How to make Incoming SMS via Twilio Appear and Generate Notifications in Bitrix - twilio

Hi I've integrated Twilio with Bitrix and am able to send outgoing sms that do reach the receiving number, but the incoming reply texts do not appear on the contact profile or generate notifications. To summarize, I need help making incoming sms appear in contact profiles and generate notifications for all/most employees.
I heard one method was to use Bitrix24 webhook for authorization and API REST for data. If this method works then I need a step-by-step on how to do it.
I have limited coding experience.
I've tried generating a Bitrix webhook and setting that as the incoming URL for the text messages in Twilio but the replies still did not appear.


Twilio Response from a non-twilio number

When my friends text my Twilio bot, Twilio responds from another number which is not even Twilio's and is named "SMSInfo". I expect the bot to respond from the same number. I assure you that I haven't set any logic there that a response should come from another number. Also, note that "SMSInfo" is a number which often sends them verification codes for Fiverr or other things.
I just submitted a ticket to Twilio support and a bot automatically suggested me few articles. One of them solved the issue.
Sender ID change may occur when you send messages from a Twilio number
that is not local to your recipients, for example using a US Twilio
number to send SMS to Polish mobile users. This is often done to
comply with local regulations, or to ensure the highest possible
delivery rate for your messages.

Using Twilio Chat on iOS, is it possible to send a small amount of custom non-message data between users?

We have an app built with Twilio Chat for iOS and everything is working very well. However, we now have a requirement to invite the other chat participant to join a video room, and we would like to send the invite signal through the Twilio Chat channel that is already established (similar in functionality to the Typing signal.)
I know Push Notifications are supported by Twilio Chat, but that seems like overkill for this use case, where a simple signal is all that's needed.
What is the easiest way to send a very small amount of non-message data between Twilio Chat channel participants?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you send a message with Twilio Chat you can also set an Attributes field which can contain JSON. You can then use this to signal that the message is not for printing on the page, but a service message or invite. You will then need to updated your UI to read the attributes of a message and decide whether to display it or use it to create the Video chat.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Send mass texts with iOS

Is there anyway to send the same text to multiple contacts not as a group text. I have been told that it would need a server to accomplish this. If that is the case I would like to be able to still send texts from my current number not a new number. I have checked out Twilio but have not gotten very far.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You cannot send mass text messages using Twilio and your existing phone number.
One option you might have is, if you have a Mac you can control the SMS app programmatically to send lots of SMS messages. Here's a blog post with some example code to do that:
That might not be of much help, but while you can send lots of SMS messages with Twilio, you cannot do so using your existing number.
Yes you could send mass texts out to different numbers using twilio. No you could not use your current number.
You would have to purchase a new twilio number that has SMS messaging enabled.
Look at the Twilio documentation and their get started guide, figure out the language you want to create your server in and you will be sending texts in no time. You would run the webserver. Twilio does not offer a swift or ios based SMS solution.

What can we do with Twilio api in iOS?

I want to integrate Twilio in my iOS app. I read Twilio documentation but I am getting confused on some points. I have few questions:
Q 1) Can Twilio number receive messages from Mobile numbers (non twilio numbers)? Is it possible on trial Twilio number?
I am trying to send SMS from Twilio verified Indian number(e.g.+919435XXXXXX) to my trial Twilio number. My message was not delivered to trial Twilio number. While I am able to send SMS form trial Twilio no. to my mobile number. Is reason is trial account or anything else?
Q 2) Can we get two trial Twilio numbers for single account?
Q 3) How can send message using “Application url:"?
This url got when we created app using following way
I have trial account. I am able to call using this app url with the help of BasicPhone app. Now I want to send SMS using app url.
Currently I am sending sms as described here Case 1: This is my native objective-c working code..
Please help me.Thanks...
Twilio Developer Evangelist here.
I'll try to answer your questions below:
Yes, a Twilio number is a number like any other, so you can send and receive SMS messages from any other number as well as making telephone calls. However, because you mentioned you're in India, it's worth reading about the limitations in India.
No, you can only have one number under a trial account, so in order to get more numbers you will need to upgrade your account, and put at least enough money to allow you to purchase a second number.
If all you want is to send SMS messages, all you need to have is a backend application that you can invoke via an HTTP request. That application will then make an API request to Twilio and send the SMS message. An example of how to send an SMS message can be found here.
Let me know if you have any other questions.

Linking multiple phones to a single twilio account

How does one link a single twilio number to multiple phones such that:
When new people text the twilio number, all of the phones linked to the twilio number receive the text.
When any one of the twilio phones respond to the text, it appears to the original texter that a single number is responding to them (irregardless of which of the twilio phones sends the text).
Picture texts work also in the way described in (1)-(2).
This is very similar to what Google Voice can do, except google voice sometimes doesn't work with picture texts.
You would need a backend of some sort, where you can store subscribers for a number, you can then handle in your language of choice, when you receive a sms perhaps containing the word "subscribe", you would then simply save that into your backend along with the number that the sms was received upon.
When receiving a sms that contains other text, you would then simply query your backend and find all the numbers that have subscribed to the number that you have just received the sms on, you would then simply use the Twilio api, to send the message to all the results from your backend query.
You could also allow unsubscribe functionality, where users only have to send unsubscribe to the number, and you would remove them from your backend or flag them as to not send to them again.
