Strategy for very small dataset - machine-learning

My dataset has 640 points.
I am working on multi-class classification problem (3 classes)
For some cases, the data is imbalanced significantly (1 minority class)
for other, its balanced
What will be the best strategy to split the dataset and evaluate the model
I have read on LeaveoneOut and LeavePOut, but just wanted to know if there are some other non-conventional strategies as well.

Here's a nice article about Sampling Algorithms. Also, sometimes the answer quite depends on what kind of business problem you are working on.


How to handle imbalanced data in general

I have been working on the case study where data is highly imbalanced. we have been taught we can handle the imbalanced data by either under sampling the majority class or over sampling the minority class.
I wanted to ask if there is any other way/method that can be used to handle imbalanced data?
this question is more on conceptual side than programming.
for example,
I was thinking if we could put some weight on minority class (conceptually) to make the model emphasize on identifying pattern in minority class.
I don't know how that can be done but this concept theoretically should work.
feel free to put crazy ideas too.
Your weights idea is not far off. This can be done. In fact, most sklearn Models give you the option to specify class weights. This however is often not enough for very extreme cases (e.g. 95%/5% split or more extreme).
There are specific oversampling techniques such as SMOTE (and related techniques) which go a step further than classic oversampling and generate synthetic samples based on a K Nearest Neighbors Algorithm.
If the classes are extremely imbalanced a "classic" classification approach may not be enough and you might have to look into anomaly detection algorithms.
Just use strong consistent classifier. See
Generally speaking I think that you need, before diving into the technical solution (under/upsampling, smote ..) consider the business KPI you are predicting and whether there is a proxy that could help reduce the disparity rate between the classes.
You can think also about the models that have weights parameters and could penalize the majority class
You can check this article, it explains from a conceptual point of view how to deal with imbalanced data in general.

The impact of number of negative samples used in a highly imbalanced dataset (XGBoost)

I am trying to model a classifier using XGBoost on a highly imbalanced data-set, with a limited number of positive samples and practically infinite number of negative samples.
Is it possible that having too many negative samples (making the data-set even more imbalanced) will weaken the model's predictive power? Is there a reason to limit the number of negative samples aside from running time?
I am aware of the scale_pos_weight parameter which should address the issue but my intuition says even this method has its limits.
To answer your question directly: adding more negative examples will likely decrease the decision power of the trained classifier. For the negative class choose the most representative examples and discard the rest.
Learning from imbalanced dataset can influence the predictive power and even an ability of a classifier to converge at all. Generally recommended strategy is to maintain similar sizes of training examples per each of the classes. Imbalance of classes effect on learning depends on the shape of the decision space and the width of boundaries between classes. The wider they are, and the simpler the decision space the more successful training even for imbalanced datasets.
For a quick overview of the methods of imbalanced learning I recommend these two articles:
SMOTE and AdaSyn by example
How to Handle Imbalanced Data: An Overview
Dealing with Imbalanced Classes in Machine Learning
Learning from Imbalanced Data by Prof. Haibo He (more scientific)
There is a Python package called imbalanced-learn which has an extensive documentation of algorithms that I recommend for in-depth review.

How to scale up a model in a training dataset to cover all aspects of training data

