How to parse golang time - parsing

i have this dates
"25th April 2019 01:01 AM"
"11th May 2019 07:28 AM"
"26th August 2019 11:07 AM"
"31st July 2019 01:26 PM"
my try
timeStr = strings.Replace(timeStr,"th","",1)
timeStr = strings.Replace(timeStr,"st","",1)
timeStr = strings.Replace(timeStr,"rd","",1)
timeStr = strings.Replace(timeStr,"nd","",1)
time.Parse("2 January 2006 15:04 PM",timeStr)
but this is wrong as it can remove characters from the month

Can use a regexp to do such kind of things.
re := regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d{1,2})(th|st|rd|nd)`)
re.ReplaceAllString("31st July 2019 01:26 PM", "$1")

How about this?
if d := timeStr[1]; d >= '0' && d <= '9' {
// 2-digit day
timeStr = timeStr[:2] + timeStr[4:]
} else {
// 1-digit day
timeStr = timeStr[:1] + timeStr[3:]


How to format a date range (with only one year string) in different locale's in iOS?

The date string in English: Jan 18 - Jan 26, 2018
Incorrect Korean date string: Jan 18 - 2018 Jan 26
What should happen in Korean: 2018 Jan 18 - Jan 26 (not exactly correct Korean, just referring to the location of the year. See accepted answer to see proper Korean date format)
Right now this requires to date formatters, but you have to hardcode which date formatter has the year, so the Korean date doesn't look right.
Is this possible to do in Swift/Objc without just putting the year string on both sides of the date range?
Use a DateIntervalFormatter:
let sd = DateComponents(year: 2018, month: 1, day: 18))!
let ed = DateComponents(year: 2018, month: 1, day: 26))!
let dif = DateIntervalFormatter()
dif.dateStyle = .medium
dif.timeStyle = .none
dif.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US")
let resEN = dif.string(from: sd, to: ed)
dif.locale = Locale(identifier: "ko_KR")
let resKO = dif.string(from: sd, to: ed)
This results in:
Jan 18 – 26, 2018
2018. 1. 18. ~ 2018. 1. 26.
The output isn't exactly what you show in your question but the output is appropriate for the given locales.

ruby date format from date A to date B

I just wonder how the date period can be written in Ruby?
date_a = # <= new
date_b = # <= old
I'd love to have something like:
September 1 - 30, 2016
Also it needs to be considered the year.
(Ex. if it's in January,
It should be December 25 2016 - January 25 2017)
You could do something like this
def format_dates(*dates)
date1, date2 = dates.sort
return "#{date1.strftime("%B %d %Y")} if date1 == date2
if date1.year == date2.year
if date1.month == date2.month
"#{date1.strftime("%B")} #{} - #{}, #{date1.year}"
"#{date1.strftime("%B %d")} - #{date2.strftime("%B %d")}, #{date1.year}"
"#{date1.strftime("%B %d %Y")} - #{date2.strftime("%B %d %Y")}"
p format_dates(Date.parse('25/12/2016'), Date.parse('25/01/2017'))
# => "December 25 2016 - January 25 2017"
p format_dates(Date.parse('25/12/2016'), Date.parse('25/01/2016'))
# => "January 25 - December 25, 2016"

NSComparisonResult is not working as expected for 10 PM and above

I need to compare two times in Swift and using NSComparisonResult I could get correct result until it comes to time between 10 PM - 11:59 PM. It shows opposite result for these times. Anyone know what's the issue with this? Below is sample code and scenario's. 10:30:00 PM is example time to test, but you can test it with any time.
// For test, Current time 10:30:00 PM
let currentTime = NSDateFormatter.localizedStringFromDate(NSDate(), dateStyle: .NoStyle, timeStyle: .LongStyle)
let closeTimeCompareResult: NSComparisonResult ="10:00:00 PM EDT")
print("DinnerClose: \(closeTimeCompareResult.rawValue)")
// Expected result is -1 but, getting as 1
// It works perfect until 9:59:59 PM
let closeTimeCompareResult9: NSComparisonResult ="9:00:00 PM EDT")
print("DinnerClose: \(closeTimeCompareResult9.rawValue)")
// As expected result is -1
You're performing a string comparison. So you're comparing these two strings, for example:
10:00:00 PM EDT
9:00:00 PM EDT
A string comparison compares the corresponding characters of each string, starting with the first character of each. The first character of "10:00:00 PM EDT" is "1" and the first character of "9:00:00 PM EDT" is "9". In Unicode and ASCII, "9" is code point 57 and "1" is code point 49. Since 57 > 49, "9" > "1", and "9:00:00 PM EDT" > "10:00:00 PM EDT".
You probably want to extract the hour, minute, and second from the input date, and then compare them numerically. If you've upgraded to Xcode 7.3 with Swift 2.2, then you can use a tuple comparison like this:
let date = NSDate()
let components = NSCalendar.currentCalendar().components([.Hour, .Minute, .Second], fromDate: date)
let hms = (components.hour, components.minute, components.second)
if hms >= (21, 0, 0) && hms < (22, 30, 0) {
print("\(date) is between 9 PM and 10:30 PM in the system's time zone.")

Transforming date + time in a TimeStamp Object

I'm having some trouble with making a timestamp from a date and a time
What i'm trying to do:
date = "2016 2 21"
time = "03:00 UTC"
output = "Thu, 21 Feb 2016 03:00:00 UTC +00:00"
I'm getting the date from a form_for:
But I'm not sure of how should I pick up the time.
To give you a headstart:
dt = "2016-2-21"
time = "03:00 UTC"
dtime = DateTime.parse(dt + 'T' + time)
output = dtime.rfc2822
and the result is:
#=> "Sun, 21 Feb 2016 03:00:00 +0000"
Maybe you could do something like this
strftime("%d.%m.%Y. %H:%M:%S")
and also get your locale yml file from here

How to format time durations in Groovy?

I need to show time elapsed. I have the dates in following format.
Date1 = Thu May 23 10:10:10 EDT 2013
Date2 = Tue May 21 10:10:10 EDT 2013
I currently did TimeDuration duration=TimeCategory.minus(now,LaunchTime)
And my output shows something like 2 days, 23 minutes, 25.154 seconds
What I want to show instead of 2 days, 23 minutes, 25.154 seconds is something like 48:23:25(in hours and minutes).
You can do something like this to create a new TimeDuration with the days turned into hours:
import groovy.time.TimeDuration
import groovy.time.TimeCategory
date1 = Date.parseToStringDate( 'Thu May 23 10:10:10 EDT 2013' )
date2 = Date.parseToStringDate( 'Tue May 21 12:14:10 EDT 2013' )
// Normalize method to return a new TimeDuration
TimeDuration normalize( TimeDuration tc ) {
new TimeDuration( ( tc.days != 0 ? tc.days * 24 : 0 ) + tc.hours,
tc.minutes, tc.seconds, tc.millis )
// Then use the category to subtract the dates, and call normalize
TimeDuration normalized = use( groovy.time.TimeCategory ) {
normalize( date1 - date2 )
println normalized
