The development team account does not support domains and - ios

I'm new in IOS development. I would like to transfer my app to my personal iPhone device for first trial run. I followed the video that I found on the internet to sign the IOS app without registering as IOS developer program.
However, everything it seems working fine until the very last part I got an error message telling me that,
"Your development account does not support domains and push
I believe this error due to my normal apple id account does not support the push notifications.
In that case, how could disabled the push notifications in my code? How should resolve this?
Please advise

With the free apple developer account, you need to turn off the enabled capabilities.
Go to target
Select the Capabilities tab as shown in below image
Turn off all capabilities (Remote notifications in your case)
Now run the application on a device with your free account

You should create a free developer account here:
After this Xcode will do the stuff automatically if you select Automatically manage signing in the general tab for your target (select your project in the top left in Xcode).
If you want to do it manually you need to create an appId, register your device unique identifier and create a certificate (will need: keychain - request a certificate..) and then a provisioning profile with all of the above, all this in the platform. Then you must select your provisioning profile in the signing part of the general tab of your target.
Also make sure under capabilities, all are turned off.


Unable to set Signing certificate in XCode. Executable contains an invalid signature

I want to run my cordova iOS Application on my iOS Device for testing.
Following are my build settings:
Clicking Enable Development Signing sets the Team to None.
My build is successful. On installing, XCode shows the following error:
Does it require a developer account to run the Cordova iOS build on a device for testing? The Cordova Android version is already on Play Store.
How to set a Signing Certificate without a developer account? How to fix the invalid signature error. I haven't set any signature yet.
I am completely new to iOS.
Yes, you must have a developer account to get a signing certificate. The signing certificate pairs with your provisioning profile, which also requires a developer account to create. You need both to run on a physical device. Your device must also be registered with your account and included in your provisioning profile device list to be allowed to run the app, outside of the App Store environment.
Xcode handles much of this for you automatically, if you have a developer account set up under Xcode Preferences > Accounts > Apple IDs. On the right-hand side of that screen you have a list of "Teams" along with buttons that say "Download Manual Profiles" and "Manage Certificates..." Is anything listed in there?
Your screenshot shows a Team with your name, which should mean that you have a developer account already?
You also have a button in your screenshot that says "Enable Development Signing." Have you tried running that? Does it not take care of things automatically for you? "Automatically manage signing" enabled should be helping you get through these issues with simple clicks of those buttons.
Otherwise, you will need to go to the Developer portal and register a signing certificate manually. That's a process that many have written blogs and manuals about already. I don't think it is necessary to re-write what has been said by many others already. Here's a YouTube video that does a nice job of explaining things:

Apple Push Certificates

My app has 3 provisioning profiles:
Ios development
First one is used for development, second for test flight and third for the app store.
Also there are 2 App IDs
Ios development and Beta profiles both use com.sansasystem.dribble-dev.
I enabled push notifications capability and generated sandbox APNS certificate.
However, pushes do come when I sign the app with Ios Development profile, but don't when signed with Beta.
Is it something I did wrong?
You need to compile the app and also use the same cert & prov-profile to sign with "com.sansasystem.dribble-dev" for the beta app.
The push notification and cert is tied to the single bundle ID and the app compiled and bundled profile. If you are looking in bundle settings for XCode project, do check that the Automatic provisioning is not selected. Mostly due to this the profile may get auto-generated and not with APNS.
Also, check the Beta Target "Capabilities" tab is enabled for Push notification button turned on.
Lastly, check the Profile used by the actual beta target. Go to Project Build Settings --> General tab --> in that there is a profile drop down and next to that the (i) button, click that and you will be able to read the profile details and info related to the prov-file used.
If that is not same as the one you have created then I suggest use the Manual signing way and untick the automatic provisioning profile check box to make life more specific to get the error.

