Is this LCA algorithm ok, used elsewhere? - graph-algorithm

we needed to get LCA when merging two
histories of data changes, with a very large no of histories and nodes in each history; with branching and merging happening - so to find LCA for 2 histories starting from 2 points we must search backwards across any no of histories, not just walk back along the two given histories.
The published ways for finding LCA seem to assume a pre-scan of all the nodes as the 1st phase, and we wanted to avoid that.
Looked at using a vector clock with each node in history - then we wouldn't need to do any search at all, just knowing the VC's of two starting nodes would give us the VC of the LCA. But had problems with VCs, as we have a large and dynamic no of histories and nodes.
Instead of VC we used a simple scalar counter (similar to the logical clock, used elsewhere) and we do need to do partial search but complexity is expected to be lower. The code seems to work ok. I wonder if anyone else have done something similar or can see some problems.


(neo4j) Best practice for the number of properties in relationships and nodes

I've just started using neo4j and, having done a few experiments, am ready to start organizing the database in itself. Therefore, I've started by designing a basic diagram (on paper) and came across the following doubt:
Most examples in the material I'm using (cypher and neo4j tutorials) present only a few properties per relationship/node. But I have to wonder what the cost of having a heavy string of properties is.
Q: Is it more efficient to favor a wide variety of relationship types (GOODFRIENDS_WITH, FRIENDS_WITH, ACQUAINTANCE, RIVAL, ENEMIES, etc) or fewer types with varying properties (SEES_AS type:good friend, friend, acquaintance, rival, enemy, etc)?
The same holds for nodes. The first draft of my diagram has a staggering amount of properties (title, first name, second name, first surname, second surname, suffix, nickname, and then there's physical characteristics, personality, age, jobs...) and I'm thinking it may lower the performance of the db. Of course some nodes won't need all of the properties, but the basic properties will still be quite a few.
Q: What is the actual, and the advisable, limit for the number of properties, in both nodes and relationships?
FYI, I am going to remake my draft in such a way as to diminish the properties by using nodes instead (create a node :family names, another for :job and so on), but I've only just started thinking it over as I'll need to carefully analyse which 'would-be properties' make sense to remain, even because the change will amplify the number of relationship types I'll be dealing with.
Background information:
1) I'm using neo4j to map out all relationships between the people living in a fictional small town. The queries I'll perform will mostly be as follow:
a. find all possible paths between 2 (or more) characters
b. find all locations which 2 (or more) characters frequent
c. find all characters which have certain types of relationship (friends, cousins, neighbors, etc) to character X
d. find all characters with the same age (or similar age) who studied in the same school
e. find all characters with the same age / first name / surname / hair color / height / hobby / job / temper (easy to anger) / ...
and variations of the above.
2) I'm not a programmer, but having self-learnt HTML and advanced excel, I feel confident I'll learn the intuitive Cypher quickly enough.
First off, for small data "sandbox" use, this is a moot point. Even with the most inefficient data layout, as long as you avoid Cartesian Products and its like, the only thing you will notice is how intuitive your data is to yourself. So if this is a "toy" scale project, just focus on what makes the most organizational sense to you. If you change your mind later, reformatting via cypher won't be too hard.
Now assuming this is a business project that needs to scale to some degree, remember that non-indexed properties are basically invisible to the Cypher planner. The more meaningful and diverse your relationships, the better the Cypher planner is going to be at finding your data quickly. Favor relationships for connections you want to be able to explore, and favor properties for data you just want to see. Index any properties or use labels that will be key for finding a particular (or set of) node(s) in your queries.

Hierarchical labels or dense nodes?

