RxSwift - Recursive Observables? - ios

Learning RxSwift - Here's my Problem:
i have a webservice that fetches data using an active access token, whenever the token expired , then first call the token generate api and then call the current request to run again. so that it will have an active access token to valid results.
but i have problem in getting the response for token and then call the prev. request?
so i tried adding an observable request , then in response check if the token is invalid, then call another observable to return an active token, once token is received , call the older request again.
func apirequest(_ urlConvertible:URLRequestConvertible) -> Observable<[String:AnyObject]> {
return Observable.create({ observer -> Disposable in
let _ = Alamofire.request(urlConvertible).responseJSON
{ response in
if isTokenExpired() {
self.generateToken().subscribe(onNext: response {
return Disposables.create()
i was expecting like any Rx operators or any ideas to try?

I wrote an article about how to do this: https://medium.com/#danielt1263/retrying-a-network-request-despite-having-an-invalid-token-b8b89340d29
Wrap your network calling code in something like this:
/// Builds and makes network requests using the token provided by the service. Will request a new token and retry if the result is an unauthorized (401) error.
/// - Parameters:
/// - response: A function that sends requests to the network and emits responses. Can be for example `URLSession.shared.rx.response`
/// - tokenAcquisitionService: The object responsible for tracking the auth token. All requests should use the same object.
/// - request: A function that can build the request when given a token.
/// - Returns: response of a guaranteed authorized network request.
public func getData<T>(response: #escaping (URLRequest) -> Observable<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data)>, tokenAcquisitionService: TokenAcquisitionService<T>, request: #escaping (T) throws -> URLRequest) -> Observable<(response: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data)> {
return Observable
.deferred { tokenAcquisitionService.token.take(1) }
.map { try request($0) }
.flatMap { response($0) }
.map { response in
guard response.response.statusCode != 401 else { throw TokenAcquisitionError.unauthorized }
return response
.retryWhen { $0.renewToken(with: tokenAcquisitionService) }
The article and accompanying gist shows how to write the tokenAcquisitionService and includes unit tests.


Swift - Alamofire - Combine - try to fetch access token if the endpoint returns 401 error code

Ive got an API endpoint that i have got to take some data from but it needs an access token.
This access token is fetched from another endpoint of this api.
The access token expires every 2:30 hrs.
The way I am handling this is that every 2:20 hrs i have a a timer that fetches a new token. I know this is a bad practice since the user might turn off the internet during that fetching etc.
I am using an architectural pattern that splits my main app into 3 seperate layers.
A domain layer which contains all my models, use cases and repositories
A presentation layer which contains all my views and viewmodels.
And a Data layer that contains all my repository implementations , network constants, url builders and my API client where the request is made with alamofire.
My ApiClient is this :
public enum ApiClient {
static func requestCodable<T: Codable>(_ urlConvertible: URLRequestConvertible) -> AnyPublisher<DataResponse<T, NetworkErrorResponse>, Never> {
return AF.request(urlConvertible)
.publishDecodable(type: T.self, emptyResponseCodes: [200])
.map { response in
response.mapError { error in
let backendError = response.data.flatMap { try? JSONDecoder().decode(BackendError.self, from: $0) }
return NetworkErrorResponse(initialError: error, backendError: backendError)
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
So , lets assume that i am making a call to an endpoint that needs the access token, and it fails because 3 hours have gone by ...
How can I say to my api client to fetch a new access token and then retry the endpoint that failed ?
Thanks for any help in advance.
Since I'm not aware of your implementation I'll try to give you what I think is a possible solution:
public enum ApiClient {
static func requestCodable<T: Codable>(_ urlConvertible: URLRequestConvertible, isRetry: Bool = false) -> AnyPublisher<DataResponse<T, NetworkErrorResponse>, Never> {
return AF
.publishDecodable(type: T.self, emptyResponseCodes: [200])
.map { response in
response.mapError { error in
let backendError = response.data.flatMap { try? JSONDecoder().decode(BackendError.self, from: $0) }
return NetworkErrorResponse(initialError: error, backendError: backendError)
.flatMap { result -> AnyPublisher<DataResponse<T, NetworkErrorResponse>, Never> in
if !isRetry && result == "401 error code" {
return requestAccessToken()
// probably build a new urlConvertible with the new token
self.requestCodable(urlConvertible, isRetry: true)
} else {
return Just(result).eraseToAnyPublisher()
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
You could add a flatMap after your map and verify if you got the 401 error. If so, you would need to get the token, then use flatMap to re-request the requestCodable. You might notice there's a isRetry param, it is there to avoid loops.

