;
p: PChar;
// get DB data and append one row
rs := TADODataSet.Create(nil);
rs.Connection := connection;
rs.CursorType := ctStatic;
rs.LockType := ltOptimistic;
rs.CommandText := 'SELECT * FROM enroll';
tptStream := TMemoryStream.Create();
// write template data to memory stream.
SafeArrayAccessData(template.tpt, Pointer(p));
tptStream.write(p^, template.size);
// save template data from memory stream to database.
(rs.FieldByName('template') as TBlobField).LoadFromStream(tptStream);
// update the database with added template.;
// get the ID of enrolled template.
id := rs.FieldByName('ID').AsInteger;
// close connection
addTemplate := id;
You should consider using the TADSConnection, TADSQuery, etc. components that you can still download from the DevZone ( even for ADS 7.1.
If you have to use ADO, you probably have to use a different approach. (But see also bummi's comment about a possible bug in Delphi).
One way would be to use the LASTAUTOINC scalar function:
In Delphi ADO you can pass more than 1 statement in your SQL query string - This might true for ADO in general.
Insert into test (text) Values('ddd'); Select * from test where AutoIncColumn = Scope_identity()
This will return the inserted row with the Autoinc value
or if you need just the autoinc value
Insert into test (text) Values('ddd'); Select Scope_identity() AutoIncColumn

Everytime I try to communicate with my database with stored procedures I get this "Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset"

I'm working on a Delphi project with a MS SQL Server database, I connected the database with ADOConnection, DataSource and ADOProc components from Borland Delphi 7 and I added this code in behind:
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
ADOStoredProc1.ProcedureName := 'sp_Delete_Clen';
ADOStoredProc1.Parameters.ParamByName('#clenID').Value := Edit6.Text;
ADOStoredProc1.Active := True;
The component Edit6 is an editbox that takes the ID of the tuple that should be deleted from the database and ADOStoredProc1 is the stored procedure in the database that takes 1 parametar (the ID you want to delete).
The project runs with no problems, I even got a TADOTable and a DBGrid that load the information from the database, but when I try to delete a tuple from the database using its ID written in the EditBox I get this Error: "Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset" and the breakpoint of the project is when the application tries to add the value for the 'clenID' parameter.
Where is my mistake and how to fix it?
I think the ADOStoredProc1.Refresh method is not appropriate here. In this case the stored procedure does not return a result set. Could you leave it out? And also the line ADOStoredProc1.Active := True. The connection to the database is open I presume? Could you also check the values of the Parameters collection in the Object Inspector?
I think you want to call ADOStoredProc1.Parameters.Refresh, not ADOStoredProc1.Refresh.
Also, you should only set Active to True if the SQL Server Stored procedure returns a dataset - i.e. the result of a SELECT statement. Setting Active to True is the same as calling Open.
If the stored procedure only returns a result code (RETURN n), then use ExecProc.
In no case should you use both ADOStoredProc1.Active := True; and ADOStoredProc1.ExecProc;
In summary, you probably want something like
procedure TForm1.btnDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
ADOStoredProc1.ProcedureName := 'sp_Delete_Clen';
ADOStoredProc1.Parameters.Refresh; // gets the parameter list from SQL Server
ADOStoredProc1.Parameters.ParamByName('#clenID').Value := edtID.Text;
