Unable to download the Jenkins plugins running on Google Cloud Platform - docker

I'm running the Jenkins as a Docker container on a Virtual Machine on Google Cloud Platform. On the very first screen of setup, I can see that a lot of plugins did not install in my Jenkins server?
Please let me know how to resolve this issue? Is it something due to with the security on the cloud by default which restricts downloading of plugins?
Refer following link for screenshot:-

Something similar happened to me when running Jenkins on Docker on my local machine. To get everything to install I had to keep retrying. It took several retries but eventually I got everything installed.
I'm not sure why this is the case. Maybe it fails downloads whose dependencies aren't installed yet?


Fail to download maven in Devcontainer

I'm currently working on a spring boot app which communicates with PostgresSQL.
Everything is running in a Devcontainer on Docker.
Until now, the problem I had was that I was behind a corporate proxy and Docker couldn't download images. To solve that I used another connection to work.
But switching all the time is not something I appreciate.
Yesterday I switched to Docker pro and changed proxy settings for docker.
Now this part works, when Docker wants to download images, it's ok.
The issue now is that SDK which try to download Maven in my docker file met problem to connect to internet and therefore does not success in downloading Maven.
I guess SDK needs information regarding proxy port or something ?
But how can I provide that ?
Here is the error when I try rebuilding Devcontainer
enter image description here
Here is my Dockerfile :
enter image description here

PCF cfdev plugin install No Such Host Error

I tried to install Cloud Foundary cfdev plugin to setup pivotal cloud environment in local machine (MacOS Big Sur).
~ % cf install-plugin -r CF-Community cfdev
Searching CF-Community for plugin cfdev...
Plugin cfdev 0.0.18 found in: CF-Community
Attention: Plugins are binaries written by potentially untrusted authors.
Install and use plugins at your own risk.
Do you want to install the plugin cfdev? [yN]: y
Starting download of plugin binary from repository CF-Community...
Get https://d3p1cc0zb2wjno.cloudfront.net/cfdev/cfdev-v0.0.18-rc.36-darwin: dial tcp: lookup d3p1cc0zb2wjno.cloudfront.net: no such host
Looks like unable to reach d3p1cc0zb2wjno.cloudfront.net host and even I tried hitting https://d3p1cc0zb2wjno.cloudfront.net/cfdev/cfdev-v0.0.18-rc.36-darwin endpoint in browser but no luck.
Any suggestion to try out, or resolution please?
The link is simple broken. I was building the cfdev plugin with the generate-plugin.sh script in scripts folder. But be careful you need a go version 1.16.xx 1.17.xx is not working due to an bug on macos!
After building the plugin locally you can install the plugin with
cf install-plugin cfdev
The next problem you will get is that the certificates from bosh/director are expired and cfdev will not start :( I'm still searching for a solution for this.
I found a workaround by adjusting the time on the host machine for 01.2021 - in theory, could be any date less than 10.04.2021. I managed to get the full installation + apps-manager and scs. After that, the auto-sync of time could be restored.

Jenkins- Getting stuck on install initial plugin page

I have newly configured Jenkins, after setting up the proxy it asks to install plugins, i selected few plugins and after proceeding to install them some of them failed and the install bar completes for other plugins but the page hangs forever and i am not able to proceed further.
Please suggest !
restart jenkins using "http://localhost:8080/safeRestart"
It worked for me.
There's a bug report that pretty well fits to the description of your problem: Jenkins- Getting stuck on install initial plugin page. That bug should have been fixed in June (and Jenkins 2.6).
I had the same problem with Jenkis 2.7.3, though. To get the install running, I first removed the installation and started it again. Then I deselected the plugins which have caused the errors and could successfully finish the "getting started" process.
Once you have Jenkins running in normal mode you should be able to install the skipped plugins (didn't try that, though; don't need them).
A simple Page refresh did NOT help me.
I just restarted webapp service, TOMCAT in my case and then a page refresh allowed me to skip and continue to proceed further.
Try this it may help you.
go to this link - http://localhost:8080/safeRestart
go to the Dashboard -> Manage Plugins -> Available tab
Select all plugins and start installing
Jenkins will work after reboot
I had the same bug with Jenkins 2.19.3 on Windows. Resolved by reinstalling Jenkins with full Jenkins directory removal.
Okay let me share my success case of this stupid error.
I was using google chrome and i tried everything, uninstall jenkins complete from the face of my HDD, and reinstalling but non work.
Then i took petty on IE (or on myself for that matter) and i ran the jenkins (localhost:8080) on IE and voila! everything works perfectly.
Hope this help anybody.
well, I am running Jenkins on my remote machine after all the configuration and installing the required plugins the web client dint respond I tried to start it but with no gain.
After digging deeper all I had to do was to restart the Jenkins service and it picks up from where it left.
The reason might be during the installation of the plugins the server is stopped and the additional files are added so during the downtime the Jenkins becomes unresponsive.
hopes this helps.
sudo service restart jenkins
Then go back to refresh the browser.
I faced similar issue and did :
$ systemctl restart jenkins
and re-resumed and later continued and installation completed.
post that setup the first admin user and proceeding next.
Trying "Jenkins 2.277.4" at my local dev box

Forge AWS Laravel Install

Has anybody encountered any issues using forge with AWS for a laravel project?
I've recently followed instructions but I've encountered various errors too many to comment.
After opening a SSH connection to my AWS EC2 instance I've then run the command provided by Taylor on Forge but I get cannot find folder errors etc?
I got a lot of problems with Forge + AWS.
Some of them were:
You should specify correct snapshot for AWS instance - use ubuntu, not Amazon Linux.
You should open SSH for whole world (or get Forge IP address)
Other, a LOT of problems :)
But in the End, I managed to install it.

Cannot seem to install Google Cloud Managed VMs

Following Google instructions to install managed VMs, everything seems to work smoothly until I get to this step:
gcloud preview app setup-managed-vms
The result is the following error:
ERROR: (gcloud.preview.app) Invalid choice: 'setup-managed-vms'.
I've made sure all the other dependent components are up to date.
The environment is:
Windows 7 x64
Google Cloud SDK 0.9.56
boot2docker 1.4.1/1.5 (tried both)
Is there anything obvious I'm missing trying to get these managed VMs working?
Yep - that step is no longer required. The docs should be fixed shortly.
You might wish to look at My java App Engine Managed VMs build doesn't deploy after 4/14/2015 update for additional info.
Our images are now available on the public Google Container registry. For python, you can grab the image at gcr.io/google_appengine/python-compat
It is important to note that you must do the following to use that image:
docker pull gcr.io/google_appengine/python-compat
You can change the FROM line in your Dockerfile. Also, it's important to note that this image does not have the GAE SDK included, but you can add most python libraries yourself.
