Highchart Column with Drilldown using MySQL - highcharts

I want to display vote records per service in my column chart. Then, when i click 1 of the service it will show up the vote records of that service by day.
$sql = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM services");
while ($row0 = $sql0->fetch_assoc()) {
$sid0 = $row0['sid'];
$service[] = $row0['service'];
$sql1 = $mysqli->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as totalVotes FROM entries where sid = '$sid0'");
while ($row01 = $sql01->fetch_assoc()) {
$totalVote01 = $row01['totalVotes'];
$vote01[] = (int)$totalVote01;
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'column'
xAxis: {
categories: ['<?php echo join($service, ', ') ?>']
series: [{
name: 'Total Votes per Service',
data: [{
name: '<?php echo join($service, ', ') ?>',
y: '<?php echo join($vote01, ', ') ?>',
drilldown: '<?php echo join($service, ', ') ?>'
Error: Highcharts error #14: www.highcharts.com/errors/14
Please help me with codes, my presentation is tomorrow badly need your help. Just a beginner. Thank you so very much!

Problem is in this line
y: '<?php echo join($vote01, ', ') ?>',
It will return a String as '12'
You need to pass a number here.
You can try withoit quote
y: <?php echo join($vote01, ', ') ?>,
or parse value before setting
y: parseFloat('<?php echo join($vote01, ', ') ?>' ),


How do I create a chart in Asp.net mvc from a SQLite database FILE?

This is my code example.. the chart and some php code. The php code is the problem.
type here
window.onload = function () {
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
animationEnabled: true,
exportEnabled: true,
theme: "light1",
exportEnabled: true,
text: "Chart from Database"
data: [{
type: "line", //change type to bar, line, area, pie, etc
dataPoints: <?php echo json_encode($dataPoints1, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ?>
}, {
type: "line", //change type to bar, line, area, pie, etc
dataPoints: <?php echo json_encode($dataPoints2, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ?>
This was the example, but i only have a file "data.db" from where i can connect (SQlite format3). i need a different type of connection like filename or url. The $con is not working for me.
$dataPoints1 = array();
$dataPoints2 = array();
$con= mysqli_connect("host","username","password","db");
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$sql="SELECT xval,yval1, yval2 FROM datapoints";
if ($result=mysqli_query($con,$sql)){
foreach($result as $row){
array_push($dataPoints1, array("x"=> $row["xval"], "y"=> $row["yval1"]));
array_push($dataPoints2, array("x"=> $row["xval"], "y"=> $row["yval2"]));}

wind barbs: how to display data series from mysql

I read 12 of the last data (wind force and direction) directly from the mysq database in the example below.
How can I access the whole array of 12 data? In the example the data of the first array " with [value1[0],value3[0]]" is displayed correctly. As soon as I access the addresses of the whole array "[value1,value3]" only the all data of the wind strength (value1) is displayed correctly. The wind direction (value3) is not considered.
series: [{
type: 'windbarb',
name: 'Wind',
data: [[value1[0],value3[0]]],
Currently I am still a Highcharts beginner. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong. I would be very happy about a solution. Many thanks in advance.
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
$sql = "SELECT id, value1, value2, value3, reading_time FROM SensorData_04 order by reading_time desc limit 12";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
while ($data = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$sensor_data[] = $data;
$readings_time = array_column($sensor_data, 'reading_time');
$value1 = json_encode(array_reverse(array_column($sensor_data, 'value1')), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
$value3 = json_encode(array_reverse(array_column($sensor_data, 'value3')), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
$reading_time = json_encode(array_reverse($readings_time), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
var value1 = <?php echo $value1; ?>;
var value3 = <?php echo $value3; ?>;
var reading_time = <?php echo $reading_time; ?>;
var chartB = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart:{ renderTo : 'chart-windbarb' },
title: {
text: 'Wind Barbs'
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
categories: reading_time
series: [{
type: 'windbarb',
name: 'Wind',
data: [[value1[0],value3[0]]],

