Remove Unavailable Items from Form Runner - orbeon

I have run into a bit of trouble when using orbeon-2018.2.3.201905172253-PE.
I created some test forms to trial out of the functionality. I have removed them from the builder but cannot work out how to remove them from the form runner, I have already made them unavailable.
I have tried to documentation on Orbeon's website and used the following SQL, however the form still persists in the form runner.
FROM orbeon_form_data
WHERE document_id IN
SELECT t.document_id
FROM orbeon_form_data t,
SELECT max(last_modified_time) last_modified_time,
app, form, document_id
FROM orbeon_form_data
GROUP BY app, form, document_id
) m
WHERE -- Look at "last row" in the "journal"
t.last_modified_time = m.last_modified_time AND = AND
t.form = m.form AND
t.document_id = m.document_id AND
-- Take deleted items
deleted = 'Y'
Any assistance would be great as I feel like I am going around in circles.

As of this writing, you can either:
Completely remove published form by running your own SQL, deleting rows from the orbeon_form_definition table and related tables.
On the Form Runner home in admin mode, you can mark forms as unavailable.
Also see RFE #4154.


How can I post updates for deleted records using TEMSDataSetResource in RAD Server 11

I have created a simple new Rad Server Package with resource with a data module to access a Firebird 3.05 database running on Ubuntu 18.0.4. I included sample endpoints and a database endpoint with one table from the database.
I modified the created FDQuery to return a subset of the records.
It indicated the FireDACFBDriver was not found, and instead of adding the PhysFBDriverLink, I deleted the FireDACFBDriver in the project source and it asked to add back the FireDACIBDriver and it works. This is besides the point, I think, but just full disclosure. I have tried the PhysFBLink with same results, but have had trouble switching back and forth to Linux deploy, so this works for testing I believe.
The client app consists of a TEMSFireDACClient, a FDSchemaAdapter, FD TAble Adapter, FDMemTable and datasource and dbgrid and three buttons.
Button One retrieves multiple rows, and button two deletes a row locally, and button 3 tries to apply the table updates back to the server.
When attempting to post updates. I get the following error:
EMS Error: Resource error. Request parameter not found: COMPANYID.
This works when the resource SQL is SELECT * FROM EXPENSES. Is it just that the TEMSDataSetResources can only work on the full table, or Is there something simple I am missing or a reference available for how to accomplish this?
I have tried creating a manual delete endpoint with:
delete from EXPENSES where EXPENSEID = #####
However, that is another post maybe if I have to go there. I cannot get around and error converting Unicode to integer variant when passing the parameter.

MS Access Form Text Boxes Freeze

I have a weird situation with my MS Access 2016 split database.
The back-end is a Azure SQL server DB, the front-end are distributed accde files.
I have a form bound to a linked table with several sub-forms in it.
The form is used to edit single records of the main table.
With some records all works fine ("good") but with some other records ("bad") the text boxes freeze, not allowing any edits.
No error messages, they just seem to be locked but the locked property of the text boxes control is set to false. (I've checked this in runtime)
What I've tried so far:
I can edit all records directly in the linked table
The properties of the form and controls in both "good" records and
"bad" records are the same
I can change the values of check and combo boxes and update the "bad"
The BIT column has a default value of 0 and nulls are not allowed (no
NULLS in the table for this field)
I'm running out of ideas. Any help will be much appreciated.
I've figured it out, so i'll leave the solution in case someone hits the same issue.
I have a subform with a browser control. All i had to do was to add the following line at the end of the main form loading sequence:

rails 5: Dynamic form fields generation

I am new to rails.Currently i am working on a project in which i have three models wholesaler, application_template, and template fields.A wholesaler can create an application_template in which he/she specifies the application fields(by selecting data_type and typing field name)
application_fields form
that would be included in the application_template.
It is working perfectly, but the problem is now i want to store conditional inputs e.g wholesaler wants to specify a field which is required incase if applicant age > 40.
I have searched and go through different documentations but i could not found any solution to store these conditions in db. and then show conditional fields in application form . Can anyone please help me?
i am using pgsql as db