(I am new to Neo4J and very excited about it)
Here is my conceptual question:
Suppose we want to represent life on earth (based on a biological taxonomy hierarchy).
However, suppose at the leaves of the taxonomy tree we want to actually identify individual organisms. For example, at the mammalia branch, the homo-sapient sub-branch we want to identify each and every one of 7 billion humans and do the same for some other branches (give an ID to every living known great Ape left in the wild and so on)
Is this type of organization done with dense nodes (in the billions) ? or is it done with extensive use of labels (do labels support nesting)?
From my point of view it's better to use multiple nodes instead of multiple labels.
But it depends on the use case and what you want to do with it.
Neo4j doesn't support nested labels or some labels hierarchy.
Here are some resources which could be interesting for you
Graph Databases in Life Sciences: Bringing Biology Back to Its Nature
Open Tree of Life and Neo4j

One Node to Gather Them All

Say I am managing collectibles. I have thousands of baseball trading cards, thousands still of gaming cards (think Magic: the Gathering), and then thousands and thousands of doilies.
The part of me that's been steeped in relational databases for 20+ years is uncomfortable with the idea of thousands of Neo4J nodes floating out in space.
So I am inclined to gather them all with a node such as (:BASEBALL_CARDS), (:MTG_CARDS), and of course (:DOILIES). The idea is that these are singletons.
Now if I want all baseball cards that perhaps refer to a certain player, I could do something like:
It's very comforting to have the :BASEBALL_CARDS singleton, but does it do anything more than could be accomplished by indexing :BASEBALL_CARD?
(:BASEBALL_CARD)-[:FEATURES]->(p:PLAYER {name: '...'})
Is it best-practice to have thousands of free-ranging nodes?
One exceptional strong point of the graph database is the local query: the relationship lives in the instance, not in the type. A particular challenge (apart from modelling well) is determining the starting point of the local query (and keeping it local, i.e., avoiding path explosions). In Neo4j 1.x your One Node was a way to achieve a starting point for a certain kind of query. With 2.x and the introduction of labels, indexing :BaseballCard is the standard way to accomplish the same. If the purpose of that One Node is as a starting point for the kind of query in your example, then you are better off using a label index. A common problem in 1.x was that a node with an increasing number of relationships of the same type and direction eventually becomes a bottle neck for traversals. People started partitioning your One Node into A Paged Handful of Nodes, something like
The purpose of finding a starting point for the local query is often better served by labels, perhaps in combination with a basic, ordinary, local traversal, than by A Handful of Nodes. Then again, if it calms your nerves or satisfies your sense of the epic to have such a node, by all means have it. Because of the locality of queries, it will do you no harm.
In your example, however, neither the One Node nor an index on :BaseballCard would best serve as the starting point of the local query. The most particular pattern of interest is instead the name of the player. If you index (:Player) on name you will get the best starting point. The traversal across the one or handful* of [:FEATURES] relationships is very cheap and with a simple test on the other end for the :BaseballCard label, you are done. You could of course maintain the One Node for all players that share a name...
In my most humble opinion there is little need for discomfort. I do, however, want to affirm and commend your unease, in this one regard: that the graph is most powerful for connected data. The particular connection gathering the baseball cards doesn't seem to add new understanding or improve performance, but wherever there is disconnected data there is the potential for discovering exciting and meaningful patterns. Perhaps in the future the cards will be connected through patterns that signify their range of value, or the quality of their lamination, or a linked list of previous owners, or how well they work as conversations starters on a date. The absence of relationships is a call to find that One Missing Link that brings tremendous insight and value into your data.
* Handful, assuming that more than one baseball card features the same player, or some baseball players are also featured on cards of Magic: The Gathering. I'm illiterate in both domains, so I want to at least allow for the possibility.
It is ironic that you are concerned about nodes "floating out in space", when the whole idea behind graph DBs is making the connections between nodes a first class DB construct.
But I think your actual concern is that nodes do not "belong to a table" (in relational DB parlance). So, you would feel more comfortable in creating a special singleton node that in some sense takes the place of a table, from which you can access all the nodes that ought belong to that table.
A node label can be seen as the equivalent of a "table name". So, not only is there no need for you to also create a singleton "table node", doing so would be wasteful in DB resources, and complicate and slow down your queries. And neo4j can quickly access all the nodes with the same label.