high chart date format in x-axis

I am using column chart in highchart in this i want to show x-axis in date format which i fetch from the google analytics data of my account.and i want to view the date on x-axis and which is not coming in format i want it in formatted way.
it comes like this way "20151001" and i want it to be like this "01-10-2015"
my data is come from google analytic account so i cant use highchart data
this is my code for this
php code from which i get date
$results_top_pages = $analytics->data_ga->get(
date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-6 days')),
'dimensions' => 'ga:date',
// 'sort' => '-ga:pageviews', for acsending and decending page view sorting
'max-results' => 50
echo '<ol>';
foreach($results_top_pages->getRows() as $top_page){
echo '<li>';
echo $top_page[0];
echo ' - '.$top_page[1].' ';
echo ' - '.$top_page[2].' ';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ol>';
by var_dump of $date i get date in this format:
array(7) {
string(8) "20150930"
string(8) "20151001"
string(8) "20151002"
string(8) "20151003"
string(8) "20151004"
string(8) "20151005"
string(8) "20151006"
Edited code from here ::
This is js code for highchart:
// echo '</li>';
echo '</ol>';
$datefirst= date('U', strtotime($date[0])) * 1000;
$(function () {
chart: {
type: 'column'
title: {
text: 'Weekly Traffic'
subtitle: {
//text: 'Source: WorldClimate.com'
xAxis: {
categories: [<?php echo join($date,','); ?>],
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Views'
plotOptions: {
line: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
connectNulls: false
enableMouseTracking: false
series: [{
pointStart: '<?php echo $datefirst; ?>',
pointInterval: 86400000, //one day
pointRange: 86400000, //one day
name: '<?php echo $browser; ?>',
data: [<?php echo join($data, ',') ?>],
//pointStart: Date.UTC(2015, 0, 1),
// pointInterval: 24 * 3600 * 1000
<div id="container" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
Ok, so, working from your example, you just need to format the dates properly.
Something like this:
foreach($results_top_pages->getRows() as $top_page){
echo '<li>';
echo $top_page[0];
echo ' - '.$top_page[1].' ';
echo ' - '.$top_page[2].' ';
$data[]=date('d-m-Y', strtotime($top_page[2])); //add the date function
$date[]=date('d-m-Y', strtotime($top_page[0])); //add the date function
echo '</li>';
echo '</ol>';
If you want to use a datetime x axis type, which I would suggest any time you're displaying time series data, you would just change the format to use millisecond epoch time, like this:
date('U', strtotime($top_page[2])) * 1000
But instead of building an array of categories, you would set that value as the x value of your data.
Alternatively, if the data is always going to be a daily value, you can set your pointStart property as the start time, and your pointInterval property as 1 day (86400000 milliseconds)
{{edit ----------
An example of the last method:
You supply:
A start datetime stamp in epoch format
An interval between points (ie one day - in milliseconds)
Your array of data points, one data point per interval (day)
The chart does the rest.
{{Edit for comments:
So, you can put the pointStart and pointInterval properties in one of two places - either in the plotOptions, or in the series properties directly.
pointRange isn't necessarily required, but it is usually a good idea as it fixes some potential spacing issues with columns/bars.
So in your case, take this:
series: [{
name: '<?php echo $browser; ?>',
data: [<?php echo join($data, ',') ?>]
And add the properties there:
series: [{
pointStart: __your_start_date__,
pointInterval: 86400000, //one day
pointRange: 86400000, //one day
name: '<?php echo $browser; ?>',
data: [<?php echo join($data, ',') ?>]
You will need to retrieve that start date from your data source and format it as epoch time in milliseconds (as demonstrated above)

Show series name in tooltip of Forio contour

I send data inside an array of objects:
[{name: "x1" , data: [ ... ]}, {name: "x2" , data: [ ... ]} ... ]
Is it possible to show series name in the data point tooltip?
Yes, you can pass a tooltip formatter in the configuration, and the data object contains the series name:
new Contour({
el: '.chart',
tooltip: {
formatter: function (d) {
return d.series + ': ' + d.x + ', ' d.y;

Changing the color of each column in high charts

I am working on high charts api.I want to display each column a different color how it is possible. Below is the code and screen shot of chart
In this image it is showing black for every column but i want different color in each. I give an array of color but it is picking the first one only
$(function () {
chart: {
type: 'column'
colors: ['#000000', '#0066FF', '#00CCFF'],
title: {
text: [ <?php
$query = mysqli_query($connection," select distinct d ,med, c,country_name from
(select date_format(apdate,'%Y') as d,doc_country as country_name,
med,count(med) as c from view_doc_prescriptions where doc_countryId={$_GET['country']} group by med, d)f
group by d order by d desc ;
") or die("date created error");
$info = mysqli_fetch_array($query);
// echo $info['spec'];
echo "'";
echo "Top Medicine in ".$info['country_name'];
echo "'";
echo ',';
xAxis: {
categories: [ <?php
$query = mysqli_query($connection," select distinct d ,med, c,country_name from
(select date_format(apdate,'%Y') as d,doc_country as country_name,
med,count(med) as c from view_doc_prescriptions where doc_countryId={$_GET['country']} group by med, d)f
group by d order by d desc ;
") or die("date created error");
while($info = mysqli_fetch_array($query))
// echo $info['spec'];
echo "'";
echo $info['d'];
echo " ";
echo $info['med'];
echo "'";
//echo $info['spec'];
echo ',';
credits: {
enabled: false
series: [{
name: 'Top Medicine',
data: [ <?php
$query = mysqli_query($connection," select distinct d ,med, c,country_name from
(select date_format(apdate,'%Y') as d,doc_country as country_name,
med,count(med) as c from view_doc_prescriptions where doc_countryId={$_GET['country']} group by med, d)f
group by d order by d desc;
") or die("date created error");
while($info = mysqli_fetch_array($query))
// echo $info['spec'];
echo $info['c'];
//echo $info['spec'];
echo ',';
Add this line
colorByPoint: true,
