CloudKit CKError extension not available in Objective-C? - ios

I read somewhere here that CKError is not available in Objective-C, and I concur. For instance, this extension is available in Swift.
#available(OSX 10.10, iOS 8.0, watchOS 3.0, *)
extension CKError {
/// Retrieve partial error results associated by item ID.
public var partialErrorsByItemID: [AnyHashable : Error]? { get }
/// The original CKRecord object that you used as the basis for
/// making your changes.
public var ancestorRecord: CKRecord? { get }
/// The CKRecord object that was found on the server. Use this
/// record as the basis for merging your changes.
public var serverRecord: CKRecord? { get }
/// The CKRecord object that you tried to save. This record is based
/// on the record in the CKRecordChangedErrorAncestorRecordKey key
/// but contains the additional changes you made.
public var clientRecord: CKRecord? { get }
/// The number of seconds after which you may retry a request. This
/// key may be included in an error of type
/// `CKErrorServiceUnavailable` or `CKErrorRequestRateLimited`.
public var retryAfterSeconds: Double? { get }
The problem is that I need these objects in my Objective-C project.
I've somehow (I believe) managed to get the partialErrorsByItemID in Objective-C by making a category for NSError and a little comprehension of the documentation of CKError.h, like so:
CKErrorCode ckErrorCode = (CKErrorCode) _code;
if (ckErrorCode == CKErrorPartialFailure) {
// When a CKErrorPartialFailure happens this key will be set in the error's userInfo dictionary.
// The value of this key will be a dictionary, and the values will be errors for individual items with the keys being the item IDs that failed.
NSDictionary *dicError = _userInfo;
if ([dicError objectForKey:CKPartialErrorsByItemIDKey] != nil) {
NSDictionary *dic = (NSDictionary *)[dicError objectForKey:CKPartialErrorsByItemIDKey];
for (NSString* key in dic) {
NSError *newError = dic[key];
if (code == newError.code) {
match = YES;
} else {
return NO;
But again, my problem is how to get the objects serverRecord and the clientRecord. Any idea?

Here's an Objective-C category that replicates most of the CKError structure of Swift. I didn't add errorCode, localizedDescription or errorUserInfo since NSError already provides those as code, localizedDescription, and userInfo.
#import <CloudKit/CloudKit.h>
extern const double UnknownRetrySeconds;
#interface NSError (CKError)
- (NSDictionary<id, NSError *> * _Nullable)partialErrorsByItemID;
- (CKRecord * _Nullable)ancestorRecord;
- (CKRecord * _Nullable)clientRecord;
- (CKRecord * _Nullable)serverRecord;
- (double)retryAfterSeconds; // returns UnknownRetrySeconds if not available
#import "CloudKitExtensions.h"
const double UnknownRetrySeconds = -1;
#implementation NSError (CKError)
- (NSDictionary<id, NSError *> * _Nullable)partialErrorsByItemID {
if ([self.domain isEqualToString:CKErrorDomain] && self.code == CKErrorPartialFailure) {
return self.userInfo[CKPartialErrorsByItemIDKey];
} else {
return nil;
- (CKRecord * _Nullable)ancestorRecord {
if ([self.domain isEqualToString:CKErrorDomain] && self.code == CKErrorServerRecordChanged) {
return self.userInfo[CKRecordChangedErrorAncestorRecordKey];
} else {
return nil;
- (CKRecord * _Nullable)clientRecord {
if ([self.domain isEqualToString:CKErrorDomain] && self.code == CKErrorServerRecordChanged) {
return self.userInfo[CKRecordChangedErrorClientRecordKey];
} else {
return nil;
- (CKRecord * _Nullable)serverRecord {
if ([self.domain isEqualToString:CKErrorDomain] && self.code == CKErrorServerRecordChanged) {
return self.userInfo[CKRecordChangedErrorServerRecordKey];
} else {
return nil;
- (double)retryAfterSeconds {
if ([self.domain isEqualToString:CKErrorDomain]) {
NSNumber *delayVal = self.userInfo[CKErrorRetryAfterKey];
return delayVal ? [delayVal doubleValue] : UnknownRetrySeconds;
} else {
return UnknownRetrySeconds;


