why I use "local_repository" in a .bzl file, then it tell me name 'local_repository' is not defined? - bazel

I wanna build envoy via bazel,i mannual download some package in my pc, then I change http_archive to local_repository, but it tell me name 'local_repository' is not defined. Did local_repository need any load action?
local_repository can be used in WORKSPACE,but can not in my .bzl file
workspace(name = "envoy")
load("//bazel:api_repositories.bzl", "envoy_api_dependencies")
load("//bazel:repositories.bzl", "GO_VERSION", "envoy_dependencies")
load("//bazel:cc_configure.bzl", "cc_configure")
name = "com_google_protobuf",
path = "/home/user/com_google_protobuf",

local_repository is a workspace rule so I think it's not available outside of the WORKSPACE file.
If you want to call local_repository from a .bzl file you can define a function in there, using native, and call it from WORKSPACE, e.g.:
# repositories.bzl
def deps():
name = "com_google_protobuf",
path = "/home/user/com_google_protobuf",
load("//:repositories.bzl", "deps")
I've seen this pattern, for example, in the grpc project.

In a .bzl file, you have to use native.local_repository instead of just local_repository.
All symbols in .bzl files are expected to be defined in Starlark, but local_repository is a special rule that is defined natively within Bazel.


Bazel: share macro between multiple http_archive BUILD files

My project depends on some external libraries which I have to bazelfy myself. Thus, my WORKSPACE:
name = "external_lib_component1",
build_file = "//third_party:external_lib_component1.BUILD",
sha256 = "xxx",
urls = ["https://example.org/external_lib_component1.tar.gz"],
name = "external_lib_component2",
build_file = "//third_party:external_lib_component2.BUILD",
sha256 = "yyy",
urls = ["https://example.org/external_lib_component2.tar.gz"],
The two entries above are similar, and external_lib_component{1, 2}.BUILD share a lot of code.
What is the best way to share code (macros) between them?
Just putting a shared_macros.bzl file into third_party/ won't work, because it will not be copied into
the archive location on build (only the build_file is copied).
If you place a bzl file such a In your./third_party/shared_macros.bzl into your tree as you've mentioned.
Then in the //third_party:external_lib_component1.BUILD and //third_party:external_lib_component2.BUILD you provide for your external dependencies, you can load symbols from that shared file using:
load("#//third_party:shared_macros.bzl", ...)
Labels starting with #// refer to packages from the main repository, even when used in an external dependency (as they would otherwise be rooted when starting with //. You can for check docs on labels, in particular the last paragraph.
Alternatively you can also refer to the "parent" project by its name. If in your WORKSPACE file you've had:
workspace(name = "parent")
You could say:
load("#parent//third_party:shared_macros.bzl", ...)
Note: in versions prior to 2.0.0 you might want to add --incompatible_remap_main_repo if you mixed both of above approaches in your project.

Substitutions and Java library lifecycle

I've got a Java project I'm converting to Bazel.
As is typical with Java projects, there are property files with placeholders that need to be resolved/substituted at build time.
Some of the values can be hardcoded in a BUILD or BZL file:
BUILD_PROPERTIES = { "pom.version": "1.0.0", "pom.group.id": "com.mygroup"}
Some of the variables are "stamps" (e.g. BUILD_TIMESTAMP, GIT_REVISION, etc): The source for these variables are volatile-status.txt and stable-status.txt
I must generate a POM for publish, so I use #bazel_common//tools/maven:pom_file in BUILD
(assume that I need ALL the values described above for my pom template):
_local_build_properties = {}
# somehow add workspace status properties?
# add / override
"pom.project.name": "my-submodule",
"pom.project.description": "My submodule description",
"pom.artifact.id": "my-submodule",
# Variable placeholders in the pom template are wrapped with {}
_pom_substitutions = { '{'+k+'}':v for (k,v) in _local_build_properties.items()}
name = "my_submodule_pom",
targets = [
template_file = "//:pom_template.xml",
substitutions = _pom_substitutions,
So, my questions are:
How do I get key-value pairs from volatile/stable -status.txt into the
dictionary I need for pom_file.substitutions?
pom_file depends on java_library so that it can write its dependencies
into the POM. How do I update the jar generated by java_library with the
Once I have the pom and the updated jar containing the pom, how do I publish to a Maven repo?
When I look at existing code, for example rules_docker, it seems that the implementation always bails to a local executable (shell | python | go) to do the real work of substitution, jar manipulation and image publication. Am I trying to do too much in BUILD and BZL files? Should I be thinking, "Ultimately, what do I need to pass to local shell/python/go scripts to get real build work done?
(Answered on bazel-discuss group)
You can't get these values from Starlark. You need a genrule to read the stable/volatile files and do the substitutions using an
external tool like 'sed'.
A file cannot be both an input and output of an action, i.e. you can't update the .jar from which you generate the pom. The action has
to produce a new .jar file.
I don't know -- how would you publish outside of Bazel, is there a tool to do so? Can you write a genrule / Starlark rule to wrap this
Cheers, László

How can I use the JAR tool with Bazel v0.19+?