Refreshing an Access Token p2/OAuth2 iOS

I'm using p2/OAuth2 with Alamofire v4 as explained in documentation here
let sessionManager = SessionManager()
let retrier = OAuth2RetryHandler(oauth2: <# your OAuth2 instance #>)
sessionManager.adapter = retrier
sessionManager.retrier = retrier
self.alamofireManager = sessionManager // you must hold on to this somewhere
// Note that the `validate()` call here is important
sessionManager.request("https://api.github.com/user").validate().responseJSON { response in
import Foundation
import OAuth2
import Alamofire
class OAuth2RetryHandler: RequestRetrier, RequestAdapter {
let loader: OAuth2DataLoader
init(oauth2: OAuth2) {
loader = OAuth2DataLoader(oauth2: oauth2)
/// Intercept 401 and do an OAuth2 authorization.
public func should(_ manager: SessionManager, retry request: Request, with error: Error, completion: #escaping RequestRetryCompletion) {
if let response = request.task?.response as? HTTPURLResponse, 401 == response.statusCode, let req = request.request {
var dataRequest = OAuth2DataRequest(request: req, callback: { _ in })
dataRequest.context = completion
loader.enqueue(request: dataRequest)
loader.attemptToAuthorize() { authParams, error in
guard error?.asOAuth2Error != .alreadyAuthorizing else {
// Don't dequeue requests if we are waiting for other authorization request
self.loader.dequeueAndApply() { req in
if let comp = req.context as? RequestRetryCompletion {
comp(nil != authParams, 0.0)
else {
completion(false, 0.0) // not a 401, not our problem
/// Sign the request with the access token.
public func adapt(_ urlRequest: URLRequest) throws -> URLRequest {
guard nil != loader.oauth2.accessToken else {
return urlRequest
return try urlRequest.signed(with: loader.oauth2) // "try" added in 3.0.2
Everything is working fine, but what I want to achieve is to avoid 401 errors by fetching an access token if expired before submitting a request.
Is it possible to achieve this approach ?
Thanks in advance,
Well the standard behaviour in a mobile app should be as follows:
Login and get access token + refresh token
Optionally store tokens in secure storage so that logins on every app restart are avoided
Use access token to call the API and handle 401 responses via a token renewal
Use the refresh token to renew the access token when needed
Eventually the refresh token expires and the user has to login again
You can never completely avoid 401 responses from the API, and UIs need to handle this response specially. It is possible as an optimisation to refresh tokens silently in the background, before the 'exp' claim from the current access token is reached.
Out of interest there is an iOS Code Sample of mine that is easy to run, and which allows a kind of testing of the expiry events. This may give you some ideas on how to adapt your own solution.

How to intercept Moya request and return failure response without sending the request at all

I'm using Moya library to handle networking layer, and I already have a custom plugin that add an authentication token to the header.
What I want to do is to make this plugin cancel the request and return a failure response (or throw an error) if the token is not available yet.
P.S. I extended the protocol TargetType to add extra variable that indicates if the target needs authentication or not, so I need to access these data to determine if the authentication token is needed in the header or not.
this is a snapshot of my custom plugin:
struct AuthTokenPlugin: PluginType {
let tokenClosure:()->String?
func prepare(_ request: URLRequest, target: TargetType) -> URLRequest {
guard let target = target as? AuthorizebleTargetType, target.needsAuth else {
return request
guard let token = tokenClosure() else {
// Here where a failure response will be triggered or an error should be thrown
return ......
var request = request
request.addValue( "Token " + token, forHTTPHeaderField:"Authorization")
return request
P.S.2: throwing an error is not a good practice and it is not possible because the enclosing function "prepare(_:target:)" is not declared 'throws'.
I don't think that we can implement such logic with usage of protocol TargetType in cause his methods don't return Bool values and are not throw-marked.
Take a look at MoyaProvider init parameters. There is a requestClosure param in it. You can copy-paste and replace this parameter's default implementation with your own implementation which will check authorization header of Endpoint.
Default implementation of this closure:
final class func defaultRequestMapping(for endpoint: Endpoint, closure: RequestResultClosure) {
do {
let urlRequest = try endpoint.urlRequest()
} catch MoyaError.requestMapping(let url) {
} catch MoyaError.parameterEncoding(let error) {
} catch {
closure(.failure(MoyaError.underlying(error, nil)))
UPD with my comment:
I suggest to check that if Endpoint has header with key “Authorization”, but it’s value is empty string, then call closure parameter with .failure case in requestClosure