Swift catch objc NSError [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Swift doesn't convert Objective-C NSError** to throws
(2 answers)
How to convert Objective-C BOOL to Swift's Bool with NSError** as one of the parameter in return
(1 answer)
Closed 2 months ago.
I defined a class as follows
#interface TestModel : NSObject
- (BOOL)test1:(NSError * _Nullable * _Nullable)error;
- (int)test2:(NSError * _Nullable * _Nullable)error;
#implementation TestModel
- (BOOL)test1:(NSError * _Nullable * _Nullable)error {
return YES;
- (int)test2:(NSError * _Nullable * _Nullable)error {
if (error) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:#"domain" code:0 userInfo:nil];
return 9;
I use them like this in Swift
#objc public class Utils: NSObject {
func test() {
do {
let value = try TestModel().test1()
print("success value: \(value)")
} catch {
print("failed error: \(error)")
var error: NSError?
let value = TestModel().test2(&error)
print("value>>>>>> \(value)")
Then, I got result
success value: ()
value>>>>>> 9
There are two problems here, I don't really understand.
Why does test1 need catch exceptions, but test2 does not?
Why does test1 not return a value?

swift: EXC_BAD_ACCESS with using Realm and FolioReaderKit

I installed FolioReaderKit using Cocoapods to read epub book. I'm trying to highlight text and add it to a list of highlights. But when I do this I get this error and my app crashes:
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=257, address=0x41c4a1c96ae55d46)
value = RLMGetOptional(static_cast<RLMOptionalBase *>(object_getIvar(obj, prop.swiftIvar)));
id RLMAccessorContext::propertyValue(__unsafe_unretained id const obj, size_t propIndex,
__unsafe_unretained RLMProperty *const prop) {
// Property value from an NSArray
if ([obj respondsToSelector:#selector(objectAtIndex:)]) {
return propIndex < [obj count] ? [obj objectAtIndex:propIndex] : nil;
// Property value from an NSDictionary
if ([obj respondsToSelector:#selector(objectForKey:)]) {
return [obj];
// Property value from an instance of this object type
id value;
if ([obj isKindOfClass:_info.rlmObjectSchema.objectClass] && prop.swiftIvar) {
if (prop.array) {
return static_cast<RLMListBase *>(object_getIvar(obj, prop.swiftIvar))._rlmArray;
else if (prop.swiftIvar == RLMDummySwiftIvar) {
// FIXME: An invalid property which we're pretending is nil until 4.0
return NSNull.null;
else { // optional
value = RLMGetOptional(static_cast<RLMOptionalBase *>(object_getIvar(obj, prop.swiftIvar)));
else {
// Property value from some object that's KVC-compatible
value = RLMValidatedValueForProperty(obj, [obj respondsToSelector:prop.getterSel] ? prop.getterName :,
return value ?: NSNull.null;
How to fix it?

Cannot access more than one value from function using PromiseKit Swift

+ (AnyPromise *) promisefunctionReturnThreeValus:(NSString *)sampleName {
return [self anotherPromiseFunction:sampleName].then(^(NSMutableDictionary *sampleDict) {
DataArray *data = [DataArray dataArrayFromDict:sampleDict];
PropertyArray *property = [PropertyArray PropertyArrayFromDict:sampleDict];
if ([sampleDict objectForKey:NAME])
NameModel *name = [[NameModel alloc]initWithDictionary:[responseDict objectForKey:NAME]];
return (PMKManifold(data,property,name));
return (PMKManifold(data,property,nil));
well i can able to access this from objc using the below code
[TemplateClass promisefunctionReturnThreeValus:#"hello"].then(^(DataArray *data,PropertyArray *property,NameModel *name) {
//Here i can able to access the three values data,property and name
But when i try to access this from swift
TemplateClass.promisefunctionReturnThreeValus(sampleName: "hello").then{ data,property,name in
// it show me error " Contextual closure type '(Any?) -> AnyPromise' expects 1 argument, but 3 were used in closure body "
i can able to access only data but not the other two
i also tried debug it and print through log it show only the data of DataArray Object
lldb output
<DataArray : 0x1c0631340 count:1 value:{
"id" = 3631;