Starting with Bazel v0.19, if you have Starlark (formerly known as "Skylark") code that references #bazel_tools//tools/jdk:jar, you see messages like this at build time:
WARNING: <trimmed-path>/external/bazel_tools/tools/jdk/BUILD:79:1: in alias rule #bazel_tools//tools/jdk:jar: target '#bazel_tools//tools/jdk:jar' depends on deprecated target '#local_jdk//:jar': Don't depend on targets in the JDK workspace; use #bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_java_runtime instead (see https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/5594)
I think I could make things work with #bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_java_runtime if I wanted access to the java command, but I'm not sure what I'd need to do to get the jar tool to work. The contents of the linked GitHub issue didn't seem to address this particular problem.
I stumbled across a commit to Bazel that makes a similar adjustment to the Starlark java rules. It uses the following pattern: (I've edited the code somewhat)
# in the rule attrs:
"_jdk": attr.label(
default = Label("//tools/jdk:current_java_runtime"),
providers = [java_common.JavaRuntimeInfo],
# then in the rule implementation:
java_runtime = ctx.attr._jdk[java_common.JavaRuntimeInfo]
jar_path = "%s/bin/jar" % java_runtime.java_home
inputs = ctx.files._jdk + other inputs,
outputs = [deploy_jar],
command = "%s cmf %s" % (jar_path, input_files),
Additionally, java is available at str(java_runtime.java_executable_exec_path) and javac at "%s/bin/javac" % java_runtime.java_home.
See also, a pull request with a simpler example.
Because my reference to the jar tool is inside a genrule within top-level macro, rather than a rule, I was unable to use the approach from Rodrigo's answer. I instead explicitly referenced the current_java_runtime toolchain and was then able to use the JAVABASE make variable as the base path for the jar tool.
name = genjar_rule,
srcs = [<rules that create files being jar'd>],
cmd = "some_script.sh $(JAVABASE)/bin/jar $# $(SRCS)",
tools = ["some_script.sh", "#bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_java_runtime"],
toolchains = ["#bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_java_runtime"],
outs = [<some outputs>]

Does Bazel need external-repo BUILD files to be in $WORKSPACE_ROOT/external?

I made a repository for glfw with this:
load("#bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "new_git_repository")
name = "glfw",
build_file = "BUILD.glfw",
remote = "https://github.com/glfw/glfw.git",
tag = "3.2.1",
I put BUILD.glfw in the WORKSPACE root. When I built, I saw:
no such package '#glfw//': Not a regular file: [snipped/external/BUILD.glfw
I moved BUILD.glfw to external/BUILD.glfw and it seems to work, but I couldn't find documentation about this. The docs about new_git_repository say that build_file "...is a label relative to the main workspace."; I don't see anything about 'external' there.
This is due to an inconsistent semantical difference between the native and (newer) Skylark versions of new_git_repository. To use the native new_git_repository, comment/remove the load statement:
# load("#bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "new_git_repository")
Assuming that new_git_repository has the same problem that http_archive has, per Bazel issue 6225 you need to refer to the BUILD file for glfw as #//:BUILD.glfw

How do I tell Bazel where Python.h lives?

I'm building a C++ executable that needs to #include "Python.h" from the user's Python installation.
To express Python.h (and the various header files it includes) in Bazel, I need to know where the Python include directory is. This location will be different on Windows and Linux, and I'd like a single Bazel configuration to build them both.
What's the best Bazel practice for referencing software that exists outside of the WORKSPACE root?
So to tell Bazel about external dependencies you need to use one of the Workspace Rules to specify the location of the external dependency, as well as the BUILD file for Bazel to use with that external dependency.
To have something work cross-platform you need to use the select() function to have Bazel select the proper library to build against for your host operating system.
Here's a stab at accomplishing it:
First we have the WORKSPACE file in your project's root that defines the two libraries and the BUILD file to use for them. Here I'm just using build_file_content but if that becomes too complex you can put it in it's own file and reference it instead. The BUILD file here exposes the prebuild library shipped with Python along with the header files needed. It also adds an include path for any targets that depend on these libraries so you can do #include "Python.h"
name = "python_linux",
path = "/usr",
build_file_content = """
name = "python35-lib",
srcs = ["lib/python3.5/config-3.5m-x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.5.so"],
hdrs = glob(["include/python3.5/*.h"]),
includes = ["include/python3.5"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"]
name = "python_win",
path = "C:/Python35",
build_file_content = """
name = "python35-lib",
srcs = ["libs/python35.lib"],
hdrs = glob(["include/*.h"]),
includes = ["include/"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"]
Next the BUILD file for your application. Here you need to define some config_settings. This allows us to define platform dependent settings for our build. We use the cpu value to determine the host OS.
In the cc_binary rule we use the select() function to choose the correct host library to link against based on the configuration.
name = "linux_x86_64",
values = {"cpu": "k8"},
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "windows",
values = {"cpu": "x64_windows"},
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
srcs = [
deps = select({
"//:linux_x86_64": [
"//:windows": [
FWIW here's the main.c I was playing around with to get this working.
#include "Python.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Py_SetProgramName(argv[0]); /* optional but recommended */
PyRun_SimpleString("from time import time,ctime\n"
"print('Today is',ctime(time()))\n");
return 0;
Another way (and perhaps simpler) is checking the python headers and libraries into your repository. You will still need to use select() to choose the correct library to link against but at least you won't need to add anything to your WORKSPACE file and can just rely on another BUILD file in your repository. If you look at the Bazel repo they check in lots of external dependencies into the third_party directory, so it's a common practice.
