Remove unnecessary margin in epslatex/gnuplot - latex

I would like to remove unnecessary margins (gray part in the figure below) in a PDF figure generated by epslatex (gnuplot).
Following are scripts and commands to create the figure.
set term epslatex standalone
set output "figure.tex"
set xlabel "\\LARGE $x$"
set ylabel "\\LARGE $y$"
set format x "\\Large{%.1f}"
set format y "\\Large{%.1f}"
set key left top Left
set size square
set xrange [0.0:1.0]
set yrange [0.0:1.0]
plot x with lines dt 1 lw 5.0 lc rgb "red" title "\\Large $y = x$",\
x*x with lines dt 2 lw 5.0 lc rgb "green" title "\\Large $y = x^2$",\
x*x*x with lines dt 3 lw 5.0 lc rgb "blue" title "\\Large $y = x^3$"
and commands
$ gnuplot
$ pdflatex figure.tex
Instead of pdflatex, xelatex would also work. I would like to directly convert to PDF file.
It will be super good if we can remove these margins without too much effort (such as removing the margin manually one-by-one).

If you check help latex, it will tell you that default size is 5 x 3 inches.
Since you set size square, there will be for sure an "unwanted" left and right margin.
What you can do to at least minimize the margins is to set the terminal size to square size as well, e.g. to 3 x 3 inches.
However, keep in mind the graph size is square but x and y axes have tics and labels which require space depending on numbers and labels which might be different for x and y.
set term epslatex standalone size 3 in, 3 in
From help latex:
set terminal {latex | emtex} {default | {courier|roman} {<fontsize>}}
{size <XX>{unit}, <YY>{unit}} {rotate | norotate}
By default the plot will inherit font settings from the embedding
document. You have the option of forcing either Courier (cmtt) or
Roman (cmr) fonts instead. In this case you may also specify a
fontsize. Unless your driver is capable of building fonts at any size
(e.g. dvips), stick to the standard 10, 11 and 12 point sizes.
Maybe, there are LaTeX commands to crop the graph to its bounding box.

Thanks to #AlainMarigot help, I change the system to Lua tikz with the option tightboundingbox.
Looks good, but not exactly same as epslatex.


Gnuplot filled curves adds unwanted "bottom" border

I am trying to visualize a time series data set on one plot as a pseudo 3d figure. However, I am having some trouble getting the filledcurves capability working properly. It seems to be adding an unwanted border at the "bottom" of my functions and I do not know how to fix this.
This is my current set up: I have nb_of_frames different files that I want to plot on one figure. Without the filledcurves option, I can do something like this
plot for [i=1:nb_of_frames] filename(i) u ($1):(50.0 * $2 + (11.0 - (i-1)*time_step)) w l linewidth 1.2 lt rgb "black" notitle
which produces a figure like this:
no fill options
Instead of doing this, I want to use the filledcurves option to bring my plots "forward" and highlight the function that is more "forward" which I try to do with:
plot for [i=1:nb_of_frames] filename(i) u ($1):(50. * $2 + (11. - (i-1)*time_step)) w filledcurves fc "white" fs solid 1.0 border lc "black" notitle
This produces a figure as follows:
This is very close to what I want, but it seems that the border option adds a line underneath the function which I do not want. I have tried several variants of with filledcurves y1=0.0 with different values of y1, but nothing seems to work.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Here is another workaround for gnuplot 5.2.
Apparently, gnuplot closes the filled area from the last point back to the first point. Hence, if you specifiy border, then this line will also have a border which is undesired here (at least until gnuplot 5.4rc2 as #Ethan says).
A straightforward solution would be to plot the data with filledcurves without border and then again with lines. However, since this is a series of shifted data, this has to be plotted alternately. Unfortunately, gnuplot cannot switch plotting styles within a for loop (at least I don't know how). As a workaround for this, you have to build your plot command in a previous loop and use it with a macro # (check help macros) in the plot command. I hope you can adapt the example below to your needs.
### filledcurves without bottom border
reset session
set colorsequence classic
$Data <<EOD
1 0
2 1
3 2
4 1
5 4
6 5
7 2
8 1
9 0
myData(i) = sprintf('$Data u ($1-0.1*%d):($2+%d/5.)',i,i)
myFill = ' w filledcurves fc "0xffdddd" fs solid 1 notitle'
myLine = ' w l lc rgb "black" notitle'
myPlotCmd = ''
do for [i=11:1:-1] {
myPlotCmd = myPlotCmd.myData(i).myFill.", ".myData(i).myLine.", "
plot #myPlotCmd
### end of code
I can reproduce this in gnuplot 5.2.8 but not in the output from the release candidate for version 5.4. So I think that some bug-fix or change was applied during the past year or so. I realize that doesn't help while you are using verion 5.2, but if you can download and build from source for the 5.4 release candidate that would take care of it.
I thought of a work-around, although it may be too complicated to be worth it.
You can treat this as a 2D projection of a 3D fence plot constructed using plot style with zerrorfill. In this projection the y coordinate is the visual depth. X is X. Three quantities are needed on z: the bounding line, the bottom, and the top. I.e. 5 fields in the using clause: x depth zline zbase ztop.
unset key
set view 90, 180
set xyplane at 0
unset ytics
set title "3D projection into the xz plane\nplot with zerrorfill" offset 0,-2
set xlabel "X axis" offset 0,-1
set zlabel "Z"
splot for [i=1:25] 'foo.dat' using ($1+i):(i/100.):($2-i):(-i):($2-i) \
with zerrorfill fc "light-cyan" lc "black" lw 2