How much does the architecture of data affect the speed of a query

I have the following nodes and relationships in Neo4j database.
The grey and the pink node are furtherly connected with more nodes. Running the following query:
MATCH (n:RealNode {gid:'$obj_id'})-[:CONTAINS*..3]-(z)
RETURN DISTINCT ID(z),, as InternalID"
I get a result very fast (the node n:RealNode is not one of the nodes in the image).
If I increase the depth to 4 like:
MATCH (n:RealNode {gid:'$obj_id'})-[:CONTAINS*..4]-(z)
RETURN DISTINCT ID(z),, as InternalID"
The response gets extremely slow. I will never get a response with depth 5 etc.
The depth 4 is actually the relationship between the blue-pink node. So my question is: can the architecture of data (in this case) affect in such a great level the speed of the query? If yes what should I do?
I have tried to run the query also using parameters but the result was the same. Also the gid of n:RealNode is an indexed value.
The architecture of your data has a huge, no...massive impact on query performance. There's a lot you can do with improving performance by reformulating your query, but you can do even more than that by changing your data model.
The model needs to be chosen in a way that's an accurate depiction of the real-world domain, but it often also has to make certain concessions to usage patterns. If you know you're going to do certain queries over and over, it makes sense to choose a data model that makes it easy for the DBMS to answer that query. In the RDBMS world, that entire line of thinking gets summarized in the word "denormalization". In graph databases, the concept is the same but the way you go about it is different.
The thing to keep in mind when adjusting your data model is that neo4j is good at traversing relationships fast, and that with all queries, the less data you have to consider, the faster the query will go.
So in your case, I don't know how many nodes branch off of each other node by a :CONTAINS relationship, but I'm guessing that at each level of the hierarchy you have many items below it. So going from level 4 to level 5 probably doesn't just add a fixed number of additional nodes, but if say each level of the hierarchy has 3x the number of nodes as the level above, the deeper you go, the more you're multiplying how much data you have to consider. If it's 10x...then ouch.
You have many different options. One is to create short-cut relationships, and "pre-materialize" the query. Imagine creating :grandfather and :greatgrandfather relationships to "hop" levels of the tree. That would make it faster. Another way would be to filter intermediate nodes, or the return nodes, so that you're not considering everything, but some subset.
In the end, really huge queries will always take longer than really small ones. You must first begin with a careful understanding of what data you want, and how often you have to run this query. I would not attempt to optimize your data model for infrequently run queries, but if you do this all the time, you should look at your options. Your query to me looks like it's going to return a whole lot of data no matter what you do.

Myrrix tagging API to represent/weight parent/child Item relationship

I've been using the Tagging API to tag my items in order to allow Item-Item 'similarity' scores to be calculated, so: Item 1 gets tagged with {UK, MALE, 50}, Item 2 with {FRANCE, MALE, 22}, that kind of thing. That's been working fine.
What I'd like to do is represent item-item 'relationships', so if my application says that 1 is a parent of 2 (and just to make things a little more complex, this is multi-level), I'd like to be able to tell Myrrix to pull those two items a little closer together.
My first solution was to add a 'PARENT_[name]' tag to each Item and, for each parent it has, add a 'PARENT_[parentname]' tag, with a lower weight as we go up the hierarchy. That did succeed in pulling parents and children closer.
Unfortunately the overall quality of suggestions seemed to fall a little, and the results seemed increasingly variable, e.g. run the import again, results seem completely random. Is this something that can be fixed at the features / lambda level?
I'm still not really all that clear what 'features' represents, but my suspicion is that by massively increasing the number of possible tags, I need to configure the model very differently...
That's the right way to think about it. It's overloading the API a fair bit, but still principled.
It may or may not actually help the results. It kind of depends on whether users who like A will also like B because they have a common product family. Maybe for music; unlikely for things you buy once like a toaster.
Variability comes from the random starting point. You will get different models each time. If the difference is significant when you start from scratch, then you are likely getting into over-fitting. It may be that your # of features is too high or lambda too low for the data set.
You should also run an eval to see whether the scores are good at all. If it's scoring poorly, yeah it's a case of parameters that are well off their best values.
The idea is that you need not build a new model from scratch every time though.
