How to check if i have installed azcopy v10 properly - azcopy

I have installed azcopy version 10.2.1 on ubuntu 16.04, but if im giving azcopy commend then it is showing command not found. what is going wrong here?

I had same issue with windows.Just added path in environmental variables and it worked fine.


compatibility problem between FEniCS and Paraview on Mac

I am using FEniCS on mac trough Docker but I have a problem visualizing the result of an analysis using a Paraview version installed on mac. These are the steps I follow:
I obtain the solution of my problem using FEniCS; then send the .vtu file that FEniCS has generated from Docker to the desktop using
sudo docker cp fenics-container:/home/fenics/shared/nameoffile.vtu Users/User/Desktop
Subsequently, I open ParaView (which I directly installed on my mac and not on Docker) and open the file nameoffile.vtu. I press Apply and then an error appears:
ERROR: In /Users/kitware/dashboards/buildbot-slave/a64f5607/build/superbuild/paraview/src/VTK/IO/XML/vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader.cxx, line 649
vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader (0x7fc30ff7c440): Error reading cell offsets: Unsupported array type: vtkUnsignedIntArray
Can anyone explain what this error means?
when I tried open the file using Paraview on a Linux machine it worked just fine with no error. Am I missing some compatibility package?
I installed a previous version of ParaView. Apparently latest ones are not fully compatible with all versions of FEniCS

Change Dart VM version

I want to use the stable release of the sdk, which should be 2.2.0, but when I in the console check the version with the command "dart --version", it says I am running "Dart VM version: 2.1.0".
I have tried to upgrade via choco, and it says that I already have 2.2.0 installed.
Do I have multiple versions av Dart installed and can switch between them?
If so, can I set a default version?
I'll just mark this as answered with the comment of jamsdlin, as it was the correct answer for me.
When you run dart, you'll run whichever dart binary is found first in your search PATH. You have multiple versions installed. Uninstall the old version or modify PATH so that the location for 2.2.0 occurs first.

PyScripter always says: "Python could not be properly initialized. We must quit."

I've googled for a solution, and based on that, let me report a few details:
I've tried 32-bit PyScripter-v2.6.0-Setup.exe with 32-bit python-3.6.1.exe; and 64-bit PyScripter-v2.6.0-x64-Setup.exe with 64-bit python-3.6.1-amd64-webinstall.exe.
I'm on a 64-bit Windows 10 machine.
I uninstalled other versions of Python on the machine.
Tried unzipping rpyc in the \Lib\ folder, as someone suggested that here.
What else should I be looking at?
Here is a tested Solution
Remove old PyScripter
Install Python from Python website. I installed mine from: (and it worked)
Now install PyScripter-v2.6.0-x64-Setup.exe from
This should solve the problem.
I got this solution from https: //
You are using an old version of Pyscripter. Version 3.4 from provides support for all released python versions, virtual environments, conda distibutions and the ability to switch between them without exiting Pyscripter.

Installing the OpenCV prebuilt library on Ubuntu server 11.10

I am new to the Linux scene and I am trying to get OpenCV installed and running on our server as I need it to build and run a few applications on the system. I have followed the Ubuntu package Install directions, but I seem to have an issue when I get to the install command. I get the terminal saying that it is reading the package list and after a few seconds I get a message saying that opencv cannot be found.
Has anyone had any experiences installing this library and can anyone possibly help guide me on how to use this whole setup? If it's any help I get a 404 error when I try to access the PPA in the update. Did I add the repository incorrectly?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
OpenCV 2.1 is quite old. Try setting up his new PPA for OpenCV 2.3.1. It has a Natty target.
Hope that's helpful!

Problem with Aptana Studio & XULRunner 8.1

I recently installed Ubuntu Jaunty and I'm encountering a problem when I try to run Aptana Studio under it. Any interaction with the internal browser crashes the system. I checked the log and after some Googling came to the conclusion that it was crashing due to the incompatibilty with XULRunner 9.0 which is installed on my system. I followed a couple of solutions I came across and installed XULRunner 8.1 (to a different directory) and pointed the MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME enviornmental variable to that particular version, as suggested.
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/xulrunner-8.1
However, the problem persists! When I cd into the xulrunner-8.1 directory and perform a ./xulrunner -v it still lists it as being version 9! I can't uninstall 9.x as several other major packages depend on it, one of which is the version of Gnome I have installed.
This is my first time using Linux since I played around with RedHat 7.2 waybackwhen, so I'm probably forgetting to do something obvious. Can anyone help me out?
I run Aptana on Ubuntu Jaunty as well and met with similar problems as yourself. This thread solved my problem, and I always launch my Aptana from a startup script. Particularly, the post by 'stevewalker'. Just to post his startup script here:-
if [ $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ]; then
/usr/local/aptana/AptanaStudio $#
Hope this helps! =)