gnuplot pdfcairo matches latex font size

I plot a pdf figure using gnuplot 5.0 with pdfcairo terminal, and then insert this figure into a pdf file using latex. However, I found the font size in gunplot is different with the font size in latex, although I set them to be the same.
To make the font size consistent in gnuplot and latex, I have to set the fontscale in gnuplot as 0.75, as shown in the following codes.
gnuplot codes: plot an 'A' in blue (Helvetica, size 12, fontscale 0.75).
set terminal pdfcairo font 'Helvetica,12' size 1cm,1cm fontscale 0.75
set output 'test0.pdf'
set xrange [-1:1]
set yrange [-1:1]
unset xtics
unset ytics
unset border
set label 'A' at 0,0 textcolor 'blue'
p 1/0 notitle
Latex codes: insert the previous figure in original size, and write a black 'A' (Helvetica, size 12) next to the previous 'A'.
\node at (0,0) {\includegraphics{test0.pdf}};
\node at (0.3, -0.025) {\textsf{A}};
You can see the final pdf file here. Now we can see these two 'A' are exactly the same size under the gnuplot setting 'fontscale 0.75'. I don't understand why 'fontscale 0.75' should be used in gnuplot, not 'fontscale 1'?
Is this a problem of cairo? And is there any elegant way to deal with this font size issue?
Short answer: gnuplot uses 72dpi, while cairo uses 96dpi. (96/72=4/3)
Note: For the same reason, if using pngcairo, 'fontscale 0.75' should also be used to get the right font size.
Alternative solution: cairolatex. #user8153
I think this might be due to cairo rendering. In order to set the font size, Gnuplot calls function pango_font_description_set_size with the supplied size, i.e., 12 in your case. However, this is then translated into the cairo units:
the size of the font in points, scaled by PANGO_SCALE. (That is, a
size value of 10 * PANGO_SCALE is a 10 point font. The conversion
factor between points and device units depends on system configuration
and the output device. For screen display, a logical DPI of 96 is
common, in which case a 10 point font corresponds to a 10 * (96 / 72)
= 13.3 pixel font.
Moreveor, from the documentation of the function pango_cairo_font_map_set_resolution:
* pango_cairo_font_map_set_resolution:
* #fontmap: a #PangoCairoFontMap
* #dpi: the resolution in "dots per inch". (Physical inches aren't actually
* involved; the terminology is conventional.)
* Sets the resolution for the fontmap. This is a scale factor between
* points specified in a #PangoFontDescription and Cairo units. The
* default value is 96, meaning that a 10 point font will be 13
* units high. (10 * 96. / 72. = 13.3).
* Since: 1.10
So in summary, it seems that the supplied size is then for the purposes of the rendering multiplied by 96/72 = 4/3 which effectively yields a font of size 16 instead of 12. The scaling factor of 0.75 which you applied would then revert this.

