Swift-NIO secured websocket server - ios

I am trying to create websocket server and client in my iOS app, which i successfully managed to do with the help of sample implementation here. (https://github.com/apple/swift-nio/tree/master/Sources/NIOWebSocketServer) - so current working situation is, i run the websocket server when app launches and then I load the client in a webview which can connect to it.
Now my problem is I want my server to secured websocket server (Basically connect to the websocket server from a HTTPS html page)
I am new to network programming and Swift-nio documentation is lacking to say the least. As far as I understand I could use (https://github.com/apple/swift-nio-transport-services)
I found this thread which is exactly what I need - https://github.com/apple/swift-nio-transport-services/issues/39 - I could disable the TLS authentication as I dont care in my usecase as long as I could get the websocket connected.
So my question is how to I extend my client (https://github.com/apple/swift-nio/tree/master/Sources/NIOWebSocketClient) and server (https://github.com/apple/swift-nio/tree/master/Sources/NIOWebSocketServer) to use swift-nio-transport-service.
I could add the NIOSSLContext and stuff but I think I need to add the EventLoopGroup and new bootstrap methods. I know the answers is right there.... but I just cannot seem to pinpoint it.
Any pointer would be appreciated.

To translate a simple NIO Server to a NIOTransportServices one, you need to make the following changes:
Add a dependency on NIOTransportServices to your server.
Change MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup to NIOTSEventLoopGroup.
Change ClientBootstrap to NIOTSConnectionBootstrap.
Change ServerBootstrap to NIOTSListenerBootstrap.
Build and run your code.
Some ChannelOptions don’t work in NIOTransportServices, but most do: the easiest way to confirm that things are behaving properly is to quickly test the common flow.
This doesn’t add any extra functionality to your application, but it does give you the same functionality using the iOS APIs.
To add TLS to either NIOTSConnectionBootstrap or NIOTSListenerBootstrap, you use the .tlsOptions function. For example:
NIOTSListenerBootstrap(group: group)
Configuring a NWProtocolTLS.Options is a somewhat tricky thing to do. You need to obtain a SecIdentity, which requires interacting with the keychain. Quinn has discussed this somewhat here.
Once you have a SecIdentity, you can use it like so:
func myTLSOptions() -> NWProtocolTLS.Options {
let options = NWProtocolTLS.Options()
let yourSecIdentity = // you have to implement something here
sec_protocol_options_set_local_identity(options.securityProtocolOptions, sec_identity_create(yourSecIdentity)
return options
Once you have that code written, everything should go smoothly!
As an extension, if you wanted to secure a NIO server on Linux, you can do so using swift-nio-ssl. This has separate configuration as the keychain APIs are not available, and so you do a lot more loading of keys and certificates from files.

I needed a secure websocket without using SecIdentity or NIOTransportServices, so based on #Lukasa's hint about swift-nio-ssl I cobbled together an example that appears to work correctly.
I dunno if it's correct, but I'm putting it here in case someone else can benefit. Error-handling and aborting when the try's fail is left out for brevity.
let configuration = TLSConfiguration.forServer(certificateChain: try! NIOSSLCertificate.fromPEMFile("/path/to/your/tlsCert.pem").map { .certificate($0) }, privateKey: .file("/path/to/your/tlsKey.pem"))
let sslContext = try! NIOSSLContext(configuration: configuration)
let upgradePipelineHandler: (Channel, HTTPRequestHead) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> = { channel, req in
WebSocket.server(on: channel) { ws in
ws.send("You have connected to WebSocket")
ws.onText { ws, string in
print("Received text: \(string)")
ws.onBinary { ws, buffer in
// We don't accept any Binary data
ws.onClose.whenSuccess { value in
self.eventLoopGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 2)
let port: Int = 5759
let promise = self.eventLoopGroup!.next().makePromise(of: String.self)
_ = try? ServerBootstrap(group: self.eventLoopGroup!)
// Specify backlog and enable SO_REUSEADDR for the server itself
.serverChannelOption(ChannelOptions.backlog, value: 256)
.serverChannelOption(ChannelOptions.socketOption(.so_reuseaddr), value: 1)
.childChannelInitializer { channel in
let handler = NIOSSLServerHandler(context: sslContext)
_ = channel.pipeline.addHandler(handler)
let webSocket = NIOWebSocketServerUpgrader(
shouldUpgrade: { channel, req in
return channel.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture([:])
upgradePipelineHandler: upgradePipelineHandler
return channel.pipeline.configureHTTPServerPipeline(
withServerUpgrade: (
upgraders: [webSocket],
completionHandler: { ctx in
// complete
}.bind(host: "", port: port).wait()
_ = try! promise.futureResult.wait()
try! server.close(mode: .all).wait()


How can I make a TLS connection using Vala?