Swift NSExpression error handling [duplicate]

I am trying this code that is a calculator. How can I handle input from the user that is not valid?
//ANSWER: Bridging header to Objective-C//
Here is the same question but in objc but I want to do this in swift. Catching NSInvalidArgumentException from NSExpression
All I want to show is a message if it doesn't work, but now I am getting an exception when the user doesn't input the correct format.
import Foundation
var equation:NSString = "60****2" // This gives a NSInvalidArgumentException',
let expr = NSExpression(format: equation) // reason: 'Unable to parse the format string
if let result = expr.expressionValueWithObject(nil, context: nil) as? NSNumber {
let x = result.doubleValue
} else {
More "Swifty" solution:
#implementation TryCatch
+ (BOOL)tryBlock:(void(^)())tryBlock
error:(NSError **)error
#try {
tryBlock ? tryBlock() : nil;
#catch (NSException *exception) {
if (error) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:#"com.something"
return NO;
return YES;
This will generate Swift code:
class func tryBlock((() -> Void)!) throws
And you can use it with try:
do {
try TryCatch.tryBlock {
let expr = NSExpression(format: "60****2")
} catch {
// Handle error here
This is still an issue in Swift 2. As noted, the best solution is to use a bridging header and catch the NSException in Objective C. describes a good solution, but the exact code doesn't compile in Swift 2 because try and catch are now reserved keywords. You'll need to change the method signature to workaround this. Here's an example:
#interface TryCatch : NSObject
+ (void)tryBlock:(void (^)())try catchBlock:(void (^)(NSException *))catch finallyBlock:(void (^)())finally;
#implementation TryCatch
+ (void)tryBlock:(void (^)())try catchBlock:(void (^)(NSException *))catch finallyBlock:(void (^)())finally {
#try {
try ? try() : nil;
#catch (NSException *e) {
catch ? catch(e) : nil;
#finally {
finally ? finally() : nil;
A nice solution editing from
First create TryCatch.h & TryCatch.m and bridge them to Swift:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
void tryCatch(void(^tryBlock)(), void(^catchBlock)(NSException *e), void(^finallyBlock)());
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
void tryCatch(void(^tryBlock)(), void(^catchBlock)(NSException *e), void(^finallyBlock)()) {
#try {
#catch (NSException *exception) {
#finally {
Then create the class TryCatch in Swift:
func `try`(`try`:()->()) -> TryCatch {
return TryCatch(`try`)
class TryCatch {
let tryFunc : ()->()
var catchFunc = { (e:NSException!)->() in return }
var finallyFunc : ()->() = {}
init(_ `try`:()->()) {
tryFunc = `try`
func `catch`(`catch`:(NSException)->()) -> TryCatch {
// objc bridging needs NSException!, not NSException as we'd like to expose to clients.
catchFunc = { (e:NSException!) in `catch`(e) }
return self
func finally(finally:()->()) {
finallyFunc = finally
deinit {
tryCatch(tryFunc, catchFunc, finallyFunc)
Finally, use it! :)
`try` {
let expn = NSExpression(format: "60****2")
//let resultFloat = expn.expressionValueWithObject(nil, context: nil).floatValue
// Other things...
}.`catch` { e in
// Handle error here...
print("Error: \(e)")