Moya rxswift : Refresh token and restart request

I'm using Moya Rx swift and i want to catch the response if the status code is 401 or 403 then call refresh token request then recall/retry the original request again and to do so i followed this Link but i tweaked it a bit to suit my needs
public extension ObservableType where E == Response {
/// Tries to refresh auth token on 401 errors and retry the request.
/// If the refresh fails, the signal errors.
public func retryWithAuthIfNeeded(sessionServiceDelegate : SessionProtocol) -> Observable<E> {
return self.retryWhen { (e: Observable<Error>) in
return Observable
.zip(e, Observable.range(start: 1, count: 3),resultSelector: { $1 })
.flatMap { i in
return sessionServiceDelegate
.catchError {
error in
log.debug("ReAuth error: \(error)")
if case Error.StatusCode(let response) = error {
if response.statusCode == 401 || response.statusCode == 403 {
// Force logout after failed attempt
return Observable.error(error)
.flatMapLatest({ responseString in
sessionServiceDelegate.refreshToken(responseString: responseString)
return Observable.just(responseString)
And my Protocol :
import RxSwift
public protocol SessionProtocol {
func doLogOut()
func refreshToken(responseString : String)
func getTokenObservable() -> Observable<Response>?
But it is not working and the code is not compiling, i get the following :
'Observable' is not convertible to 'Observable<_>'
I'm just talking my first steps to RX-swift so it may be simple but i can not figure out what is wrong except that i have to return a type other than the one I'm returning but i do not know how and where to do so.
Your help is much appreciated and if you have a better idea to achieve what I'm trying to do, you are welcome to suggest it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
You can enumerate on error and return the String type from your flatMap. If the request succeeded then it will return string else will return error observable
public func retryWithAuthIfNeeded(sessionServiceDelegate: SessionProtocol) -> Observable<E> {
return self.retryWhen { (error: Observable<Error>) -> Observable<String> in
return error.enumerated().flatMap { (index, error) -> Observable<String> in
guard let moyaError = error as? MoyaError, let response = moyaError.response, index <= 3 else {
throw error
if response.statusCode == 401 || response.statusCode == 403 {
// Force logout after failed attempt
return Observable.error(error)
} else {
return sessionServiceDelegate
.flatMapLatest { (responseString: String) -> Observable<String> in
sessionServiceDelegate.refreshToken(responseString: responseString)
return Observable.just(responseString)
Finally i was able to solve this by doing the following :
First create a protocol like so ( Those functions are mandatory and not optional ).
import RxSwift
public protocol SessionProtocol {
func getTokenRefreshService() -> Single<Response>
func didFailedToRefreshToken()
func tokenDidRefresh (response : String)
It is very very important to conform to the protocol SessionProtocol in the class that you write your network request(s) in like so :
import RxSwift
class API_Connector : SessionProtocol {
private final var apiProvider : APIsProvider<APIs>!
required override init() {
apiProvider = APIsProvider<APIs>()
// Very very important
func getTokenRefreshService() -> Single<Response> {
return apiProvider.rx.request(.doRefreshToken())
// Parse and save your token locally or do any thing with the new token here
func tokenDidRefresh(response: String) {}
// Log the user out or do anything related here
public func didFailedToRefreshToken() {}
func getUsers (page : Int, completion: #escaping completionHandler<Page>) {
let _ = apiProvider.rx
.request(.getUsers(page: String(page)))
.refreshAuthenticationTokenIfNeeded(sessionServiceDelegate: self)
.subscribe { event in
switch event {
case .success(let page) :
case .error(let error):
Then, I created a function that returns a Single<Response>.
import RxSwift
extension PrimitiveSequence where TraitType == SingleTrait, ElementType == Response {
// Tries to refresh auth token on 401 error and retry the request.
// If the refresh fails it returns an error .
public func refreshAuthenticationTokenIfNeeded(sessionServiceDelegate : SessionProtocol) -> Single<Response> {
// Retry and process the request if any error occurred
self.retryWhen { responseFromFirstRequest in
responseFromFirstRequest.flatMap { originalRequestResponseError -> PrimitiveSequence<SingleTrait, ElementType> in
if let lucidErrorOfOriginalRequest : LucidMoyaError = originalRequestResponseError as? LucidMoyaError {
let statusCode = lucidErrorOfOriginalRequest.statusCode!
if statusCode == 401 {
// Token expired >> Call refresh token request
return sessionServiceDelegate
.catchError { tokeRefreshRequestError -> Single<Response> in
// Failed to refresh token
if let lucidErrorOfTokenRefreshRequest : LucidMoyaError = tokeRefreshRequestError as? LucidMoyaError {
// Logout or do any thing related
return Single.error(lucidErrorOfTokenRefreshRequest)
return Single.error(tokeRefreshRequestError)
.flatMap { tokenRefreshResponseString -> Single<Response> in
// Refresh token response string
// Save new token locally to use with any request from now on
sessionServiceDelegate.tokenDidRefresh(response: try! tokenRefreshResponseString.mapString())
// Retry the original request one more time
return self.retry(1)
else {
// Retuen errors other than 401 & 403 of the original request
return Single.error(lucidErrorOfOriginalRequest)
// Return any other error
return Single.error(originalRequestResponseError)
What this function do is that it catches the error from the response then check for the status code, If it is any thing other than 401 then it will return that error to the original request's onError block but if it is 401 (You can change it to fulfill your needs but this is the standard) then it is going to do the refresh token request.
After doing the refresh token request, it checks for the response.
=> If the status code is in bigger than or equal 400 then this means that the refresh token request failed too so return the result of that request to the original request OnError block.
=> If the status code in the 200..300 range then this means that refresh token request succeeded hence it will retry the original request one more time, if the original request fails again then the failure will go to OnError block as normal.
=> It is very important to parse & save the new token after the refresh token request is successful and a new token is returned, so when repeating the original request it will do it with the new token & not with the old one.
The token response is returned at this callback right before repeating the original request.
func tokenDidRefresh (response : String)
=> In case the refresh token request fails then it may that the token is expired so in addition that the failure is redirected to the original request's onError, you also get this failure callback
func didFailedToRefreshToken(), you can use it to notify the user that his session is lost or log him out or anything.
=> It is very important to return the function that do the token request because it is the only way the refreshAuthenticationTokenIfNeeded function knows which request to call in order to do the refresh token.
func getTokenRefreshService() -> Single<Response> {
return apiProvider.rx.request(.doRefreshToken())
Instead of writing an extension on Observable there's another solution. It's written on pure RxSwift and returns a classic error in case of fail.
The easy way to refresh session token of Auth0 with RxSwift and Moya
The main advantage of the solution is that it can be easily applicable for different services similar to Auth0 allowing to authenticate users in mobile apps.