Xcode 8 asks for a device to be registered to create provisioning profile

I am trying to publish an app for testing, without having to connect a device in my mac.
I have created a developer account, created an app in itunes, generated bundle id, signed into xcode with the developer account, generated a distributor certificate.
When I tried to archive the app, I got the error "conflict provisioning setting. app is automatically signed for development ..."
I read in this post and followed the tip of unchecking and rechecking the option "Automatically manage signing". After re-choosing my team, I get the error "There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it".
The goal all along was that I wouldn't need an ios device, because I intended to immediately publish the application and invite people to test it via testflight. Is it not possible to do it like this? Am I missing something.
I have read lots of documentation, but being a first timer in this, everything seems confusing.
Edit: I created a provisioning profile as distributor. Even after creating and installing the distributor profile (it now appears also in xcode at Account -> provisioning profiles), I still get that same error. I also noticed that in signing, The signing certificate is iOS Developer. I am sure
I fixed it by plugging in my iPhone and going to the Product menu > Destination > iPhone (my device).
Then after clicking Try Again on this properties page the warnings went away.
The solution (though I would welcome more elaborate, insightful explanations):
#General -> Signing, disable the option "Automatically manage signing"
#General -> Signing and certificates choose your team
Though in my case that was not the issue, I would recommend making sure that in the device list, you choose Generic iOS device in your target devices.
This really sucked to figure out.
What you do is add a distribution profile in Don't choose development! Don't let the Xcode Automatically manage signing!!
Then, you download the provision.
Then, in the Signing & Capabilities -> Signing Section of the project.xcodeproj file, turn off Automatcially manage signing, choose import and import the file you just downloaded.
Then, in the top, you choose Any iOS Device (arm64, armv7) and then you go Product -> Archive.
What happened to me was that I was about to run my app on a physical device for the first time and I didn't have a Team. So I created it in the process before connecting my phone with the USB cable. After I created the team a message like the listed above appeared. I did some research on internet but nothing found.
So here's what I did: I connected my phone, did all the trusted process, then restarted Xcode, and it worked. I am not sure what happened, but it was some of my first experiences using Xcode. It could sounds silly but it helped me. Hope to you too.
If you do not wish to register a device follow this advice:
* In short use "Generic" as the device while archiving.
If you do wish to register a device then the solution to:
"There are no devices registered in your account on the developer
website. Plug in and select a device to have Xcode register it".
Is to physically plug-in your device (an actual iPhone, or iPad) so that Xcode can register it for development use (note: this will not affect the normal everyday use of the device). After the device is registered it can then be used for development testing, load provisioning profiles onto it, etc.
↳ Disabling and Enabling Devices Using Your Developer Account
For those who are trying to develop without a mac computer using MacInCloud don't follow the standard advice out there. Its will lead you down a hole. I have wasted hours of my time.
The reason it say something about "a device to be registered to create provisioning profile" is that you need to provision an iOS device that you can test on before you can get it signed. If you are using MacInCloud you probably can't physically connect an iPhone or iPad to the MacInCloud and therefore it can't automatically provision devices for you.
Before you get to far into this you will need to get your iPhone/iPad UDID. Which I was able to do with on my iPhone, but it didn't work on my iPad. Instead, with the iPad I had to download iTunes from the Windows store and connect my iPad. Then click on the little gray square in the menu that's inline with Library tab.
image of itunes
Then when it pops up with your device info (mine didn't come up with my info at first, I had to sync my device). You will see your SN. Click on your SN and it will change to your UDID. Once you have your UDID you are ready to create a provisioning profile. What is confusing is this isn't done in the appstoreconnect section of your account online. Its done in your developer account: account screen shot
When you go there you will want to click: Certificates, Ids & Profiles
Here you will need to add your devices and then with auto signing checked in Xcode that made the problem go away. NOTE: I originally tried to create a profile, download it, and import into Xcode under the Provisioning Profile dropdown in Signing & Capabilities. As described in another answer here, but that proved more problematic and wasn't necessary.
Then you can chose Any iOS Device from emulator device drop down then go to Product > Archive > Distribute App and create a certificate to place it on the app store (TestFlight).
you can also plug an iphone, run the app the app on your iphone as the target, it will ask you to register the device and then the certificates will be generated
Have you paid the $99/year developer fee? TestFlight is only available for paid developers. I would highly recommend plugging in an iOS device, though. It's more fun and rewarding testing that way.

iOS 9 new feature Free Provisioning (Run your app on a device, just with your Apple ID, without Apple developer membership)

