Print styles not applied in production with webpack / react - ruby-on-rails

I am running a stack with rails, react on rails, and webpack.
I am able to use print styles successfully in development, however when deploying to production it seems that none of the print styles apply.
In Development
In Production.
Only appears on production.
Possibly move towards PDF similar to other pages.
Style exists in production, not being applied properly?
In production it is able to find the media print styles.
Style in production
#media print{.App-module__d-print-active-pdf___2FlpM{background-color:#fff;height:100%;width:100%;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;margin:0;padding:15px;font-size:14px;line-height:18px}}
In Production.
Print styles are applied properly from the assets folder.
However they are not applied from the applications bundle.

If using webpacker, be sure to set the media type on your style tags:
So instead of:
<%= stylesheet_packs_with_chunks_tag 'styles-bundle' %>
You would want
<%= stylesheet_packs_with_chunks_tag 'styles-bundle', media: 'all' %>
If you'd like more info, the source for this can be helpful:
webpacker docs on stylesheet_packs_with_chunks_tag
Rails asset tag helper docs


Wicked PDF gem works locally but displays different font when deployed

I’m trying to generate PDFs in a Rails 4.2 app using the Wicked PDF gem and everything works fine locally. However, when deployed to other environments the PDF renders but most* of the text is displayed as what appears to be characters from “Cursor Font” which I've never seen before but it appears to be something bundled with X11.
*I say "most" because some of the PDF text renders normally if enclosed in certain html tags. For example, if I change p-tags to h1 tags, normal font is displayed, but obviously I don't want the entire document to look like one big header.
I checked the logs; no errors are being generated.
I’ve tried various combinations of Wicked gem versions and wkhtmltopdf binaries. Currently using gem 'wicked_pdf'and gem 'wkhtmltopdf-binary-edge'.
I’ve closely followed the Wicked PDF set-up documentation to include
PDF mime type, a wicked_pdf.rb initializer file, precompiled
assets, and absolute asset paths. Currently using (although have tried many variations) stylesheet_link_tag wicked_pdf_asset_base64("pdf.css.scss") and javascript_include_tag wicked_pdf_asset_base64("application")
Any ideas/advice on why this is happening is greatly appreciated!

Why can't I add a plain link tag in Rails4 App

Why is it so forbidden to add line like <link href="/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"> in my application.html.erb file. How else do I insert it?
It's not "forbidden" outright - it just skirts a lot of important Rails conventions which will likely create problems & inconsistencies down the line
There are several elements to what you're asking. Here they are:
Firstly, you need to use the correct helpers in your layout:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "bootstrap/bootsrap" %>
The reason for this is the same as using helpers in other parts of your Rails application - as paths change between environments & certain "backend" functionalities of the system evolve, you can't rely on using vanilla HTML to call "Rails-centric" methods
A pro tip is that if there is any reference to a path, or an asset, you need to use the helpers which Rails provides
Asset Pipeline
Further to this, you need to appreciate how the "asset pipeline" works.
One of the big benefits of the Rails framework is that it gives you the ability to organize your assets in the most effective way - by keeping them in the /assets folder.
Whilst great for development, your problem will arise when you go into a production environment - Rails prefers to serve static assets in production, which means that the assets will be pre-compiled & access in the public folder:
In the production environment Sprockets uses the fingerprinting scheme
outlined above. By default Rails assumes assets have been precompiled
and will be served as static assets by your web server.
To make sure this works properly, you need to use the path helpers to load the files dynamically; hence allowing Rails to access the files wherever they are on the system
I would strongly recommend you look into the "manifest" feature of the asset pipeline:
*= require bootstrap/bootstrap