I'm trying to figure out how can I make a proper TLS connection using Gio. The Gio documentation says you can create a TLS connection just by setting the tls flag on the SocketClient. Below is a Gio networking sample from the gnome wiki. When I set the tls flag, the TLS layer is configured automatically but validating the certificates fails unless I skip the validation.
Do I have to validate certificates myself or is GLib supposed to do the validation? Can somebody provide a full example on how to use TLS in Vala?
var host = "developer.gnome.org";
try {
// Resolve hostname to IP address
var resolver = Resolver.get_default ();
var addresses = resolver.lookup_by_name (host, null);
var address = addresses.nth_data (0);
print (#"Resolved $host to $address\n");
// Connect
var client = new SocketClient ();
// skips certificate validation
client.set_tls_validation_flags( 0 );
var conn = client.connect (new InetSocketAddress (address, 443));
print (#"Connected to $host\n");
// Send HTTP GET request
var message = #"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n";
conn.output_stream.write (message.data);
print ("Wrote request\n");
// Receive response
var response = new DataInputStream (conn.input_stream);
var status_line = response.read_line (null).strip ();
print ("Received status line: %s\n", status_line);
} catch (Error e) {
stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
And another thing I want to ask is; when I run the code above I get this output:
Resolved developer.gnome.org to
Connected to developer.gnome.org
Wrote request
Received status line: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
But when I try to connect 'developer.mozilla.org', I'm getting the following error:
Resolved developer.mozilla.org to
Error performing TLS handshake: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received.
Can anybody tell me the reason why I am getting this error? (By the way the version of GLib installed on my system is 2.64.6)
What you're doing so far is mostly correct, but you will probably want to do a little bit more to handle potential certificate errors during the TLS handshaking (see below).
Do I have to validate certificates myself or is GLib supposed to do the validation?
Note that SocketClient.set_tls_validation_flags is deprecated. To handle validation errors you can connect to the accept_certificate signal on the TlsClientConnection prior to handshaking:
var client = new SocketClient ();
client.event.connect ((SocketClientEvent event, SocketConnectable connectable, IOStream? connection) => {
if (event == SocketClientEvent.TLS_HANDSHAKING) {
((TlsClientConnection) connection).accept_certificate.connect ((peer_cert, errors) => {
// Return true to accept, false to reject
The errors are GLib.TlsCertificateFlags, so you'll want to determine which (if any) are acceptable. Ideally if there are any errors you would reject the certificate altogether, but if you want to allow self-signed certificates for example, that is possible this way.
You can simply check against the flags to see which ones are included in the errors:
TlsCertificateFlags[] flags = new TlsCertificateFlags[] {
foreach (var flag in flags) {
if ((errors & flag) != 0) {
// The flag was included in the errors - respond accordingly
But when I try to connect 'developer.mozilla.org', I'm getting the
following error:
Resolved developer.mozilla.org to Error performing TLS
handshake: A packet with illegal or unsupported version was received.
Can anybody tell me the reason why I am getting this error? (By the
way the version of GLib installed on my system is 2.64.6)
This is probably due to developer.mozilla.org using an old implementation of TLS (probably 1.0 or 1.1). These were disabled in GLib networking as of 2.64.x according to this bug report: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=954742
They may have upgraded to TLS 1.2 since you posted this question - I just did a quick test and connected using TLSv1.2 successfully.
Try run the program with export G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all for full debug messages.
Also, for a full working example of code that uses TLS written in Vala via GIO, check out the code for this Gemini browser: https://github.com/koyuspace/fossil/blob/main/src/util/connection_helper.vala
I hope that this is somewhat useful to you.