Gnuplot multiplot positions all text incorrectly in epslatex terminal

I am trying to use the multiplot feature of gnuplot to make a inset graphic on the main plot. I can generate the plot exactly as I want with term='wxt' except for the axis labels, which require LaTeX formatting for generating the desired symbols. When I submit the same commands to term='epslatex', the plot is fine, but all text (axis and tic mark labels) is positioned incorrectly.
I thought using the set size & origin commands might have confused the epslatex terminal output, so I attempted to use the layout command and make the plots side by side just to see if the text would print correctly. It did not.
I'm using gnuplot 4.6 patch 4, and Linux Mint 17.
My script is below. The commented sections indicate the original script that used set size and origin commands to manually place the second plot as a inset, rather than side by side.
set term epslatex color font ",16"
unset key
set termoption dash
set style line 1 lc rgb 'blue' lw 2 lt 1
set style line 2 lc rgb 'red' lw 2 lt 3
set style line 3 lc rgb 'green' lw 2 lt 5
set style line 4 lc rgb 'magenta' lw 2 lt 7
set style line 5 lc rgb 'black' lw 1 lt 0
set output "gr-thresholds.tex"
#set size 1,1
# set multiplot
set multiplot layout 1,2
# bigger plot
set autoscale
set ytics scale default autofreq
set xrange[0:14]
set yrange[0:1.7]
set xlabel 'r (\AA)'
set ylabel '$g(r)$'
#set size 1,1
#set origin 0,0
plot "foo1.csv" w l ls 2, \
"foo2.csv" w l ls 3 , \
"foo3.csv" w l ls 1, \
"foo4.csv" w l ls 4
#small inset
#set size 0.4, 0.4
#set origin 0.5,0.15
set xrange[1.2:2.2]
set yrange[0:0.8]
set ytics 0, 0.2, 2
set xlabel ""
set ylabel ""
plot "foo1.csv" w l ls 2, \
"foo2.csv" w l ls 3 , \
"foo3.csv" w l ls 1, \
"foo4.csv" w l ls 4
unset multiplot
set output
The figure that was generated:
It might be a problem with the way you generate a pdf. The two commands dvipdfm and dvipdf produce different outcomes.
If I take your code, but plot sin(x) instead, and use the following in the terminal:
$ latex file.tex
$ dvipdfm file.dvi
I also get a mismatch between the axes and the plots.
If I use dvipdf however everything looks fine:
$ dvipdf file.dvi
Per Tom Fenech's suggestion, I made a minimum code sample to reproduce the error, and the issue that arose is a machine state problem. To generate my graphs, I had run the script twice, once using term wxt and then again using term epslatex.
The problem is that somewhere the state of the gnuplot environment is changed and is not reset by this script. Specifically, the first time through, the default placement of the text labels is fine. The second time through, the range and labels are still attached to the size and origin from the last plot, which is the inset. I thought this was due to the order of the commands set origin/size relative to x/ylabel and x/y range, but simply running the below code twice without restarting gnuplot will generate two different plots. The first time is exactly what I wanted, the second time will skew the labels as shown above.
So I have a "solution", but it is fragile. I would appreciate if someone could explain what I need to do to make this script run multiple times without restarting each time.
set term epslatex color font ",16"
unset key
f(x) = sin(x)
set output "sin.tex"
set multiplot
set size 1,1
set origin 0,0
set xrange[0:14]
set yrange[0:6]
set xlabel 'r (\AA)'
set ylabel '$g(r)$'
plot f(x)
#small inset
set size 0.4, 0.4
set origin 0.5,0.15
set xrange[1:3]
set yrange[0:4]
set ytics 0, 0.2, 2
set xlabel ""
set ylabel ""
plot f(x)
unset multiplot
set output

How to remove unknown slits when using filledcurve in Gnuplot (epslatex)?

