Properly Escaping a String inside a View - ruby-on-rails

I've read in multiple places that as of Rails 3 you no longer have to use html_escape "some string" to actually escape a string in a view and that simply writing <%= "some string" %> would escape the string by default. However, I cannot find this information in the docs. I read through the XSS in the Rails guides section that stated this:
As a second step, it is good practice to escape all output of the application, especially when re-displaying user input, which hasn't been input-filtered (as in the search form example earlier on). Use escapeHTML() (or its alias h()) method to replace the HTML input characters &, ", <, and > by their uninterpreted representations in HTML (&, ", <, and >).
Then I see several blogs that state that it is escaped by default. For example:

Found it:
"7.4.3 Other Changes
You no longer need to call h(string) to escape HTML output, it is on by default in all view templates. If you want the unescaped string, call raw(string)."
escapeHTML() (or its alias h()) are from CGI::escapeHTML, which is a Ruby API implementation. If you aren't using Rails you still have a way to escape HTML. Rails may do some automagical handling of HTML in ERB files for display, and that is what you are probably referring to with html_escape "some string" and <%= "some string" %>. I think you are possibly confusing html_escape which you might need when displaying urls and such that are stored in the DB and you want the ERB processor to not mess it up? I know sometimes, particularly in .js.erb files I need to escape some things to get the result I was expecting. This is different than sanitizing. It seems in your example they are referring to something that you might accept and then redisplay, like a search string. If you put <i>hello</i> into a search box you would want to sanitize the input before passing it to the back end, or if you are using some javascript to filter you might want to escape it both for security reasons and to let it re-display correctly in the search box after you've filtered.
Edit: I was not able to find the answer to your comment in the ri doc either. But I tried:
<%= "<b>hello</b>" %>
<%= h("<b>hello</b>") %>
And got the same result in the browser:
So if you are asking if it is true, then I would say yes.


selectively accept HTML tags in user submitted string

What I would like to do is giving to my user the ability to format a submitted text with simple tags such as <b></b> <i></i> ...
Though I cannot really mark the submitted string as html_safe as I don't really want the user to use any html tag they want.
I was wondering if there was a simple solution. (I am pretty new to Ruby and cannot really set up a parsing method by myself)
Ideally it would be a very simple customisable CKeditor-ish gem or alternatively some Ruby code to parse the string, keep the accepted tags and remove every other tag. (then my string can be marked html_safe)
You want the sanitize helper method which is built into rails.
<%= sanitize #user_input, tags: %w(b i) %>
It whitelists the allowed tags. Any tags not in the tags: array are not rendered.
Read about it here...

Rails 4: how to insert line breaks in text_area?

I have created a blog in rails. I'm a beginner and got quite far, but now I'm stuck with a seemingly minor detail: I can't seem to format the posts (articles).
Here's the relevant part of my show.html.erb:
<%= simple_format (#article.content) %>
When I write something and insert html-tags, they are not recognized as such. What am I doing wrong?
Rails will automatically remove html tags to prevent someone from injecting code into your webpage (e.g. malicious javascript)
If your users cannot enter data into #article.content and it's always safe then you can flag it as safe usng the html_safe method.
<%= (simple_format (#article.content)).html_safe %>
Can you post the article content for reference? If I had to guess, I'd imagine Rails is escaping the html tags and inserting them as plain text (so the output looks like: Article content !
Take a look at Rails' helper methods like content_tag ( and concat ( and consider using those to help with generating the appropriate html tags.
An issue to be concerned with is who's going to be supplying the content. For example, if you're writing an application that other people will use, you want to make sure any html give you is escaped to avoid XSS attacks. In that case, you'll want to spend some time reading about how to properly sanitize user input.
You can now specify the tag it gets wrapped in (defaults to p) like so:
<%= simple_format (#article.content, {}, wrapper_tag: "div") %>
add white-space: pre-line style.
It will display \r or \n (enter) in user input as a new line.
for more info:

In Rails, which is a better defender against XSS attacks, strip_tags or sanitize?

