Show a popup from a popup in DNN - dotnetnuke-9

In DNN is it possible to navigate to a different popup control from another popup control?
I have a pop up edit control with some buttons. When I click on one of the buttons I would like to show a different edit control in the pop up window.
I have tried using this code in the button's click handler:
Response.Redirect(EditUrl("", "", "MyControlKey"))
but when I click the button Firefox shows a "Corrupted Content Error" in the pop up window.
Can this be made to work, and if so how?

Never mind I figured it out. This seems to do what I want:
Dim url = DotNetNuke.Common.NavigateURL("MyControlKey", $"mid={ModuleId}", "popUp=true")


Change ToolBar Title dynamically on click events in Fragment on Xamarin android?

First let me explain something, so you guys can understand better my problem:
I'm using Toolbar and i have a Fragment called Location Fragment where i have 6 floationg action button vertically .
When you click on one of the floating action button some action like geofence,live tracking,current location etc are performed on the same map fragment.
So my problem is that when i click any of the floation action button ,like when i click geo-fencing floation action button the title on the tool bar should change with the geofence title..In this way for all the Floating action button the title of toolbar should change. in my case the title of the tool bar is not changing .
I have tried to use setTitle or this.Activity.Title="Geo-fence" on the click method of Floating action button,but still it remains same title .
Change ToolBar Title dynamically on click events in Fragment
In your Fragment, add the following code in your click events :
this.SupportActionBar.Title = "Your Title";

Displaying different forms in kendo window on click of different buttons

I have 3 buttons and, on click of every button, totally different content has to be loaded in kendo window. I am doing this in MVC. How to do this?
Your best solution is to create 3 different windows and, in Javascript, when you click on a button, you open the window and close others.
Or, you can also create only one window and load it's content dynamically when a button is clicked. But you have to deal with Kendo Window API.
If you want to reload the content of a window, see this link.

Opening Kendo popup window for adding new records

I have an separate Add button (neither on toolbar, nor on grid) and I want to open a popup window (having some fields) after clicking this button in order to create a new record. I have a look at the Kendo Demo pages, but all the samples use grid's or toolbar's Create button. Instead of them, a need a sample with a separate button. Any sample please?
Update: I want to create a listview as shown below instead of grid:
If you call dataGrid.addRow() method and edit mode is set to "popup", Popup window will be displayed.
Look at this dojo

How to have a list of options when clicking a TButton on Firemonkey?

I know that TButton on firemonkey let me add a TPopUp Menu. But it only works when you right click it.
I need make it open right below the button when you do the normal click.
PopupMenu.PopUp(X, Y) is based on the form I believe. How to translate the X,Y of the button (that is deep inside other layouts) to the same coordinate?
And when clicking and the PopUp is shown some weird behavior happens with the selection bar of the popup menu that disappear. The button keeps pressed, that is good.
Look here:
Is an example for mobile, but you use in desktop too.

Addon toolbar - create button to show back button history?

I have a toolbar and want to create a button that will display a drop down list of the back button history which the user can select and go back to that page.
Check the Firefox source to see how it's implemented. Open source and all that.