Ktor-websocket library do nothing when trying to receive data on client

I am currently trying to connect our Kotlin Multiplatform Project to websockets. I would like to use ktor-websockets library to receive some updates from our backend but onfortunately when I run this code, nothing happens:
port = 80,
method = HttpMethod.Get,
host = "https://uat-betws.sts.pl",
path = "/ticket?token=eyJzdWIiOiI0ZmY5Y2E1Mi02ZmEwLTRiYWYtODlhYS0wODM1NGE2MTU0YjYiLCJpYXQiOjE2MTk4MDAwNzgsImV4cCI6MTYxOTgwMzY3OH0.oIaXH-nFDpMklp4FSJWMtsM7ECSIfuNF99tTQxiEALM"
for (message in incoming) {
message as? Frame.Text ?: continue
val receivedText = message.readText()
// Consume all incoming websockets on this url
this.incoming.consumeAsFlow().collect {
logger.d("Received ticket status websocket of type ${it.frameType.name}")
if (it is Frame.Text) {
Does somebody have any experience with ktor-websockets library? There is almost no documentation so maybe I am doing something wrong.
Thank you
As the documentation says
Ktor provides Websocket client support for the following engines: CIO, OkHttp, Js.
This means that it works only on JVM/JS, you're probably targeting iOS. It's not yet supported, you can follow issue KTOR-363 for updates
For sure the team is working on it, but for now you had to implement it by yourself using expect/actual, you can check out official example
An other possible problem in your code: host shouldn't include https://, if you're using ssl, you should add an other parameter:
request = {
url.protocol = URLProtocol.WSS
Or use client.wss(...) - which is just a short form for the same operation

(iOS Cordova) Accessing local files from remote - WKWebview

Having the following variables:
remote web presented in cordova
local files that the remote web asks for with the following code:
var url = "https://cdvfile/localhost/" + localFolder + "/www/cordova.js";
var element = document.createElement('script');
element.id = "cordova";
element.type = "text/javascript";
element.onerror = function () {
element.onload = function () {
//success - code to be executed upon success
element.src = url;
This fails in WKWebView with the obvious error
[Error] Failed to load resource: A server with the specified hostname
could not be found. (cordova.js, line 0)
As you know, WKUrlSchemeHandler doesn't intercept http/https requests. An alternative is to use the dangerous [NSURLProtocol wk_registerScheme:#"https"]; private API trick (and it works but then it somehow screws up the request to load the page that includes the code above (doesn't add some cookies and some weird behavior).
I do have another alternative to inject via [userContentController addUserScript:script] but this requires modifying the remote web part in order to execute the code that follows the success of the script injection request.
I know it was previously possible to do all this with cdvfile:// in UIWebView but I am looking for a way to do all this WITHOUT modifying the remote (meaning, the url has to stay as you see it above. I've racked my brains for a few months now with this but can't come up with a solution. Please don't ask why I'm doing this or say that this is stupid etc, I have no choice, it's what I gotta do and it doesn't depend on me.
Please send help, thoughts, prayers etc

How to output any JSON sent to endpoint?

One of my Vapor app endpoints needs to be able to receive arbitrary JSON and output it to the logs. Once I have the logs, I can go back through and set up Codables structs and do the typical Vapor workflow.
In your route handler do print("\(req)") and you'll see the data
Doing this requires solving two problems that Vapor apps don't normally contend with:
Where to get the HTTP body (and how to decode it)?
How to return a future outside the context of the usual helpers?
The simplest solution I found gets the body from req.http.body.data, converts the data to JSON using JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:options), and returns a Future using req.eventLoop.newSucceededFuture:
router.put("printanyjson") { req -> Future<HTTPStatus> in
if let data = req.http.body.data {
if let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) {
return req.eventLoop.newSucceededFuture(result: .ok)
Note #1: This solution does not work if body is streaming. I'd like to see a solution that incorporates this idea.
Note #2: It's also possible to make recursive Codables that can decode any structure, allowing you to stay within the rails of typical Vapor usage. I'd like to see a solution that incorporates this idea.

How to send a speech to text request using google_speech1 in Rust?