Prevent a closure from running until another has completed

Here is code for two closures in two different IBAction button presses. The desired outcome is for the button press to turn on/off an LED, then to access a light sensor and read the light value after the change in LED status.
What happens is a race condition where the function getVariable runs and returns before the callFunction has implemented the change. The result is that the value displayed in getLightLabel.text is that of the prior condition, not the current condition.
My question is how to rewrite the code below so that myPhoton!.getVariable does not execute until after the myPhoton!.callFunction has returned (completed its task).
I have tried placing getVariable inside callFunction, both before and after the } closing if (error == nil), but the result was identical to the code shown here.
#IBAction func lightOn(sender: AnyObject) {
let funcArgs = [1]
myPhoton!.callFunction("lightLed0", withArguments: funcArgs) { (resultCode : NSNumber!, error : NSError!) -> Void in
if (error == nil) {
self.lightStateLabel.text = "LED is on"
myPhoton!.getVariable("Light", completion: { (result:AnyObject!, error:NSError!) -> Void in
if let e = error {
self.getLightLabel.text = "Failed reading light"
else {
if let res = result as? Float {
self.getLightLabel.text = "Light level is \(res) lumens"
#IBAction func lightOff(sender: AnyObject) {
let funcArgs = [0]
myPhoton!.callFunction("lightLed0", withArguments: funcArgs) { (resultCode : NSNumber!, error : NSError!) -> Void in
if (error == nil) {
self.lightStateLabel.text = "LED is off"
myPhoton!.getVariable("Light", completion: { (result:AnyObject!, error:NSError!) -> Void in
if let e = error {
self.getLightLabel.text = "Failed reading light"
else {
if let res = result as? Float {
self.getLightLabel.text = "Light level is \(res) lumens"
Here is the callFunction comments and code from the .h file. This SDK is written in Objective C. I am using it in Swift with a bridging header file.
* Call a function on the device
* #param functionName Function name
* #param args Array of arguments to pass to the function on the device. Arguments will be converted to string maximum length 63 chars.
* #param completion Completion block will be called when function was invoked on device. First argument of block is the integer return value of the function, second is NSError object in case of an error invoking the function
-(void)callFunction:(NSString *)functionName withArguments:(NSArray *)args completion:(void (^)(NSNumber *, NSError *))completion;
-(void)addEventHandler:(NSString *)eventName handler:(void(^)(void))handler;
-(void)removeEventHandler:(NSString *)eventName;
Here is the .m file code
-(void)callFunction:(NSString *)functionName withArguments:(NSArray *)args completion:(void (^)(NSNumber *, NSError *))completion
// TODO: check function name exists in list
NSURL *url = [self.baseURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"v1/devices/%#/%#",, functionName]];
NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary new]; //[self defaultParams];
// TODO: check response of calling a non existant function
if (args) {
NSMutableArray *argsStr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:args.count];
for (id arg in args)
[argsStr addObject:[arg description]];
NSString *argsValue = [argsStr componentsJoinedByString:#","];
if (argsValue.length > MAX_SPARK_FUNCTION_ARG_LENGTH)
// TODO: arrange user error/codes in a list
NSError *err = [self makeErrorWithDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Maximum argument length cannot exceed %d",MAX_SPARK_FUNCTION_ARG_LENGTH] code:1000];
if (completion)
params[#"args"] = argsValue;
[self setAuthHeaderWithAccessToken];
[self.manager POST:[url description] parameters:params success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
if (completion)
NSDictionary *responseDict = responseObject;
if ([responseDict[#"connected"] boolValue]==NO)
NSError *err = [self makeErrorWithDescription:#"Device is not connected" code:1001];
// check
NSNumber *result = responseDict[#"return_value"];
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error)
if (completion)
One solution is to put the second closure inside the first, where the first returns and provides and Error value. If no error,then execuet the second closure. That is one way to tightly couple the two closures without resorting to semaphores or other messaging schemes.
In this application, the problem I was encountering cannot be solved on the IOS/Swift side of the stack. The cloud API and embedded uP are not tightly coupled, so the cloud returns to the IOS with a completion before the full function code has run on the Particle uP.
The solution to this overall problem actually lies in either modifying the cloud API or adding some additional code to the uP firmware to tightly couple the process to the IOS app with additional communication.