SQL-Server Transaction Blocking Mystery

I have a .Net app used for form processing which deletes/updates/inserts data across three different SQL Server 2012 databases. When the application runs, it opens a data context and then a transaction within that context for each form that needs to be processed (this runs every minute, so it's usually no more than one form at a time). A bunch of stuff happens within this transaction -- including multiple stored proc calls.
So here's the problem:
We have servers set up with what I'm told are the exact same specs (although I'm dubious :)). One is used for development work; the other for client testing. In our development environment, the processing runs without problems; but on the client testing site, it hangs every time. And I'm pulling my hair out trying to determine why.
In the following TSQL code, it is the insert into the Param table that is failing. The Param table is essentially the same as the Method table, except for the column names. Both inserts have similar foreign key relationships to the Form table, and both insert int values into the ID column.
When I run SQL Server Profiler, I'm told there's a lock on the FormDB which is not allowing the insert. However, I can alter the select statement for the Param insert and it works. I've altered in the following ways, all of which "work" in the sense that they do not cause the blocking issue:
Replaced the Param select with the Method select while keeping the insert to Param.(exact same column defs as param select)
Replaced #newKey with a valid integer for an existing form.
Removed the "from" portion of the Param select and hardcoded a single int value for the paramID (ie select #newKey, 1, #modifyDate, #modifyUser)
I feel like I'm losing my mind, because I just can't see why it's not working. The insert only seems to fail when three things are all in the select statement in combination -- #newKey, ParamID, and the from statement.
I've ensured each sproc has SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED and have used with nolock where necessary.
Why can I successfully insert into the Param table via the three scenarios above, but fail for the Param insert in the code that follows? Why would I not receive the same lock message in the profiler? There are about 5 other inserts in this procedure which follow the same pattern. All of them work with no problem.
Any ideas? Thanks.
#oldKey int
declare #newKey int
, #spKey int
, #modifyDate datetime = getdate()
, #modifyUser varchar(30) = 'User'
a bunch of stuff happens here, including setting the #spKey value.
this all happening correctly -- we have a valid integer value when we go into the next part
(formtype, formstatus, modifydate, modifyuser)
'TestFormType', 'DRAFT', #modifyDate, #modifyUser
From FormDB2.dbo.Form f
Where f.Pkey = #oldKey
--grab the new int identifier -- works
set #newKey = (select scope_identity())
stuff happens here. all is good in this part
INSERT INTO FormDB.dbo.Param
(FormKey, ParamID, ModifyDate, ModifyUser)
select #newKey, p.ParamID, #modifyDate, #modifyUser
from PROD.dbo.Table1 apd
inner join PROD.dbo.ParameterTable p
on apd.TableTwoKey = p.TableTwoKey
where apd.PKey = #spKey
INSERT INTO FormDB.dbo.Method
(FormKey, MethodID, ModifyDate, ModifyUser)
select #newKey, r.MethodID, #modifyDate, #modifyUser
from PROD.dbo.Table1 apd
inner join PROD.dbo.MethodTable r
on apd.TableTwoKey = r.TableTwoKey
where apd.PKey = #spKey
one more insert ...
I still don't understand the why of this problem, but I found a solution.
There are a lot of things happening in the code for this process: multiple linq-to-sql inserts/deletes/updates across three separate databases, as well as two separate stored procedures calls. To add to that confusion, there are separate contexts declared for each db, each with its own transaction. In short, a bunch of moving parts.
The second stored proc call was conditional, based on certain values for the processing form. I just took that call out of the code, and placed the conditional logic and stored proc call within the first proc. That solved it. The second stored proc was called directly after the first anyway -- pending conditions -- so all is good.
Problem solved -- but if anybody can explain why this was occurring, I'd be grateful. Thanks!

Cascading dropdown using MySQL database, Formtastic and Active Admin

I have managed to create a drop-down that is filled from the service model. The service model is managed from a MySQL table. I used this code:
f.input :service, :as => :select #<-- :as not really needed, I know...
I would like to have another select box below the service select that is filled with teams from the team model (teams table in MySQL database) based on what the user selected from the service select.
For example if Service 1 was selected from the service select then the team select would be filled with the teams (Team 1, Team 2) that have the foreign key of service_id = 1 in the teams table in the database. If anyone could help with how to insert the correct associations and Formtastic code to achieve this I would greatly appreciate it.
If you want the contents of one select to change (reduce the number of options) based on the selection made in another select box, this is mostly a client-side programming issue — Formtastic can't modify the DOM once sent to the browser.
You need one piece of JS to watch for changes in the Service select, and another to modify the Team select in some way based on that selection. For this, you have a heap of options here, but it's really not a Formtastic issue, other than perhaps how to render the correct markup for your JS to work.
In the past, I've done all of these at different times:
rendering a separate Team select box for each possible Service selection, then showing/hiding the correct one in the DOM as needed with JS
rendering a data attribute on each option in the Team select noting which Service it support so that the JS can remove or disable options based on the Service selected
I prefer #2, but #1 is probably easier within Formtastic.