I am trying to use google_speech1 for Rust, but the documentation provides incomplete examples, which makes it very hard for me, being both new at Rust and at using Google Speech Api, to figure out how to do send a speech to text request.
More specifically, I would like to be able to send a local audio file, indicate the source language and retrieve the transcription.
Here is the closest I could find in the official documentation(https://docs.rs/google-speech1/1.0.8+20181005/google_speech1/struct.SpeechRecognizeCall.html):
use speech1::RecognizeRequest;
// As the method needs a request, you would usually fill it with the desired information
// into the respective structure. Some of the parts shown here might not be applicable !
// Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
let mut req = RecognizeRequest::default();
// You can configure optional parameters by calling the respective setters at will, and
// execute the final call using `doit()`.
// Values shown here are possibly random and not representative !
let result = hub.speech().recognize(req)
Taking a step back, even simple examples provided on the website don't seem to run properly. Here is some sample very basic code:
pub mod speech_api_demo {
extern crate google_speech1 as speech1;
extern crate hyper;
extern crate hyper_rustls;
extern crate yup_oauth2 as oauth2;
use oauth2::{ApplicationSecret, Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, MemoryStorage};
use speech1::Speech;
use speech1::{Error, Result};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Default)]
pub struct ConsoleApplicationSecret {
pub web: Option<ApplicationSecret>,
pub installed: Option<ApplicationSecret>,
pub fn speech_sample_demo() {
Custom code to generate application secret
let mut file =
let mut data = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut data).unwrap();
use serde_json as json;
let my_console_secret = json::from_str::<ConsoleApplicationSecret>(&data);
let unwrappedConsoleSecret = my_console_secret.unwrap();
assert!(unwrappedConsoleSecret.installed.is_some() && unwrappedConsoleSecret.web.is_none());
let secret: ApplicationSecret = unwrappedConsoleSecret.installed.unwrap();
Custom code to generate application secret - END
// Instantiate the authenticator. It will choose a suitable authentication flow for you,
// unless you replace `None` with the desired Flow.
// Provide your own `AuthenticatorDelegate` to adjust the way it operates and get feedback about
// what's going on. You probably want to bring in your own `TokenStorage` to persist tokens and
// retrieve them from storage.
let auth = Authenticator::new(
<MemoryStorage as Default>::default(),
let mut hub = Speech::new(
let result = hub.operations().get("name").doit();
match result {
Err(e) => match e {
// The Error enum provides details about what exactly happened.
// You can also just use its `Debug`, `Display` or `Error` traits
| Error::MissingAPIKey
| Error::MissingToken(_)
| Error::Cancelled
| Error::UploadSizeLimitExceeded(_, _)
| Error::Failure(_)
| Error::BadRequest(_)
| Error::FieldClash(_)
| Error::JsonDecodeError(_, _) => (println!("{}", e)),
Ok(res) => println!("Success: {:?}", res),
Running this code (calling speech_sample_demo) gives the following error:
Token retrieval failed with error: Invalid Scope: 'no description
I also tried some very ugly code to force the scope into the request, but it did not make any difference. I am having a hard time understanding what this error means. Am I missing something in my request or is it something else getting in the way at the other end? Or maybe that api code library is just broken?
Please also note that client id and client secret provided by default don't work anymore, when I was using those it would say that account is deleted.
I then set up an OAuth 2.0 client and generated the json file which I copied over to default location and then started getting the error above. Maybe it is just me not setting Google Api account properly, but in any case would be great if someone else could try it out to see if I am the only one having those issues.
Once I get over running such a simple request, I have some more code ready to be tested that sends over an audio file, but for now it fails very early on in the process.
The error you get originates from here and means that the OAuth scope you used when generating your credentials file doesn't allow you to access the Google speech API. So the problem is not in your Rust code, but instead in the script you used to generate your OAuth access tokens.
Basically, this means that when you generated your OAuth json file, you requested access to the Google API in a general way, but you didn't say which specific APIs you meant to use. According to this document, you need to request access to the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform scope.
You are missing the flow param to Authenticator. This is how you get the access token. You create an Enum using FlowType.
use oauth2::{ApplicationSecret, Authenticator, DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, MemoryStorage,FlowType};
let Flo = FlowType::InstalledInteractive;
let auth = Authenticator::new(
<MemoryStorage as Default>::default(),
See here: https://docs.rs/yup-oauth2/1.0.3/yup_oauth2/enum.FlowType.html
Not exactly easy to figure out.
I made this work via service accounts by doing this
let https = hyper_rustls::HttpsConnectorBuilder::new()
let service_account_key: oauth2::ServiceAccountKey = oauth2::read_service_account_key(
let auth = oauth2::ServiceAccountAuthenticator::builder(service_account_key)
let hub = Speech::new(hyper::Client::builder().build(https), auth);