Assuming no tags are allowed in the user input and we want to sanitize user input before storing it in the database, in Rails, we have the options of using sanitize (whitelist an empty set of tags) and strip_tags.
Which is better against XSS attacks? If something else is even better, what is that? And why is it better?
As of Rails 3 and the fatty beatdown the Rails core dev team took when they made Rails unsafe by default, all strings are now tagged as either safe or unsafe with "unsafe" strings being the default. You only need to think about explicitly managing the "safeness" of strings in Rails when you're writing helpers that output HTML into your template.
Escaping vs Sanitizing:
In this context, escaping means replacing some of the string characters with an HTML escape sequence that will remove the special meaning from the text and cause it render as regular text. Sanitizing on the other hand, means validating the HTML content to ensure only good HTML tags and attributes are used. Note that sanitizing is inherently less secure than escaping because of this and should only be used where rendered content must contain HTML markup. An example would be a WYSIWYG HTML editor on a textarea that manages code that is later rendered on a page.
Sanitize encodes all tags and strips all attributes (not specifically allowed which is all in your case) from the html string passed to it. It also strips href and src tags with invalid protocols to prevent any abuse of js attributes. Strip_tags on the other hand will strip all supplied tags including comments which sounds like exactly what you want. As long as you're whitelisting params and adding them to your DB properly escaped such as:
Title.where(author = ?, author_id)
and not blindly inserting user input into your db I would be comfortable with how you're setup.

Escaping HTML in Rails

What is the recommended way to escape HTML to prevent XSS vulnerabilities in Rails apps?
Should you allow the user to put any text into the database but escape it when displaying it? Should you add before_save filters to escape the input?
There are three basic approaches to this problem.
use h() in your views. The downside here is that if you forget, you get pwnd.
Use a plugin that escapes content when it is saved. My plugin xss_terminate does this. Then you don't have to use h() in your views (mostly). There are others that work on the controller level. The downsides here are (a) if there's a bug in the escaping code, you could get XSS in your database; and (b) There are corner cases where you'll still want to use h().
Use a plugin that escapes content when it is displayed. CrossSiteSniper is probably the best known of these. This aliases your attributes so that when you call it escapes the content. There's a way around it if you need the content unescaped. I like this plugin but I'm not wild about letting XSS into my database in the first place...
Then there are some hybrid approaches.
There's no reason why you can't use xss_terminate and CrossSiteSniper at the same time.
There's also a ERb implementation called Erubis that can be configured so that any call like <%= %> is escaped -- the equivalent of <%= h( %>. Unfortunately, Erubis always seems to lag behind Rails and so using it can slow you down.
If you want to read more, I wrote a blog post (which Xavor kindly linked to) about using xss_terminate.
The h is an alias for html_escape, which is a utility method for escaping all HTML tag characters:
html_escape('<script src=></script>')
# => <script src=></script>
If you need more control, go with the sanitize method, which can be used as a white-list of tags and attributes to allow:
sanitize(#article.body, :tags => %w(table tr td), :attributes => %w(id class style))
I would allow the user to input anything, store it as-is in the database, and escape when displaying it. That way you don't lose any information entered. You can always tweak the escaping logic later...
Use the h method in your view template. Say you have a post object with a comment property:
<div class="comment">
<%= h post.comment %>
Or with this plugin - no need for h 8)
I've just released a plugin called ActsAsSanitiled using the Sanitize gem which can guarantee well-formedness as well being very configurable to what kind of HTML is allowed, all without munging user input or requiring anything to be remembered at the template level.

How do I bypass the HTML encoding when using Html.ActionLink in Mvc?

Whenever I use Html.ActionLink it always Html encodes my display string. For instance I want my link to look like this:
it outputs like this: More…
&hellip is "..." incase you were wondering.
However the actionlink outputs the actual text "…" as the link text. I have the same problem with if I want to output this:
I wind up with:
Any idea how to do this?
It looks like ActionLink always uses calls HttpUtility.Encode on the link text. You could use UrlHelper to generate the href and build the anchor tag yourself.
<a href='#Url.Action("Posts", ...)'>More…</a>
Alternatively you can "decode" the string you pass to ActionLink. Constructing the link in HTML seems to be slightly more readable (to me) - especially in Razor. Below is the equivalent for comparison.
#Html.ActionLink(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode("More…"), "Posts", ...)
The answer given by Sam is actually correct and I used it in my solution so I have therefore tried it myself.
You may want to remove the extra parenthesis so it becomes something like this:
#Html.ActionLink(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode("&"), "Index", "Home")
Alternatively, just use a plain Unicode ellipsis character \u2026 and let MVC worry about how to encode it. Unless there's some particularly compelling reason you'd specifically need a hellip entity reference as opposed to a character reference or just including the character as simple UTF-8 bytes.
Alternative alternatively: just use three periods. The ellipsis (U+2026) is a compatibility character, only included to round-trip to pre-Unicode encodings. It gets you very little compared to simple dots.
Check out this:
<p>Some text #(new HtmlString(stringToPaste)) </p>
Decode it before passing the value in. Just had this same issue (different characters) and it works fine:
#Html.ActionLink(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(_("&")), "Index", "Home")
Annoying though
