Need to remove numbers with a javascript code step in Zapier - zapier

I am not a developer but have used Google search and trial and error test scenarios with Zapier for the last few days and have given up on figuring this out myself. I need help!
I'm using the Run JavaScript code step in Zapier and provided the following details to Input Data.
It says: What input data should we provide to your code (as strings) via an object set to a variable named inputData?
I'm using "street" with a street address example "1402 Spring Garden Rd"
What is the code to use that regardless of the street address provided all the numbers and first space are removed so that the results is "Spring Garden Rd"
Thank you in advance!
var street = inputData;
var streetNoNumbers = inputData.replace(/[0-9]/g, '');
return streetNoNumbers
The error message I'm getting is
TypeError: inputData.replace is not a function
I've learned that strings are immutable and a new string can be made from manipulating another string but doing this in zapier seems to require a function and creating another var with the calculation generates a ... is not a function.
I've tried to write a function but can't get the output or return to show the proper results either.
I can do the following successfully,
var street = inputData
return street
1402 Spring Garden Road
I want to include the code that manipulates street to produce the following:
Spring Garden Road

David here, from the Zapier Platform team. Great question!
The key understanding you're missing is that inputData is a js object with a street property. Before your code is run, we set it up like so:
const inputData = {street: '1402 Spring Garden Rd'}
Since inputData is an object, it doesn't have a replace method (the error you're seeing). Instead, perform your operation on .street and return that.
Try the following:
// need to return an object, not just a string
return {streetNoNumbers: inputData.replace(/[0-9]/g, '')}
If you want to learn more, I recommend our simple examples:


Is it possible to call an URL passing website parameters?

I am writing code for a custom SAP program regarding some Vendor information. In my program flow, there is a possibility of me trying to use a Vendor VAT Number that belongs to an unknown Vendor. There is a Web site (EU Based - for such purposes that requires a country key and the specified VAT Number in order for it to provide an answer with the available Company information (only works for company VAT numbers of course). My problem is that I cannot seem to find any way to pass those parameters dynamically to the Web site without needing the user to interfere during this process. Manually, the process would be to select a country key, type in a VAT number and press 'Verify'.
Is there any way for me to call this specific Web site URL and "bypass" this process to only display the result page? For now, I'm using the following Function Module to just call the specified URL, in lack of any better choices.
call function 'CALL_INTERNET_ADRESS'
pi_adress = ''
no_input_data = 1
others = 2.
You need to install given web page SSL root certificate to your system with STRUST t-code.
Example usage of CL_HTTP_CLIENT below.
DATA: lv_url TYPE string VALUE ''.
DATA: o_client TYPE REF TO if_http_client.
DATA: lv_http_rc TYPE i.
DATA: lv_reason TYPE string.
DATA: lt_fields TYPE tihttpnvp.
cl_http_client=>create_by_url( EXPORTING
url = lv_url
client = o_client
OTHERS = 0 ).
o_client->request->get_header_fields( CHANGING fields = lt_fields ).
o_client->request->set_header_field( name = '~request_uri' value = '/ip.php' ).
o_client->request->set_header_field( name = '~host' value = '' ).
o_client->request->set_method( if_http_request=>co_request_method_get ).
o_client->send( ).
o_client->receive( ).
o_client->response->get_status( IMPORTING
code = lv_http_rc
reason = lv_reason ).
* Error check
IF lv_http_rc = 200.
DATA(lv_xml) = o_client->response->get_cdata( ).
* Handle error
WRITE: / 'Fehler: ', lv_http_rc.
o_client->close( ).
CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(e_txt).
WRITE: / e_txt->get_text( ).
EU Commission has a SOAP service for vat numbers.
See the info page
and that it even supports http
You have a non screen scrape method, proper interface you should look at.
On the other point of Avoiding SSL.
Make a basic guide for customers to add the European commission cert to their SAP system. If someone is complaining about that, then they are a serious user of the internet. Every sap on premise user, that needs to call the internet adds certs.
Http is dead....

Parse HTML to retrieve specific tags value with Google Apps Script

I'm trying to parse a HTML to retrieve the value of tag, on my Google Apps Script code. contains line breaks in attributes, and appears more than once but I only want the first value. (In this case, only 'foo' is required.)
<b class="
</b><b class="
On Google Apps Script, functions such as 'getElementByTagName' is not available. So I first though of using regexp but it's not the wise option here.
Does anyone have an idea on how I can move forward? Any comment/guess would be highly appreciated!
How about using XmlService for your situation as a workaround? At XmlService, even if there are several line breaks in the tags, the value can be retrieved. I think that there are several workarounds for your situation. So please think of this as one of them.
The flow of sample script is as follows.
Flow :
Add the header of xml and a root element tag to the html.
Parse the creates xml value using XmlService.
Retrieve the first value of tags using XmlService.
Sample script :
var html = '<b class="\n"\n>\nfoo\n</b><b class="\n"\n>\nvar\n</b>\n'; // Your sample value
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?><sampleContents>' + html + '</sampleContents>';
var res = XmlService.parse(xml).getRootElement().getChildren()[0].getText().trim();
Logger.log(res) // foo
Note :
In this sample script, your sample html was used. So if you use more complicated one, can you provide it? I would like to modify the script.
Reference :
XML Service
If this was not what you want, please tell me. I would like to modify it.
Edit 1 :
Unfortunately, for the value retrieved from the URL, above script cannot be used. So I used "Parser" which is a GAS library for your situation. The sample script is as follows.
Sample script :
var url = "";
var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
var res ="<b class=\"\n\"\n>").to("</b>").build().trim();
Logger.log(res) // US$11
Note :
Before you run this script, please install "Parser". About the install of library, you can see it at here.
The project key of the library is M1lugvAXKKtUxn_vdAG9JZleS6DrsjUUV
References :
Managing libraries
google app script Exceeded memory limit
google script scrape parser with 2 classes with the same name
Edit 2 :
For your 2nd URL in your comment, it seems that the URL is different from your 1st one. And also your new URL has no tag of <b class=\"\n\"\n>. By this, the value you want cannot be retrieved. But from the 1st URL in your comment, I presumed about the value what you want. Please confirm the following script?
var url = "";
var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
var res ="<span class=\"lp-postcard-avg-price-value\">").to("</span>").build().trim();
Logger.log(res) // US$289

