Netscaler - commit configuration changes to GIT - netscaler

Our team frequently makes configuration changes to our Netscalers using the Netscaler Web UI, we'd like for each change to be committed to a GIT repo so we can track the changes over time.
Is there any feature in Netscaler which allows us to do this easily?

There are tools like HPNA, Cisco NSO which can be configured to take running config backup on change and then you can commit to git.

not exactly what you are looking for but the last 5 saved configs are located in /nsconfig/ns.conf*


Get the list of files that has change-puppet

We have our Jira managed by puppet, so we have puppet script to install lira.So after installation we have few file like server.xml, manually changed in the server without using puppet.
So we need to commit the changes done back to puppet repo(r10k managed).But how will we identify the files which have changes compared to files in puppet .
You shouldn't be changing files manually on the server and committing them back into puppet.
But how will we identify the files which have changes compared to files in puppet .
You can't.
This fundamentally breaks the idea of infrastructure as code and configuration management. The whole idea of putting your configuration data into puppet is to stop this behaviour so that multiple people can always know what has changed because the changes are tracked in version control.
Make all the changes inside a git repo and then test them using a Puppet run, potentially with --noop if you're worried this may break JIRA.
You need to get a workflow set up so that this is easy, not continue to manipulate files on a server by hand and then expect Puppet to understand what each person has done.

Elastic Beanstalk deploy - ASP.NET from commandline

I'm trying to deploy my MVC4 app to ELB. The project has several post-build steps which pull together dependencies. The AWS SDK publish wizard then does not do the trick - it builds a Web Deploy package behind the scenes, which does not action those post-build steps or preserve the resulting directory structure.
So, I downloaded the command-line EB tools, got a git repository working, but can't work out the next step: what do I push to the server with git aws.push: because if it's just the resulting files then I can't specify the "Enable 32-bit applications" flag (required), etc. Do I then push a web deploy package from my repository?
I presume so, but if so, how do I include the files copied into the output folder during "normal" builds by my post-build steps?
Here we go. This seems to be in conflict with what Jim Flanagan was saying - below it's a zip file, but Jim says it's the contents of it.
#Jim Flanagan - perhaps you could comment if you have some time. Thanks.
Hi thanks for contacting AWS Premium Support
Communication from the Elastic Beanstalk Engineering Team.
When you aws.push an ASP.NET/MVC app you do not push the web deploy archive, rather you push the artifacts as you want them deployed on the machine. From the customers stack overflow question it seems they have already found the local git repo that the VS deployment wizard created and looking their should give them a good indication of what is needed in the git repository.
There isn't a nice way through the aws.push to specify what the "Enable 32-bit Application" app pool setting should be (or any other configuration setting). If you need a specific configuration setting set I would suggest creating the environment (via the console or using the eb command line tool) which allow you to specify the configuration. And then use git aws.push to deploy to that environment, git aws.push will just use the configuration that is already present on the environment.
The last question about still being incremental is not really valid since you are not pushing just one big zip file. But if you were, it could still be incremental depending on what changed in the zip file, it might just send a diff between the two versions of the zip file. As the question implies though that use case is not really what incremental deployments were designed to help with.

Can Heroku work as version control?

I am working with this school project (webapp in RoR) in group of 10 and we get into this fight.
One says we should use Heroku as our web host because it does version control with git.
The other says it's cool to use Heroku as web host, but it doesn't not store old code and keep track of changes, so we should set up our own github/assembla-git.
Who is right?
Heroku uses git for deploy. So you can use it as version control too.
But I would not recommend it. When you push to heroku it's mean deploy to production. But your code can be not ready for it. Not tested yet, feature not fully implemented and etc.
You can add 2 remote for your repository.
git push origin master # github
git push heroku master
So I would recommend you use heroku as webhost and github as version control
There is nothing wrong with using Heroku as your main Git repository. I have dozens of projects that are set up this way.
Heroku is definitely not going to arbitrarily delete code or commits in your repository.
Of course, anything you push to the master branch will actually be deployed, but you are free to push other branches if you want (Heroku will simply ignore those).
The advantage of using GitHub in addition to Heroku is that you get a bunch of extra functionality on top of just the bare Git repository, such as a web-based UI and collaboration tools like pull requests, etc. Keep in mind that GitHub for private repositories is a paid service, however. There are also competitors to GitHub such as Bitbucket which offers private repositories for free for small teams.
But if you are already familiar with Git and don’t feel like you need any extra functionality on top of it, you might as well just go with Heroku. There’s something to be said for simplicity, as well.

Published using capistrano, is it possible to know which version is running using GIT? or anything?

I pushed code to my server using capistrano (using git also).
I then made changes on my laptop, but haven't sinced published to the server.
I want to know which git version I pushed to the server so I can rollback to that version.
Is this possible?
I know I should have used tags but kinda late for that, hoping I can figure out the version I pushed to my server, so I can rollback to that version or at least diff from that version to the current built to see what has changed since then.
Capistrano should have put a REVISION file under #{your_app}/current on the server, with the deployed commit's SHA:
So something like:
git diff `ssh your_user#your_server "cat /path/to/your/app/current/REVISION" `
should get you the appropriate diff.
yes, you can check your reflog.
git reflog
But you should be tagging when you release.
Hope this helps
git fetch
git log origin/master -1
fetch synchronizes with your server and log origin/master shows the log of your server's git repo instead of your local repo. The -1 tells it to only show the last commit. This will show the commit hash and message of the last commit on your server's repo.
If your server is listed in your remotes as something other than origin or your server is using a branch other than master, you'll have to change that. But "origin" and "master" are the defaults and are standard convention if you haven't changed it.
Unless you're explicitly versioning your software (like when creating a gem, for example), it's not necessary to add a tag every time you deploy your app. This would quickly become unwieldy. With git, a commit hash can be used just like a tag if it's ever needed.</subjective>

Whats the best way to work with Github and multiple computers?

I am developing some school grading software and decided to use Github to host the project. After building some code on my Ubuntu box I pushed it to Github and then cloned it down to my MacBook Pro. After editing the code on the MBP I pushed it back to Github. The next morning I tried to update my repo on the Ubuntu box with a git pull and it gave me all kinds of trouble.
Whats the best way to work in this situation? I don't want to fork my own repo and I don't really want to send myself emails or pull requests. Why can't I just treat Github like a master and push/pull from it onto all of my personal repos on different computers?
I'll assume your problem was that the machine on which you first created the repo crapped out when you tried to issue the git pull command.
When you clone an existing git repository (like you did on your 2nd machine, the MacBook Pro), you're automatically set up to so your git pull commands will automatically merge the remote with your local changes.
However, when you initially create a repo and then share it on a remote repository, you have to issue a few commands to make things as automated as a on cloned repo.
# GitHub gives you that instruction, you've already done that
# git remote add origin
# GitHub doesn't specify the following instructions
git config branch.master.remote origin
git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master
These last few instructions configure git so future git pull's from this repo will merge all remote changes automatically.
The following is a bit of shameless self-promotion. If you use Ruby, I have created a Ruby-based tool that lets you deal with all these kinds of things with git remote branches. The tool is called, unsurprisingly, git_remote_branch :-)
If you don't use Ruby, my tool is probably gonna be too much of a hassle to install. What you can do is look at an old post on my blog, where most of the stuff grb can do for you was explicitly shown. Whip out your git notes file :-)
You can also add multiple SSH public keys.