Would like to know about the new feature Free Provisioning introduced in iOS9 & Xcode 7.
How Apple is now achieving that, as before we knew our device ids were enrolled in the profiles and hence it was possible to deploy the app on devices.
Now only with Apple ID how the things in the background are achieved, also is there any restrictions on how many number of devices I can add my build with Free Provisioning.
Any help is greatly appreciated thanks...
1. How it works?
Apple Ref : How to use free provisioning
As stated in above link under Launch Your App on Devices Using Free Provisioning point 6. "Xcode creates a free provisioning profile for you"
Update: Above point 6 is removed from link, but there is no change in the way it works and steps in above link still work!
Profile created in this way is tied to your apple id, when you try to run app on new device that device's UDID gets added in this profile.
2. How to use free provisioning?
Requirements: Apple ID, XCode 7 or above
Go to XCode Preference
Go to Accounts tab and hit plus "+" button on bottom left to add your Apple ID.
After successfully adding Apple ID click on view details on bottom right
Click the Create button next to "iOS Development"
Connect your device and select your device as build destination.
In target's general setting,
a. Set app identifier you want to give to your free profile
b. set team id as your apple id
c. If using XCode 7, hit Fix Issue button below provisioning profile warning.
If using XCode 8, there is no Fix Issue button XCode will automatically do this.
In both cases of XCode versions, Xcode will either create new profile if not found for your apple id or add new device to your existing profile.
Run the app, this will install app.
Click app icon to start app manually, you will get "Untrusted Developer" dialog. To trust your apple id, Go to iPhone setting > General > Device Management > Select your apple id and click trust.
After step 8 you can run and debug app using free provisioning.
3. What are the Limitations?
I tried to install app with free provisioning and could run/debug app. But there are few catches. Profile created by XCode is bit different than our usual developer profiles
From profile raw file
There is new key LocalProvision with value true
Many services like following are not available, See full list of services
Apple Pay, Game Center, iCloud, In-App Purchasing, Push Notifications, Wallet (Was Passbook)
Expires in 7 days (this was changed sometime in May, previously it was 90 days).
Old: 90 days
New: 7 days
Under <key>ProvisionedDevices</key> there is list of devices on which I tried to install app, still unknown maximum number of devices possible, I tried to install on 3 devices which worked successfully.
This is not alternative to publishing app for free on app store, you still need to enroll to developer program to publish apps.
Testflight based internal / External testing is not possible.
Apple haven't disclosed the thing like, how they are managing on their developer portal. But I think they just removed the restriction of Paid Developer program & rest of the thing kept as it is.
For standard developer Program Apple support 100 device so I think same will apply here.
Refer this link for more info..
Copied from:
Apple has imposed a number of limitations on when and how you can use free provisioning to run your application on an iOS device, ensuring that you can only deploy to your device. These are listed in this section.
Access to iTunes Connect is also limited and therefore services such as publishing to the App Store and TestFlight are unavailable to developers provisioning their applications freely. An Apple Developer Account (Enterprise or Personal) is required to distribute via Ad Hoc and In-House means.
Provisioning Profiles created in this way will expire after three months, Signing Identities after one year. Furthermore, provisioning profiles will only be created with explicit App IDs and so you will need to follow the instructions above for every app that you wish to install.
Provisioning for most application services is also not possible with free provisioning. This includes:
Apple Pay
Game Center
In-App Purchasing
Push Notifications
Wallet (Was Passbook)
Some more informations.
You can archive app with free provisioning profile. But You can't export ipa in "XCode 7"
But you can use XCode 5 or Command line "xcodebuild" to export ipa file.
I tried using OTA to install this ipa file. And it's work!
So... If there has a way to add UUID to your account without XCode (REST api calls). You can distribute your app to anyone you want.

No matching code signing identity found. Deploying to ios device for the first time

Cant manage to run my app on my device.
Ive registered my apple ID yesterday to the developer program, also used my device in the "Organizer" for developing.
In my main project General settings im trying to change the "Team" - It wont find my account.
When im pushing the "Fix issue" button it also reacts like i dont have a registerd developing account.
When i push the Add.. i can see that my developer apple id is already in the accounts:
As you can see my Apple ID is already signed.
You need to create a provisioning profile
Check this:
Hope this should help.