How to correctly return a list of dictionaries in Zapier Code (Python)?

The Zapier code documentation says that the output of a code zap can be either a dictionary or a list of dictionaries (See "Data Variable" section:
When doing this,
output = [{'Booking':'Shirt'},{'Booking':'Jeans'}]
the output of the code returns only the first dictionary, however:
runtime_meta__duration_ms: 2
runtime_meta__memory_used_mb: 22
id: [redacted]
Booking: Shirt
Fields with no value:
What am I doing wrong here? Thanks a lot!
David from the Zapier platform team here. Code steps returning an array is a mostly undocumented (because there's no UI support and it's confusing, as you can tell) feature.
When testing, it'll only show the first item in the array. When it runs for real, all steps after the code step will run for each item in the array. The task history will reflect this
So set up the zap and turn on and it'll work like you expect.
Sorry for the confusion and let me know if you have any other questions!
For anyone still looking for an answer to this questions, below is what find out returning list in Zapier.
# first import and convert your input value to an array.
# special note any line items imported into a python variable are converted to list format.
my_items = input_data['my_CSV_string']
my_list_of_items = my_items.split(",")
# Create a new list array
my_new_list = []
length = len(my_list_of_items)
#Do all your computations
for i in range(length):
# After completing any tasks you can return the list as follows,
# If you are using line items keep the list in its original format
return {
'my_processed_values': my_new_list,
'original_values': my_list_of_items
# If you want to return it as a CSV "basically making the array flat"
my_old_CSV_list= ','.join(map(str, my_list_of_items))
my_new_CSV_list= ','.join(map(str, my_new_list))
return {
'my_processed_cvs_values': my_new_CSV_list,
'original_values': my_list_of_items
Hope this helps. I am not a Python expert but in theory the more lists used the longer the zap will take to process. Try to keep your python processing time to the lowest.

zapier lookup to iterate through array

We are using zapier to push an invoice from Quickbooks Online (QBO) to ShipStation (SS). Everything is mapped fine except the SKU field (which for some reason QBO doesn't pass). So I created a lookup using a multi-zap and the Formatter Utility to match the description to a table of description/skus I made.
The limitation is that the Formatter Utility will only run once and not iterate through the payload array. Tech support told me this could be done with the code utility, but I'm not sure how to do it. Ideas?
Ok, so the best approach here will be to have 2 different zaps.
Zap A will move have a QBO trigger, go through your filters, and the last step will be a Code action. Zap B will have a "Catch Webhook" trigger and a ShipStation action. Let's go through them.
Zap A has a code step that takes input data. This'll be all of your SKUs separated by commas.
The code step will look something like this:
var skus = inputData.skus.split(',') // now it's an actual array
var otherZapUrl = ''
var lookupTable = {
1: 'New York',
2: 'Chicago',
3: 'Los Angeles'
var payload = {
sku: lookupTable[sku] || 'default',
// other data you want to send along
// name:
fetch(otherZapUrl, {method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(payload)});
return [{status: 'ok'}] // this is so the editor doesn't complain
Your second zap will catch the webhook and fill out the SS fields you expect. Hopefully that's straightforward.
As for what you need to do, you'll need to redo your lookup table in javascript (sorry) and replace the otherZapUrl to that of the Zap B endpoint. Also, make sure you specify all of the data you want to pass onto SS in the code's inputData object.
How's that look?

Adobe DTM - Analytics/Omniture query string missing parameters

I've searched for days looking into this issue but have yet to come up with something. We are migrating our analytics code over to DTM. We are using our own Library hosted at DTM. Everything works great except for some missing data collection parameters in the query string only when using the Adobe Analytics tool to assign variables.
Let me explain. When I use custom code in DTM in a rule to call analytics I get exactly the same query string parameters in the request that we were getting before.
var str = 'string';
s.linkTrackVars = 'prop61,eVar61';
s.linkTrackEvents = 'none';
s.prop61 = str;
s.eVar61 = str;, 'o', str);
This works fine.
If I try to set eVar61 and prop61 with the Adobe Analytics tool inside a rule, five parameters are no longer in the query string. Specifically 'pev1', 'pid', 'pidt', 'oid' and 'ot'. Is there a way to get DTM to set those parameters or am I just to use custom code for all our rules?
Those are clickmap query string parameters. Click on the gear icon to edit the global Analytics tool, and under Link Tracking, make sure 'Enable Clickmap' is checked. Alternatively, you can set s.trackInlineStats=true in your code, which effectively achieves the same effect.
If you ever see missing query string parameters in the future, you can determine what variables to define using the Data Collection Query Parameters in the Marketing Cloud documentation.