Highcharts doesn't work on Heroku

I have a ruby on rails app that uses highcharts.
Locally it works like a charm, however when I push the app to Heroku, Highcharts stops working and the div tag that is supposed to contain the chart appears empty.
I even tested it with one of the Highcharts examples (which has only hardcoded data), and still nothing.
Figured it out: The problem was in the precompiling of assets. Turned out that highcharts was not precompiled
Added :
config.assets.precompile += ['rollover.js', 'highcharts.js']
to production.rb (i suppose application.rb should work as well)
to layout file.
(since i expected all javascript files gets compiled in application.jss i only had <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %> in my layout file)
Sounds like Highcharts is not loading - either because it isn't being pushed to Heroku or because it isn't being served properly. Go to the URL where highcharts.js should be and see if you get the JavaScript or a 404.
If you can reach highcharts.js without issue then the problem is most likely in the setup code. Check and see if the appropriate variables are loaded onto the page (using the web developer tools for the browser you are testing in) and if there are any JavaScript errors showing up when the page is loaded.
Using lazy highcharts gem. Googled for an hour Nothing worked out for me.
Finally I've copied highcharts.js from Vendor directory and pasted it to assets.

Rails 3.1 Assets are being fingerprinted in production but rendered HTML is not

Everything works great in Development. And app deploys as normal with Capistrano. Assets (javascript & css) appear to be fully pre-compiled and each, along with images, are given a "fingerprint". Problem is when using image_tag("image-name.png") in my view the html it creates in production doesn't include the 'fingerprint'.
The rendered HTML we get in production:
<img alt="Image-name" src="/assets/image-name.png" />
instead of, what I would expect, should be:
<img alt="Image-name" src="/assets/image-name-b89cae2830c2901f844c353b3f3942fe.png" />
So which of Rails 3.1's myriad config options did we botch?
The troublesome images appear to be those included in a 3rd-party Colorbox image viewing tool we use. Rails 3.1 is fingerprinting its assets (border.png, etc.) but, clearly, the source code for this javascript library doesn't use helpers like image_tag. So in production it is still looking for images named /assets/colorbox/border.png. Currently images are in /vendor/assets/images and work fine in Development. Is there a way to prevent just these images from being "fingerprinted"?
Well, here's how I hacked the 3rd-party files to make things work:
The offending images were in files like vendor/assets/stylesheets/colorbox.css. I first changed the extension of the files to .scss then I changed each url(colorbox/image.png) to image_url("color box/image.png") and now everything is peachy. Assets are served normally in development and fingerprinted in production.
Still like to see the "proper" way to add 3rd-party (vendor) javascript libraries & css to a Rails 3.1 app. Rails team must have anticipate a drop-in solution that doesn't require editing?!? So, please, feel free to offer up other solutions.
Aside: where I previously had manually configured my Capistrano recipe with:
run "cd #{release_path}; RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile"
…and its accompanying after deploy:update_code …. I have now removed those lines and instead added load 'deploy/assets to my Capfile. I don't think this makes any difference in the above problem but I wanted to document it anyway as adding your own recipe for pipeline precompiling is no longer necessary in Capistrano 2.8 as it was in the 3.1rc days.

How to "auto-build" and load different CSS stylesheet files when running a 'development' and 'production' mode?

I am using Ruby on Rails 3.0.10 and I would like to auto-build and load different CSS stylesheet files depending on if I am running my application in the development or in the production mode.
I would like to auto-"minimize" CSS files for performance reasons and to load those related "minimized" files because I do not want to show to the "public audience" the content of my comments present in my CSS file (note: users can access theme, for example, by using the FireBug plugin for the Mozilla Firefox browser). I would like to do that also for javascript files.
How can I do that?
P.S.: I am planning to switch to the Ruby on Rails v3.1...
In your layout you probably have something like:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "production.css" %>
Just add another stylesheet there but wrap it in a conditional that checks the rails environment.
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "development.css" if Rails.env.production? %>
For Rails 3.0 there are many plugins to minify your css and javascript.
I use smurf.
gem "smurf"
Part of the process of minification is that it removes comments.
In Rails 3.1 production will uglify your javascript, so comments should be removed by default.
But if you insist on using a different stylesheet, take a look at the other answer.