I'm now trying to use filledcurve in gnuplot 4.6, patchlevel 1. Following shows the sample script:
set term epslatex
set output "figure.tex"
set xlabel "\\huge{x-axis}"
set ylabel "\\huge{y-axis}"
set format xy "\\LARGE{%.0f}"
set xrange [0.0:10.0]
set yrange [0.0:100.0]
set xtics 2.0
set ytics 20.0
set xtics offset 0, -0.3
f1(x) = x**1
f2(x) = x**2
f3(x) = x**3
set nokey
plot '+' using 1:(f2($1)):(f3($1)) with filledcurve lt 1 lc rgb "gray60",\
'+' using 1:(f1($1)):(f2($1)) with filledcurve lt 1 lc rgb "gray40",\
'+' using 1:(0.0):(f1($1)) with filledcurve lt 1 lc rgb "gray20"
I don't known why, but it seems that there are white annoying slits between bars. It cannot be get rid of even if I increase the number of set samples.
Is there any idea to remove these slits?
Unfortunately, this is a viewer problem related to the drawing of adjacent filled polygons, see also problematic Moire pattern in image produced with gnuplot pm3d and pdf output or the bug report #1259 cairolatex pdf fill patterns.
In your case you can use a workaround:
When you have only two columns in the using statement, the area is drawn as closed polygon and doesn't show these artifacts (filledcurves closed). So you must fill the area between each curve and the x1 axis (with filledcurves x1).
Because of a bug in the clipping of curves which exceed the y-range, you must do the clipping of the f3 curve yourself (i.e. use f3($1) > 100 ? 100 : f3($1)). This bug is fixed in the development version.
So you script is:
set term epslatex standalone
set output "figure.tex"
set xlabel "\\huge x-axis"
set ylabel "\\huge y-axis"
set format xy "\\LARGE %.0f"
set xrange [0.0:10.0]
set yrange [0.0:100.0]
set xtics 2.0
set ytics 20.0
set xtics offset 0, -0.3
f1(x) = x**1
f2(x) = x**2
f3(x) = x**3
set nokey
plot '+' using 1:(f3($1) > 100 ? 100 : f3($1)) with filledcurve x1 lt 1 lc rgb "gray60",\
'+' using 1:(f2($1)) with filledcurve x1 lt 1 lc rgb "gray40",\
'+' using 1:(f1($1)) with filledcurve x1 lt 1 lc rgb "gray20"
set output
system('latex figure.tex && dvips figure.dvi && ps2pdf')
with the result (using 4.6.1):
Note also, that LaTeX commands like \huge don't take arguments, but are switches. Test e.g. \huge{A}BC, this will make all letter huge. Usually you must limit the scope of \huge with brackets like {\huge ABC}, but if the whole label is affected, it is enough to use set xlabel "\\huge x-axis". That doesn't change anything in your case, but may give you troubles in other circumstances :)

Gnuplot - EPS terminal producing extra characters

I have gnuplot file that is outputting quite nicely in EPS but I'm suffering some issues when it comes to the labels. For some reason, a random figure (') is being inserted before the each label. This isn't being produced in a PNG export.
Example gnuplot error picture
The gnuplot file is below
set term postscript eps enhanced
set datafile separator ","
set datafile missing "NULL"
set decimal locale
set output 'Average_Costs_Plotted.eps'
set grid
set key left
set ytics nomirror
set xtics nomirror
set format y "£%'.0f"
set ylabel "Total Loss Estimate \n Based on Average Cost Per m^2"
set xlabel "Area Damaged m^2"
plot "Average_Costs_Upto_10000mSQM.csv" using 1:2 axis x1y1 title 'Industrial Processing' w l lw 2
Well that'll teach me to RTFM.
Postscript doesn't support unicode as mentioned above - however there are octal codes for symbols to insert them.
The £ is input by using the code \243