How to handle the response of all types of requests in one handler, but also uniquely handle every request with Alamofire and Moya

In my app I use Moya and Alamofire (And also Moya/RxSwift and Moya-ObjectMapper) libraries for all network requests and responses.
I would like to handle the response of all types of requests in one handler, but also uniquely handle every request.
For example for any request I can get the response "Not valid Version", I would like to avoid to check in every response if this error arrived.
Is there an elegant way to handle this use case with Moya?
Apparently that is very simple, You just should create your own plugin. And add it to your Provider instance (You can add it in the init function)
For example:
struct NetworkErrorsPlugin: PluginType {
/// Called immediately before a request is sent over the network (or stubbed).
func willSendRequest(request: RequestType, target: TargetType) { }
/// Called after a response has been received, but before the MoyaProvider has invoked its completion handler.
func didReceiveResponse(result: Result<Moya.Response, Moya.Error>, target: TargetType) {
let responseJSON: AnyObject
if let response = result.value {
do {
responseJSON = try response.mapJSON()
if let response = Mapper<GeneralServerResponse>().map(responseJSON) {
switch response.status {
case .Failure(let cause):
if cause == "Not valid Version" {
print("Version Error")
} catch {
print("Falure to prase json response")
} else {
print("Network Error = \(result.error)")
I suggest to use generic parametrized method.
class DefaultNetworkPerformer {
private var provider: RxMoyaProvider<GitHubApi> = RxMoyaProvider<GitHubApi>()
func performRequest<T:Mappable>(_ request: GitHubApi) -> Observable<T> {
return provider.request(request).mapObject(T.self)
DefaultNetworkPerformer will handle all requests from you Moya TargetType. In my case it was GitHubApi. Example usage of this implementation is:
var networkPerformer = DefaultNetworkPerformer()
let observable: Observable<User> = networkPerformer.performRequest(GitHubApi.user(username: "testUser"))
here you 'inform' network performer that response will contain User object.
observable.subscribe {
event in
switch event {
case .next(let user):
//if mapping will succeed here you'll get an Mapped Object. In my case it was User that conforms to Mappable protocol
case .error(let error):
//here you'll get MoyaError if something went wrong
case .completed:
