I am wondering if I encrypt a plaintext, let's say using the Go SDK whether I will be able to decrypt it using the Java SDK? Is that a design goal of the library to guarantee this portability across programming languages?
Yes, that should work. Cross-language compatibility is a design goal. We have tests to detect any incompatibility issues, but if you found any please file a bug on https://github.com/google/tink.
I need to connect to different crypto exchanges from java or kotlin, but most of the libraries I have found are for python or other languages, I would like to know how to connect ccxt to java or kotlin, or to know if there is an alternative library for my needs.
I expected to find a guide on how to use ccxt with java or kotlin but I could not find it.
there is actually no active Java project to connect to crypto exchanges. There is https://github.com/knowm/XChange but it's not supported as much as CCXT, which is updated almost on a daily basis with a very responsive community.
The best way is actually to run CCXT in a small application and find a way for your java application to communicate with it (through a middleware). It's a bit overkill but it works.
What programming Shapr3D ipad app is written in?
I doubt it would be in Swift?
Previous versions of Shapr3D relied on C++ framework Open CASCADE Technology, and latest versions use Parasolid API (Parasolid kernel become available on iOS much later than open-source OCCT), which is referred as C-callable in some references. So I would guess that many portions of application should be written in C++.
The bindings to UIKit, however, should be written in either Objective-C/C++ or Swift, as Apple left no other choice to developers. The latter one requires more efforts for incorporating C++ code and I don't know if Swift gives any solid advantages over Objective-C++ for GUI development to make these extra efforts worthwhile.
These are just my guesses for a closed-source application.
I think that asking the same question on application's forum would have more chances to get reliable answer (although I barely see any use of such knowledge).
I Have Created A Beautiful Design Of My App Using Adobe XD. But Now I Want To Convert That Design Into App That Looks Exact The Same. How do I go from an Adobe XD prototype to a working app?
Your question sounds a bit like your searching for a way to convert your design into an app without dealing with the code a lot (in a kind of WYSIWYG-fashion similar to what Adobe Muse does for websites). My answer assumes that that's what you're asking. If not, please feel free to ignore my answer...
Adobe XD is only a design app. This means, that it doesn't really have code generation features. Having said that, there are now a few plugins that can support you in writing this code (e.g. Lightning Storm CC – to my knowledge – supports Android UI export).
Also, as Ash Ryan Arnwine mentioned before, design specs support you when developing the UI (you'll need to code it yourself, though).
All in all, there is no way around either knowing how to code or hiring a developer when creating an Android app. Therefore, these tools can only support you in development, not replace the technical aspect of developing an app. The answer to your question, therefore, is that there, unfortunately (or fortunately – depending on how you look at it?) isn't any way to quickly "convert" a prototype (which really is nothing more than a prototype) into a real app other than coding it yourself (possibly with the assistance of the tools mentioned by Ash Ryan Arnwine and me).
Since there are many unique workflows out there for designers and developers, there's no single answer to your question.
Here are a few things worth looking into:
Adobe XD design specs: View design specs published from Adobe XD, which enable you to inspect and comment on the flows, measurements, and styles.
Adobe XD for Jira Cloud: Associate XD prototypes and design specs with Jira issues to keep projects organized and provide developers with everything they need to know right within Jira.
Adobe XD plugins: Plugins are coming soon to XD. A couple of common use cases for plugins is designer-developer and design-to-code workflows. If the plugin you want to see isn't when plugins launch, the APIs will be open for anyone to build it.
The answer depends on your response to this question: Are you ready to spend money to make this happen? if so, there are two Adobe plugins that try to convert your prototype(anyway, you'll need to code and make efforts in Android Studio). Those plugins are:
Lightning Storm
ok there is no real way to connect to soap within ios5... sadly enough.
I cant really believe that things that take 3 lines of code in php,
$client = new SoapClient("scramble.wsdl");
print($mirror = $client->sendAndGetString("hello_world"));
need 366 lines of code in objective c? And that on a device that has one of the biggest number of ria's and web apps.
Kind of disappointing -
Are there any new libraries I am not aware of?
If I talk to our web developer team they maybe switch to another service type that is more supported by IOS.
What would be a alternative then?
The difference between dynamically typed languages such as PHP and statically typed languages such as Objective-C regarding RPC protocols is that while dynamic languages typically allows you to wrap "any" service in run-time by reflecting out their metadata (e.g. WSDL), statically typed languages normally requires a code generation step before the compilation phase.
Two popular code generators seem to be wsdl2objc and sudz-c. See also this question.
Regarding alternatives, I have good experience using both JSON and XML-RPC, as well as the more schema-oriented Thrift and Protocol Buffers (ObjC).
I've written several tutorials about using SOAP services in iOS with Wsdl2Objc: http://brismith66.blogspot.com/search/label/iPhone%20Development
For me the easiest way is to use good tool to generate all required classes. Personally I use this site:
It supports quite complex web services and is very easy to use.
I am new in the FIX and have requirement to develop a small FIX engine to communicate trading system. As I know there are plenty of FIX engine available but here requirement is to develop it.
Could anyone provide me the reference on any open source or any good article to start it?
For C++ use quickfix
Java use QuickfixJ
For .NET use VersaFix
To refer to Fix message constructions.
Both the libraries(Quickfix) have the same nomenclature as mentioned in the FIX protocol standards. But they are little buggy here and there, but you can rectify them in your source code. I have used both of the libraries in a commercial project and say so after seeing the libraries work. But the code is quite simple and they have an online reference manual to work with.
But developing your own library will be a big task for only one developer, if you have a team it can be much easier. Remember other than parsing you have to incorporate network communications, configuration on how to run it and threading structures also.
Developing your own FIX engine is not easy, specially if you will be dealing with FIX session level details yourself. Synchronizing sequences through ResendRequest, GapFill and SequenceReset is not easy and it would be nice if you can just use a FIX engine that is already doing that for you.
Another problem with the FIX protocol is REPEATING GROUPS. It is not easy to parse them quickly as it requires recursion or alternatively a complex iterative implementation.
Moreover, most Java FIX engines produce a lot of garbage when they are parsing the message, which increases variance and latency due to GC overhead.
Lastly, an intuitive API design is crucial to accelerate FIX development. If you want a good example of a clean API, you can check CoralFIX.
Disclaimer: I am one of the developers of CoralFIX.
You certainly want to look at QuickFix.