Microsoft Graph API batch request with dependencies? - microsoft-graph-api

Can I make several requests batched that rely on each other? For example, get the recent items and get the embed link for each of them. The second request relies on the first because it requires the ID of the item to get the link.
Is that even possible?

I don't think is possible in Microsoft Graph today but I encourage you to submit a UserVoice feature request at


Microsoft Graph API / Power Automate

I am using Graph API to extract all the incidents and advisories from Microsoft but I encounter some issues, and I will be very happy if you can help me.
I am using the GET Method using the URL but in the output, I can see that not all incidents are present, and I can see that there is present pagination in the output$skip=100, can you guys help me how I should filter this to extract all the incidents from the API?
You'll need to make multiple calls until the response provides no further link for you to retrieve further records.
As is described in the above documentation ...
You can retrieve the next page of results by sending the URL value of the #odata.nextLink property to Microsoft Graph.
As previously stated, once you have reached the last page, you will no longer have a nextLink value to retrieve the next page.

Search in all user's channel messages

Can I use the Microsoft Graph API for Teams to search in messages of all channels the user has access to? I.e. can I use the API to build something like the search bar on top of the Microsoft Teams app?
The functionality (similar like search bar) is not exposed at this point... But for time being you can try this, you should get all the channels that you're part of. Then you make can make the Graph API call to get list of messages. In addition to that you can consider filing a Microsoft Uservoice, so it can be considered as new feature request and can be implemented.

Microsoft Graph Api / OneDrive - Add/Remove photo tags

Is it possible to use the Microsoft Graph API to create/read/delete tags for photos stored in OneDrive?
I found an old UserVoice request from 2015 but no recent news.
Currently no, this is not supported by the current API. As noted in the UserVoice you referenced, it is on the roadmap. However, I do not have an ETA for when this might show up.
I would suggest casing your votes and adding any additional comments to the existing request. This will help the OneDrive team with prioritizing this feature in their planning.

Limitations of Qualtrics API

With respect to the Qualtrics API (v3) documentation ( there does not appear to be any means to send a GET request through a REST client to get the individual survey responses for a specific survey (I suppose that the developers figured that no would be interested in decoupling the survey results from the admin panel).
The reason why I would like to be able to submit a GET request to get survey results is for real-time data visualization purposes that do not depend on me exporting the data every so often to re-update the visualization. If Qualtrics does not support such a GET request, which service (perhaps SurveyMonkey or its ilk) best facilitates what I'm trying to build? Or do I have to build an entire survey module from scratch? (shudders)
I agree that v3.0 has some big short comings. I have no idea what they are thinking. There should be a way to retrieve a specific response using Response ID.
You can still use v2.5 of the api to do what you want.
SurveyMonkey has a REST API that allows you to fetch all your responses.
You can fetch all your responses by doing:
GET /v3/surveys/<survey_id>/responses
Which will give you a skinny payload (usually IDs only, and maybe a name or title but not in this case).
You can then get a specific response by doing:
GET /v3/responses/<response_id>
You can also fetch all responses as fatter payloads by doing:
GET /v3/surveys/<survey_id>/responses/bulk
Or, depending on your use case, for example if you have some visualization that you want to update in real-time without polling for responses you can set up a webhook.
POST /v3/webhooks
"name": "My Response Webhook",
"event_type": "response_completed",
"object_type": "survey",
"object_ids": ["<survey_id1>", "<survey_id2>", ...],
"subscription_url": "https://mycallback.url"
Where subscription_url is your callback url, and then whenever any new responses for the defined surveys come in you'll be notified to the subscription_url provided and you can then know to refresh your charts.
I have done that by getting contacts, in every contact there are object of Response history where you can get the information of a survey assigned to a respondents.

Display twitter feeds

For an event in a couple of weeks I'd like to make an web page/app which display tweets from a specific user, a specific hashtag and all #reply's at the first user in 3 boxes on the screen.
However I've never tried this. I want to use either .NET (C#) or HTML/CSS/JS since I'm proficient in those. Are there any libraries/API's I can use? Or is there an readily available freeware/open-source app I can use?
Have you seen TweetSharp?
Use Twitter's profile and search widgets. Profile for the first box, a search of the hash tag for the second box, and a search of to:username for the third box.
I actually just posted this as an answer to another question:
I just updated a plugin to work with the Twitter 1.1 API. Unfortunately, per Twitter's urging, you will have to perform the actual request from server-side code. However, you can pass the response to the plugin and it will take care of the rest. I don't know what framework you are running, but I have already added sample code for making the request in C#, and will be adding sample code for PHP, shortly.
The plugin makes a call to statuses/user_timeline, but you will likely want to look at statuses/filter or statuses/search, instead. All you will have to do is add your desired parameters (hashtag, replies, etc.) to the server-side code and it should work (with the addition of your security keys and tokens, of course).
Good luck! :)