I was asked in an interview to solve a use case with the help of machine learning. I have to use a Machine Learning algorithm to identify fraud from transactions. My training dataset has lets say 100,200 transactions, out of which 100,000 are legal transactions and 200 are fraud.
I cannot use the dataset as a whole to make the model because it would be a biased dataset and the model would be a very bad one.
Lets say for example I take a sample of 200 good transactions which represent the dataset well(good transactions), and the 200 fraud ones and make the model using this as the training data.
The question I was asked was that how would I scale up the 200 good transactions to the whole data set of 100,000 good records so that my result can be mapped to all types of transactions. I have never solved this kind of a scenario so I did not know how to approach it.
Any kind of guidance as to how I can go about it would be helpful.
This is a general question thrown in an interview. Information about the problem is succinct and vague (we don't know for example the number of features!). First thing you need to ask yourself is What do the interviewer wants me to respond? So, based on this context the answer has to be formulated in a similar general way. This means that we don't have to find 'the solution' but instead give arguments that show that we actually know how to approach the problem instead of solving it.
The problem we have presented with is that the minority class (fraud) is only a ~0.2% of the total. This is obviously a huge imbalance. A predictor that only predicted all cases as 'non fraud' would get a classification accuracy of 99.8%! Therefore, definitely something has to be done.
We will define our main task as a binary classification problem where we want to predict whether a transaction is labelled as positive (fraud) or negative (not fraud).
The first step would be considering what techniques we do have available to reduce imbalance. This can be done either by reducing the majority class (undersampling) or increasing the number of minority samples (oversampling). Both have drawbacks though. The first implies a severe loss of potential useful information from the dataset, while the second can present problems of overfitting. Some techniques to improve overfitting are SMOTE and ADASYN, which use strategies to improve variety in the generation of new synthetic samples.
Of course, cross-validation in this case becomes paramount. Additionally, in case we are finally doing oversampling, this has to be 'coordinated' with the cross-validation approach to ensure we are making the most of these two ideas. Check for more details.
Apart from these sampling ideas, when selecting our learner, many ML methods can be trained/optimised for specific metrics. In our case, we do not want to optimise accuracy definitely. Instead, we want to train the model to optimise either ROC-AUC or specifically looking for a high recall even at a loss of precission, as we want to predict all the positive 'frauds' or at least raise an alarm even though some will prove false alarms. Models can adapt internal parameters (thresholds) to find the optimal balance between these two metrics. Have a look at this nice blog for more info about metrics:
Finally, is only a matter of evaluate the model empirically to check what options and parameters are the most suitable given the dataset. Following these ideas does not guarantee 100% that we are going to be able to tackle the problem at hand. But it ensures we are in a much better position to try to learn from data and being able to get rid of those evil fraudsters out there, while perhaps getting a nice job along the way ;)
In this problem you want to classify transactions as good or fraud. However your data is really imbalance. In that you will probably be interested by Anomaly detection. I will let you read all the article for more details but I will quote a few parts in my answer.
I think this will convince you that this is what you are looking for to solve this problem:
Is it not just Classification?
The answer is yes if the following three conditions are met.
You have labeled training data Anomalous and normal classes are
balanced ( say at least 1:5) Data is not autocorrelated. ( That one
data point does not depend on earlier data points. This often breaks
in time series data). If all of above is true, we do not need an
anomaly detection techniques and we can use an algorithm like Random
Forests or Support Vector Machines (SVM).
However, often it is very hard to find training data, and even when
you can find them, most anomalies are 1:1000 to 1:10^6 events where
classes are not balanced.
Now to answer your question:
Generally, the class imbalance is solved using an ensemble built by
resampling data many times. The idea is to first create new datasets
by taking all anomalous data points and adding a subset of normal data
points (e.g. as 4 times as anomalous data points). Then a classifier
is built for each data set using SVM or Random Forest, and those
classifiers are combined using ensemble learning. This approach has
worked well and produced very good results.
If the data points are autocorrelated with each other, then simple
classifiers would not work well. We handle those use cases using time
series classification techniques or Recurrent Neural networks.
I would also suggest another approach of the problem. In this article the author said:
If you do not have training data, still it is possible to do anomaly
detection using unsupervised learning and semi-supervised learning.
However, after building the model, you will have no idea how well it
is doing as you have nothing to test it against. Hence, the results of
those methods need to be tested in the field before placing them in
the critical path.
However you do have a few fraud data to test if your unsupervised algorithm is doing well or not, and if it is doing a good enough job, it can be a first solution that will help gathering more data to train a supervised classifier later.
Note that I am not an expert and this is just what I've come up with after mixing my knowledge and some articles I read recently on the subject.
For more question about machine learning I suggest you to use this stackexchange community
I hope it will help you :)

Machine learning algorithm for few samples and features

I am intended to do a yes/no classifier. The problem is that the data does not come from me, so I have to work with what I have been given. I have around 150 samples, each sample contains 3 features, these features are continuous numeric variables. I know the dataset is quite small. I would like to make you two questions:
A) What would be the best machine learning algorithm for this? SVM? a neural network? All that I have read seems to require a big dataset.
B)I could make the dataset a little bit bigger by adding some samples that do not contain all the features, only one or two. I have read that you can use sparse vectors in this case, is this possible with every machine learning algorithm? (I have seen them in SVM)
Thanks a lot for your help!!!
My recommendation is to use a simple and straightforward algorithm, like decision tree or logistic regression, although, the ones you refer to should work equally well.
The dataset size shouldn't be a problem, given that you have far more samples than variables. But having more data always helps.
Naive Bayes is a good choice for a situation when there are few training examples. When compared to logistic regression, it was shown by Ng and Jordan that Naive Bayes converges towards its optimum performance faster with fewer training examples. (See section 4 of this book chapter.) Informally speaking, Naive Bayes models a joint probability distribution that performs better in this situation.
Do not use a decision tree in this situation. Decision trees have a tendency to overfit, a problem that is exacerbated when you have little training data.

How to improve classification accuracy for machine learning

I have used the extreme learning machine for classification purpose and found that my classification accuracy is only at 70+% which leads me to use the ensemble method by creating more classification model and testing data will be classified based on the majority of the models' classification. However, this method only increase classification accuracy by a small margin. Can I asked what are the other methods which can be used to improve classification accuracy of the 2 dimension linearly inseparable dataset ?
Your question is very broad ... There's no way to help you properly without knowing the real problem you are treating. But, some methods to enhance a classification accuracy, talking generally, are:
1 - Cross Validation : Separe your train dataset in groups, always separe a group for prediction and change the groups in each execution. Then you will know what data is better to train a more accurate model.
2 - Cross Dataset : The same as cross validation, but using different datasets.
3 - Tuning your model : Its basically change the parameters you're using to train your classification model (IDK which classification algorithm you're using so its hard to help more).
4 - Improve, or use (if you're not using) the normalization process : Discover which techniques (change the geometry, colors etc) will provide a more concise data to you to use on the training.
5 - Understand more the problem you're treating... Try to implement other methods to solve the same problem. Always there's at least more than one way to solve the same problem. You maybe not using the best approach.
Enhancing a model performance can be challenging at times. I’m sure, a lot of you would agree with me if you’ve found yourself stuck in a similar situation. You try all the strategies and algorithms that you’ve learnt. Yet, you fail at improving the accuracy of your model. You feel helpless and stuck. And, this is where 90% of the data scientists give up. Let’s dig deeper now. Now we’ll check out the proven way to improve the accuracy of a model:
Add more data
Treat missing and Outlier values
Feature Engineering
Feature Selection
Multiple algorithms
Algorithm Tuning
Ensemble methods
Cross Validation
if you feel the information is lacking then this link should you learn, hopefully can help :
sorry if the information I give is less satisfactory
